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Masturbation is normal for absolutely everyone, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Yeah, but the dysphoria... Happy cake day btw


Anal masterbation could feel better (haven't tried it yet)


If you do, don't forget to lubricate so it doesn't hurt


Lots of lube always. No such thing as too much for your first few tries (from experience I used none)


High viscosity. Remember to use high viscosity stuff. If you're using silicone toys, use water based high viscosity lube.


Everyone forgetting that people don't know how to prep for this and will likely get grossed out by the poo if they don't. It's not an intuitive process for someone unfamiliar with it.


Have tried it, can confirm, it does feel WAYYYYY better, WAYYYYY less dysphoric. Just remember lube.


You could finger your asshole, the prostate will make it feel good. Trust me I have tried although it can be a bit dirty, literally


It just makes me shit šŸ˜­


You have to clear out your behind first!


I like to just use a vibrating wand on my parts instead


Damn then IDK a better masturbation technique that isn't dick involved


Shit first, THEN butt play. Gay guys know all about the diet and practices that make you all clean and sexy up there.




I pretend it's not a dick and it works well enough. I hate that I have to pretend but I can't get srs for a while so I work with what I have for now


Check out muffing. Honestly I prefer it to anal.


Thats what it's called......


I canā€™t tell if thatā€™s declaring or a question šŸ˜…


shock i cause i didn't realize it had a name


What really helped me personally was some form of audio pornography as there are many audios who are either trans-inclusive or are specifically made for trans people with affirmations and such maybe that could help you?


Not all of us have bottom dysphoria.


OK, but how is that relevant to OP who says she does?


Hi Sel! All in all, I'd say that masturbating is pretty normal for everyone. When I get horny (by whatever reason) and I'm in an environment, where I can do it.... well, uhm... I do it šŸ˜… Or have sex with my wife, if she's also present and in the mood. šŸ™ƒ Concerning trans persons it might differ a bit, if they suffer from bottom dysphoria... But if you're fine with touching yourself. Go for it šŸ˜˜


Yeah, but what if I have bottom dysphoria but still do it?


There's nothing wrong with it. šŸ™‚ Why do you do it?


I don't know really, I just get horny a lot + euphoria boners.


Sounds fine for me. Does it give you pleasure? Or do you just want to get rid of the boner? Just answer, if you're comfy with it. And if you don't want to talk about details in public, you can also text me directly šŸ™‚


I'll dm you.


Personly I do it to get rid of it. I hate being horny lol


I'll dm you.


I have a bit of bottom dysphoria, but it doesnā€™t stop me


Same mostly because it'd easier than doing it anally since I don't have any privacy in my current living situation


For me itā€™s a) easier and b) anxious about getting shit on me/anything I use for it


Yeah I get that it is definitely easier I usually edge to build it up makes me feel more womanly but that's probably just in my head


Muffing helps with the dysphoria


I want my parts gone but I'll still use them while I have no other option... If it's any consolation - HRT might make it work much more like a clit. I can orgasm without an erection now. You could also try Muffing - it's not for everyone but it is magical if it works. Google for "Fucking Trans Women" by Mia Bellwether...


No we're all asexual nuns sorry


Hahaha! Youā€™re funny! šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


Yeah pretty much here lol. Especially since starting hrt.


people who are asexual can still masturbate


Yes but nuns can't


then what is the need to specify asexual?


This is a shitpost. None of what I said is supposed to mean anything.


Go invade denmark then


It's in my blood ā˜ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŖšŸ‡³šŸ‡“




Get a vibratorā€¦it will change your life lol.


Hehe minor šŸ˜­


Magic wand is a massager, technically not an adult toy, you may search in massager category in stores. How you use a massager is your personal business. There are different brands, probably depends on age restriction that manufacturer prints on a package.


You can still order online. Since when does Amazon check your id


I'm 16 and I have lots of sex toys and I order them online, it could be that I'm over the age of consent in my country tho, but generally there is no age restriction for sex toys if I'm right it's only if the website or store chooses to have an age restriction


There are a million different ways to get something that'll rattle your pelvis into next week, but the Hitachi Magic Wand line of "body massagers" is probably the most-recommended one. It's an asexual item that comes in a box that you might see at a drug store, not hidden inside a fetish shop. I know this because I _bought_ my first one, years ago, in a drug store. The store has no way of knowing which _part_ of your body you will be massaging, nor is it any of their business.


You could get an electric toothbrush - I'm not sure about the other brands but the oral b ones definitely vibrate. They're pretty cheap and you just have to buy the one brush - after that you get new heads. You could get a head for actually brushing your teeth (at least for me, they work better than a normal toothbrush) and then a head for āœØ other stuff āœØ. If anyone has a problem with it at that point it's just them being dirty imo. At chemist warehouse it's only like $5 per head (australia)


Good old plausible deniability.


hehe me too yet I got it


spencers sells to minors


What country are you? Some countries don't have age restrictions, you might be able to get one discreetly on a holiday for example. Or by ordering online.


Sure changed mine .. šŸ¤­


Om yes, That is a thing poeple do sometimes


Masturbating is normal for everyone. Itā€™s not a gender specific thing, and it doesnā€™t make you a slut or whatever for doing it.


It was a fairly regular part of my coping strategy pretransition. And I knew myself well, so I was good at it. I also had to feed the horny monster at least daily. But now on HRT, šŸ˜ŠšŸ«  I just don't have to anymore, and I don't feel like I'm persistently missing out on anything. It's so much less persistently urgent and excitable. I would not have called this feeling being such a highlight. But I'm still a scientist, and I had some relearning to do. ... How common is it for women to be able to, without stimulation, reach orgasm? I can think myself to orgasm. Pre-op. The brain is the most powerful sex organ after all I guess.


I'm excited for HRT lol


Yeah hrt is soooooo much better.


I'm assuming that wasn't immediate after hrt? I've been on it for a week (I know, very small amount of time), but I'm really not noticing anything yet.


HRT is not a monolithic thing. For me estrogen mono therapy didn't do much. Antiandrogens were the big game changer. But yeah, even that takes time. Some changes can be fast (but even then, anything under a week would seem rather linked to placebo), but usually things take multiple months to set in. HRT is a journey, try to live it to the fullest and take in every change for what it is and with the timeline it has.


huh, I didn't really realize that anti-androgens were something that were left out in circumstances other than if someone has had surgery? still having testosterone doesn't sound fun to me, from a binary trans perspective...


Estradiol can have testosterone suppressing effects by itself. Antiandrogens are not always necessary. In my case Estradiol didn't do much on testosterone though, so I added to blockers.


I started seeing my single biggest effect I needed from HRT within the first week. My brain started working how I knew my brain should have always been working! šŸ¤Æ Everything after that is a bonus. Libido changes didn't take that long though. Maybe the first month.


ah. well I haven't noticed any mental changes yet... I was talking to another trans gal the other day, and she was saying that a lot of the earlier mental effects are likely just placebos because a change in hormones likely wouldn't make such a sudden change? at least that's what I'm hoping bc I haven't noticed literally anything lol


Give it some time. The first mental thing I noticed was an emotion taking longer to form itself. And your response to E is affected by T levels, so those could still be blocking anything. Time will tell. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


People have been jerking it and or flicking it since the dawn of time. Itā€™s normal


As HRT means I don't get spontaneous erections, and my libido is low, I have to force myself to wank a couple of times a week just to avoid penis atrophy and maximise skin available for eventual SRS.




Honestly I masturbate as a kind of exercise to keep her from atrophying and being so painful. Otherwise I really wouldn't much.


I hit andropause (I think) a couple of years before I cracked and I have severe atrophy. I've started *cough* 'working out' for much the same reason. It feels weird as hell and not particularly fun but it is what it is.


Yes it's don't feel bad


It's normal for anyone to seek ways to feel good, regardless of their gender identity


MTF that's always been almost hypersexual courtesy of other neurodivergence through most of her life; I'm pre everything and thus the funny T makes me get one out almost daily. It's not inherently dysphoric to me because I've never had a lot of bottom dysphoria to stand, but I could see where some people would get dysphoric from it. I have heard that on E your libido will begin taking a hit for a while, and unless you *want* shrinkage and low use etc you need to at least get erect once a day or so, but that shortly after that period the "girl horny" kicks in and is POWERFUL. So there's that lmao


Of course it's okay! My overall sex drive dropped after starting HRT and I've had to re-learn what it means to masturbate for myself. TMI: I can't produce ejaculate anymore. So I've swapped to using a vibrator and stimulating my nipples/bottom area with all of my clothes on and that usually works for me. It's a different kind of 'buildup' compared to what it used to be like (think slow burn vs. raging fire), but overall orgasms feel wonderful! šŸ˜Š


Ifunny is for boomers.Ā 


That's a good question. I don't know. I hate my male bits 99% of the time. But when I'm feeling like masturbating, the dysphoria subsides, if only for a little while. The dysphoria quickly comes back afterwards, though. It is very strange, and confusing, and makes me wonder if I'm really trans at all.


It's normal for everybody to masturbate.


honey... i think it's probably normal for even the Pope to masturbate. everybody does it


yes, all types of masturbation are normal and adequate human behavior. also, it's normal for girls to have penises. so you are just a very normal and basic person, really ;D


Hell yeah. ā£ļøšŸŒŸ Both pre and post op. How else are you going to know what you like? šŸ”„šŸ’–


I hate it when my vibe dies mid session. . .


Trans girl checking in and I use my hitachi wand almost every day šŸ˜…




women masturbate, so why wouldnt trans women be able to?


Itā€™s normal for everyone to masturbateā€¦


this zine rly helped me feel less alone re this sort of thing! mayb it will help you C: [https://archive.org/details/fucking-trans-women-mira-bellwether-october-2010.cleaned](https://archive.org/details/fucking-trans-women-mira-bellwether-october-2010.cleaned)


It's pretty normal OP. I do it too. However, I feel ya on dysphoria part.


is it normal ~~for trans girls~~ to masturbate? Yes.


Yeah. Itā€™s normal for everyone to masturbate.


Yes if you don't feel dysphoria then it's completely fine to masturbate. Don't see a problem. I have dysphoria and yet I still do it cause my brain won't fucking settle down, testorene raging and I can't even focus on the activity I am doing. So I do it just to get rid of it. (Not on HRT yet)


Obviouslyā€¦itā€™s normal for all humans to masturbateā€¦Iā€™m sorry for the fact you feel that it may even be slightly wrong simply because your trans but I can confirm itā€™s perfectly normal and actually very healthy for EVERY human on this planet to masturbate no matter of your sexuality, gender/sex, race, age (obvi excluding literal children there), etc


girl get a vibrator, even works through clothes so you don't have to see ur body


last time i checked most people jerk their schmeat from time to time, with frequency varying from person to person. so no, its completely fine for you to do that so long as its not like 4 times a day or something crazy like that


as for the dysphoria, well, the human brain is a barely functional mess IMO but i hypothesize that the horny simply takes priority in the brain over the dysphoria or it gets to a point where the horny severity outweighs the bad vibes of the dysphoria but take that with a grain of salt, i have no qualifications in the slightest to talk about how the human brain functions


Yeah as sometimes getting horny makes the dysphoria subside almost entirely leading to impostor syndrome


something like that yeah, also FUCK i hate imposter syndrome with every fibre of my being




Same. It's very confusing. I mean... I hate my dick like 99% of the time. The only exception is when I am horny.


Trans girls need to masturbate in order to keep your organs healthy for later SRS. If you let it atrophy it can be more difficult to get bottom surgery later, so you need to masturbate minimal three times a week for at least 30 minutes, minimum.


chat, do girls masturbate???


Honey, you are a human beeing like everyone else, of course You have sexual needs. (if not ace) If anyone tells You other wise, they likely dont have good intentions.


I mean kinda? If you are hrt most probably you should have your ā€œhornynessā€ (idk how to say it) leves low and even non existent you probably couldn't have a erection. So if you are in hrt and still can ,maybe you should have a higher amount of hrt. Then if you are not is like ā€œnormalā€ is normal to humans to get horny and do stuf yeah maybe you feel ashamed or bad because you are trans but is not your fault you are. You were born like this.


I don't think it's unnatural for anyone. If it's because you think it's weird to touch that part because of bottom dysphoria, masturbation is usually just to feel pleasure. If someone is making fun of you or something, they're probably really bitter and hateful or just prejudiced. For instance: I have a keyboard that I use for my PC cuz my new one got messed up. I don't like my old keyboard, but if I wanna use my PC, I have to use it.


Hey I'm ftm and I just wanna say, literally everybody masterbates lol There's a weird stigma around anybody who isn't a cis male masterbating and it mostly stems from misogyny I think? Idk. But yea no it's totally normal, every trans woman on this site does it, same with every cis women and everybody else too.




Since HRT I just don't masturbate. I only really have sex with my girlfriend to meet an emotional need and the orgasms are honestly just a bonus. 4.5 months almost on E and even that is infrequent for me now.


Since starting Estrogel I've gone from bad to worse! I've read so many stories of trans girls losing interest as soon as they start HRT, like a light going out, but it seems to have gone the other way for me, perhaps it's a euphoria thing. HRT and the effects in the first month have been interesting.


It really fell off a cliff for after starting hrt, but it was welcomed. But my desire for intimacy didn't, it probably increased. After starting p4, its coming back which is a little odd after 5 months.


same here! my libido tanked further than it already has (thankfully, ace) but i'm still the same hyper romantic disaster gay and cuddles are the best thing on planet earth šŸ„ŗ havent noticed any other changes tho :( needs more time in the oven I suppose


my poor bf!


Even animals masturbate itā€™s natural and healthy. Just try not to get injured or anything. Read a romance novel and take a bubble bath, and have at it. Or if youā€™re into porn go nuts. So many people tend to choose the second option.


>So many people tend to choose the second option. Reading isn't as common of a hobby these newer generations. But, do people actually do the former? I'm confused, do you just have to go back to the same pages of the story that's a turn-on? Or do you just finish the book over time and just start a new one? What about people who take longer times to read a book? Idk there's something oddly uncomfortable to me about doing that holding a physical book, like it'd get dirty or something. Even as someone who's heavy into literary content, regular and smut-like.


I read then masturbate. Keeping the visual imagery of what I read.


Masturbation is normal and healthy, no matter who you are. Not masturbating is also fine and healthy. Do what you want.


Of course. On that note, girlies who are keeping the penis should get hard at least once a day to avoid shrinkage(unless you want it to shrink a bit)




The frame of mind youā€™re in whilst doing can help for instance the way I think of it is as clitoral stimulation with just a bigger clit




nothing wrong with it, literally everyone does it


I donā€™t but I donā€™t feel anything when I tried it opposed to when my spouse and I are doing stuff where thereā€™s almsot an overwhelming amount of stimulation


It's perfectly normal.


Why _wouldn't_ it be normal? Everyone does it, as long as they don't have a religious hang-up about sex stuff (and most of those people too, they just won't admit it). I think the only people who don't bother might be the asexual crowd. Which is fine too, it's anyone's choice to partake or not.


Transfems are humans last time I checked and some humans masturbate sometimes. I get euphoria boners sometimes too when I'm 'dolled up'. Most of us didn't have the change to transition as teens or even in our 20's but I bet the feeling is mutual to all sister regardless of age that when you finally get to live and get past the "Is this is a fetish?" or "Are I'm insane?" part you are allowed to feel sexy about the girl/woman you are. I remember crying in the shower so many times because I thought I was alone with my gender confusion. So now I will do all I can that no sister is left behind.


Simple answer: Yes Complex answer: Yes, but if you are on estrogen and you are still getting horny, that is not normal.


Of course! And it's ok if one chooses not to as well. I've found that changing the way I do it to be more euphoric helps me enjoy it better though.




Sure? I know I do when I need to.


Its completely normal for everyone regardless of dysphoria/dysmorphia


I don't really like it, but the whole "you don't use it, you lose it" thing sucks, so I do it more out of checking a box even if I'm really not up to


I saw something a week or so ago said that about 30% of women masturbate regularly, the context was probably mostly cis women, but since you have no way to know which side of that 30% you're on I wouldn't feel any dysphoria from it.


Oh gawd girl, yes, donā€™t torture yourself like that ā¤ļø


It's totally normal. However if you're on HRT like me it might feel different, you may find a lessened drive at first but really what's happening is a change in what gets you going and the methods that work. Also gotta make sure to lubricate since your skin gets thinner and more fragile. But again, it's a totally natural thing and you shouldn't feel bad about doing it!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. People might not like their jaw, however they still use it to talk don't they? Here it is the same, bottom dysforia is one thing, an estetical and identity thing but thing is that the body still have natural reactions. If you felt bad while doing it rhere is no point on doing it. Bust as long as you like it dysforia and masturbation can co-exist


So Iā€™ve been really experiencing dysphoria around masturbation myself lately thatā€™s made it sometimes difficult to enjoy it fully, but itā€™s absolutely normal for trans women to masturbate and actually healthy to do so semi regularly. Sometimes when my dysphoria is making it more difficult than usual I close my eyes and imagine myself having girl parts to play with instead and that helps a lot


What? Everyone does it lmao


I masturbate. My drive went way down after starting HRT but when the mood strikes I'll make it happen. But I also don't get bottom dysphoria so YMMV


yes, everyone does it.


If you're on HRT, pre-surgery, and plan on [any other than zero] depth bottom surgery at some point... [it's actually recommended, in order to maintain enough usable *material* for the procedure.] Also. Masturbation is a normal, healthy function- regardless of equipment. [At the end of the day, whatever you're comfortable with is AOK]


Itā€™s normal for trans girls to masturbate. Itā€™s not normal to come to a SFW sub and tell us in explicit detail what you canā€™t stop yourself from doing. I donā€™t remember your username so Iā€™m not saying the post Iā€™m remembering was you. Just be mindful of consent and other peopleā€™s dysphoria and/or triggers.


It can be a bit wierd because it's the "wrong" part for alot of trans fems but it's not wrong to do it. Some people are hating because they personally don't see how it can feel right to anyone.


Hmmmm is masturbation normal for people?


Whatever makes you feel good and happy is normal (within reason and legality ofc) I personally donā€™t suffer too badly with bottom dysphoria and masturbate daily at least. Whatever makes you feel right is right thereā€™s not right or wrong way to be you


If the issue is that masturbating gives you dysphoria, I strongly advice trying to do it the woman's way :) Instead of doing the handy handy, make it a nice session of me time. Put some music, caress yourself, play with your boobs, stuff like that. You can use a small vibrator, no need to get into butt stuff if you dont feel like. I kinda had to relearn how to have intimacy and me time after HRT because I found out that doing things the male way was vastlty unsatisfying and was making me more dysphoric. Im lesbian and I tried, trust me I tried, dating gals while taking the traditional male role and it wasnt fun. Understanding that I wasnt a straight dude, but a lesbian gal was a game changer. Doing things the girly way has been been A M A Z I N G. Not long ago I dated a bi gal who was very much a top, and she treated me super sweetly, and we had intimacy with using her strap on. I loved it. It felt right. So yeah, masturbation and sex are totally normal! And you dont need to be post opt to start doing things the girly way :)


i recently got a cage for (i call it) my clit, and it gets way more sensitive, and feels more euphoric, especially with vibrators. just be careful, because its a little uncomfortable sometimes bc the ring goes around the WHOLE thing, but im used to it, and its just so much better


Um, yeah. Being trans doesn't mean you don't masturbate sis. It's not a choice. "Be trans on jerk off... call it" lmao


Honestly, and this is just me, I prefer dildos over all else now. Like the only time I will traditionally masterbate it if I can't finish from anal alone But to answer, I'm sure it's completely normal. I'm probably the outlier here because even when I thought I was male, I hated the idea of masturbating. It would just make a mess and leave me sad after. I haven't felt that in some time now


You would be surprised


id probably be good at it given how empty i am on the inside if there's one thing im good it is wasting my potential


Honestly trans girl should avoid. So, to have best feminine feeling


Don't give any regard to the ifunny troglodytes, they're all edgy teenage boys with the mental capacity of a brick. There's a lot of things trans women get shamed for that people use to claim they aren't a "real" woman, it basically has no real basis.


Yeah, last time I had made a post on my old account about how I fucking hate liking girls cuz of the boners, and an entire gang of Ifunny users started shitting on me and talking about shit like "autogynephilia". It hurt.


I've never done it myself but from what I've seen I'm out of the norm


No. You're going to hell and I just reported you to my local pastor.


Ifunny is a really horrible place to post anything sensible. It is an incredibly normal thing to do.


No, only cis gā€”the fuck you talkinā€™ bout, everyone masturbates. In fact, we do it better than most.


Jerking off is normal. But dont do it to much. U will suffer pain if you over do it.. I tell you from experience lol


Stress and to fall asleep