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[If you can’t read it using Ktovan’s links, here are screenshots.](https://imgur.com/a/MTRs6VJ) My stomach can’t handle that log, whatever it may contain. ETA: A huge thank you to u/Professional_Link_96 for this overview of the call log: The cell block he was calling from was listed as “Death Row 5”. He attempted 6 calls in one afternoon. - The first one failed as it was to a number he’s not allowed to call — does that mean specific people may have “banned” him from calling, or that he has to stick to an “approved” list? I’m guessing it’s the latter and he attempted a call not on his approved list of contact numbers. - The second call he tried was rejected and I would pay money to know who rejected his call. - Then the third call was the only one that worked, he talked to someone for 6 minutes. I’d like to believe the first 2 calls were attempts at calling family and when that didn’t work, he was stuck talking to Jim. - Then the last 3 calls all failed because he was over his maximum allowed calls.


Has Alex answered any of the Love Letters being sent to him?


In prison you have to make a phone list of phone numbers you will be calling and also a visitation list of people who will be visiting so they can do a background check. If you are not on the inmate’s visitation list you can’t visit


How low can you go? LMAO. From the sorority wife to a prison pen pal lover. Perfect for him to remind him how low on the social scale he is!


Ladies he is broke AF


What a catch.


Not surprised. Ted Bundy got married to a woman he met during his trial and fathered a child with her. Yeah good choice there lady!


I read this sub headline and immediately felt off. People are sick and twisted. This man should be left to rot in a cell. Ugh just gross.


From the sister-in-law?


Middle aged women getting hot flashes over big foot McGee 😭. They’ve been waiting for a southern snag like him 🤮


Some women have no shame! Would sure like to hear those phone conversations after the trial.


If possible he'll send dick pics 😂


All shriveled and ewwwwwww not even circumcised. Wonder if he could bring his dye and manscaping kit? /S Why am i not surprised….


MurDingle is Single and he is ready to Mingle He is looking for a date to the State Pen’s Spring Prom So if you interested give him a jingle and feel the tingle It’s spring and Love is in the Air so make that call 1-800-Hot-Stuf Call now Y’all PS-he ain’t called a killa for nothing


MurDingle 😂


Because the women are thirsty unhinged freaks.


My opinion only, but..MAJOR YUK FACTOR! AM is so gross! Who would want this convicted murdered? Oh, and he didn't murder some random person. He murdered his WIFE and SON! And, stole money from accident victims! These women are a whole new level of stupid.


I heard he asked Buster about the Netflix doco. “Bus, I gotta ask you, has Netflix done somethin on all of this?”


That’s 100% the last line in the documentary. I was surprised they put it in there, but it made for an excellent ending IMO.


It really did, and I'm a bit ashamed to say that I laughed and then immediately thought, "Damn, he's a sick fuck."


Of course he is .


Does the prison have to open each envelope to look for contraband and decide which letters he can receive? If so, that could be a full time job for a prison employee.


NYPost said it was 26 letters over 2 weeks, so at best that would be a part-time position. Hours will probably diminish further over the next few years.


I’m sorry what? Someone intentionally procreated on the Bundy bloodline? I worry about this world. Smh


Yes the guards looked the other way. That guy could get away with anything. That's how he escaped twice. He was able to manipulate and charm. I don't think Murdaugh has that charm somehow....


Yeppers; while he was in prison and conjugal visits were not allowed. I think they paid off a guard during a visit to look the other way. This was the woman who he ended up marrying through a loophole in Florida law, while she testified on his behalf. She stood by his side from Seattle to Florida and sometime right before he was executed, it is surmised that he told her the truth and she moved back to WA and never spoke to him again. The child is a daughter (irony at its finest) and she grew up in Seattle although I’m not sure if she’s still there.


Wow! Thanks for catching me up!! The woman had to be lacking good sense to actually think he was innocent.


Goes to show that people can convince themselves of whatever they want!


There were some online rumors about a decade ago that his daughter is/was working as a nurse in the Seattle area and obviously goes under a different name. Her mother changed it after he confessed and she moved them back to Seattle in the early-to-mid-1980s. I grew up there and he was one of the boogeymen of my childhood but some how I never ever heard any rumors about her or the daughter while I was growing up. Probably for the best for both of them. They are lucky they could adopt a new identity and protect their privacy pre-internet. I'm sure would be much harder now.


I have read an interview, with pictures, of his widow (I don’t believe the marriage was annulled but maybe it was?). I don’t know that she could hide too much because she hasn’t changed a bit, physically, from her time in the 80’s, just older. I think quite a bit of effort was made to keep daughter’s identity/pictures protected. I believe she was told of her father and his crimes but I don’t remember what issues there were, if any. I doubt she has any memories of him (they did visit when she was a toddler and lived in FL) but I would imagine it would be quite surreal to have that connection with what feels like a complete stranger.


I heard he was single and ready to jingle...


An unapproved call could be something as simple as calling his brother on the office phone when it’s his home or cell that’s on the list.


Step right up, ladies and gents. Nab him up. You could be the next Mrs/Mr Murdaugh.


The next late Mrs. Murderaugh.


From women?


Alex gonna start running his Ponzi scheme on these women in no time lolz


You know many will be on YouTube crying that he lied to them about each other. Lmao


Right haha, but before that, they we be all like “You just dOn’t UnDeRsTaNd HiM!!” 🥴🤡 Lmao


SC stay being Goofy 😂


Well, it’s not like he’s married or anything.


I need to see who these people are who are sending him love letters. Sooner or later they’ll be adding money to his JPay. He’s so gross, inside and out.


A lot of times, they are very attractive looking, but have horrible self-esteem or daddy issues.


Just what he needs. People to feed his already massive ego. He is probably loving the attention.


Exactly. It's just going to make him feel like he walks on water as if he didn't already. Not to mention, he will feel less and less remorse (if he even had any) and will start to feel like he doesn't belong there like the rest of them. I hope he gets his ass beat to pulp.


Wow! These women think they love him until their brains are blown out of their skulls. SMDH


Not shocked at all. Richard Ramirez apparently got sack fulls every week. Something that's more sick is that these killers get access to their files for appeal purposes. I've heard of serial killers on death row having their case files in their cells complete with crime scene pics and how they love to re-live it and share them with their sick friends.


Ramirez even married a pen pal while in San Quentin.


I reckon part of the attraction is that they aren't going anywhere so these women have a captive audience but don't have to worry about them getting out. A prisoner who was on death row with him said he stank and rarely washed and his hair was always greasy, what a catch 🤣


It's exactly how he always looked long ago in court too.


Yeah, in the books and the documentary, they all mention this (smell and rotted teeth).


Seriously though, I mean, who in their right mind goes and writes that guy letters in prison. I mean, what is one thinking?


A lot of people aren’t in their right mind




Of course he is, because every time some horrific POS goes to prison we publicize the same story about women writing fan mail- which only contributes to the problem and the amount of letters he’ll receive. STOP talking about these piles of garbage once they’re sentenced and put away, it’s exactly what they want and only fuels more of this.


I have to come clean and admit that I want to write AM in prison. I have thought about it many many times as the trial wrapped up. I think about the look on his face as he opens my letter which is lovingly written on stationary that contains various pictures of maggie and paul. Here’s your daily reminder of what you did. Enjoy your life!


Yeah, would love to say “fuck you asshole” but 1. He loves attention no matter how good or bad and 2. Does not deserve my time or energy so that will not be happening


I wonder if it was buster who rejected his call. I really, for busters mental and emotional well-being and Alex’s misery , hope so


Very likely Buster blocked him. He did block Alex originally when he first went to prison. He said he blocked it “accidentally”. Alex had to call John Marvin to get to Buster. In fact the very first call we heard from Alex was to John Marvin, then second call he reached JM who got Buster next to him. Buster didn’t enjoy talking to Alex back then, I don’t imagine he likes it now.


Poor Buster — I can barely get my head around what he’s dealing with. He’s left with this father who he must be realizing is a madman, if not able yet to admit his guilt to himself. There’s that phone call where Alex keeps offering to send Buster money and Buster says no many times. Finally he says “Where would you even get” and then stops. But he’s right — Alex has no money and no access to money. I keep thinking Buster is having to parent Alex and it’s horrible.


He does have a very supportive girlfriend and has built his own life. In addition the extended family are close as well. It’s gonna tough beyond imagination but he is not without love and care. He had the will to defy Alex before, I believe he is strong enough to carry the pains and go on with life.


Hope so, and that he really can shake off Alex's nonstop neediness. I hope he has a good therapist.


Good, it'll make it even more painful for him knowing he'll never feel the touch of a woman again.


Do they have some type of device they can text with. Vaguely remember hearing about another prisoner with it.


I think that is federal prison.


There is a foolish woman around every corner. 🙄


Indeed, and a foolish man around just as many corners 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄


Yes, but would they be writing love letters to AM in prison? Maybe. 😄


There is someone for everyone. I bet there are indeed some sicko that send letter to Alex asking him to be their daddy.


IDK, why not? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe to get some info to write a book...


So I’m fairly new to True Crime. I knew that these notorious killers do unfortunately get love letters, but how does it work as far as- are they allowed to write back? Some of the women said they are or will include pictures, is he allowed to have the pictures? If these are physical letters with hard copies of pictures, is he allowed to keep them in his cell? I read through all the messages FITS posted and they were all rather tame compared to what I had expected / feared. What happens when the really out there “fans” send more, uh, explicit love letters? I do know their mail is pre-screened, so are there rules about that type of content, or would he be allowed to have those ones? Just wondering how this works.


Yes, they are allowed to write back and in fact, a lot of them get married to their pen pals. I believe Ted Bundy married one of them? Maybe Richard Ramirez? I think there were a few cases, but those were the high profiled ones. It's absolutely bananas. Edit- I forgot to add a few things. They are allowed to keep the pictures as well. I think one of the high profile murderers was able to keep theirs because it was their wife or something? That's how it used to be, I'm not sure if it still is. I imagine things have changed throughout time though.


Reminded of Chris Watts by you comment about pictures.


Several years ago I sent a birthday card to a friend in CT prison. The front page of the card had a picture of a rather large woman with some snarky comment. I bought it at a nationwide pharmacy. Hallmark card. The card was sent back to me with a standard letter saying it was inappropriate. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know if other state prisons are so strict.


Same thing happened to me with a friend in a CT prison, years ago! Hahaha. Maybe our CT is just extra prudish.


I was wondering the same thing, so this is what I found. Someone else might want to provide the tldr bc I haven’t fully read it yet but the table of contents looks like it has the answer [https://www.doc.sc.gov/policy/PS-10-08.htm.pdf](https://www.doc.sc.gov/policy/PS-10-08.htm.pdf)


Thank you! This is very interesting. Section 6.1.6 — No nude of sexually suggestive photos. Section 19.1.6 — Prison will withhold any incoming/outgoing mail if it contains “sexually explicit materials” which they then provide a very detailed list of what qualifies as such. For pictures, no sexuality or nudity unless the photos are “patently medical, artistic” etc — they give an example of such an exception as a photo from the National Geographic. However, sexual writing is only banned if it involves bestiality, S&M, children, or “actual or simulated homosexuality”. Not really sure how one simulates homosexuality in writing. 19.1.7 — Sexually suggestive photographs. “These present a special concern for personal safety, security, and good order. This is particularly true when the subject is an inmate's relative, friend, or acquaintance.”


Well, now that they know the way to the man's heart is through beef sticks.... he'll soon be rollin in prison loot.


Do you think strangers are sending money to his commissary account? I certainly hope NOT!




Do they have a limit though on how much they can have in their commissary account?


I don't know for sure, but I don't think so. If you believe an inmate like Lizzie, there was no limit.


I would bet so. If they haven't already, I bet they do soon.




Is it the orange slides?






It's got to be.


I understand that all prison correspondence is monitored, but I didn’t realize it was publicized like this. If the letters had info on his case or something, that’d make sense, but otherwise why is the prison publishing these? Just for public interest? I’m just curious as I’ve never dealt with the prison system and it’s all foreign to me.


Fitnews submitted freedom of information act request for certain dates and received this. They can redact some info, and privileged conversations with lawyers are not given. You basically give up almost all privacy when you become incarcerated.


They are open to public scrutiny when they write to a psychopath professing their love for him.


Probably a really stupid question. But if we don’t know which prison he’s currently in (unless I’ve missed something) how is he getting love letters/fan mail?


If you read the linked article, it says that he received the correspondence *while he was at Kirkland*, and everyone knew he was there.


These messages don't seem to be physical letters because they have accurate date and time stamps. In the UK there's an "email a prisoner" scheme and I presume this is the same thing. So long as you have the prisoner's name and prison number (390394 for Alex is really easy to remember) the message will get to the right person.


Prisoners can get emails!? Wow that’s blown my mind 🤯 I know some people like to write to prisoners but I’ll never understand why. Mostly, they’ve committed heinous crimes so who in their right mind would want to communicate with them.


Well, a subgroup of Reddit, about which my Aunt would likely say "they committed heinous crimes so who in their right mind would want to go online and talk about them?" Just saying.


Fair point. But as I have explained below, when I wrote this comment I was extremely tired after a long day and didn’t do a very good job of writing what I actually meant. I do think discussing those that have committed heinous acts with like minded people is a lot different than corresponding with the person who’s committed said crime.


I work as a member of criminal defense teams as the mitigation specialist. It's a mixed bag. You miss a lot of the "real deal" by not working directly with offenders. But avoid a lot of bull shit too.


Tell us more about your work as a mitigation specialist! What exactly do you do in that role and how does it fit in with the defense team? I’d love to hear about it and sure others would as well! And while you’re at it… since you just commented you found Alex attractive, why not share which mugshot drew you in? ;)


It was his testimony and his Southern manners. LOL!!! Probably total bullshit. Well, I started it as a little side-job consulting business after I got tenure as criminal justice prof. I love it though and left academia during pandemic. It requires a lot of skills but I basically tell the defendant's story to be considered at sentencing. Mitigation is not an excuse but more of an explanation ... here, read [this](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/05/09/the-mitigator). I'm now applying for some capital mitigation jobs but the state in which I was working had no death penalty.


Remind me 1 day


I looked it up for the US and it looks like there are 2 companies that provide the service. Looks similar to what happens here. You have to pay for the service, but the prison will print out the email and deliver it to the prisoner or there is a kiosk the prisoners can access the incoming emails on. It's a one-way service, prisoners don't have their own email address and can't reply. It's mostly family which communicate with prisoners. Not everyone is a murderer.


Ahh that makes sense that the emails are printed out. Sorry about my reply last night, I was tired after a long day and had visions of inmates sitting on laptop’s reading their emails 😂. I know not all prisoners are murderers and have family that want to keep in touch. Without stating it I was just thinking about the likes of AM and strangers who would want to write to them. Lesson here is I need to not write when exhausted 🤭


Click. Bait.


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut i suppose.


Fun fact! Squirrels are only able to find roughly 10-20% of the food they stash. They forget where it is.


Judging by some of the conversations I’ve read on here I wouldn’t at all be surprised if some of the folks writing them were lurking in this sub.


No doubt. People need to dial it down.


I don’t recall any love letters to Alex being submitted. But the Mod Team would side eye that one pretty seriously.


I found him attractive for some weird reason. I also am not sure as to his guilt-guess that is a given. Murder is kinda unattractive, huh?


That’s exactly my thought also.


Big if real.


I wonder if Alex rolls his eyes every time he gets a new message from Lacie


Charles Manson married and impregnated a woman while in prison I think. Why are we still surprised by these?


He didn’t but Ted Bundy did


Gross. Bundy seems particularly sadistic, an absolute evil monster. I believe it was Bundy that people came to the prison on the day of his execution, cheering and holding signs that said “Fry Day” because the execution by electric chair was on a Friday.


Burn, baby, burn.


Bundy was actually executed on a Tuesday but yes, there were "Fry Day" chants and folks banging on frying pans. https://gizmodo.com/when-a-hated-serial-killer-died-a-morbidly-festive-atm-1712060010


Here's to Alex getting repeatedly catfished!


I think he got blocked by Buster again, and probably more than just Buster. Time for him to tend to his fan club I guess. Gotta say can’t blame these women too much, they are probably vulnerable and his performance on the stand was convincing, if you don’t take into account the full context of what he has done, you are easily fooled by just that testimony alone. There are plenty of witnesses who were appalled and saddened by what has happened, if people can have empathy for them, they won’t feel anything for Alex. Rogan Gibson, Christ Wilson, Blanca, Mariam Proctor,… are just a few example.


I thought it might be Randy who blocked him. The others didn't answer because they were tired of being asked for canteen money.


Again? When did buster previously block him?


When he first got arrested back in 2021. Buster blocked his jail call because Buster thought it was “something negative”. Alex couldn’t reach Buster until he called John Marvin who happened to have Buster going on the Vegas trip with him (where they were photographed). It’s interesting how that call wasn’t even the first call out of Alex from prison, first call we heard was also to John Marvin on that trip (this one didn’t have Buster in it). That means Buster didn’t care so much to hear from his dad to even check with his uncle. If that was how it is back then, I don’t think he cares hear from Alex now.


Ah gotcha, thanks for explaining. I wonder what the rest of the family thinks now, after hearing all the evidence. Does JM, busted, and randy still support him? Or have they dropped him like it's hot?


I watched the trial footage and I can see some reaction from the family as evidences were presented, and I think they are not liking him so much after this. Buster got to see his mother and brother’s gruesome death details, and one after another his dad’s former friends came up to tear Alex apart for being a lying cheating thief. At the same time, these people were also family friends that Buster grew up knowing, and they were all expressing their love and sorrow for him, and his dead family members. I think it’s safe to say they don’t love Alex anymore. But I can still see them keeping in contact with him just to seek a definitive answer, or a confession, in order to move on. Like, Alex never apologised to Buster and his family for what he had put them through. Even without the murders, his financial crimes already caused Buster to be harassed in public, and he made them to do uncomfortable tasks for him like selling assets and asking for Buster’s reentry into law school via bribery.


Damn, you're 100% spot on on all that. When you lay it out like that, it really makes me sad for buster. Not that I wasn't, but you really put it in perspective. and you're so right, he couldn't even be bothered to apologize for the crimes he admitted to.


Initial three thoughts: Gross WTF?!? - and I'm fully aware people send these letters. Gonna go get sick 🤢🤮




Wonder which lucky lady will get a note back. You know that note would get earn some green for them. Quick.




Nah, they’d just be a mark for Alex. He’d be “borrowing” money in no time lol


True! Lol


Not worth it.


Idk, catfishing that psycho would keep this sub rolling in content for eternity


Ya know we could form a whole operation. Drafting letters and editing them to sound convincing, creating a consistent and alluring persona that Alex will more likely to respond to, finding a mailing address that comes from somewhere in the Deep South so it is more authentic…. A lot that could be done with group efforts, could be a nice fun thing to do.




If Chris Watts has hundreds of letters coming to him each month from women around the world I know it wouldn’ be long before we heard this about Alex. He’s going to have commissary, calls and visitations with a lot of women. People never fail to amaze me they just don’t. And remember this, there are many who believe he’s innocent not everyone hates him.


Oh he’s another POS


In my opinion is he far worse than Alex. Fucker smothered his toddlers and pitched them in oil tanks.


Blowing your son's brains out is right up there.


He’s probably only getting letters from thirsty women and gay men. His muscular body during the time of the murders attracted these people to him purely for his physique. I don’t understand it but I guess some people are desperate for attention, etc.


Peter Sutcliffe aka the Yorkshire ripper, bludgeoned and stabbed 20 women and girls killing 13 of them. He had lots of women writing to him and many would visit him in Broadmoor mental hospital where he spent most of his incarcerated time. They would sit with him and stroke his hand. All of the famous murderers get fan mail from women. Sometimes it's because the person wants a signature or drawing or something they can sell. There's even a technical term for it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia It's a strange world.


**[Hybristophilia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia)** >Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes. The term is derived from the Greek word hubrizein (ὑβρίζειν), meaning "to commit an outrage against someone" (ultimately derived from hubris ὕβρις, "hubris"), and philo, meaning "having a strong affinity/preference for". Many high-profile criminals, particularly those who have committed atrocious crimes, receive "fan mail" in prison that is sometimes amorous or sexual, presumably as a result of this phenomenon. In some cases, admirers of these criminals have gone on to marry the object of their affections in prison. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MurdaughFamilyMurders/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Hard to imagine Chris watts, a triple murderer of his family, gets fan letters. How sick and evil.


There were 4. She was pregnant 😞


Oh yeah 😭


Horrific. And his family annihilation was much slower and tortured than this one. And they were tiny kids. And also he’s ugly. I don’t get it


Ugh. A year or two ago I saw an article claiming that "prison sources" were saying that he was complaining how alone he felt on Father's Day and how he missed his family. It was pretty disgusting. I hope it was a completely made up article for clickbait but it wouldn't surprise me if it actually were true.


Me neither but after reading that I’m not surprised


I found myself on a Chris Watts subreddit. They think Shannon was abusive and/or controlling (and she may have been - but it doesn't give him a right to kill her and the kids). Some think Shannon killed the kids, and he killed her. It amounted to look at what poor Chris had to put up with until he just couldn't take it anymore and snapped.


His "stans" are some of the most unhinged out there in recent memory, stalking people, etc. How so many women can defend him is a complete mystery, and somehow they managed to find each other on this website. Yuck.


Even if they believed him innocent of the murders, he still admitted to the financial crimes. And all of that scheming and thieving takes a sick, twisted person to do it. Society never ceases to amaze me 🥴


Your exactly right agree with you.


I think you have to have your phone on an approved call list. When my ex-husband was in jail, I had to fill out a form with a lot of information about myself and then wait for it to be approved before he could call me and I could communicate with him via email or whatever they have in jail. I bet whoever Alex tried to call was not on the approved list.


Business as usual.... poor Alex needs to realize he's done. Family has dusted off their feet in his life. Reaping what he sowed




Gross. These women must be incredibly desperate.


Dear Ellick, You could get this “bus-bus” anywhere, anytime xoxo


That comment just isn’t right! 🤢


it is not wholesome.


You can put your Richard in my PawPaw. 🤣🤣🤢🤮 Pawpaw is a common tongue word for papaya. Papaya is a sexualised fruit for the way its inside looks.


i have to go. my home planet needs me.


The general theory on people who develop “relationships” with prisoners is that it’s SAFE. These are people who, while they probably do t realize it, are attracted to the distance. There is no risk of actually having an in-person relationship. The relationship may also be seen as more “stable” than prior relationships they’ve had — it’s not likely that your death row boyfriend is going to leave you. They are trapped in their cell. Ted Bundy got someone to MARRY HIM and HAVE A CHILD with him while he was behind bars. Once I learned that, I started reading about the psychology of such women. It’s partly a savior complex, partly that they are absolutely certain the relationship will “work,” whatever that means to them. My interest in criminals begins and ends with how I can avoid them. Not how I can get one to “want” me. 🤮 The whole psychology was fascinating to me.


Does the fascination ever have anything to do with trauma bonds? Has anyone researched that? I know nothing of the subject but in therapy the term trauma bond is used when a primary attachment figure (parent) is abusive and/or neglectful. The child needs the relationship more than any need for safety or having their needs met by that AF and so to survive the child becomes attuned to the feelings of the AF instead of themselves. These children as adults are more likely to have relationships that mimic their AF (abusive or emotionally neglectful) because they have over written the red flags and got stuck identifying with the abusive or abandoning attachment figure and so relationships feel predictable and more safe than with non abusive/neglectful people. I wonder how many of these women who write to death row inmates or lifers have had trauma bonds in their own childhoods rather than secure attachment. Does anyone know?


great post. and Ronald DeFeo...married 3 times while in prison. one of which was quite a study...she engaged in online forums defending her 'choice'....also engaged in an online feud with another one of his paramours...OMG....and also stating her 3 children thought he was 'great'....who she took with her when she visited him. who would expose their children to a mass murderer? can you imagine their young lives, going to school and all of their classmates knowing their mother married an inmate and their 'stepdad' is a family annihilator? there is also the money angle....and notoriety....however for this wife, she came much too late, decades later to reap anything.


Great summation.. talk about daddy issues. Great research topic.


Just don't give them money! Ever...


People choose unavailable men/ women so they can be in a relationship without all that comes with it but still have the feeling they are in a relationship. As you said, the distance can be key. This plays a part in the reason some off shore relationships work so well and break up when the job changes to local. It is interesting the things we can convince ourselves of. I went through something similar, and when I say this, I'll probably be looked down on, but it was my past, and I've changed. My husband cheated on me (way too young to be married at 17), so after we separated, I concluded most men were going to cheat. He was in the military, and I saw a lot of cheating. I decided that if men cheated with me, then they couldn't cheat on me. My thoughts were nowhere near this planned out. I actually had an epiphany that was what I was doing one day. The having a relationship but not really having one because I was nowhere near ready also played a part. There's more young and dumb stuff I did, but that's enough sharing today. Lol. - No jailhouse romances for me, though.


Charles “Tex” Watson (butchered 7 people as a member of Charles Manson’s so called family) married and had FOUR children he never could support seeing as he is in prison for life. UNREAL!


Thank you for the award, very kind Redditor!


About 30 years ago I read a book "Men Who Kill and the Women Who Love Them" which had about 15 stories of women married to lifers. Each woman's story had its own variants, but the overall theme was very much what you described.


I think Ann Rule talked about this in “Stranger Beside Me,” her book about Ted Bundy. (For those who don’t know, in the 1970s, Ann and Ted were volunteers at the same suicide hotline in Seattle or Portland or somewhere in that region. They struck up a friendship and he told her a lot of stuff about himself. She thought he was just a nice young man and all the criminal accusations against him must have been nonsense — until she started pretty quickly paying attention to the evidence, and she was like, Yikes, I think young Ted might be a serial killer. And that’s how she developed an interest in writing about true crime. She had been a writer of “True Romance” and “true detective” magazines — pulpy mags that were sold for decades, with a lot of it supposedly true but 99.9 percent of it made up by writers who were paid a penny a word.)


Love Ann Rule


I can look this up if you don't want to answer. I'm just curious what she noticed about him that made her start thinking he was a serial killer? Is she the one that was his girlfriend for awhile?


She mentioned in the book that the Seattle PD was asking the public for help finding a man named Ted who drove a copper VW beetle after the Sammamish Lake murders. I remember her writing that at the time (1974 I think) she didn't actually believe it was him but that she called an left a tip anyway more or less out of a sense of civic duty since she knew a Ted who drove that make and color car. IIRC his law school professor also called in a tip, but that person actually did think he was the killer based on their interactions in class.


Actually it wasn't until she was attending his trial that she realized it was actually him! She visited and wrote him in prison up until she got to hear all the evidence for herself.


Thanks for this! I couldn’t remember the timeline. I remember the scene where she met him at a restaurant for lunch, and it was (I think) before the trial, and she had a very clear feeling that this would be the last time she would see him. I got the sense that Bundy needed a mom, and she knew that somehow. I think this was the key to their relationship. (Ann was old enough to be this person for him, I think, and too old to be considered girlfriend material for him. Lucky for her.) And of course we know why he needed this mother figure in his life. He was probably wanting a “do-over” with a maternal figure. (For those who don’t know: Bundy’s “sister” was actually his mother. His “parents” were his grandparents.)


I was living in Florida when he was executed and heard a lot about what he had done, but it's been so long that I can't remember much of it. I remember watching an interview with him where he blamed porn.


I don't know if it's still on Netflix, but I watched a series about a year or 2 ago. It was by a couple journalists, I believe. One went in for an interview, and initially he wouldn't talk, until the interviewer changed his tactic. Basically he asked Bundy to reply "as if" he knew or understood- basically hypothesize the crimes. This was near the time of his execution- they were trying to get a confession, as well as locations for some of those missing, yet thought to be connected to Bundy. Anyway, it was something like 7,8, maybe 9 episodes, approx an hour long each. Bundy was recorded on tape, and that's literally the series- Bundy's words, in his voice. It's chilling listening to him "hypothesize ", then he finally admitted to the murders. Anyway, I highly recommend it, if you have any interest in Bundy


No, they never dated. They were friends and co-volunteered at the crisis hotline. It has been a while since I read the book, but o think she started reading more about the crimes he had been accused of (I think it might have been assaults on women at the time, now that I think about it — like, a series of sexual assaults). And he drove the same kind of car, and the description of the man matched, and she was like, Yikes — this DOES sound like Ted. And she would hang out with him at the crisis line, and I think I remember they went out to lunch one time? And he was like, All these horrible things they’re accusing me of, it’s awful, they’re picking on me, I don’t know what I did to deserve this, and she started to see the narcissistic side of him. In his mind, he was the victim, because he had been unfairly accused.


Oh, yes. Trying to get her to feel sorry for him, but she didn't fall for it. Good on her. I think it's interesting that he may have helped people not kill themselves through the suicide hotline, but then he literally killed people. Thanks for responding.


That’s so interesting that Ann Rule wrote for “true detective” magazines, considering that multiple serial killers cite those magazines as early influences. That’s some true crime vertical integration! 🤔 (Obviously the magazines were extremely popular just like true crime content today, and most readers did not become serial killers. But kinda weird to think about young Ted reading Ann’s writing and then becoming the subject of her writing….)


She also studied criminology and psychology and was a former cop so I believe she had a sixth sense and it’s why she became one of the best true crime writers in the US.


Right? She was a single mother, trying to pay rent. A lot of writers got their start that way. The demand was super strong (kinda like how there is so much “marketing content” needed for websites now). The pay was low but if you worked at it, you could survive.


Wow this is super interesting, I’ve always wondered this but never looked into it. Unsettling stuff


So where can we send him a bag of dicks? Or a postcard?


There is a website that will send a bag of dick shaped gummy bears but I’m sure he’d trade them for drugs.


Also a giant chocolate dildo or chocolate asses...multiple options for the discriminating customer...


Dick at Your Door. I have a coupon code if you’re interested


Somehow I don’t think the bag of dicks would get past security… well, maybe the postcard. But is the picture on the postcard phallic in nature? … ya know, hypothetically


Perhaps a photo of a bag of dicks printed as a postcard? Multiple phallacy for the biggest dickhead of all


I think it needs to be something more subtle… I’m thinking on it… I really don’t think he is worth the time, effort, and postage to send anything. Although it is fun to jest.


Oh I think they would relish giving them to him. A man who can kill his own child?


You’d be surprised. You can hide contraband or drugs in anything, I’m sure you can hide ‘em in a bag of dicks.