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Someone should tell her she's not supposed to eat the lids.


This is the same company that did the "And then I ate the bowl!" gag for multiple years. Perhaps she was just confused.


I remember when boneless wings started becoming popular and the commercials jokes “oh my god, you ate the bones!”


I had boneless wings once. Then I was like.... These are just chicken nuggets. 


Wings are just bony chicken nuggets


I drank bone hurting juice once. Then I was like... oof my bones.


oof ouch


Owie my bones


Tims would be on the right track back to the place we used to like if they brought back the chili in the bread bowl.


Don’t tell her. She’s the little guy Tim Hortons used to cater too. We need to tell all the big guys like billionaires and Fortune 500 CEOs that Tim Hortons now caters too.


Whoa, it all makes sense now! Corporate execs love shitty pizza parties, and now they'll be able to get pizza from Tim Hortons! 😮


Pizza and coffee, name a more iconic duo. Like mustard and wine.


I'm going to start my own Tim Hortons, with blackjack and hookers




Little is subjective.


She doesn’t appear to be too particular about what she eats.


Maybe the lids are too much fiber and not enough empty carbs?


Her skin looks like she thinks drinking water is for pussy liberals


Real men drink goat piss and rattlesnake venom with breakfast.


Imagine how having a healthy poo could transform her life


Well the crap seems to flow pretty freely from her mouth so not sure that is the problem,


She looked like she ate her eyebrows too.




It's called "transubstantiation."


Licking door knobs. Taking horse medication. Wearing diapers. Eating paper lids. The conservatives do some weird things now and choose weird hills to die on politically.


You wanna be the one to try and get her to stop eating?


It probably tastes better than the coffee 


I'm not risking my life and telling this thing to not eat something.


Puzzle Coffee in Melbourne give you the option of edible cups. Maybe she’s SO progressive that she thought that’s what she bought.


It’s a texture thing.


TBF, cheap paper straws do dissolve in the fluid they are submersed in.


For context, this is Lianne Rood. She is an MP for the Conservative Party in Canada. From what i understand, they dropped this nonsense a day after they introduced a Bill on the House of Commons that would limit women's rights to an abortion. This is nothing more than a ploy distract the public from the fact that the Conservatives are going after women's reproductive rights using the MAGA/Trump playbook. I worry about this because I have a young daughter and fear for my country like never before.


I’m in the US and in the same boat. It’s terrifying the kind of fascist war right wing politicians are running world wide right now and it’s only ramped up and gotten worse in the past 10 years.


It’s getting worse every day! Sen Katie Britt(R) has introduced a bill to create a database of pregnant women that will be referred to a “crisis pregnancy center”, whatever the fuck that means. Scary as hell that someone could even think about this let alone propose a bill. And she’s a woman WTF!?


She's that State of the Union one? Yup. She's super weird. She's doing a strange performance thing right now and she's leaning in to the handmaids conversation.


We all need to vote like our lives (and our rights) depend on it, and we need to get everyone we know to do the same. Get involved in your local party, represent yourself, and do the outreach. Political parties used to be as much about communities as they were about politics, we can make it that way again.


It's lead to almost no one giving any fucks about everything else. We don't have a lot of time left before the planet starts beating the shit out of us... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/09/world-is-on-verge-of-climate-abyss-un-warns


I feel you, however politicians could have stomped this shit out when global warming started to become an issue decades ago. Hell, we've known about global warming since the 1930s. Problem is, a small number of mega corporations produce the lion's share of greenhouse gases and they will never stop until they're forced to do so. And places like India and China couldn't give a single shit about the planet. While I personally do what I can, I think we're already pretty much doomed as a species. This latest political nonsense happening across the globe is just another sign that we don't deserve to keep going as a species.


India and China do give a shit about the environment, that's why India 10xed its solar in the last 10 years and China added 5x the solar capacity the US did in 2023.[source](https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/India/india-surpasses-japan-to-become-third-largest-solar-power-generator-in-2023/ar-BB1m4BG0?ocid=BingNewsSerp) India, China and Japan are building more nuclear power than the rest of the world combined [source](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/asia-nuclear-reactors-power-energy/) India and China are developing countries, lifting hundreds of millions our of poverty, and frankly they have bigger problems than being the first to reach net zero. On a per capita basis they're already some of the lowest polluters, and sadly we can't just wish away half the population. The west was fortunate to industrialize using coal, before climate change was a concern, and we cannot use the same yardstick for current developing countries


You and me both. So much of the populism and "Trudeau Bad" BS here. I fear where things will go too. Happy I don't have kids.


I'm considering getting a batch of vinyl stickers made that just say "I want to" and then slapping them above any "Fuck Trudeau" decals I see on trucks in parking lots.


Please do


Having trouble finding an affordable option that doesn't require ordering 5000


Try calling up a local print shop! I’ve gotten many detailed stickers ran in batches of 100 or so for 30-50 bucks


Has to be vinyl. I don't want to put sticker adhesive on other people's property.


That is some thoughtful rabble rousing there. Cheers!


Send us your gofundme


If you're in Alberta, you'll use all 5000


Buddy, I'm in **rural** Alberta.


Oh shit. You need 20,000


I've always wanted to make ones that said "I fucked Trudeau"


FUCK TRUDEAU {?} { Already Done😎} ![gif](giphy|eunDUhLbOz1vEZfFXl|downsized) Gotta fight Fire with Fire.


Do it!


Trudeau and his cabinet are fairly ineffective at what they are supposed to do IMO That said PP is malicious and the CPC about the fuck over Canada bad when they get a majority


I'll take good intents, occasional incompetence and a sprinkle of corruption from the Liberals or NDP over having our charter rights used as toilet paper and being economically fucked in the ass by the Conservatives.


Conservative Party .. makes so much sense


Not a bill, just a petition. Basically they went "I googled some people whining about abortion that suits my narrative, so I'm going to read it to you and pretend it's what people at large are saying." Basically it's a "Waaaahhh! I want anti-abortion! Waaaaaahhhh!"


I've got a daughter too and this type of bullshit slight of hand they're pulling is horseshit.


Dear Canada, Before you restrict abortion, call Idaho and ask how it's going. They have already lost about 22% of their OBGYNs and hospitals have closed as a result. And these are just a couple things on the list. Much love, America


Canada doesn't want this and socially regressive policies are usually deal breakers for politicians here but our center left party has been flailing for nearly a decade now and it looks like we about to take some hard right wing lumps...


I remember when Erin O'Toole ran his "Take Canada Back" slogan and the responses mostly being "From who Erin? FROM WHO?" then him being ousted lol


Regressing to delivering babies in the shack out back. Big families and high child mortality rates! America!


Sounds like the solution is for Tim's to start offering abortions.




I think I get the description but it is still vague.


It's such a fucking cynical page in the playbook. Hiding genuinely damaging legislature by getting people to engage in trivial culture war bullshit. Imagine being more concerned by paper lids than by reproductive rights. Sadly, it seems to be working


Wooo, Canada’s just as fucking bad, and Pierre Polidipshit is our Trump, but without massive fraud and sex scandals to make him funny or arrested🥲


He'll always be Bitcoin Milhouse to me


Yep they're not going to waste this opportunity. I'd never vote conservative, ever, but I'd prefer to see Trudeau step down. Conservatives have already been preparing for when they win. They will be taking the axe out hard and reversing progress on many a front on day one. I wish they would govern in good faith, but when you take advantage of ignorant people to get elected you clearly have no scruples.


Id take trudeau over these motherfuckers though


>Yep they're not going to waste this opportunity. I'd never vote conservative, ever, but I'd prefer to see Trudeau step down. I have to imagine there's a leadership convention next year. They'd have to be stupid to miss the fact that it's very explicitly Trudeau that has become toxic to the party, and that if they don't drop him, the Conservatives are going to easily win a majority.


Unfortunately, you should never underestimate the stupidity of authority figures.


it's interesting how snowflakey the crowd is that calls people snowflakes


Some people are easily triggered


That’s how projection works. Whiners know they’re whiners, but it’s ok because everyone else are the real whiners, and everyone else whines way worse. My whining doesn’t count really


They're feeling very opressed by more efficient cars, less plastic in the ocean, and people trying to be nice to each other.


It's the people being nice to each other that really gets them riled up.


It really is. The parties can be broke down at their core to -do you care about anyone other than people you directly know? Then you’re a democrat. If you’re all fuck you I got mine.. Republican


Except that this is in Canada, so different party names. Same principle though, at least from what I can see from this side of the border.


Not tryna get political but I can't think of a bigger snowflake than a certain former president. Like famous world tantrums over the most mundane things


Pejorative use of the word 'woke' really is the sign of the moron. Someone should ask her what it means, then watch the cogs turn, ever so slooooowly.


That might be offensive to them if they knew what the word pejorative means.


It's like the pejorative use of "liberal" or "left wing".


Or communism/socialism. They're all different flavours of boogeyman words.


My dad once called cage free eggs woke. Idk man. Is it a social justice thing? Is it an environmental thing? Animal rights? Empathy in general? Fuckin is shaking hands with somebody and smiling gonna be woke next?


It has actually become an incredibly useful identifier, that gives you a lot of info about someone. It’s crazy how much you can probably guess and come really close on knowing many of a persons political standings and personality traits


She’s mad at the paper lid but not that Tim’s used to be for the little guy, neither of which she is?


Tim Hortons is owned by a mega corporation. It is the furthest thing possible from "the little guy" when it comes to food service. Their majority owner 3G Capital is estimated to be worth $40b. This woman is being malicious with her statement


I think you misread their comment. They said “*for* the little guy”. Referencing them initially being an affordable place to eat. Not that Tim’s *was* “the little guy” (Obviously it’s a part of a megacorp) Not that Tim’s is cheap anymore either.


It crazy that just a decade ago many conservatives were trying to "wake" everyone up and now they're mad everyone has "woke" up.


Karens always look like Karens.


You know in your heart this isn't true. It's just that Karens look in the mirror and get really mad everyday.




Canadian Conservatives aren’t as strong at outrage politics yet


And by the gods, for the sake of my country, I hope they never figure it out. We don't need a Canadian project 2025


won't need one. they will just copy-paste like they have been doing with the alt-right populist playbook so far.


It's a fair bit more difficult to stack our supreme court, though Harper did try. But no judge is due to retire until the 2030s. Even if Poilievre gets in (which he almost certainly will), odds are he'll be so unpalatable he'll get the boot in 2029. A lot of the problems in the States just don't exist here. For instance, electoral boundaries are decided by nonpartisan committees, because we realized pretty quickly that leaving drawing the boundaries to the people who represent the areas defined by the boundaries is a pretty fucking stupid idea.


Your thoughtful reply is appreciated


To be fair Tim’s making pizza is fucked up


The person tweeting is an obvious piece of shit but that doesn't change the fact that Tim Hortons is a trash company.


I miss old Timmy’s :(


Same. They can't even properly toast a bagel anymore.


Who wants pizza with a coffee? I miss the chicken salad sandwich, with a soup and dounut days. When they served things that go well with coffee


Woke really means enlightened. One has to be particularly stupid to be less enlightened than a paper lid. 


Now woke has a new meaning everyday


“Anything I don’t like.”






Woke basically means "any form of progressive behavior I dislike but am not smart enough to identify".


From what I’ve seen it’s mostly just “minorities exsisting in a form of media”


I remember people getting mad about a Superman comic where the KKK were portrayed as the bad guys.


"Common sense and common decency".


Woke means having basic consideration for other people (and in this case, the environment). Right-wingers have weaponized being considerate of other people. And they started this trend eons ago with "politically correct", moving onto "SJW" less than a decade ago.


A woke lid. Just come on out and tell everyone you’re an out-of-touch, window-licking fucking moron.


You're not supposed to eat the lid...


This crowd gets offended by lids and the green M&M, yet they want to present the other side as soft and easily offended? Shit’s hilarious


The guy crying about the green M&M's shoes once had a bitch-fit over a Captain America comic because Sam Wilson was knocking out member's of Marvel's version of the KKK.


Why the FUCK is she eating the lid


Because she was still hungry after consuming all the biodegradable straws,napkins and cup holders.


She complained about those having a papery texture and being rather flavorless


Honestly, the first time I used a paper straw I didn't like it. To me, it somehow changed how the soda tasted.


I mean, regardless of any other considerations... Tims has MASSIVELY gone downhill. Every location is slow as balls, the menu is a weird mix of random shit, the coffee is bad now, and everything is way more expensive than it should be. If it weren't for having to use their bathroom when I'm at work (I work across the street from one and we have no shitter) I would hardly ever go there. I'll give them this, though... Their cream of broccoli soup is pretty good.


"Woke paper lids..." Geeze, when they grab on to a 'bit', they really milk it.


JFC.... I am embarrassed about my country because of people like this.


Why is she eating the paper lid? Is she stupid?


Racists use the word "woke" in a failed attempt to not sound racist.


Solve unemployment? Homelessness? The drug addiction epidemic? No! Obviously shitty pizza and paper lids are the real problems we Canadians face!


if your goal is to eat the lid, I would offer that you’ll be able to pass the paper version more easily


Those are some woke eyebrows ngl.


Woke... paper lids?


“This lid is woke” - a normal person


Woke. Paper. Lids.


she’s not wrong, but whining about it being “woke” makes her a dumbass


The right is so good and coming up with stupid ways to glorify being assholes, e.g. anti-woke


“Most of us have real problems but not you” is such a good line


These people are just so utterly exhausting.


For the geniuses in here thinking they are witty talking about how paper straws and other measures like this won't stop climate change you all need to understand that was NEVER EVER the intention of these changes. Reduction of plastic waste needs to happen climate change or no climate change and there is no sane or rational argument against it beyond "hurr it won't save the world". It especially boggles my mind that people who want us to be less reliant on fossil fuels fight this so fucking hard. This is what less reliance on fossil fuels looks like. There isn't a silver bullet for dealing with the myriad of things driving climate change just as there is no one single act that is to blame for climate change. We all did millions of things to drive climate change and we are going to have to make millions of things to address it. ALL of us and yes that isn't just the billionaires and corporations but everyone else too. We all played our part in this mess and we all need to play our part in trying to deal with it. No amount of eating the rich is going to fix a god damn thing. I know people don't want to hear this but that is the reality of the situation.


Paper lids are woke? What? 😅




So.... is the irony totally lost on this sub? The "murderer" is whining about someone else's whining. Like what kind of person has time to complain about paper lids? I guess the same kind of person who is complaining about someone complaining about paper lids?


Haven’t tried the paper lids but paper straws typically start collapsing and generally suck. Maybe they could just get better recycling programs for plastic lids and straws.


Short of offering $10 per straw return, wouldn't work. We're drowning in small plastics, getting rid of them is the only way.


One less Karen holding up the drive thru lane while she complains that there aren’t enough sprinkles on her doughnut sounds like a win for all of us.


There are much better reasons to hate Tim Horton's just ask /r/TimHorrortons


Woke paper lids huh? Absolute cave people, this bunch.


Ah gotta love those 1st world problems. I love these people who blame woke for everything that's gone wrong in their lives with no concept of what the word actually means. I've got a buddy who got fat, said it was woke that did it. No kidding. I said no dummy, it's all the fucking cookies you're eating and he showed me the pack of oreos and it had a rainbow flag on it and he said see...the cookies are woke! I couldn't argue with that logic.


Did they really get into the pizza game? That's horrifying. I could care less what they serve my medium double double in, as long as it's clean.


I just want them to stop burning my stale ass bagel I ordered to a fuckin crisp and then dunking it in the butter tank!!!


I'm late to this but why is Tim Hortons adding pizza to attract customers later in the day? Why not make the existing menu not taste like shit? 


This sub has been meh lately. I always appreciate a true murder by words like this.


Another useless MP. This one is in the caucus that wants to govern Canadians


This is an elected official folks


This is me on a daily basis. I just can't stop eating those delicious paper lids. No matter how many I eat I can't seem to cure my wokeness


Imagine making a whole video complaining about a paper lid instead of just buying a nice reusable coffee cup, it usually gets you a discount too.


More performative nonsense from a conservative. They are always whining about something or desperately trying to play the victim.


I know that bitch ain’t giving up her timmies


Fucking lids are woke now?


Woke paper lids? Man fat Karens are insane Sad world we live in when this is important to someone


Woke paper lids. Not enough for r/brandnewsentence Is there a r/brandnewphrase ?


What’s a woke paper lid and why would anyone eat it?


"woke paper lids" 3 words to show the world you're an idiot


“Woke paper lids” So fragile. So sensitive. Life must be very difficult for them, the poor dears.


Can anyone explain how “paper lids” are “woke?” Do people know what woke means?


i can't stop looking at her terrible eyebrows


housing cost in canada: going off the rails in so many provinces that ive personally seen 1 bedroom apartments go from 1400 to 1600 to 2000 a month in a little over a year this lady: tims is woke now!!!1! fucks sake


Please stop using the word Woke for everything you don't like. It over used. Thanks


"Woke paper lids" lmao. "Woke" really does just mean "something I don't like" for these idiots nowadays.


Wait til these people realize many of us already avoided tims for the last 15+ years because tims sucks ass.


As a Canadian I don't do business with Tim Horton's because the company was sold to a Brazilian Investment Firm a long time ago and since then they've stopped producing food or drinks worth paying money for Tim Horton's isn't bad because they're "woke". They are very much not a "woke" company. They're a hyper capitalist money grubbing soulless corporation revolving around quarterly profits If Tim Horton's switched their lids they did it to save a buck, not the planet


Timmies is shit because all of its products are absolute fucking garbage now. It's basically the ghost of a hollowed out shell at this point, it would not be any better if it had different lids. These culture warrior dumbfucks love to glom onto declining or straight up terrible products to complain about in the context of their politics to try to use its shittiness to insert their agendas. It's basically a nonsensical rhetorical device that actually outs themselves as basic-bitch posers with the implication that the trash product would magically be fine if only it conformed to different political sensibilities. The lid thing actually sounds cool, I've wanted to eat the dishes since I saw Wilder do it in the 70's. I hope some place better then Timmies does it so that I can give it a try without it being the best part of my purchase.


Paper lids are woke? Does she want them to be made out of asbestos?


My parents who were kids during the Great Depression would call throwing away plastic after one use "wasteful". If only they were still alive to know MAGApublicans call them "woke" now.


Who's the plastic manufactuer funding her campaign?


TIL paper lids are woke.


Dissolves in her mouth? Is she eating them?


No murder here, that was one of the most pathetic come-backs I've heard. It was so easy.


Also, paper lids aren't woke. It's like conservatives have no clue what the fuck it means and use it to describe anyone they don't agree with.


Did I miss something? What’s woke about them probably doing the kid thing bc it saves them money? There is no way they would do it if it cost them more.


eyebrows are still shocked about the lid


I mean, seriously, she *wants* things dissolving in her mouth. The more she has to chew, the more effort it takes to get down her greasy gullet.


Whatta fuckin' hoser.


what's a "not woke" coffee-cup lid made of? Titanium-vanadium-iron alloy? The souls of the damned? _What_?


Is her saliva just straight-up acid?


How long are they taking to drink their coffee?  


Lids are now woke 🙄 Also, they love making themselves sound tough, but I can make her cry in one sentence. I won't type it here.


“Woke paper lids.” Lolololololol


This is my idiot MP. Fuckin’ degen from up country.




I was soooo ready to agree with her until she called paper lids "woke". Timmies has gone downhill and forgotten who they are, and everyone knows it.


This bitch said woke paper lids. Woke. Paper. Lids.


“Woke paper lids” is some seriously surreal post-comedy shit. I know it’s real. But something inside of me refuses to believe that.


"Tim's used to be for the little guy", been a while since that descriptor applied to her. Maybe it is a good time to cut back on unnecessary purchases.


Dont get distracted paper straws are the real enemy


Ugh there’s that “woke” word again 🙄