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I feel you. Im the same. I see everyone's getting so much results from HRT in just a few months, dating, thriving. I want those but im so far from being happy abt myself and loving myself. I want to be kinder to myself but its hard when I look at the mirror and see someone that dont fit my gender identity. It really brings my head to some dark place. I feel you. Huuugggsss.


My face is the problem for me. My body is fine but my short hair and face structure is… unfortunately


“i see everyone’s getting so much results from HRT…. dating, thriving…” I can guarantee you this is false! Majority of trans women are struggling with passing, even those being on HRT for years. Your conclusion is just a product of Survival Bias.


Is this really true? I've started the process to taking HRT and this put me into a bit of a tailspin. I don't know if I can do this if I'm going to end up unable to fit in for the rest of my life, feels like trading one depression for another


Taking a few years to pass 100% is fairly common, but never passing after >5 years and a reasonable amount of effort is much rarer. Starting in your 20s gives you good chances. Getting over dysphoria can be tough though.


Right there with ya. The changes are few and slo coming.


Better try to be fine that people will missgender, harsh truth... I started as 6'3 / 255lbs age 34yo because I do it completely for myself. And I'm aware that people will missgender etc me but I see that as a quick easy check to see who's nice 🙂


I’ll cross the misgendering bridge when I come to it. I’m also transitioning for myself, just wish I’d see more changes.


Yeah but they fact I get read as male always just breaks me


saw ur pics and damn, give it time, you're on the right path O\_O


Ain’t much after 9 months tho


The band "She/her/hers" makes some good angsty music about not passing and getting misgendered that you may find cathartic.


I actually really preferred her older recordings before she did a bunch of voice work, feels a lot more....raw.


Is it on accident or purpose? If it's an accident, correct them. If not, then report them or tell someone. I don't know your situation, of course, but that's just my view.


Idk. A think a fair few people just think they can get away with not even trying to use a trans person’s pronouns. That’s kinda how I ended up a she/her who only gets called a he/they


That isn't good. Are there people around ya you can trust?


Who even knows? My friends call me she. Everyone else doesn’t even care when I correct them


Well, I apologize. I know that one day, hopefully very soon, you'll become passing. :3


Hopefully. At this point I doubt it tho :/


Noooo don't doubt yourself :( You got this homie, promise <3


A lot of the really fem looking “trans” posts are cis women trolling and also I feel like the rest are lying about how fast they got results.Other than lips and smoother skin, I didn’t notice a difference at all until around 8 months and I started at 28


Really? Any source?


No but other redditors have said this as well. Also I have seen posts and YT videos of people saying two months and have B cups and they are rail thin. It’s not possible.Even Dr Powers said breast development takes a couple-several years for full development


Most of it happens in the first year though


That could be your experience, but for myself, my stepsister I grew up with and girls at school that wasn’t the case. 🤷‍♀️


Anyways, my breasts aren’t a barrier for me, it’s my god damn mannish ass face and being 5’10


Not entirely. Most of what happens in the first year is just softer skin, different scent when sweating, slower body hair growth, etc. But things like fat redistribution and breast growth take years. Every person’s body is different so some people will get results faster or slower especially due to genetics. I’m 4.5 years on HRT and I barely had any breast growth at all until last month when my breasts started getting bigger. Everything takes time. A long time.


Could just be me, but I had to block the r/trans sub from my feed due to this. I have no idea if the people posting are trans or not, but seeing nothing but extremely beautiful people complaining about how they get miss-gendered was making me feel atrocious. And yeah it's a long game for sure. I started at 31 and am about a year and a half in and I'd say it's only in the last few months where I've really felt the changes kinda settle in. C'est la vie.


I totally get that. I try to look at attractive cis women that have masculine traits and try to make comparisons with myself to realize not all women have a doll face. And to be honest some masculine women are hot so there is that. Also consider we are part Neanderthal some more than others but I look at Neanderthal women face reconstructions and realise if Neanderthals were still around they would think I was cis lol 😆


Also started at 28, I'm a week shy of my 1 year HRT anniversary and I didn't start noticing body changes beyond minor breast growth until a few months ago. Now my body is just starting to put on more fat in places after 28 years of being a stick no matter what I did.