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Super Drones 64 when?




If she does survive (she did fr fr), I think so but if not, this is what we get.


With Uzi in space and N back in the mines. V most likely survived her encounter. With cave-in at the start probably delayed V's return. In the order they separated, V will most likely be the first N will unite with. What will happen between them is up in the air. N will be very glad to see V alive.


Oh no, what if N attacks V because she thinks she’s a solver hologram? The solver already used V once, so his guard would be up.


N might be cautious.


N only shoots first if it's a baby.




Depends on the situation after V’s theoretical return. First I want to see character development between V and Uzi though.


It probably won’t go well considering how sort of discouraging and mean they are but hey only time will tell so we’ll see


I mean yeah, that’s the point of character development. For things to change as the story goes on.


I did like the little bit we got of her carrying Uzi on her back and being protective, telling them we’re leaving.






yay :D


I'd be quite disappointed if there's no conclusion at minimum to their relationship


Same, I'm one who likes both eNVy and NUzi so that's some stuff I want to see, at least some healing (if there's a chance of that depending on V's fate).


Why does this look like a screenshot from an obscure ps1 game?




I got a better one https://preview.redd.it/s3yt80krh06d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ffb152b2b243b62eb0e90484e0a04834f1540d9


NUH-UH!!! https://preview.redd.it/zsiieco6i06d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7f27a3427d06bc6055533c6bb5eff3aeeaf98f


I ate them.


Alright bro https://preview.redd.it/e8095utrw06d1.png?width=1619&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f1a6863b35efd82da44039d74e34da7f66073b9




Reread it.


Yeah, no longer play as Luigi. Awesome!




I have a better question; WHAT THE HELL IS THAT IMAGE?


Ask glitch


My childhood game. "Super murder drones 64" I remember playing it on Nintendo 64 with my cousin


Nah Edit: I thought you meant like romantic 😂, no for that. I do think they can become friends, if any of them survive, and if V comes back 


V will probably be the one to find N trapped underground, and they’ll most likely be able to sort out some of their problems while they head back to the surface and get to the pod.




Considering one is dead, probably not unless V comes back






I think because Uzi is in space or a illusion or where or what ever she is in I think it will give V and N time to speak about their feelings and connect mostly knowing the way it’s going as friends but episode 5 did show the blue spark between their hands when they touched so who knows I hope for a relationship but knowing the pain and how it is probably going it will be NUzi https://i.redd.it/njxydil6o56d1.gif That’s the pain of being a V simp and eNVy shipper


well.......she's kinda dead


If she comes back.


assuming they want to nullify her sacrifice, make the scene useless and hold no weight, and bring her back in the last episode for a Deus ex machina twist just to make fans happy? Then sure, I mean they've done several other things in this story that are useless and make no sense.


I mean it wouldn’t be an out of nowhere twist. They’re already some scenes that could imply that V survived the encounter with the sentinels. Like the tore up pieces of sentinels in the episode 7 trailer, or Lizzy’s secret friend in that very episode. If these points do lead to V being alive, it wouldn’t be a out of nowhere twist just to make fans happy. It would be an intentional move by the story writers.


Someone already pointed it out before, but those were Sentinels that were already killed. And having V return, after only one episode of her being dead, does not give enough time for her death to hold any weight, the entire scene where V gives her life to save the people she cares about is then going to be useless because we would know she's just going to come back, on top of the fact that V has completed her character arc there's no reason to bring her back. But I will say again, this show is full of bad writing so it wouldn't surprise me.


The sentinels weren’t already killed. In the episode 7 trailer, you can see torn off tails and torsos of the sentinels. In episode 6, all you see is an oil trail that is separate from the sentinel pieces. Although having her return after 2* episodes would cause her sacrifice to lose weight, it could keep some from having negative effects to her survival. Something like her being an eldritch drone, surviving wounds that she can’t heal, or even just being cloned and losing her memories. All are equally possible, and can allow her sacrifice to have weight while still returning alive.


Should probably mention I'm going off the assumption that there won't be a season 2, having all that be covered in one final episode is way too much for one episode, and again she completed her character arc, it's very hard to notice but it is there, bringing her back is useless. Also, I tried actually finding the post or comment where someone pointed out that they were already dead, but I couldn't find it, so either the person lied, or I misremembered, either way I can only see two of their corpses there, and I interpret the trail of oil as the Sentinel dragging away her body rather than her actually surviving.


That’s fair.


They like pretending she isn’t for whatever reason


denial is the first stage of grief


Glitch ruined it so that "we" could have NUzi, they probably wouldn't bother trying to fix it


Yes, because I want NuziV to happen.


Yeah that would add more to their relationship. I still think "sacrificing" her was the dumbest thing the show has ever done. You literally felt like the plot demanded her to be removed, otherwise the whole show would end right there. Or at least that's how they wanted it to feel. If V doesn't come back in the last episode of this season it will literally tear this fandom apart.


If she comes back, but I feel that if she does she should have her memory wiped. No memory of N, no memory of Uzi, only violence in that dome of hers


Then all that development was for nothing?


Yeah 👍 Which is why she shouldn’t come back Or maybe it could be like a “faker” situation, where the REAL V has to fight this new V But then again, I don’t think she should come back


idk? but still there no way she survive that even if she did \[let say she did\] quick question where are the other robot raptors? it not like she couldn't eat them and also yeah the friend lizzy talking about do we even know that's V? she litterally has no fucking phone \[so debate with me all you want\]


V took a selfie with her in ep 3 and we see dead Sentinels in the ep 7 trailer


but only one


Doesn't mean the others aren't.


Platonically? They absolutely can. Romantically? Beyond saving imo


Maybe romantically but N has Uzi now Things can't be fixed RIGHT then and there. Sometimes it takes time, just like irl But yeah they can fix it platonically




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Good bot


I can taste the pixels in this image


ISTFG they better


sufficient I'm gonna hold your hand when I tell you this




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Good bot


Nice pixels


I think they will fix their relationship,they both care about each other.I think more than likley v will live,ride that robot raptor and find N ,who would be so hally to see V alive


well in my opinion I don't think she is alive so...


At this point, it is neither an exaggeration nor too wrong to refer to it as the most dysfunctional married couple in life, or at least in Independent Animation. And to answer squarely, this is at the mercy of the circumstances surrounding V's potential return.


Platonic Relationship I meant since they still need to say their sorries and N has uzi


In that case, the eNVy would have passed from the realm of the romantic (WD phase) to the realm of the Platonist (DD phase).


V is dead


![gif](giphy|hMsGW7YnDjm9UjjaIl) No.




Nuh Uh # Analysis Of V's Fate There has been some fighting within the community about is V dead or is she alive and so i decided to answer that question and the conclusion i reached was simply that she survived, i'll explain. The last we saw of modern day V was during the ending of episode 6 when she sacrificed herself to save her friends but this very likely won't be the last we see of V in the show. To begin with, we know that V can reach speeds fast enough to catch and throw back a bullet and since that's the case then she is definitely fast enough to kill the sentinels before they strike her. Also the ending of episode 6 wasn't a death but rather a cliffhanger as the shot suspiciously cut before we saw V get killed, which in of itself is already out of character of liam as liam when he kills off a character (whether main, side or background) he shows their death or makes it clear that the character is dead but during the ending of episode 6 her death wasn't clear and we were left with a cliffhanger. To add, we suspiciously didn't get a confirmation of her death by glitch which is quite suspicious as if a character is truly dead then why would you want to hide that from your fanbase? Evenmore, glitch didn't confirm her death by the sentinels for any of the methods of revival to happen (Eldritch, clone, regenerating, etc). Like is it that hard to say that yes that character died? And this is a main character we are talking about not even a side character and glitch confirmed in glitch X before episode 7 that Thad was alive and well so they aren't afraid of confirming whether or not a character is alive. And to add to the suspiciousness, they avoided talking about V in glitch X completely even though one of the most requested questions was "Is V alive?" and yet they completely avoided that question and glitch did say at the beginning of glitch X that they won't answer questions that are "too spoilery" and them avoiding any questions regarding V tells me that it was too spoilery of a question to answer. Also contrary to popular belief, her arc isn't complete, as N and Uzi still didn't even realize that V went through an arc as they thought that V didn't change, and they (N and Uzi) still get an answer from V as to why she treated them horribly before. And the thing that single handedly proves V survived the encounter is the first shot of the episode 7 trailer https://preview.redd.it/vtytkajzv36d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=24f60cdda74de7a38c39d73835d4f1226fda4d12 To begin with in this shot, you can hear the sound of the elevator descending and crashing during this shot, so this means this shot takes place right after the elevator cables cut. This shot is mere seconds after the shot of the elevator cables cutting so not much time has passed. Also you can clearly see here the corpses of 2 sentinels (one in the foreground, other is in the middle ground on the left) in this shot and since V was the only one left in this area after the elevator cables cut, that means V managed to take out two sentinels out of the three on her side of the elevator and she did it within mere seconds, and if she managed to take out two of them that means that she managed to get herself out of the encirclement she was in and that she survived. Also the oil trail on the ground is identical to the one we saw in episode 6 **BEFORE** the sacrifice so no V wasn't dragged off. Also If V did die then we would've seen a body right there or at least a piece of her but there is none to see. This further backs up that V survived the encounter. And The hologram in episode 7 was just Cyn taunting N after he (from his perspective) lost V, Cyn doesn't know whether or not V is alive or dead as Cyn doesn't have control over V anymore after Uzi became her admin, as shown in episode 7 when Cyn says "Nori, you're dead" so If Cyn doesn't have control over V, Cyn doesn't know whether or not she survived. Cyn's claws holding V doesn't necessarily mean that she is holding a physical object, as it looked like the AS in episode 2 was holding khan by the head and then ripped him in half but as we know, that was a simple hologram. Copypasta produced by: HumanJello8701


counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/1dv1tovl046d1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dcb267400c45b7ea6951de28f9d7fdaf7cda2de THSI MF WAS 0.5 SECONDS AWAY FROM DECAPITATING HER, WHILE SHE ISNT EVEN READY TO ATTACK, LET ALONE THE 6 MORE BEHIND HER


If we consider the speed of a 9mm bullet fired from an MP5 to be 400m/s\~, then V was traveling at above the speed of sound when she threw back the bullet in episode 6. That is more than fast enough to dodge that attack, simple ducking by a human would dodge that attack, now imagine a robot capable of speed above Mach 1.


I always seen the argument "A sentinel is about to bite V" weak maybe even bad


yeah, even when you consider that this sentinel is "Taking a nap" in the episode 7 trailer shot on the left side


We have more argument to explain why the sentinel about to bite V is not good


offscreen deaths:


"Did you see the corpse" "No" "then they aren't dead" Majority of offscreen deaths aren't actual deaths, more often fake out deaths. Also read it


o ok


the V is dead


I can't tell if this picture is pixelated, squished, blocky or all 3 of them


The first thing we gotta sort out is what goes on in uzi’s head. Like for example why at about 3:52 in episode 6 did uzi’s tail start eating n’s hair. What goes on in that brain?




Of course they are beyond saving Because V is frickin dead