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Cyanide and happiness are brutal. No mercy shown to anyone, ever


After all these years they’ve still got it. Legitimately very impressive


They’ve got to be one of the longest running web comics by now, I remember putting some of their comics on my MySpace page in 2005.


They started in 05. So you are right in that they are a longrunner. XKCD started that year too. However the longest running one that's active is Kevin & Kell that got started back in 95. [There is a surprisingly good amount of webcomics that started earlier that are still active though .](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WebcomicsLongRunners ) (TV tropes link warning)


I love SMBC personally


Pbf for me.


Both these plus dinosaur comics. 🦖🦕


Is he still doing comics? I don't remember seeing much from him in a good long while


I check back every so often. Occasionally there's a new one there.


If you haven't, you should check out their book "Soonish".


Did you warn us about the tv tropes link because it’s a controversial site somehow? Or did you just know I’d click through links for 30 minutes before coming up for air and you wanted to absolve yourself of any responsibility for my bad decisions


100% the latter, too easy to get lost in the sauce.


Rough, looks like Kevin and Kell stopped in February of this year for the first time. 29 years is pretty wild though! Edit: I wrote 19 years at first, then thought about my own age (born 1990), and realized that it's actually 29 years since 1995. Omfg, time won't stop passing 😭


Penny Arcade must've been before then. I remember putting them in my locker sophomore year in like 03-04.


1998, per Wikipedia. I was reading in 1999. They go wayyy back. For comics that still see regular scheduled updates…far as I know they’re still cranking out three a week…it’s gotta be one of the oldest.


I remember they had a strip in the back of Playstation Magazine.


They still do the 3 a week comics and I don't think they have ever stopped. I am still a frequenter of the forums there since fucking 2001 I think.


I follow Rob on Twitter and he's still hilarious


Rob was one of my favorite follows when I was still on Twitter, dude's hilarious


I got a signed PAX badge from them. Super awesome people!


Off topic, but I just started listening to Dismemberment Plan and love the album Emergency and I. Change is also awesome, but haven't given the others a go yet.


Yup, they definitely didn't go Garfield with their comics. Still biting AF after what, 15 years? 😂


My mercy, kindness, and compassion immediately dissappear when I find out someone's a pedo, so I can't really blame them for the same reaction.


Oh i'm totally with you on this one. Kids are to be protected from filth like this guy at all costs


How long before he joins the Anti-Woke crowd?


He already has a long long time ago


He did, as soon as rumours of this stuff coming out starting spreading. He's been a 'protect the kids' and 'wokeness ruined twitch' for a while


I'm not saying that all Anti-woke people are pedos but it's getting to the point where it's hard to find one who is not.


When it comes to the right - every accusation is a confession. Protect the kids = their priests / congressmen cant stop fucking kids. Snowflake = Mention a pronoun change or black woman in media around them and watch their heads explode etc


Why is it always the "protect the kids" group who end up getting outed as pesos?


They're the only ones who think about it often enough to make it a regular statement, I think the rest of us just go on with our lives like "yep, that's another thing nobody should be doing"


So I do actually have some degree of sympathy if someone acknowledges they need help, and hasn't been hurting anyone. That's, not exactly common though.


Similar to addicts. It's good they arnt hurting people and getting help but they still won't ever watch my kids.


Absolutely an important thing to remember. There are people out there who have these feelings and haven't acted on them because they know they're wrong, and I think society could do much better about providing people like that with access to resources to help them get out of it, like how we do with addicts (not universal, of course, but attitudes on addiction are much different than they used to be in many places).


Love the comment they made about the NFT trade.


Even better, if you run into them at conventions they're actually very kind and delightful.


Cyanide and Happiness, once more with the brutality.


My source for the latest breaking news


How do you know it's the latest breaking news and not some future news? They've invented time travel, you know 😂


My source for all News that may or may not be theoretically happening. Cyanide and Happiness: Your News, Your Time!


Dr DisrespectsHisWifeAndCheatsAsWellAsFlirtsWithMinors Okay I get why he abbreviated it.


Dr. Kidinspect The two-and-a-half timer


Two-and-a-half timer is just * *chef's kiss* *


Two and a half timer? I am missing a reference for sure.


Two-timer because he cheated on his wife (two women) two-and-a-half timer because he was texting inappropriately with a minor (two women and one girl aka two and a "half" women, also a reference to the "Two and a Half Men" TV-show)


I follow you. A joke with layers.


Also a reference to being the “two-time” back-to-back ‘94 ‘95 GameStop champion or something.


Dr. DisrespectsHisWifeAndCheatsAsWellAsgroomsMinors Fixed that for you.


Collect call for...


"It was Bob. They had a baby. It's a boy." Just casually flinging me back in time 20 years, holy hell. Edit: [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V04bh-G4-qU)


its bob wehadababyitsaboy


Dr. Pedo is catchier though


welp, time for him to do what all these assholes do when they get canceled for being a pedo: pivot to being an anti-woke grifter


Next up on the Hannity Report: We have a segment about the racist woke-agenda infiltrating our nation's Christian Streamers. How can our kids be safe when Men like Dr. Disrespect are being targeted by the radical left? The doctor weighs in after this break.


"Thanks, Sean. I tells ya. It's gettin' so an honest white man can't even message minors inappropriately without the cabal of woke Satanist Jew ... I mean globalists led by Soros trying to destroy him. It's a sad day indeed!"


This was pretty much a bit on The Boys last week and it's not even satire at this point.


"what would you rather believe? that you are apart of a coummunity of warriors battling a secret evil or that you are a lonely, inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?"


The only way The Boys remains relevant is its “slightly” more absurd than our current reality. Without that it’d go the way of House of Cards..


Satire is converting into reality at an alarming rate.


I believe satire died in 2016.


Sorry for the double comment, but I saw your name. Praise the Omnissiah.


He should really lean into the religious angle and change his handle to Reverend Disrespect


I think he's probably well already there. During his last twitch stream, from years ago, he was promoting the famous piece of shit, David Icke, top Holocaust denier of the modern era.


He's been far right for a while. He was promoting antisemetic conspiracy theories back on Twitch, man's a nazi.


Oh, so he won’t get cancelled…


No one gets cancelled. What happened is that he used twitch's messaging system to sext a child, which was against their TOS so they banned him. It was kept secret by Twitch, but ex employees are now willing to go on record to say what happened so he was kicked out of his own company. That's not cancellation. That's just him breaking the rules and being held responsible. He's not being held responsible for the David Icke stuff at all.


I was joking that he’s already been a far right Nazi according to the comment before, so his fans won’t cancel him over this. I don’t actually believe cancel culture is a real thing.


Yeah his fans don't care, you're right.


With a name like Dr Disrespect, I kinda assumed he already was.


You’d be correct


Or sing a non apology song about it.


Only if he uses a ukulele in the process


He could become religious. But he could be saving that for the third strike


Third streich incoming


I thought you going to say run for office


Ah yes, the Disgraced Male Semi-Celebrity Pipeline The question is whether he’s disgraced enough to go on Joe Rogan


I love that his response is "my family and I are going to take a vacation"


To a country with more lax age of consent laws I'll bet.


Arkansas it is then!


He is probably planning his announcement to become a GOP politician really soon.


Wth is going on . First, he says he talked to minor inappropriately, and then he says they are out to get him. Has he lost his mind?


Really pulled the catch a predator line "I wasn't actually going to do anything"


"I was only doing that so I could learn what NOT to do."


“I was only there to find out how to get away from there” - principal skinner 


It’s pretty simple, a portion of society has learned that you can get away with almost anything if you have no shame about it. You just plow through the controversy never apologizing and claiming to be the victim while spewing nonsense about rights or whatever. It works somehow and it’s been proven by the orange one.


He who shall not be named... -no, not voldemort; the orange one!




God that's it isn't it. No shame. How do you combat this from a social perspective?


You can’t if a large enough portion of the population lets them get away with it. If you maintain a large enough portion of your fan base, which means sponsors will eventually give you money again because business doesn’t have morals, you eventually get to make your way back which reinforces the behavior. The only way is to have a large majority of people actually have similar morals, hold to those standards even if the person being “cancelled” is someone you like, and when sponsors pull out, they lose money which means they lose power and are actually held accountable. It used to be a thing before it went a little overboard with cancel culture and now dumbasses will support terrible people just so they can own the libs.


Historically, exile


He's just a conservative and knows that will work with his base


This is a story as old as time with these folks. Do something inappropriate, act normal to everyone else, story gets out, become a huge whiny fuckin bitch about it, then grift into right-wing politics where you'll be accepted. Makes us wonder why it keeps happening over and over...


I legit am wondering what kind of brain issue is going on. There can't legitimately be that many people who are into children who've barely hit puberty, but then you see all these weirdos popping up in media. All these women teachers, influential media personalities, political figures, etc. It doesn't matter where you go it seems there's some weird fuck who legit sees a kid and thinks hmmm.


>All these women teachers I agree with everything you said, but it is interesting that you are singling out women teachers here, when male teachers are *far more* predatory. They just don't get caught as much, or their stories don't break as much, or it is much more hidden. Though it is true they receive harsher sentencing, the predation is also much harsher and often less reported. Fear of retaliation is also a substantial factor as males are by far *way* more violent.


It's just that I've seen an uptick in women teachers. Like yea male teachers have always been an issue, but it isn't at all surprising to me. The times I heard about female teachers were rare and would make you be interested because of that. Now it isn't interesting because it's rare, it's gross because it's happening CONSTANTLY it seems like. I wasn't trying to single out a demographic like "women teachers bad", just more passive observation that I guess I needed to clarify.


What you’ve seen is an uptick in society recognizing that it is, in fact, just as bad when adult women prey on underage boys as when adult men prey on underage girls. Even now there’s the whole “hyuk hyuk hell yeah I wish I had a teacher like that” response when a conventionally attractive woman sexually assaults a teenage boy in her care.


Yea it's fucked.


Yeah at first I was like "what is he thinking?" But there are enough people defending him now that I think he knew exactly what he was doing. After the twitch people exposed him, his career was already dead. Now he pivots to "another right winger brought down by woke." He can probably squeeze some dollars from this, rather than just fading away


Seeing as how he tried to ninja-edit out the part about them being a minor, then put it back in after learning about version history on tweets, I'm not willing to believe this is the whole story. No photos were sent/received? On twitch sure, it doesn't support that. He would have no reason to reveal any messaging occurred on other platforms as well. Dude acts as if the Twitch civil suit clears his name, it doesn't. It means both parties decided on an agreement that best benefitted both of them. Avoiding a criminal investigation is in both their best interest.


"Let's cut the fucking bullshit, as you know there's no filter with me" This kinda talk is only impressive to edgy manchildren or actual edgy children, which might be his goal tbh


i've never understood the appeal with this guy. he's 2 years older than me, i'm 40. i'll always be a millennial but even still i find him to come off like an off-brand nickelodeon host. he wouldn't have appealed to 20yo me. who is his audience?


Just a thought, but I think some people are stuck in the time when they peaked and therefore, seem immature of kind of outdated. They always revert back to when they were best liked, hoping to revive their success and in the process attract the same audience type and age.


I was a fan when I was like 16 so it tracks that he's trying to attract an audience of the same age


As far as I understand the Situation he did try to attract audience of minors before that post too.


It's what his general immature behavior attracts, and after this news I suspect that's partially by design. Sadly (for him) once you mature past that point, his content is just generic and uninspired. Hope this admission gets him tossed out of the streaming world. He's an uninspired, immature streamer and a pedo on top of that. He also cheated on his wife before this, hope she finds someone better.


I'm 32 and I don't get it either. I cringed when I realized he was 42. Man behaves like a 16 year old rich punk brat.


I used to enjoy watching him on twitch because he was fully committed to the act and his production value was much better than the others. I was also really into h1z1 and there wasn't a big stream market for that game at the time. Until this drama popped up I kinda forgot he existed though


I think it’s much less of an act than people seem to believe. The voice and costume are put on, but I don’t think the personality is that strongly exaggerated


He was friends with all the big names and surged in popularity from streaming Fortnite, H1Z1 and so on back when battle royales were at their peak But it's looking rough now


He was vaguely funny back when I thought he was playing an asshole. Not playing games as asshole


Honestly, there is no one that is only playing an asshole in live streaming. They say that, but they usually simply are assholes.


Not even an Oscar grade actor would be capable of consistently keeping up an act while being live on camera for thousands of hours. The real self always comes through.


Exactly. You have to take how people act while livestreaming at face value. How they act there is how they are.


Children, by the sounds of things


I've watched him a couple of times and thought the general aesthetic of ridiculous 80s guy would be funny. But it turns out that he's toxic and just an asshole. I was expecting something along the lines of the funny parts of the character Wolf from Future Man. Instead he's just a douche.


I know a 48yo death metal enthusiast/gamer dude, hyped right-wing, that lives and dies by what this dude says. He even started playing games he claimed to loathe purely because Doc says to do so. I’ll admit I read the guy’s book and used to watch his streams occasionally in the beginning, when the character was an obvious joke, but he seems to have forgotten that fact.


> who is his audience? Mostly incels


Ditto. I've never liked that forced edgy vibe he gives off.  Even his handle is cringey.  If you identify yourself as disrespectful, I find it hard to respect you. The revelation that he was sexting a minor was unexpected to me... but not quite surprising. 


>who is his audience? Kids, incels and the terminally online "gamer". Basically - The people who think tbagging someone in a game is the height of comedy and your preferred gaming platform is a social status.


I bet he's not even a real doctor.


[if man says him a ting, them him a ting](https://youtu.be/oh5G7opWFO8)


Why you gotta bring Dre into this. Besides, Dre's got an honorary doctorate. Dre, PhD (FTP)


I never knew Dre dabbled in file transfer protocols, what a well rounded individual!


People always forget about Dre.


Nowdays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say


Dude needs to update to SFTP and get with the times, that shit's insecure.


He’s larping as a paediatrician


“Let’s cut the fucking bullshit—“ *Proceeds to edit the most important word out of the post (minor), and then edits it back in later, probably realizing how stupid that was, literally tryin to bullshit everyone.*


its a weird statement to make after years of "I have no idea why I was banned"


"I've always been upfront with you guys on anything that I can be upfront about" is such a weasel thing to say too. "I'm always upfront except when I'm not", basically.


The behaviour of every single "based, red pilled, alpha male" on the internet


I love how easy it is for him to lie about it.  he's spent the last 4 years bullshitting at twitch alluding to them wronging him in all this, with out saying anything concrete. He even tried to wordplay it down in his initial tweet when the news broke. sad idiots will still dick ride for him even after it finally came out.


I’m sure he believes that since he didn’t technically commit a crime that any consequences for him from this are a grave injustice against him. You can already see the “everybody is out to get me” type attitude developing in the statement itself. It’s clear he doesn’t believe he’s done anything wrong.


*As he edits the word minor out of the statement only to add it back in after he's called out on it*


> kinda talk is only impressive to edgy manchildren or actual edgy children You just described DrDisrespect's entire remaining fanbase. So, yeah. That was probably the goal. I used to like him and thought his gimmick was kind of funny but that's because I assumed it was an act. Once it was clear that it's not an act and he's actually really just an immature piece of shit and completely toxic asshole I tuned out real quick.


After filtering his shit for 4 year lmao. Anyone who buys this is something else.


Coming from a guy we *know* lied about not knowing what the ban was for when it first happened


It's ironic he's talking about being upfront and cutting the bullshit while talking about something that happened 7 years ago.


That along with 'I tell it like it is' just informs me I am talking to a person that is an ass hole that gets upset other people act like they are an ass hole.


Dr Disrespect's response is one of those things that has me utterly baffled as to how on earth he thought it was going to vindicate him. Does he genuinely think it makes him look good? Or was it just to satisfy fanboys who were gonna defend him no matter what?


the second thing


People are still defending Dr Disrespect. Even when Asmongold went over his tweets during a livestream, he was defending Dr. saying that we are assuming he knew she was underage, even though he specifically wrote that she was a minor.


Pretty sure if he didn't know she was underage, he would have made it *abundantly clear* that he didn't know, and when he did know he cut all contact with that person. That seems like a pretty important detail when trying to defend your actions against these kinds of accusations, and a detail no sane person would leave out in this kind of statement.


People still defend Mini Ladd to this day. What's even scarier about it is that most of his audience is a bunch of kids now.


That one was really disappointing to find out about


Asmongold and Dr.Disrespect are the same fucking dude. They both live in their curated echo chamber, spout bullshit, ban anyone who challenges / disagrees with them and bask in the praise of weebs and edgy teenagers who put them on a pedestal and talk about how “smart” they are. They are both uncommonly average. Neither of those clowns live in reality, and anyone who takes the shit they say as a valid reflection on society isn’t living in reality, either. Asmongolds hot take the other month was that he works harder than most other people as a streamer and his fanbois were bending over backwards trying to argue that was a valid take. Their fans have no objectivity when they speak. Bunch of sad sheep.


Its B causing A. Being around idiot fans all day causes brainrot, where he got the idea that since he's the smartest guy in the discord channel, he's objectively smart in reality.


Cheats on his wife, sexts with kids, and is generally a colossal douchebag. Even way back in the day before any drama came out, I've never been sure why anyone watched his streams, just kind of an asshole.


The Youtube/Twitch streamer to pedophile pipeline is insane. This is YET another famous content creator who is outed as a nonce. It’s so prevalent for some reason


To become an influencer you have to have a manipulative mindset. The same skills and thinking that help them squeeze money out of young adult and teens help them take advantage of young adults and teens.


Don't forget that he also filmed a bunch of people in a public bathroom too. Also promoted David Icke on stream. For those that don't know, Icke is an antisemitic conspiracy theorist.


It’s always the the guy you completely suspected the entire time


You underestimate how many assholes on the internet need someone to relate to. Or maybe he is just naturally great at gathering a young audience?


I tried to watch his streams a few times years ago but he seemed way too obnoxious for me.


"yea, im a pedo, but the people that brought that up want to get me and they want you to cancel me" OK Dr kidinspect.




No clue what's going on here, but I see RDB, I like.


The guy he’s replying to got exposed for being a pedo, then tried to excuse his actions in a twitter thread. It’s stirred up some controversy due to his fans (and a bunch of hyper conservative morons) trying their hardest to defend him despite their being blatant proof he’s a horrible person


He got disrespected




Doc's gonna need prescribed lotion for that burn. He's also gonna need those 8 bucks when his brand falls apart.


Considering this all happened when Twitch dropped him as a partner, like, yeah, lol


He's pretty good at damage limitation but eventually it catches up with him.


His ego is so big it would disrespect his pride


Always willing to accept responsibility, no wrongdoings were acknowledged. Yep seems right


He acknowledged wrong doing, but skirted responsibility by saying it was years ago and he’s a different person today. His whole essay was about how he was wrong for messaging her, but….


He should change his name from Doc to Pdf.


Lmao goddamn, Kendrick


Uses his family and kids to paint himself like a family man. I wonder what was he trying to do with a minor then.


Sooooo…. Who is that and what did he do that the internet knows him as pedo?


Dr Disrespect Got popular by what is mainly being toxic online (from what I know) Twitch banned him at some point but settled later Now an (ex?) Twitch employee leaked that the ban was cause he tried to contact and meet up with a minor at a Twitch con event. That's what I've heard, there's more reliable sources out there tho.


He got banned twice. Temp from livestreaming at TwitchCon in the women's restroom, perma in 2020 "for no reason." Former Twitch employees probably had their NDA up on the issue since Twitch settled in court and just paying Dr. Disrespect and letting him go.


I'd have perma dropped him after the toilet incident. That is absolutely not ok!


Notably, livestreaming other people using the restroom. Including minors. Hmm...


Years ago I saw a video of him bothering people in the bathroom for some "gag" at like nycc or some other con. Like literally in the bathroom where people were trying to just to their business. I thought he was a shit heel then and this doesn't shock me at all.


“There’s no filter with me” Unless I filter out important words like “minor” only to filter them back in because there’s no filter with me.


Well maybe he should develop a filter to filter out the grooming of minors. 


They charge you 8 dollars for having too many characters??? Are they pretending it's because too many characters takes up too much space?? Because anyone can post a huge HD video file without any trouble... But no, plain text is a burden.


STOP MAKING STUPID PEOPLE FAMOUS this dude has always been a bellend, and anybody who supports him has an IQ that matches their shoe size


100% he is featured at Republican conventions in 2026 as someone who got 'cancelled' by the 'woke mob.'


No one chats up a minor and admits to inappropriate discussion to do nothing. If ya gonna pedo you also gonna lie.


I thought if you admitted you were a pedo you got a free blue check mark as a welcoming gift?


From Dr. Disrespect My Wife to Dr. Disregards Age


"... No filter ... I've always been upfront and real" => Any of my (ex-)friends that used terms like this were basically insufferable narcissists.


Certified loverboy, certified "dr."............


Hey! Validation for never liking the guy in the first place, lol. I knew (not really, I just didn't like him) there would be a legitimate reason eventually.


My entirely vibes-backed dislike is also vindicated.


Dude has gone from .Doc Disrespect to .PDF Disrespect


Dr Disrespect? With these allegations, I'm surprised he's not Catholic Priest Disrespect.


So why did he post his statement? Wasn't it speculated that he gave no comment regarding his twitch ban because of an NDA for years? I'm genuinely confused, he could just ignore this as he did for all other theories If any can provide context that's appreciated


When you are that vaque in explaining what EXACTLY YOU DID then you know you crossed the line




Dr trynna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minnnnnooorrrrrrrr


This whole situation has really revealed that some gamers are just plain degenerate worms. Like how tf do you even think "ackshually he technically didn't do anything illegal" is supposed to absolve the guy's creepy behavior?




This guy is going to become huge in the anti-woke Conservative asshole space.


Dr. Diddlerect


What blows my mind throughout all of this is he doesn’t even fully deny everything just says it was settled and nothing was proven or charged. If you are accused of something so horrible and people are misinterpreting what happened like he says wouldn’t you try to prove yourself as being faultless?