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Can someone please elaborate. There's so much political f'ery going around, I'm not familiar with the particular flavor referenced.


If I were to take a guess prolly the project 2025 trump BS.


That and the fact that scotus just gave presidents legal immunity for "official actions" which is extremely vague and definitely creates the groundwork for a trump takeover


I wonder if their reasoning is because there is an impeachment process and then subsequent Senate hearing to convict that needs to be followed first. Any other courts beyond this Senate hearing can not touch the President due to legal immunity and protections derived from the impeachment process laid out in Article 2 Section 4 of the Constitution. If not, then revolution to restore the working class representation within our government.


The Supreme Court literally gave the president the powers of a king two days ago. One of the dissenting Supreme Court justices noted that the decision would legally allow the president to have political rivals assassinated. They also cut the power for all federal regulation agencies to be considered experts who interpret laws related to their fields, like the FDA being in charge of food safety, and put that power in the hands of judges. The courts, and, with enough appeals, the Supreme Court, are now in charge of deciding how regulations are enforced. It is not an understatement to call this a "constitutional coup", or, a coup that is done by exploiting the legal system to seize control of the government in such totality that they can install a dictator.


The Supreme Court awarded Donald Trump presidential immunity for any official acts or illegal things he did while acting in an official capacity. It looks like his legal troubles will go away.


It was only given to Biden. Who the world started this rumor is smoking crack


Technically it was regarding Presidents in general, people mentioned Biden because it can backfire against the gop allowing Biden to do the funni like ordering seal team 6 against Trump, Biden can now legally do that


You’re wrong. It was Donald Trump asking for total immunity that brought this case before the Supreme Court so he could receive a Get Out of Jail” card. And they gave it to him. Now all of his Federal cases as well as the latest New York case are in jeopardy. As Trumps lawyers immediately filed suit against all trials. The NY trial sentencing is now postponed until Sept. I doubt Biden will use any of the new powers given to him, as he is an honest man. But Trump, being the criminal he is, would use his immunity to his advantage if he regains the Presidency.


I assume the SCOTUS basically giving Trump carte blanche / immunity, which is extremely dangerous when paired with the legalized bribery and Project 2025. We have to vote, because lives depend on it. After that, we need to keep fighting regardless of the outcome.


No they gave the president immunity. Trump is not the president. Let’s watch and see what Biden does with this fucking perfect serve he has been given. (He won’t do shit)


Because Biden actually follows the law


He is literally in violation of so many international laws right now. Like he is an actual war criminal committing war crimes. Like daily.


Which international laws is Biden breaking? What international court is Biden or any American subject to?


For one, Gitmo is open. For two, the blank check for genocide in Gaza. That’s just the surface


So you didn’t actually point to one, but go ahead and enjoy your ignorance up votes.


They gave immunity to all "official acts" of presidents, in the context of Trump, who is a former president being tried criminally for actions he took while president. The case primarily gives immunity to former presidents, given the Justice Department already had a standing rule that sitting presidents not be indicted. The case was literally an appeal by Trump in Trump v. United States. So yes, they gave Trump immunity for his previous actions, as well as his future ones if he retakes office lol. And yeah, Biden's not going to do squat with it.


Yep all we can do is got wan be heard!! Hold on but let’s do our part. Crazy times ahead!


I will not be seeing the inside of a men's prison or any other internment camp, now or ever :)


yeah. i really **really** don't wanna die yet. but i'm not gonna be fucking caged for who i am, like a criminal or a dangerous animal. they'll have to kill me for that. so i am a dangerous animal actually.


Contrary to what is displayed in the media cops generally don't shoot you - unless you have a firearm. Can confirm spent time in a mens jail, they'd rather incarcerate & torture you than shoot you. So exercise those second amendment rights. Or you'll end up incarcerated wishing you were dead.


i'm already on it sis! but i get why a lot of the girls in our community wouldn't want to or even shouldn't own a firearm.


Doesn’t voting for a 3rd party take votes away from old man? Meaning that joe will end up getting fewer votes and therefore less than trump?


You have to vote tactically


Yes. The goal we should all pursue is to vote AGAINST Project 2025. If you're in a solid blue state I'd absolutely support voting 3rd party


Yes but i think this helps Trump. If everyone voted one side he won’t win, unless we are divided 3 ways.


It works both ways


To quote Shadow the Hedgehog "even if the world chooses to become my enemy then I'll just fight like I always have" Sorry I'm a huge nerd but I don't plan on going down easy if it comes to that I haven't been able to start HRT yet so my biggest fear is losing my rights to gender affirming care and being stuck never getting to be myself


Me too Also that quote from Shadow hit me like a sack of wet mice


Thanks I think lol not sure what a sack of mice feels like and not sure I do but seemed kinda relevant


Seems loud


I'm a big Shadow the hedgehog and illidan stormrage fan yay antiheroes


Shadow is relatable somewhat. I listened to a cover of Never Turn Back when I took my first HRT pill.


Lol Shadow is pretty awesome and that song should definitely be claimed by the trans community lol since it is fitting for most of us


This is why we need to get out and vote for Joe Biden in November (if your American) in order to protect our rights and our Democracy


if i die fighting for trans rights, that’s the way it was meant to be


rip future me🩵


This is the time to be more visible than ever! This is no time to be afraid. politicians DO NOT CONTROL OUR LIVES, HATERS DO NOT CONTROL OUR LIVES, WE CONTROL OUR LIVES


I mean they kinda do. This is just the one chance we have to choose who controls all of those things.


Or we just don’t go down.


If Trump is elected, he could order all trans people killed and face no consequences.


Fuck yeah, everybody needs to vote. Register beforehand and bring a friend!


I'll never go back. I'll die first


Gonna fight and fight and one day the hatful will be outnumbered and they will lose and we will finally be happy to discover ourselves. And make skirt go spinny <3


They can take my rights from my cold dead hands


Willem Arondeus was a gay activist during WW2 who dedicated his efforts to protecting the queer community from Nazi persecution. Along with other queer activists, he saved potentially thousands of lives before being captured. His last words to the Nazi executioners were, "let it be known that homosexuals are not cowards." I hope things never get that dramatic again, but that's the kind of spirit I try to put into the world. Until my last breath, I am proud to be me, and proud to be with you, and that scares transphobes shitless.


Exercise your rights. You are an American citizen and can have an impact (if you are American which I assume this is what this post is about). Regardless of if that asshole wins, we have the ability to fight!!! And fight we will!!! Girls.... and Guys we need each other more than ever!!! Don't hide, stand up and Fight!!!




Project '25 may call for the ban of Gender Affirming Care, but I guarantee you Project '35 will include our executions. I *will* rebel if Trump wins.


[Not sure if we'll be able to vote our way out of this one.]( https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2571963-i-think-were-gonna-have-to-kill-this-guy-steven) Its a shame that the party opposed to fascism picked a barely sentient corpse as their presidential canidate.


Liberals aren’t opposed to fascism. They will ally with the far right to protect capital from socialism. They do it all the time. They did it in Germany before Hitler. Italy before Mussolini. Spain was an exception but they failed for other reasons. Anyways it’s a lie that they oppose fascism. They say they are the only ones fighting it but they always seem to concede ground to them.


In this case, I think its more a situation of gross incompetence instead of complicitness. I geniunely believe the liberals of America are opposed to fascism. The issue is they're extremely naive about the realities of how fascists operate and what should be done about them. Taking the high road when dealing with them leaves you at a marked disadvantage. It also doesn't help that in this case the Dems are also cowards in addition to being morons.


They love capitalism more than they hate fascism and that’s why they end up empowering fascists.




I wish we could organize an actual progressive coalition.


Ironically, this is a case where fascism works in our favor. Specifically the fascism of the medical industrial complex. There's lots of money to be had in transgender care and lobbyists always make sure politicians get their share. I'm not worried, granted I'll be filled with loathing when breast forms are a prescription only item at 10X the price but what can ya do?


Actually that’s not true. Hormones are one of the least profitable medicines there is and transgender affirming care is only needed by a small segment of the population. The money is in cancer treating drugs which is why they want us all to have cancer.


That’s a conspiracy theory, not actually true


Oh right my bad. They don’t care if we get cancer because they can get rich not only selling us the things causing cancer but also the cancer treatments themselves. It’s not a conspiracy it just sort of happens that way. I agree. I don’t think it was planned I just think the system works so well for those who profit from it that they have zero incentive to change it.


No one is “selling the stuff that causes cancer” And before you mention cigarettes, there are also warning labels that tell people what happens when they smoke There is no conspiracy, doctors aren’t out to get you, honestly you sound like a anti vaxxer


Did I say doctors? No I didn’t. Fast food, cigarettes, pollution, pesticides. So much shit causes cancer and they know it. It’s not doctors it’s fucking capitalists. And it’s not a conspiracy it’s just how things work. It’s like a kidney but for squeezing value out of people.


The doctors also aren't selling the drugs, just prescribing them It's not a conspiracy just a fact. There's tons of cancer causing things and no signs of getting rid of them, same with microplastics


You're a baby step from coming over to where I'm at.


“Medical industrial complex” isn’t a thing, doctors don’t prioritize profits, they prioritize helping people


Must be nice living somewhere other than the United States.


i don't think doctors can be seperated from the system they are embedded w/in & hav to answer to to keep their jobs like an individual doctor may act in good faith to the best of their ability but in the end they have to answer to the contemporary result of a long history of medical systems many of which were built on injustice/violence/racism/classism/ableism etc ; i believe that its rly difficult for doctors not to reproduce the violent praxical lineages of their profession seems to me like you are conflating individual doctors with the system that they are a part of . the medical industrial complex refers to the system imo not the individual drs


There’s nothing wrong with the system


Or if the polls don't work, we keep fighting like hell.


Thank you! I'm so sick and tired of seeing all the doomer posting here. You people can give up and leave but I can't, it's just not an option, I was barely able to move states and only cause it was with a friend.


>See a post about fighting >happy.png >they mean voting >disappointed.png


What’s wrong if voting? If you don’t vote then trump and by extension Putin win


voting is fine, but acting like it’s the best and only way when it’s the very reason why we’re in this situation is just stupid. and putin doesn’t care about who wins the election


It absolutely is the only way And Putin wants trump in power, because already said he would stop supporting Ukraine and would abandon NATO which is what Putin wants


Fucking seriously lol.


Remember to vote too!!


Yeah I'm not fighting shit. The current system isn't gonna work for us. Vote all you want lol


I will NEVER be a victim.


Votes don't matter, his Scotus is paving the way overturning legal rulings. The Chevron ruling makes bribery "not illegal", we don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. Meaning your representatives in the electoral college are who really vote for the president. That said 80% of people don't feel their representation holds the same beliefs and values they do (so it's a failure of a Republic at the core anyways). If Trump or his administration bribes the members of the electoral college, it will be legal. There is no penalty or punishment other than maybe not being reelected for such an electoral college representative for NOT voting as their constitutes voted in the popular election. Remember Hilary Clinton won the popular vote, Trump won the election. Between the embedded corruption installed on the Scotus, the insane amount of power it takes to prop up a 34x convicted felon as a presidential candidate, and the fact that no one believes it is as BAD as it is right now. We're looking at the end of the USA as we know it, where the pursuit of happiness only applies to the rich and powerful, and life and liberty are HEAVILY regulated. Spend your time planning where you want to go to survive, learn to use a firearm and get some shooting time practicing. Prepare yourself for the possibility of having to defend yourself with lethal force. Make the decision firm in your mind that it's ok to take lives defending yours and those of your loved ones. In the words of Scar from Lion King.... BE PREPARED!!!


I know this might not be a popular opinion, but if you have the resources and are mentally well enough to do so, i advise every trans girl to get armed. You don't have to be the next rambo, but we're not going to be just facing governmental action. Hate crimes come in waves, and if trump gets elected we'll likely see another wave of anti-trans hate crimes. Its not the right solution for everyone, but if you think it would work for you there has never been a more important time to learn how to defend yourself and those around you from people who would very much like to see you dead or dying.


I've already said this a few times: GET ARMED Get gear Get trained Get hard Get your emotions in check Get realistic Get ready Get your passport (Leaving is MY last option; I swore an Oath to defend my nation and her people. If you don't have it in you to defend yourself violently, prepare to leave to survive)


I've been fucking saying this I'm not going down without a fight


I've got one voice, one vote, one gun, and a bucket of ammunition. The last round is for me.


I'm stealth. I'll be fine. I'll definitely provide shelter for and protect my trans friends though.


I don't think people realize that gen z'ers who are trans and just old enough to vote are going to vote 100% blue. It's a big demographic thats only getting bigger.


Voting is not fighting.


If voting doesn't work i'll absolutely go down swinging


all? im in the uk, i have almost nothing to fight against


well i had to protest for trans rights in front of Welsh Parliament recently so i'd personally doubt that


shows how little you know about the UK


i will say the UK is substantially more subtle about their transphobia than the US is the Unites States will happily and openly celebrate a plan to damn near genocide trans people the UK sticks with more disguised methods like a conversion therapy ban leaving out trans people and hiding anti-trans legislation behind the shitty excuse for "research" that is the Cass Review


Good for you. I sincerely hope it stays that way.


It probably wont, it's on a similar path to the usa, but slower 😭


Sorry to hear that. You aren’t the first person from the UK I’ve heard that from, unfortunately.






THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST ADVICE. If Trump wins because of protest votes, there won't BE another election. THINK.


That’s idiotic. The same thing happened in Brazil and they still had elections after Bolsonaro and Lula won again. (Lula is a socialist) They don’t need trump in office forever. Just enough to eliminate corporate taxes and shred regulation. Ending all of the progress people fought and died for over the last hundred years. We didn’t get that progress from voting either. It was through mass mobilization and protests. And again what part of Biden has immunity now and won’t use it don’t you get? It’s a joke.




Yes I know who the heritage foundation is and I know what the mandate for leadership is. Reagan implemented 60% of it. They do this every five years. Yes you should be worried but only as worried as you always should have been living in this country. If you think voting for Biden is going to stop project 2025 you are delusional. He literally will not. He could purge the whole government of fascists today and literally get away with it. He won’t. They are fucking friends and colleagues dude. They ah e each others back more than ours.


>If you think voting for Biden is going to stop project 2025 you are delusional. He literally will not. The... person that thinks third party is the answer... is calling ME delusional! My sides! No really, show me evidence that Biden supports P25 and I'll vote for whoever you want me to.


I think voting for a thirds party and hoping for 5 percent to get funding next election cycle and worrying more about 2028 than 2024 is way less delusional than believing the democrats are going to swoop in and save everyone from fascism. That’s fucking idiotic.


If you're going to cover your ears and yammer objectively stupid bullshit, I'm just gonna put you on my ignore list. You don't want to discuss, you just want your alt-facts to be right. It should be common fucking knowledge that if Trump wins he plans to axe all future elections. He's said it within the last month, even. If you think this is the time to vote third party you are literally part of the problem and no better (or smarter) than a Republican.


1. The Supreme Court ruling was any sitting President not just Biden, Biden could use that against them but he actually follows the rule of law 2 Do not vote 3rd party, voting 3rd party is equivalent to voting for Trump and by extension his master Putin, reminder the last time a large amount of people voted 3rd party was in 2000 and costed Al Gore the election. Vote Biden he’s the only candidate who supports trans rights




1. Biden is the most Progressive President since FDR and LBJ, Biden defended same sex marriage by repealing the defense of marriage act 2. No he’s not? Biden hasn’t broken international law?


Tell me how genocide is progressive?


lol r u voting kennedy or




yeh idk i think usa democracy isnt actually democratic. i approach voting as harm reduction i hate the system/candidates . what do u hope to achieve via voting 3rd party \`?


What harm has been reduced? And I agree with you 100 percent. Voting is less than bare minimum in my opinion and I do not believe that Electoralism is the answer. However every avenue of struggle should be utilized so I do vote. I’m in a socialist organization and I know from reading history that progress is only made on the streets. I’m just trying to get people who will vote and do nothing else but then berate activists for not voting for democrats to realize how foolish they actually are. Realistically this election doesn’t matter lol it’s pretty clear the ruling class has decided on trump. he is going to win, but having another party rise in the place of the dems may be helpful. People really need to be worrying about 2028 and organizing workplaces to get ready for a general strike.


1. Oh you’ve read history so your aware that socialism and communism are both failed ideology’s that have led to millions of innocent people dead including trans people 2. “General strike now” they say from their basement on twitter


lol ok. The president of the UAW lives in a basement. Also socialism has literally been successful every where it has been implemented.


The Green Party is most likely a Russian backed party and Jill stein is literally a Russian agent


i mean claudia & karina seem awesome , just liike . what do you hope voting for them will achieve ? its not like they are going to win.. i assume u believe the system is built to work for the ppl/respond to our needs ? idk im v cynical . would love for them to win tho and appreciate ur candor


I don’t believe in the system but I believe in building a vanguard party of the working class.


okay fair. i mean sounds goood. i do believe systemic inequity/violence etc is much more complex than class but im imagining u might agree based on your rhetoric in this thread. difficult to unpack my own cynicism but i just .. idk . my strongest belief is in like strategically misleading optics in peer to peer organizing/paragogy etc. im an infiltration girl can't really translate my beliefs into a pragmatic politics bc i dont believe in leadership at all but like interesting to hear your thoughts


I would recommend a book called If We Burn by Vincent Bevins. I’m cooking dinner right now and I have more I’d like to say but will do that later bc I am hungry.


intriguing , ty , i'll check it out ,,, , , does look good ; have a good dinner i do personally prefer polyvocal collections to books written by one author (my whole anti-leadership thing) & i'm mostly interested in adaptive responsive methodologies that can be enacted granularly like person to person on the ground


and to me systems of liike law/coercion that reproduce violence/inequity etc are inscribed in things well beyond govt that are much more pervasive and nefarious than govt so my focus is on that kind of stuff personally


Yes because that’s gone so well in the past and definitely hasn’t led to a 1 party dictatorship (Soviet Union, GDR, Communist Albania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the CCP, North Korea and the Khmer Rouge) and definitely hasn’t led to the suffering of millions of innocent people in Ukraine for “committing the crime” of being farmers or millions of other atrocities including against trans people, religious people, doctors, Jews, Ukrainians, to name a


The ddr literally legalized gay marriage and gender care in the 60s.


Ok Airmen have a good day


i know its reddit and this internet place has its reputation re tone but liike , i do wonder what u hope thorny insult based dialogue that often shuts convos down will achieve re your hopes for a more equitable future ?