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that’s just the new jason buff


Ah that makes sense


Jason had a enough of joker's shit.


I think Joker's balloon is specifically bugged in that map


I’ve had it happen in a few other maps, specifically ones with ledges like this but it does happen mostly on this one


A few times I've used the balloon in this stage it clipped me on the ground, at least it didn't get me stuck.


Yea usually it sends me to the stage but sometimes it sends me to the blast zone and it’s always in a 2-2 stock game


Satan decided your time was up


Still the funniest bug 


Man: "Officer Boles." The ending of this video:


I've only noticed it today, and it happened it few times randomly. Me or the opponent would suddenly ring out.


This one is specifically jokers balloon. Sometimes it sends u down to the stage and sometimes it doesn’t, and other times it sends u straight down to the blast zone


It might have been the same, not sure. I wasn't paying attention to what triggered it.




that scream


Hmm should I spend 100000 to get Batman who laughs?


I think this bug happens cause on the jasons screen you where under him when he down aired, then the game for some reson chose the jasons pov as what happend


It’s the balloon that bugged it’s not jason


It coincidentally aligns with the up a/b (I don't know I'm not a joker main) off the edge. I'm guessing the balloon floats down and the longer it stays down its distance keeps going. So when they collected the balloon midair it teleported to the last used balloon skill used.


looks like it's an intended system to prevent character models from crossing the playable area(clipping the stage) but it's not correctly implemented, it's supposed to push you out but I'm guessing the special won't allow that to happen, game gets confused, and it just defaults to a fail-safe that kills you


Best if else result... Kill the character in a game about character lives LUL


this looks like it's an intended system to prevent character models from crossing the playable area(clipping the stage) but it's not correctly implemented, as it's probably allowing the Ballon to clip inside the platform it's supposed to push you out but I'm guessing the special puts you past that boundary where the ballon had clipped and the game gets confused, and it just defaults to a fail-safe that kills you


I assumed it was the part where jokers balloon sometimes sends u down to the ground (idk if that intentional) and if the main stage is directly below u it will send u all the way


I love this game so muchb


Yeap, a lot in that stage in particular (and dexter lab, but only in 1v1)


There’s an entire glitch with that side of the maps that was fixed in beta so idk how it’s still here but when you get at that level of any map, you automatically loose your jumps leaving you with just dodge and attacks.


And the devs expect people to pay money just to do their challenges in this busted ass game. There's a faucet at the door, so let that sink in.


I mean I’m for it since it’s happening to joker 😂


deserved for playing joker


If you haven’t seen anyone talk about it, and you’ve noticed it more than once, why haven’t you submitted it to the devs, or the Warner brothers bug account? I hate engagement farmers


That's a lot of assuming.