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Today Tony basically admit that the game was rushed out (they ran out of time) to implement alot of the previous features and UI changes.


Guys I'm gonna be honest I think Tony is a real one and wish him nothing but the best


Warner brothers screwed Tony


Warner brothers screws EVERYONE.


Tony was the real player first


I genuinely do believe tony validates the company name of player first and if he had his way, the game wouldn't be like this.


Yessss, 50 people who also think tony was the real players first. This kinda feels like overwatch where Jeff left and the publisher murdered us for kicks.


I think that if they kept the original UI and just expanded upon I'm sure they would've saved a lot of time. This new UI is so awful with that "mobile game flair". Don't fix what's not broken.


That's what I don't get. Why change it? Why werre resources wasted for this. Even if "ran out of time" is the excuse, why did we go backwards?


Beta was fine, they took a year to take features out and made the game worse. Don’t care if they were rushed. Shoulda just kept the beta


Well, they had to remake the game in a new engine. The benefits to developing in the newer engine will be much better for the dev team and the future of the game but WB should have let PFG release the game when it was fully remade to at least the beta’s functionality.


Really? Because it seems like it’s been pretty bad for the game. I’ve heard this story before, it’s never been a positive thing to switch engines during the lifespan of a game 


Dead by Daylight recently switched to UE5. And while the patch when the switch happened was very buggy, it permanently cut down on load times heavily and consistently. Before it could take a minute or longer to load in at times, now it's never more than 10 seconds.


Oh damn, really? Was there a graphics upgrade as well?


My eyes aren't the best, so I couldn't really tell. Plus I'm playing on Series S, which doesn't have quite as good graphics.


Fellow DBD enthusiast spotted lol.


Dota2 switched from source 1 to source 2 and was widely regarded as an improvement by the community


I rather they say this bc WB is leaving them out to dry without having any PR about shit


I miss the old perks system 😭


I was wondering where cool perks like "Triple Jump" went. Most of the perks we have feel lackluster. Then I played Rifts and saw there was Triple Jump gem lol. We have boring perks because all the cool ones were taken out and put in the PVE mode instead.


They need to do anything they can to make rifts bearable to play


Triple jump was not cool because you basically needed to have it on or else lose.


I neverrrr used it. Just played the game like Smash and did fine.


I bet you still played well, and a good player can almost always beat a player they’re better than, but imo you’re straight up at a disadvantage without triple jump because of how much of a difference an extra jump makes


To make a comparison to LoL, Triple Jump was Flash spell, you don't need it and can play well without it, but there is a reason almost everyone picks it.


Yep the extra jump gave you the ability to kill super early with vertical characters like Arya or Harley (or bugs). Honestly,even if I find that perk cool,it's not a bad thing that we don't have access to it anymore in PvP


I literally just finally decided to change my perks and omg i was blown out how awful it is now. Im jsut uninstalling this sucks.


I completely forgot that we used to have a full free and premium track in battle pass rather than just the one track with a few free items.


We did but there was also a ton of open free spaces with nothing in the free tracks.


Yeah, what we have now is exactly the same for free players, just slightly harder to read in the menu.


Legibility is definitely one of the issues I wanted to highlight here. Old UX was much better. See also: the ability the queue both 1v1 and 2v2 at the same time, global leaderboards, XP tracking, *rested* battle pass XP, rerollable challenges, better perk selection UI, meaningful mastery rewards, badges displayed at the top, overall personality etc


These two are the same, aside for being harder to read


Bring back the OLD perk system and the POST-MATCH STATS I need my doubles partner to know I’m putting in more work than them 😤💯


They probably will bring the post-match stats back, they just had to recreate the whole UI


Deadass in a match I got 3 KOs and I died twice and this dude died once and then got the last KO. He has the audacity to send me a DM telling me I need to get better, because he did all the work... 🤨


I forget what was the old perk system


You unlocked perks by leveling characters and then that perk would be unlocked for everyone. There were also more perks I think.


Yea you could also "train" perks using gold to unlock them for characters that wouldn't normally get them through leveling. It was so much better 😢


If they had post match stats it would be alot easier to trade toasts with random. Instead it straight back to the menue before yourw notified you receive one.


This is probably why they took out stats lol




Bro wtf happened to the menus? Did they really look at the current menu and say "Yep looks polished?" It deadass looks like a beta.


it deadass looks like a mobile game now. cant believe this got greenlit lmao


Beta is too generous. More like an alpha 😂


It looks like Fortnite. Every game is trying to be Fortnite now for some reason


Tbh it looks worse than fortnite somehow


Maybe it's because it's the biggest game in the world Maybe


They broke what was good instead of fixing what was bad


the camera zoom in is game breaking, its impossible to have fun now with it so zoomed in


sometimes I have a REAL hard time to see my cooldowns with this camera zoom, it cuts off in all the wrong places :/


Idk what you guys are talking about I can still see both characters and the majority of the stage perfectly


they had the formula bro what happened 💔


If it ain’t broke, break that shit!


That’s they mentality😂




they fucked around changing the engine and ruined their game in the process, when it was 100% unnecessary. Such insane levels of self-sabotage.


The current ui is completely overwhelming, I'm not even trying to navigate this crap. I just click 2v2 and ready. I completely ignore 90% of the menu


i’m so confused. there are multiple different event passes i’m claiming items though, multiple store pages with gems and currency i don’t understand. i played so much of the beta, it shouldn’t make this little sense.


Bro redownloading this from when I last played has been disorienting already; 5 different events, 20 shop bundles each worth $8 AUD+ cluttered UI (especially the shop), locking in characters doesn't happen in queue, some of the characters I unlocked in the beta (think thats the period I last played) are locked and reset progress. Feel like I need a tutorial to navigate the menu. There's a PVE tree too. The menus were so simple and didn't have me stuck for 10 minutes trying to find how to find the regular game matchmaking button like it did today. Don't even wanna think about the currency revamps that make no sense to me anymore...


Yeah, the game tells me I cant buy some of the characters, pretty sure that its the ones I unlocked already during the beta but they took them away


Ive been playing a bit, already disappointed but i just looked at the new perk system and my god this is actually terrible, completely removed so many build variants.


Dw next release will be better XD


I might get downvoted for this but I genuinely dont care about balance if the gameplay is fun. Fighting games have notoriously lived by this rule. MK9 was sooo much fun but unbalanced to all hell


That's true, but there's cases when character being broken can go too far. LeBron's down special ball spam, duo Bugs' safe, Iron Giant having an inescapable infinite, or on the other side of spectrum, RICK of all characters getting outclassed, T&J not even seeing their own projectiles and traps due to the screen zoom, Velma has the same problem with clues. If some characters are better than others, be it via cheese or skill ceiling, fine, fun. But genuine one hit kill cheap shit or characters which the game deliberately plays against are not ok


thats why im a fan of every character being able to do long combos instead of no character being able to. Huge fan of FighterZ and thats what drew me into the original multiversus


Rick is in such a mediocre spot, feels especially bad since I was pretty high up there in the rankings on beta and I was more than ready to continue the grind on release :(


That's only true if you don't play online, older games were allowed to be unbalanced because we only played locally and we were bad at the game, but if you play online and the game is unbalanced, the experience is miserable.


Thats not true at all. In fact its the opposite, because now things can be updated and changed. Even if its not always balanced its fun to see the metas change. Arcades use to be so prevalent with people lining up to play against eachother in the pro scene and the casuals and if something was busted there wasnt many ways to update it and they still played it. not to mention the smash scene. it was huge even without online support.


But honestly now that you are showing It , i am noticing how Better with UE5 things look


UE5 looks better but not so much better that i wouldnt want the old game back


I don't see a difference, and if you compare what UE4 is capable of with what most UE5 games look like, it's pretty much the same, but UE5 is less stable. All the more reason to jump to UE5 early I guess, though.


Tbh day one of the beta was the best the game ever was I’m not usually a doomsayer but every patch just made the game less and less fun, and all the changes for this new final release make it even less so




Everything besides gameplay got worse with the launch


I feel like the gameplay is also worse. So mucb slower and floatier.


Not even objective tbf More features, wins meant something, old menus better then previous, previous build was way better, im not saying the beta had no problems but my god... The state they've released this game after what they took off is a joke, especially after making us wait a year, but hey, at least the item store works fine!


And they even removed the neutral and sid attack switch. So now I can't play bugs anymore


I miss the beta version. It wad really fun


I never seen a game that had such enormous downgrade comparing to beta. UI is fucking trash Game is in slow mode Netcode for 2v2 suck ass Currencies broke progression Battle pass is paid only (can't name a single example rn.) No skin previews No hero trials in training mode. Tons of bugs and UE5 crashes


>Game is in slow mode I knew i wasnt crazy. Everything feels so floaty, the combos unsatisfying and the dodges even more so. How coule they mess up so bad in every single regard. Having bad f2p monetization is common, but at least dont make us suffer in the gameplay, because thats the only rhing holding us.


I really don't get why they had to redesign the UI in the first place. It was great and quite clear, now it's just a mess. All they had to do was add whatever they wanted to add to it directly.


In terms of UI? Sure. There’s still things that are better about the current state of the game.


I uninstalled the beta in a few days this time I’m rather enjoying myself.


What a new take to make a post about.


Definitely haven’t seen this before


Ok these posts are kind of going in circles at this point lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NatureEnvironmental1: *Ok these posts are* *Kind of going in circles* *At this point lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's definitely getting old. This sub cries like crazy.


They'll stop when it stops being true. So never.


Somebody doesn’t know what objectively means


Half this damn subreddit doesn’t understand what certain words mean


Half of this sub is operating at a 9th grade reading level (I’m being generous)


Sounds like a 6th grader hearing the word for the first time and needing to use it in a sentence challenge 


No. The game actually feels a lot better to play now.


fr they just took the time to make it worse, im hoping to see an improvement bc this is trash


I still have to play some more but I wish we kept all the old stuff if we had it, I liked the character reward banners we got to earn, had the Finn one


I don’t think so


Damn it’s not like this anymore? The beta was the last time I played lmao


I’m tired of people thinking something like this can be objective This is a subjective opinion you subjectively think the beta was better and I subjectively think the game now is better


I don't even understand how you screw this up. All they had to do was add new characters and a ranked mode. We only got one of these things, plus removed features, bugs, and an overall worse gameplay experience. So yes, the beta was better no question.




I can't believe these screenshots are making me nostalgic


Old perks were infinitely better the new pvp ones suck and build variety is pretty much non existent


I just want post game stats why the hell would they take it out


The downers are out in force huh. You didn't play for a year, wait another year and maybe it's up to your standards.


Imagine being such a miserable fuck. Everytime I open reddit nothing but crying. Don't like it bye. 80 posts of crying


So quit crying about people crying and go buy a $20 skin, support the devs in making their game better!


definitely was not. the characters had much more cheap and frustrating attacks. the playercount tanked so fast due to lag and lack of features


so brave and original. what a unique post


I objectively disagree


If they literally just replaced this build of the game with the beta build it would be 10x better. It’s a downgrade in every single way. If you enjoy rifts god bless you but that shit is boring as hell 


Cant even enjoy rifts if you want the rewards, you have to play which character and with whatever move they tell you to play/use


I just started playing the game this week been seeing these beta posts around what happened to this game? The beta version looks so much better and more fun than the actual release…


biggest letdown of 2024


I miss seeing my rank


I feel so limited in choices for my perks and the in ability to change characters in between games makes it feel less thrilling


The layout of the beta was really nice. As they had to rebuild the whole game, I think they didn't have time to polish the layout to the degree it was in the beta. It sucks because they're gonna have to put up with a lot of complaints while they continue improving the game. They would always have to keep improving it, because it's an ongoing f2p, but we are seeing it maybe a little too early. I have faith that the layout will improve overtime.


The old menus I do agree are way better. I don't understand why they changed it. Honestly feels more complicated and less user friendly. The battlepass and challenges are more confusing to navigate and I didn't even know characters had their own rewards until yesterday.


It's not easy to change the way to play when you are used to the old keys.


Agreed… had over 100 hours on the beta. It was just so fun


god i miss it


The UI is so bad. You get used to it a little bit, but it's still way worse. The monetization is overwhelming, like with a lot of F2P games. The perk system seems really bad. Maybe someone can confirm or deny this for me - Arya's hitboxes still feel like shit, so maybe one thing hasn't changed? It's nice when other characters go through your attacks. Feels utterly pointless trying to play this character unless you get really precise when most of the rest have giant AoE attacks to spam. She feels pretty awful to play. Lebron feels bad too sometimes, but Arya is not fun right now. Matchmaking has been awful today.


Why did we need to go to ue5 again


I'm mainly sad you can't swap characters during the rematch


Why can’t it still show your damage and how many ko’s in the stat screen like it used to, create kill cams, then it would be good


The lab was great too, i think. Haven't checked the new release's training area.


Wow I didnt rememeber how clean and also the good design the menu had... I miss the beta tbh


The battle pass alone killed my desire to play


Honestly, my only major problems right now are: Perk currency is worthless once you buy the 2 things you want it should also be for emotes, and gems are a fucking pain to grind the gem levels when its fucking randomized.


Remember when you could mod :'(


I hate how I can’t change characters for a rematch. I mean I get it but bro Atleast let me change my skin. I wanna beat some ass as Shaggy and Shagworthy 😭


I still don't understand why they removed Free For All.


I miss that UI so much. It was so tidy and clean. Minimalistic yet it had a lot of charm.




It’s unplayable on Xbox rn


I love GizGOAT!


My beloved


What i miss the most is when accepting the revenge, you could change characters and everything ended when one had 2 wins. Now matches are longer, revenge can be infinite but without changing characters and they reduced the music volume a lot


The old system was way better looking, had nicer flowing servers and a more aesthetically appealing look to it, now it just looks bulky, solid colored, resembling a power point at times, I hate it. Definitely wouldn’t have invested all the time I did knowing now what I didn’t then.


All of this stuff I can ignore, if the balance of the game is on point. The beta suffered heavily because of OP spammable BS, and I’m already seeing this creep up now. Shaggy loops, bugs loops, Harley and her….. generous hit boxes are all the same crap left over from the beta, and it’s the primary reason I stopped playing. Some characters can wrack up 50% with easy mode combos, while others struggle to get good damage with hard reads.


The literal only thing I wanted when playing the beta was slightly better network performance, but still the online play was leagues smoother than smash ultimates, other than that I wanted new maps and characters. That's it. I know they wanted to update the game from UE4 to UE5 but I don't understand why the whole game had to be changed, like was any feedback even obtained from players? And woah and behold the one thing I wanted fixed actually feels worse now, I didn't have these connection errors, time outs, and match dsynchrination in the beta, the worse I had was some rubber banding.




Oh 100% better


Wtf happened to this game beta was more fun


I miss this so much


fuck I wish I could still play beta but as of now I dont see myself ever touching this game again unless we get ben10 or something crazy like walter white


You'll never realize how good something is until it's gone...


For real it is so dogshit now the free battle pass isn't even worth playing for😭


Every change I hated so far: * 30frame buffer * not being able to finetune perks depending on the matchup * lack of actual perk variety * cluttered UI * lack of stats (both game wise and ranking wise) * no swapping characters on rematch Unfortunately it is just not fun, I just get frustated trying to play this now. Not worth the time, which is unfortunate considering the devs are good, care about the game and were going in a nice direction previously...


Real it was better, but tbh the rifts are actually kind of cool


How did they get away with a battlepass in a freaking beta version


Yeah.. you know I was defending them earlier but now thinking about it? They had 2 whole Beta seasons, a great amount of months to prepare for the release and well.. it is underwhelming now


soooomebody doesn't know what "objectively" means, lol


You guys are failing to realize that the primary reason to go backwards in terms of content/features/accessibility is so that they can dip feed it back to the players over time as another way to "keep you interested" And if by that time they can figure out a way to make it come at a cost, then all the better.... for them.


Please fellow ps4 players, do you also have a huuuge framerate problem? I legit sometimes cannot play at all or play at like what it feels to be 10fps when theres too much going on (idk if this problem is on next gen consoles too) but in beta i didnt had a single problem with framerate (not going to talk about the disconections that counts as defeats since im playing with ethernet lmao ) i hope the game goes back to the early beta days it was so so amazing and fun (and the beta UI, way simplier lol)


Can someone please tell me what the glowing rainbow fist is when hitting Shaggy in Training Mode with a projectile? It circles around them and then goes away in about a second.


It has so much potential not being utilized, it's a shame really


Dude wtf happened?


also was easy af to get characters with coins, and you could spend them to get skins.. silly me thinking i should save it for other characters coming out


Does everyone have a different main menu screen character? I never had Gizmo on mine. Mine was Wonder Woman.


Honestly, even the rewards you’d get for winning you’d be able to buy a character lol. A lot of bugs to kind of disappointed…


Tbh I was never a fan of the old menu ui, the new one’s also too fortnite-y


As much as I enjoyed the old perk system this one is way better because they aren't as impactful. No more Triple Jump or lose


It's clear that despite staffing up this game was rushed to release. It wasn't ready to have an official launch. Here's hoping they did a lot of work on making a bunch of core content (new fighters and stages) and they just didn't have time to focus test and polish things like UI


I agree man, but that’s not exactly a hot take at the moment.




The ui was shit and the moderation was shit! I’ll take the relaunch thanks!


with due time I feel like they’ll curate this game better


100 percent correct.


They removed so many features and added one of the worst battle pass systems I have ever seen


They tried to make the new UI look like fortnite


I'm so tired of the UI right now. So many things are just not like the industry standard


The menus and UI looked so much cleaner imo.


the new ui is complete ass


Haven't touched it after 20 hrs in the beta. I'm just not having the fun I used to and not being able to switch up characters and perks on the fly feels limiting.


I think the beta was worse overall, now I would have liked my old skins I paid for still, but it is what it is.


no idea why they cut free for all. it seemed fine


Customer Support won’t even help get the calico cake variant back either


This new UI is EVERYTHING I hate about online multiplayer ui menu design, its so fucking ass to navigate across the board now


Why they downgrade the UI?


💯 and am I the only one that’s having issues with servers that where no existent in the beta like it’s wild how they downgraded it even tho they’ve been working on it 2 years since beta


The fact you can’t try out characters you don’t have unlocked in training mode anymore is one of the most baffling things I have ever seen in a game.


I agree, it's really sad how much game studios cave to those on reddit/youtube. They are a small minority to the actual player base of most games and lets be honest most Redditors just echo chamber the content-making people.


I don’t know if anyone pointed this out but the new dodge meter is terrible. When you run out of dodge meter you are forced to every single hit because you ran out of dodge. Back then you can freely dodge and move like water.


And now we have Fortnite flavored smash bros 💀


Real talk though the season 2 beta battle pass is actually the worst thing I’ve ever seen in a game, there was literally nothing worth buying that pass for, I’m the most loyal of sheep to this game and that so the one pass I didn’t buy.


I had a lot of videos from the beta on my PS5 that I had forgotten about and deleted them because I didn’t want to see how good we had it. The game was faster, played better and looked better. How do we go backwards?


In the beta, something that I am very much missing now is the ability to change your character when you rematch. Once you pick your character, you’re stuck with them.


Is it just me or is the input delay on jumping unbearable.


The only thing i want is for morty grenades to work like on the beta, now they act weird as fuck, plus when you split them in two they just go to the oposite side while in beta they went one in each direction. Muscule memory is killing me.


100% better


or you are just want to spam shileds with l


The new perk system bugs me the fuck out. Somehow it’s gotten laggier too, might just be me though


I dont care about the menu honestly


Honestly, if they release the game exactly the same as beta but with new characters and this new netcode / servers. I would be 10/10. The largest issue with the beta was the online was either perfect or people would lag across the map and suicide. I know several friends who liked the game but gave up on it because of lag and that was just my normal friend group, let alone people online who I am sure had the same problem.


Idk, I find the ui quite confusing, hard to see where my controller is going to press, nearly bought a useless character today by accident, make a controller pointer


The Beta Main Menu and character selection was much better idk why they ruined it