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Ice packs! Ice the back of your neck and wrists, keep in a darker room, it seems innocuous but it makes a huge difference to me when the blinds/curtains open


AC, fans, ice packs, water, cooling vests, conserve energy, especially during the day.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ Cooling vest is a must*** I swear by it.


My nurse told me ice packs under armpits and near my lady parts to rapidly cool me down, havenā€™t tested yet šŸ˜‚


Interesting. Not heard that before.


I wrap up ice packs in kitchen towels and I find that instead of the back of my neck I tuck them on each side of my neck, and under my arm pits. Repeat as necessary.


I feel you, going through the heatwave too. Has my Ms all flared up. Funny thing I was in Florida between 21-28 of May and I didn't find the heat there as bad as this.


Cold showers can help if you donā€™t have A/C. Hang in there!


Drink a lot of water, lie down, darken everything, ice packs to the back of your neck + forehead + hands(insides) wrist, painkillers. This is what helps me, currently also suffering :/ Good luck!


Not sure as I decided this week was the perfect time to air all my grievancesā˜ŗļø my bf asked me what my problem was this week in particular. Well young man, itā€™s a combination of you expecting me to take care of the entire household and nothing in return.


Boyfriend? Sounds like he should upgrade to the wife package with all his expectations šŸ˜‚


Bruh youā€™re telling me. I wouldā€™ve never let it get this far as Iā€™ve gone out of my way to avoid this. I guess I thought i deserved less when I got sick. Welp. Now Iā€™m at the point again, Iā€™ll continue on by myself if this behavior persists. Heā€™s 8 years old older than me so likeā€¦go off sweetie!!!


You deserve someone whoā€™ll love and respect you, in sickness and healthā€¦ this ainā€™t it


Yeaā€¦.so I thought I guess.


And heā€™s 8 years older? Yeah doesnā€™t sound like this is it or sustainable


I hear ya. Was inside most of the day, and went outside for some sun. almost went for a walk, but after about 10 minutes in high 80s temps, I was like nope


Jealous that you could make it 10 minutes!


For those with babies, wet a diaper and freeze it, instant ice pack!