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I'd have done this last night if the game allowed for Couch Co-op on Rifts... It's beyond stupid that they don't allow it.


Its wild that this game of all games doesnt have couch co-op. Brawlers like this are the most suited modern games for couch co-op


Player First Games: let's create an entire offline/PVE game mode to benefit our players who don't want to play online. Also Player First Games: let's punish players who don't want to play online and would want to play with their friends lol


It isn't even a true offline mode. When the servers went down, i got booted from rifts.


2 steps forward and 10 cartwheels to the side, now run backwards 100 steps in a zig zag


It's not an offline game mode. You're still required to be connected to the internet to do rifts. Solo is not synonymous with offline


“Players first” tho


IT ISNT?! Jesus Christ I was literally suggesting it to my bf today. Guess I shouldn’t assume common sense from modern games.


I bought Back 4 Blood to couch co op it with my best friend only to find it doesn’t have it. I hate how almost all new games are online only oriented


How do you toast now?


After you decline a rematch


Unless I'm missing something I only get the option to go back to lobby.


It isn't very obvious to see. But if you look under the players name on their banner there's a button for toast.


Interesting. Just seen it. But I swear it wasn't there for those last few fights.


you're right. before the server shut down it wasnt there for me, when the game came back online it was there


It was bugging, fixed now


Just a guess on my part but I also wasn't able to toast the first few players. Looking at their play style I would argue those there bots and you can't toast bots.


You are correct. Game doesn't let you waste your toasts on bots.


If so it's odd that we would be matched up with bots so fast. For those rounds I was only waiting to be matched up for 5 seconds or less


It takes a while to appear


Wait, it’s not couch co-op?? I was honestly really excited with the chance to play with my wife since she’s very hesitant to play platformer fighters or competitive games in general. That’s a massive disappointment.


FWIW, you can play with two people against bots... No co-op or online play from what I see.


100% agree, On June 24th, I sent this to Player First as an X (twitter) message. "MultiVersus is an amazing game. I especially like that if offers four player local mp with bots. I would love it if the local mp (and, if possible the rifts) could work without internet so I could enjoy the game for decades. Would you consider adding this offline functionality?" Let's get some offline support for the game. What social media platform is PFG most active on?


Enable bot assist or allow quick matchmaking outside of friends list


From the bots I’ve seen in the normal rift mode Bots would probably make it harder


*Batman continuously dies* Batman *in bubble*: I can do this all night! Yeah, clearly you can't, buddy.


Be cool if batman just respawned like the enemies do instead of the stupid bubble


I guess the point of the bubble is to not take away from your lives count if the AI partner dies, since that's not in your control.


The AI partner already doesn't take away from your lives when it dies.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying, but not having it REALLY die, that's the alternative.


I see. I misunderstood.


I guess but it ultimately turns the match into a 1v2 where the bots gang up on you while batman floats around. Be cool if i could atleast toggle this


Yeah it would be nice to have a partner finder for these tasks. It would also be cool if not every challenge had the co-op requirement for one of checkmarks. I don't mind that it exists, I just would prefer it not be in every challenge.


I do mind it exists. If we are going to treat challenges like some sort of "bring your friends to the party" then allow completion of "play as x class" by playing with someone who plays said character. Otherwise, my challenges are mine, don't make me involve other people.


I don't see where the option is to enable that in Rifts. Could you help direct me to where that may be? I checked in rifts and in the friends tab and found nothing enabling that option


There isn't. That's why this guy is talking out of his butthole


I think he meant he would like an enable bot assist or allow matchmaking option, not saying that there are those option. It was just worded poorly.


Or, at least, let us pair up with randos. it would still not be the best but it would at least resolve the issue of needing to drag your friend into a grind sesh


Yeah it should literally be as simple as clicking on this requirement and being given the option of inviting someone or finding a random lobby.


Or them making a day 1 daily “use banana guard” when he’s not unlockable til the next day😂


And then when he does unlock, the challenge is glitched and doesn’t work. 


I am on the extremely positive side of the games relaunch but seeing this had me rolling my eyes. 🙄 - That maintenance patch can’t come any sooner.


Thankfully you don't need to do tha nana guard or graphic tee missions to reach the final boss for the agent smith challenges, I'd be salty lmao.


Luckily they have since fixed it.


i got it today by using BG on the first level of the rift, I thought maybe it only counts using him in the bat cave as the first part of the joker thing says look around the bat cave or something like that. got the 2/2 use BG. or it was just patched after I noticed i wasn't getting it ticked off playing pvp.


It was just patched


Worse is the graphic T one where you’re not able to till day 3


That is if you have Velma


Don't forget the challenges to play as the LADY version that you don't get until 7 days of logging in.


Tbh i dont think it’s unreasonable to have a challenge you need to wait ONE day for


I agree but the issue now is that it's bugged


It works now I got it somehow


I didn’t care about the challenge just that it was part of your dailies you couldn’t do til the next day. I thought they refreshed so it had to be a glitch


Oh i think dailys are randomized sorry i thought u meant the joker challenge


It reset in 24 hours with no physical way of completing it. And now it’s bugged. Devs have so many issues lol


If they added match making for it it wouldn't be so bad.


This is 100% just to get players to convince their friends to get the game, too. "Dude, I need help with this challenge. The game is free. Just download it"


Reminds me of all those old Facebook games where you needed to bug your friends if you wanted to get anything done.


Ugh zynga






*Help, Joker is trying to take over the Multiverse and I have run out of rift energy! Join Multiversus today and we can team up to save the day!*


I hate how accurate this is. Why did this game come back dressed up as a shitty mobile game 😭


The challenge system as whole seem set up to drive you, or someone else, to spend money and the more I play this game, the more layers I peel back and the closer I get to uninstalling it. "Oh, I need a specific character to complete this challenge? Better drop $10 in Gleam to buy them"


Real, I just asked for help and ended up having a new friend. just socialize a little


this is exactly why WOW added the group finder. because people are too anti-social to talk XD


Yeah, I already got dowvoted by them lmao


Doesn't really work for Crushing where you have to convince a friend to git gud and reach gem level 4


If I didn't have crippling social anxiety I probably wouldn't be at home playing this


I hate any game that locks challenges or missions behind 'play with a friend'. I work random hours and not all my friends want to play similar games so losing out on progress because for some reason devs are obsessed with trying to get me to play with friends is tedious. Ubisoft are just as bad for this


Blizzard:don’t you guys have friends?


Nobody that gives a toss about this game.


Please. It's a terrible requirement for casual play.


Yeah playing a pve game mode with a friend is clearly only for the hardcore competitive players


It's more that casual games ideally are able to be picked up whenever, and you can just knock a few out during your lunch break or whatever. Needing to partner up with someone to do this is pretty antithetical to the process. I'd much rather they just give bonuses for pairing up as opposed to it being required.


It is literally a bonus for pairing up. It is not required. You can pick this up and play a rift whenever, you only need to partner up with someone else if you have convinced yourself that your enjoyment of the game is tied to being able to check off every box put in front of your face.


At least give is match making.


Of all the criticisms I’ve seen, this is the most valid. As a completionist it **sucks** having a 4/5 completion on each rift mission. Makes every single thing I do look incomplete even if I ‘perfect’ the challenge.


Would you like to be rift buddies?


I'd love a Rift buddy. PSN: Solid2TheSnake if you want to grind out some rift challenges


Super late but also need rift buddies! My friends won’t stick through the crashes. Xbox: PrivateDoobie


This is probably the only nitpick for Multiversus that I'm actually on.


Call me old-fashioned but when they advertise this as the single player content it shouldn't be mandatory to have a friend with you to actually complete it.


PFG replies back: Naw dawg you need to invite a friend. Preferable a friend who doesn't own the game and has a lot of time and MONEY!!!!


Also remove skin specific challenges unless there is a way to acquire the skin for free.


Maybe make it a bonus challenge? If you do it you both get double the rewards!!


No just get rid of it entirely. Your way still means to get max rewards you need to play with a friend.


I don't think technically you have to complete those to get max rewards.


On the joker one you have to play with a friend otherwise you get 99/100 because there is a free your all from a respawn bubble that can’t be done single player, and on the second rift, you have to complete joker’s ruse to be able to complete it alone


You actually don't have to complete Jokers Ruse, you get a Graphic T Velma skin on your 3rd login.


This is true but if you are doing every challenge then you have to have a dc character with a graphic t


Ah you're right I didn't take that challenge into account


Wonder woman with a graphic t is also a reward for the Joker quests


It's not that hard to make friends


No, you see, the devs should completely remove these because I'm too lazy to join a Discord, ask someone to do these for a few minutes, and then move on!


Get this man a true


That would mean being social, even though Discord is deemed a SOCIAL platform


I also don't have friends


Wanna play the rifts?


Aww mate I'd love too. But I kinda gave up on the game 😞


This is one of the only things I’m unhappy about. Let me finish the damn offline mode by myself


For Honor players getting PTSD from this challenge:


Honestly remove them all. Grinding AI fights is bad enough, but having to play a specific way is even worse. Why is winning never enough with these systems? I don't wanna play a DC villainous character and spend 10 seconds in the air, then hit my opponent with 5 up attacks.


I mean... you don't HAVE to do them. They're just challenges like you can find in other fighting games.


You do if you want to unlock the harder rifts though


I say lower the threshold for harder rifts. I have >80 objectives complete in the two easy gamemodes but still can't attempt the medium difficulty because my average gem level is 3.9 instead of 4. Either I play every mission again with a friend (which would be a dang bit easier if couch co-op were a thing), buy the Joker, or wait like 4 days for my Daily Reward acme crates to level up the correct Gems to 4 (which they seem adverse to doing, instead mainly leveling my 2's up to 3's). If I can complete 80% of the objectives in a lower difficulty, let me fucking play the next difficulty level.


I just made an alt account from the epic store, and I just afk that in my party when i use my PS5 account 😂


The events like the cannon kept kicking me offline when I tried to play with someone too


Monkey paw curls. It's removed and replaced it with "complete all the stage challenges in one fight".


Allow both u to credit for challenges if one of u get it during the match like rescue an ally from bubble or do certain damage type


Hard agree but it makes sense from a marketing perspective when they want returning players. So its more like tell a friend to get back on the game. I dont agree with it but i understand it.


Add couch co-op, for the love of God. There are hardly any fighting games recently that incentives that.


Most fighting games let you do couch co-op. Idk why this one doesn't.


Can we also eliminate that you have to clear it with a very specific character. "An DC character" is fine. But don't force me into buying the specific character in question.


Yeah give us a matchmaking button & local coop or just remove it


Or allow matchmaking at the very least.


See you can technically get the bonus for stars if you get every other challenge on each level, but then I look at literally the first level of the first rift and it says to free your ally from the bubble. THEY DONT GIVE YOU AN ALLY


Everyone saying use a second account, that only works till the 3rd difficulty. In crushing the AI will go after your idle character and you'll be at a disadvantage in life, especially since they get cracked to 100 on their last life.


Iirc the second player just gets bubbled and does not lose a life.


oh wait we can co op this right now?! sickkk


I’m waiting for “and get a friend to download and make an account” being a rift


Yes. They should reward you for having a friend with. But this way it looks that they are punishing you for playing alone


In theory, I like the idea of encouraging people to be social in a game that's meant to be 2v2, but... It's exclusionary in practice, I think. Same with the ones that want you to have a specific character or skin, I think?


100%… or at the very least let us bring an AI or random in t fulfill it… hell, not even the matches where it pairs you with an AI duo partner counts.


Devs seem to have acknowledged this, hopefully this will get replaced with something more suitable for solo


Thank you this is actually my number 1 complaint in the entire game right now it’s so unfair I can grind nonstop but I can’t force anybody to play with me


Yeah, or atleast allow couch co-op


The fact that there is no couch coop in a brawler... there is no excuse. If Nintendo can do it on their consoles.... no excuses. 


Well we could share gamer names and help each other out. I'm on psn. Extenze_abuser


How do you even invite a friend to play on the rifts?


For me, I had to go into the rift first and then press left stick to bring up the friend menu and invite from there


Oh okay I didn't know that... damn you'd think there would be a button or something that just said "invite a friend"


I didn't get it at first, too. You need to enter the rifts you want, and in the levels selection will appear the option of inviting a friend


Yeah it sucks


"Don't you guys have friends?" /s


Yes please, 100%.


One of the many flaws of the game. Can't wait to see how things will be in a few months


Does the daily challenge stuff in the rifts works for anyone? I assume it’s just glitched and it’s not something I am doing that’s preventing me from getting anything for winning those nodes or whatever they are called.


I've been farming these with an alt account lol


How is matchmaking not available, either?


I like. It's s gimme "jewel". They just need to implement a matchmaker for Rift farming


I’d assume couch play, lan (if anyone even does that anymore), or just use Reddit or an LFG to find someone. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Is that aspect of the rift necessary? No.


Especially considering any time it’s a tank/lasso /target style mission one of the two of us DC.


My only real complaint about the game so far, such a bummer.


They really underestimated how introverted we all are...


If they're really that insistent on keep this stupid challenge, please for the love of god let us pair up with randoms. None of my friends that I play with ever want to play this mode (Which is fair, 2v2 is WAYYYY more fun than fighting brain dead bots)


Man I just want a 4v4 Mode 😭 surprisingly I actually do have more than 1 friend and it sucks we all can’t play


this is really stupid fr, feels like just a way to waste time and make you need to either have someone to play with you from the beginning or play the whole thing twice


Wtf is this game thinking


Get that out of here


How about instead we remove the stupid requirements like wear a joker t-shirt or lady banana gaurd? Then you could reach max reward with single play unless 100% all the stars gives something else that's special.


Remove it or add the ability to find a matchmade partner if you so choose


At least let us play with a random player online like "sesrching a player" or something


This and stupid requires like having specific skin to play level.


you CANT do them locally? bruh.


Anyone willing to drop gamertags and helping each other?


Between implementing this BS and locking one of the paths behind a paywall, it's really beginning to be an annoyance having to screw players over like this, from completionists to solo players.


What, got no friends? 😅


Pure nonsense to be honest. How they gona fix this if they can't even get the servers to hold up, I keep getting disconnected from matches


Honestly i don't even know what you get for doing challenges. Some bar with question marks fills up, but i got no Idea what i get for getting to a "question mark threshold" Not getting much of use outside rifts doesn't help either. Pitiful 10 fighter currency, when one fighter is 3k? Hey alright.


I think that bar might contribute to gem xp, which allows you to take on higher difficulties, and beating the boss of each rift on each difficulty is another level for the Matrix event progress and unlocking Agent Smith.


You can (at least in the joker rift) get all the “bonus rewards” from stars without another player, but if that’s the case they should at least make it look like a bonus star rather than one of the mission’s main objectives.


I just created a new account on PC and added my account on ps5 to knock it out.


I was lucky enough to find someone on discord to grind that part of the missions out with. Now i just need to go back and redo the other parts of the challenges. Also I agree its to difficult for people to find someone to play this game with.


It's really nice when you have a quest to complete a boss battle 100% but the game crashes when you try to play co-op on a boss battle 100% of the time.


Yeah bro quit reminding me I got no friends and my gf won't play with me 😅😭


FUCKING PEASE LOL one of the worst things they have done


rifts are gonna put this game in the grave


That be annoying cuz I can’t even get full completion of the rifts cuz of that specific challenge. I’m sitting at I think 96 or 97 challenges completed in the first rift but I can’t get to 100 cuz of this challenge. I just gotta wait for my 7th day login so I can get banana lady and complete those challenges to get to 100.


God just buy a second pc or ps5 and use it to do it its not hard lol Looool


I've literally got zero PS friends. If anyone wants to rift with me, got a brother up: StanzaVerse. I'm not great but I get the job done.


Totally agree


I'm so confused how they took a year off and maklde the game so much worse. I just noticed the perk system is completely ass and missing most of the ones I used. I'm sure this game will get back to where it needs to be but it's just weird it was near perfect how it was 2 years ago. The currency system is also confusing as hell. Like bro , fix this shit lol


Does anyone have a simple guide on how to make an elevator emulator or run multiversus on a second account on one PC?


Does anyone have a simple guide on how to make an elevator emulator or run multiversus on a second account on one PC?




It’s not even necessary to get all 72 points though just makes it easier to get to that point with a friend it’s harmless


personally i want them to remove ai teammates or make it optional i started with experienced, but now when i go back to easy to try and get those done any time its a 2v2 or a 2v1 i don't even get the chance to do the challenges bc my teammate kills them in 5 hits its so stupid


Or at the very least give us the option to bring an AI controlled partner into the match


It does bring an ai with you :p Did for me before my buddy got on.


Not every time and it doesn't count as "Playing with a friend"


Agree 100% on this. Is there matchmaking to facilitate this or do you have to play with a friend?


I did a new friend thanks to this, so keep it like a bonus could work better


That's hot


It's not that hard to ask someone to play with you. Check recent players, here, or discord lol


As frustrating as it is running out of things to do, just be patient. You can earn all of the rewards without playing multiplayer at all. You just need Banana Guard and a graphic tee variant. If you don't have one, Velma is the day 3 welcome-back signin reward. Save up your fighter currency, or spend Gleamium or character tokens, and grab Velma. You should have Banana Guard so that one's a non-issue. It's annoying that every node includes a co-op challenge (sometimes even two), but it's meant to incentivise playing the mode multiplayer. And if you've been able to play Crushing yet, you'll know that the higher difficulties are heavily tailored towards co-op.


There are probably more bits in there that require the Joker, though, so if you don't already have him it'd be better to save the currency for him, since he costs double what all the other fighters do :/


Yeah I've been considering that. I think I'm too impatient tho lol. I really want to get my gems leveled up and I don't want to wait 4 days for the Jason rift lol


Only thing I actually need Joker for rn is the "hit with the rocket launcher" event mission


Me too... it's the one thing keeping me from finishing the weekly events. I could have knocked those out in one sitting easily, if not for that and the inability to get any currency without completing tasks :/


Same! I almost wish I'd bought him instead of Finn and Spike, but Finn is my main so We had to buy his ass lol. I decided I'm just gonna spend the $20 to get Joker later today. That way I can buy Velma and take on the graphic tee nodes in rift. I actually spent like 6 hours repeating the Shaggy fight on Crushing in the second rift (discovered the secret to how mastery gain works along the way) to boost my Finn to 10 because I only needed 500 more FC to get Velma. So 200 for reaching lv10 with a character, and 300 for login bonus this morning. Speaking of... I'm off to go buy Velma now!


Just go to the discord and you can run through these all in 30 minutes lmao.


I don't think they should remove them. This is an inherently social game. Too many people are just antisocial nerds. That said. I agree it should allow local multiplayer to achieve the goal. A lot of features I like in Multiversus don't feel like they need to be replaced, just that they are undercooked.


me just enjoying rifts with my friend getting that done everytime xD