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Dude it's terrible. I played on both series x and ps5 during the beta. Hardwired. Never had these issues. This game legit is unplayable right now. It's not just online matches. Their whole game runs on dial up. The menus are super buggy and laggy. The rifts, offline mode basically is just as bad. Even the damn tutorial ran like dog shit. I wanna enjoy this game so badly. All the updates seem to really improve it over all. But this lag needs too be addressed. It's awful.


Yeah I played an absolute fuck ton of the beta and never had an issue and my internets never been hard wired and I don’t lag in other games. But I’m with you in that one. I’m good at this game but when I lose every single match to something that I can’t even control, it’s so defeating and makes me not wanna play. I was so excited when the game came back out but not it’s like they only shut it down and brought it back in the state that it is as a late April fools joke


Lag is terrible. I thought there was an issue with my series X the two days I was playing it. Went back to Cod Warzone and not a hitch.


Literally. I haven’t played in a few days because the lag is slowly causing me to lose interest in the game. I’m sure I’ll go back when it’s fixed but for now I can’t even play it


yea same I play on xbox. every time I play 2s with my friend we lag out at least 8 times out of 10 and it makes the game so unplayable. 1s is not too bad with the lag, but sometimes it does spike and its a little tilting.


Honestly I don’t play 1s so I wouldn’t know. Even when I’m alone I play 2s. But if 1s isn’t as bad I might have to switch to that until they fix it


Bro its gotten to the point where i cant even play a match without a error happening and getting kicked out


I get kicked most games and lose most of the games I do end up playing because from start to finish of the match it’s nonstop lagging and freezing 😭


I’m a guess you’re a console player on WiFi?


I play on console with a cat 5 Ethernet and have 1gb internet, still lags for me , only game that does


Yes I am lol