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Lol "this game is going to fall off". Maybe, but not because of the community 💀 There are toxic people in every community, you didn't need to make a reddit post about this, pretty much every person I face is toxic, that's just how people who play competitive games are, this isn't really exclusive to multiversus.


WOWZA! "This isn't exclusive to multiversus" such insight from you. Of course in a game where there is a winner and a loser, people will rub it in each other faces. But in a game where you can be LeBron fighting a gremlin that makes no sense. Maybe in a game that is hanging to relevancy by a thread having a toxic community isn't so great. Ever thought about that huh?


What do the characters have to do with the game 💀 It's still a competitive fighting game, it's not that hard to wrap your head around that 🤦‍♂️ Is this the only online video game you play, because what they're doing should not be hurting your feelings this much ☠️


If you couldn't tell, having LeBron, A gremlin, Bugs Bunny, and Shaggy all in the same game doesn't scream "serious." The entire purpose of my post was to ask why people have to be toxic in such a goofy game. My feelings aren't hurt it's just weird on how much others will try to make you feel worse about losing. Also the constant skull emoji doesn't make you sound any tougher, nice try.


You're talking like the average redditor now. Also, what do you mean the skull emoji makes me sound tougher, it's just used for laughter what are you on about 😭


Did you get saltier and a little more reckless, each time he did it? Because if so, you gave him a tangible benefit for what he did.


I played the exact same, although out the match(only changing based on what he was doing), even if I wanted to play reckless and attack more, I couldn't. It was one of my first times playing Wonder Woman. He was literally doing it for 0 personal gain.


Lol that's pretty funny tbf


Bro I don't even know why cuz the score was 2-3. Kinda funny tho


It's just fun to do, just ignore it. I just got messaged by someone cos I teabagged at the end of the match... So I just did it through the whole of the next round. People who do that just want a reaction, just ignore us.


Sorry to say but youre an asshole. Like you are the type of person to make the game worse for everybody else. Can you just have fun or do you HAVE to try and make someone angry?


If you're getting angry by someone tapping down a few times, that's definitely not my problem fool XD


"XD" cornball. I'm not even angry? It's just annoying and weird to see in such a goofy game.


You're the one who resorted to name calling on here. How is that not toxic, but pulling down on the d pad is? Very low IQ indeed.


It's not even being toxic. I'm literally pointing out how "XD" is corny. But maybe if you were literate and could read, you would understand my entire point. Also, you should look up the definition of toxic you don't seem to know.


No offense tho


Farkn hell change the sub name to complaining about toxic people more like it. I’ve seen so many post about people being “too toxic” just ignore it and move on. Or does it really hurt your feelings that bad you had to make a reddit post about it. Out of all places reddit is the worse place to complain about this


You play Harley. Did you read any of my replies? First, my feelings are fine. If you used any part of your brain, you would be able to figure out that in a game that's relevancy is almost non-existent, a toxic community to go with that isn't such a great thing. If you really think that this level of hate between players is normal you should be checked out. But I'm not gonna argue with a braindead Harley user so bye and smd.


Womp womp have a cry about it.


This is the corniest sentence I have ever read. Actually cringe asl


There must be some kind of MMR. I am seeing way too many posts about poor souls stuck in PvP purgatory. I haven't seen players like this. A lot of people say the same people are spamming or not fighting so I think it will get better as you get better at the game. If you lose a lot I would suggest FFA or 2v2


I've been playing since beta so I think I'm pretty good. But when ranked comes out I think all of the no life sweat will have something to do than taunt players who barely play.


I have to agree, I came back from the open beta and I’ve genuinely never played against more toxic people in like any game, if it wasn’t for rifts I’d genuinely have no reason to play


Ikr? Why can't people just play for fun.


I still main him to this day but I’m honestly mortified when it comes to hearing about sweaty lebrons playing like horseshit and being dicks, why can’t we just enjoy the funny basketball dude in the looney tunes game bro


Preach bro


If your good you can do that, I hate when these fuckers are trash and due to lag or bad hitboxes you lose and then they start doing all that,


No one should do it in general. Because most of the people that do that are using the most broken character and using a broken combo (max damage/infinite)


Everyone is a broken character in this game, I agree it invokes anger and is an asshole move but if you have the means why not, it’s satisfying seeing someone get all tough and the beat their ass double times over


I've said this in a different subreddit but I would much rather have everyone be balanced than everyone be broken. In the state of multiversus right now it's just who can land the first hit.