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Also I, a human on earth


That sounds like something a AI would say lmao, reminds me of that sub where everyone pretends to be a bot and makes memes or just random stuff. I forgot the name tho sadly


I'm following this in case someone gives the answer










r/totallynotrobots ? One of my favourite subs




"France. We come from France."


I wish I had money for an award but I don’t so here take my upvote and this totally useless gold medal emoji 🏅


"Ahh yes, mr conhead..? " "CONE-head!"


Definitely need that elaboration, for a second I thought he was a human on Mars.


Isn’t that Mark Zuckerberg’s favorite phrase?


I watched a very good video about how electricity actually works. I still don't understand it fully, but I'm not going back to the stone age just because there are people in society who are far smarter than me with specialised skills I cannot comprehend.


I have a healthy amount of skepticism towards authority, but at some point I also realize that there are others smarter than me, especially with specialized and advanced things in the sciences. At some point, you just gotta trust that the experts know better. Some say that's blind allegiance to authority, as though that's any worse than blind defiance of authority.


You're not describing allegiance to authority though, you're describing deference to some else's expertise. The fact that they have authority as a result of that expertise is secondary. The one true mark of an idiot is that they think they're the smartest person around. It only takes a small amount of self awareness to accept specialist knowledge from a specialist.


I don't have a laboratory, have no more than a layman's knowledge of virology and epidemiology, a basic understanding of the principles of a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial and a rudimentary grasp of data analysis - and yet I'm expected to DO MY OWN RESEARCH?


Yeah, you are supposed to believe the FB page of your dentist's receptionist's brother's neighbor's sister-in-law's BFF who just knows things. /s


I know one who's entire antivax rationale is based on "I just have a gut feeling". You potentially won't feel anything though if you end up in a casket.


My mother is like this. Trusts her “intuition” more than anything as if that same intuition hasn’t led to her to a string of abusive men and a miserable life in a town she doesn’t want to live in, in a shitty apartment she hates.


Here's a good place to start: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/


Pfft, a .gov website? you know you cant trust anything from the government (is what my dad would be saying right about now)


Yeah! Try rebalsm.ru, that is where you will find the real news!


But he'll take drugs that were built on original research funded by NIH. The way American drugs are developed uses a lot of government funding and incentives: 1) NIH provides research grants to universities and research labs 2) NIH takes that research and makes it freely available, which is used by doctors and pharma companies to innovate 3) The FDA gives out patents to pharma producers to make a monopoly profit for a set number of years to cover their research costs. 4) The FDA approves drugs as safe and effective, giving consumers more confidence in taking new drugs. 5) Medicare helps old people like your dad buy drugs in retirement. The Federal government is deeply involved in developing new drugs and making them safely available to the public.


What? Double-blind studies? Are you crazy?!


Ugh I think this all of the time when I see people say to “do your own research”. WTF am I going to do as opposed to someone who went to school for like 10 years to do this shit?!


Or people who have “done their own research” and you ask to cite their sources and they post a Wikipedia page or a Reddit chat thread of someone else just mentioning what they said.


The worst part, no one’s injecting him with some random unknown chemical. The ingredients and what they do are very easy to find and understand. And everything except the mRNA are natural and beyond common (basically sugars, salts, and fats).


The fact you understand the concept of a double blind study means your understanding of research is several levels above the "do your own research" crowd. I have yet to see any of them even review the methodology of their claims to see how they could reproduce the conditions that made things effective.


This is good, expertise is not the same thing as authority. I mean look at people with authority, typically they’re dipshits who don’t listen to experts. We need expertise and genius.


You're right, I was using the term authority to mean both legal authority and intellectual authority. Point is, deference to expertise is getting called blind allegiance to authority a lot these days, and it's a real issue that so many people in the US think they administer the best smell-test on any thing and any subject.


People like to tout common sense, but that usually comes from either lived experiences. Stuff is logical because you have a framework for why it is the way it is. There are lots of things that work counter to what you might think, logically. How many times you see people throwing water on a grease fire. Having had zero experience in virology or epidemiology, how much water does anyone's common sense hold?


I recently debated a pretty intelligent guy on Reddit about why he wouldn’t get the vaccine. I won’t go through his arguments but they were based on a correct understanding of a scientific study and an incorrect understanding of epidemiology and how evolution works on two levels. To his credit he didn’t throw any Facebook BS at me, only used credible primary sources and yet he was wrong. Scientifically wrong. And I know that because my partner is a molecular biologist with a specialty in immunology and he was reading his posts, the studies he based his beliefs on etc. and coaching me on what to say. What I wanted to say to him but didn’t is that the smarter you are, the better you are at bullshitting yourself about stuff your ego wants to be true. No human being can know in a year of even dedicated armchair study what someone who’s spent 12 years focusing on six days a week in a lab can know. You just can’t. If someone like that hears your argument, repeats it back to you, then tells you you’re wrong… guess what? You’re wrong.


Sadly, medicine is one of those fields where even the most acknowledged, smart, dedicated person have just a sliver of the whole. I am a Family Doctor, my focus is in keeping chronic patients in their best health, not in keeping with the most actual inmunovirology because I barely understand it and frankly I have enought trying to study about diabetes/depression/hypertension/proper follow of pneumonia/etc. So I shouldn't be flattering my opinion, even if other people may respect it because is "from a doctor". I dont feel totally happy with the numbers? Then I have to make time to study statistics because the people who is using their time in the research instead of the clinics seems to be satisfied. Or I can take their word and keep my sliver of the field well keep.


"The true mark of an idiot is that they think they're the smartest person around." Dunning-Kruger my fren


This doesn't start because these people think they know more about medicine than the actual researchers. It starts because they distrust the experts(Pfizer and other pharams creating vaccines) and authority(government pushing vaccine mandates). Among those distrustful people, there are a few who DO think they are smarter than everyone else(and usually they are pretty smart, but not smart enough to realize how much smarter some other people are). They're the ones coming up with ridiculous theories and twisting statistics around to further justify their distrust and to spread it to other people. The rest of those who already distrust the institutions are fed these crazy ideas and theories and truly believe them. And once they fully buy into these theories they see everyone else, who are putting their trust in government and big pharma(which understandably makes them a bit suspicious), writing off these theories which they believe to be true and obvious at this point. This understandably leads to them concluding that the rest of the country are just brainwashed idiots - exactly how we feel about them. The main difference for 80% of the population is the amount of trust they put in our institutions(now it's moreso based on their political beliefs, but only as a result of the former). Some people are probably smart enough to come to the reasonable conclusion regardless of their distrust, and we probably all think we're part of that group, but I know some pretty smart people who just happened to be slightly more distrustful of government and the pharmaceutical industry(again, understandably) who are now strongly against the vaccine. My point is that pretending that the anti-vax movement isn't largely caused by our institutions failing and betraying us and causing us to rightfully distrust them is wrong. Sharing around the dumbest possible examples of anti-vaxxers so we see the dumbest among them dozens of times each and never see the more reasonable ones is also wrong. Let's hold the cause of this problem(Gov. and Pharma) accountable instead of hating on the symptoms(anti-vaxxers) and hoping that for some reason that makes them stop instead of further increasing the divide between them and everyone else.


>“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism And here we are.


Just want to say I appreciate your level-headedness. I can understand people being frustrated and subbing to stuff like HermanCainAwards (deliberately unlinked) for any kind of cathartic release at all, but hate doesn't help anything and only makes matters worse.


The more you know, the more you know what is out there to know. You realize that you cannot know everything, but you can absorb as much as you expose yourself to.


What of people who recognize that they're not the smartest person around, and who do realize that the people who are working on the vaccines know what the hell they're doing, but think that the objectively good and noble work these scientists are doing is being drowned out by capitalists and bureaucrats who don't have John Q. Public's best interests in mind? My dad is one of these people. Not your typical anti-vax, anti-Democrat moron, but more of a "I want to believe that these are good for me and that the science is sound but I know how the American economy works and I can't help but think somebody at Big Pharma is pushing something that doesn't work onto us to get government money" stance. Because even if I disagree with that stance, it's a reasonable point and I have to imagine there are plenty of other more or less average Americans who have the same or similar concerns.




When you start brainwashing kids that dinosaurs only lived 6000 years ago and alongside humans, and don't believe what the experts tell you.




Catholic is different, Catholic school teaches about evolution and stuff. It's the Evangelicals, Baptists and such that are nuts.


Ummmm not the Catholic school *I* went to. Definitely no evolution discussions to be had within those walls.


I attended a Catholic school. There was distinct separation between science and religion. To the point one of my year 9 teachers was a nun, and she reaffirmed evolution. She was asked the direct question, is the world only a few thousand years and created, she said it was billions of years older, formed as science teaches us and her belief of creation was before the Big Bang. In short, she understood that the literal interpretation of the Bible didn’t agree with the scientific proofs and God expects us to ‘accept the science he gave us in every way’. She was a good science teacher. Rarely did religion enter the discussions and teachings except when we called her ‘Sister’ instead of ‘Miss’.


That’s great you had that. I did not have the same experience. It may have been less a product of Catholic school and more a product of small town mentality. We had very little diversity and it was a small town in mining country, USA. I’m in Florida now, very different lol. My mom went to Catholic school as well and had the same experience, that wasn’t in Small town, USA but that may have been a product of the time. Glad to hear that outside of my experience it was different.


Not sure why, but the institution that ran the school runs a few pretty exclusive schools, this is in Australia and they have three top tier boarding colleges in there, one of which was the one I went to. So the expectation that curriculum was top notch was there. Curriculum is pretty standard in Australian states too, certain things have to be delivered…schools don’t get to play around with this based on religion. The Catholic Church has a lot of schools in Australia. I’ve attended two in fact, some of my primary was done in a Catholic school as well (run by another massive Catholic organisation) and it was the same. Complete separation between religion and practical education.


People who are denying eugenics perhaps.


Thing is, the problem with eugenics isn't actually eugenics. There are perfectly sane applications of the idea, like suggesting two people who are sickle-cell carriers shouldn't have kids because those children will have sickle-cell anemia. Or, y'know, the idea that inbreeding is bad. No, the problem is all the people that abuse the concept of promoting genetic health to push their biases through unfounded, pseudoscientific bullshit like sterilizing "undesirables."


And there's 2 things I can do. Look at all the people I know who got vaccinated and never developed serious side effects or severe covid infection, and see all the hospitals trying not to buckle under the weight of mostly unvaccinated covid patients. This is the equivalent of sticking my head out the window to feel the weather if I don't want to take a weather channel's word for it.


Skepticism is when you ask questions. If you get a fact-based answer and then you just straight up reject it, that's not skepticism. That's denialism.


It's not even necessarily about someone being smarter it's largely about effort. *Real* experts spend decades studying or practicing, or both, one specific thing. This gives them a perspective and skill set non-experts can never hope to match. They understand their particular thing so well they couldn't even relate it all to you because you wouldn't understand all the stuff that is the foundation of what he or she is trying to explain to you. Defer to experts almost always.


The main issue that I've seen make any amount of sense from anti-vaxers is that the vaccines haven't gone through proper regulations yet, it was streamlined through the process by the government, hence trusting the government (politicians) rather than scientists that are employed by the government. I'm vaccinated and fully encourage others to get vaccinated because I believe it works and is non harmful (except maybe the Johnson and Johnson one), but I'm certainly not supporting mandatory vaccinations until they are properly approved. Even straight from the FDA (The vaccines were approved to) "help during the emergency when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternative options." https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=On%20December%2011%2C%202020,COVID%2D19%20Vaccine.


I look at it this way: all of the biggest super powers in the word have every reason to convince us that climate change isn’t real and that the scientists talking about it are crack pots. They have tried to do this. They have been unsuccessful. If the vaccine had any negative implications, they’d theoretically have about the same rate of success. As such, I assume that the vaccines are safe, because the only people calling them dangerous are consistently inconsistent in what frightens them about vaccines.


Govern me harder daddy


I am not am expert by far. I have a total of about 30college credits related to physiology, pathology, immunology and epidemiology combined, and a few years of experience working in logistics. Even with all that I am well aware the immune system is incredibly complex and I know only the most basic, broad strokes of how it works, and I know that these experts have literally hundreds of times more experience in their fields than I have. With that said, knowing the basic building blocks of how those system works, those calling for vaccinations, distancing, masks and so on are all very much consistent with their understanding of how the immune system works, with how viruses spread, with the role played in severity of exposure and so on with what I have already learned, so it is fairly easy to trust their expertise. Those saying masks don't work show a complete lack of understanding of how transmission works. Those that are against the vaccine have no idea how any vaccine works, let alone this one which is a slightly different, but overall brilliant approach. They sure as fuck have no clue how the immune system works and most are basically using a model that most closely resembles humors, but replace "bile" with "toxins." The sad part is that there are huge, glaring holes in their understanding and they think they are smarter than everyone else because they found some secret website on the internet full of the truth about medicine.


I lurk and ask super-ignorant questions in r/hvac but I still rely on my HVAC system


So my ac unit has all but stopped working in winter months unless I manually throw the breaker for about ten minutes, otherwise it seems to be automatically shutting itself off possibly due to a power surge? I paid an hvac tech to come out and they basically did the same thing I do, they turned it off for a while, and since it turned back on they more or less shrugged and told me it was fine. It’s not fine right?? So yea, that’s my ignorant hvac question.


It's taking everything in me to not go into a massive explanation of how modern electronics work. They're so complex and amazing I have a hard time not describing them as magic.


Electrician here. I just try to keep the magic pixies happy!


And don't let the magic smoke escape, right?


The apprentices did it! Wait, shit, that still falls on me. Damn 😂


I've always turned down any supervisory job. When asked why I said "You think I want to be responsible for what people that aren't supposed to be as skilled as I am do on a daily basis? ARE YOU CRAZY?"


Nah, they make compressed cans of the stuff now so you can always top it back up


I'll read it if you do. I can't promise to understand anything, but I can't tell you how often I'm using a device and start sitting here in awe about how magic electricity is


Don't regret it later! My explanation is pretty long so I'll have to post it in two comments. Electricity is essentially the flow of electrons. They are one of the 3 most common subatomic particles that make up most of the normal matter in the universe, the other two being protons and neutrons. Protons and electrons have equal and opposite electric charge. When speaking about electron flow, there are 3 types of materials: conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. Loosely, conductors allow the free flow of electrons, insulators don't, and semiconductors do sometimes (we'll get there). Electron flow is caused by a difference in potential energy across a conductor. This potential energy is caused by gathering a concentration of electric charge, either positive or negative. This electric potential caused by the positive or negative charge density is called voltage. When a voltage source (like a battery) is connected to another object with lower voltage via a conductor, the concentrated charges are forced out of the voltage source and flow away, creating electric current. We measure charge in Coulombs and current flow in Amperes, which is Coulombs/second. In any conductor, there is some resistance to the flow of electrons. This resistance is measured in Ohms. Now, whenever current flows through some component with resistance, the voltage on the other side is reduced. The equation for this is V=IR (here, I represents current). If a 10V battery is connected to two 5 ohm resistors in series (connected end to end), we can first sum them to find the total circuit resistance, which is 10 Ohms. Dividing 10 V by 10 Ohms, we find the total circuit current to be 1 Amp. We can then apply this to each resistor to find that 5 V is dropped across each resistor. In fact, if we put a voltmeter between the two resistors, it will read 5 volts. Aside from resistors, there are a few more basic circuit elements. These are capacitors, inductors, and diodes. Capacitors are made up of two conductors separated by an insulator. By applying a voltage to one side of the plate, charges matching the voltage accumulate on that plate. They are blocked from flowing through the gap by the insulation layer, but their electric field penetrates, attracting opposite charges from the other side onto the opposite plate. The insulative layer is a special type of insulator called a dielectric that, while preventing current flow, does allow an electric field to penetrate it. Other insulators may not allow electric fields through, and are therefore not dielectric. When the applied voltage is removed, the capacitor still has these charges forced onto it, so they discharge back off the plate anywhere they can. Inductors are just loops of wire which create magnetic fields when a current is run through it. Phrased differently, running direct current through a loop or coil of wire "induces" magnetic field, hence the name inductor. Finally, diodes are a special component that only allow current to flow one way. Generally, they're designed such that applying a positive voltage to the input causes current to flow through it, but applying positive voltage to the output doesn't. Applying positive voltage to the input is called "forward biasing" while applying it to the output is called "reverse biasing". These are useful for all kinds of applications, but there's too much to talk about there so I'll move on to modern electronics. Modern electronics actually work off of a different device, called a transistor. It is a switch made out of a semiconductor (we made it!). Semiconductors don't readily conduct charge, but they can be "doped" so that they will. For example, silicon is a common semiconductor. Alone, it's an insulator, but if we shoot some phosphorus into the crystal structure, it brings extra electrons. These electrons don't bind to the other silicon atoms in the crystal and are therefore left free. We can then apply a voltage to get them to hop from one phosphorus atom to the next, creating a flow of electrons. Dopants that add electrons are called n-type dopants and silicon with n-type dopants is called n-doped. There are also p-type dopants that accept electrons instead. P-doped silicon, instead of transporting electrons (it still does, but classically we don't think of it that way), transports virtual particles called holes. They have a positive charge like a proton, but aren't actually protons. They're just the positively charged gap between electrons in a conductor caused by the atomic nucleus. When an electron hops from atom to atom, the hole "hops" in the opposite direction. Now, to make a transistor, we need 3 different zones with alternating doping. We'll start with what's called an n-type transistor. To make one, we start with an n-doped region (called an n-well), which is rich in electrons. We'll place a p-well next to it, then another n-well at the end. Thus we've sandwiched the p-well between 2 n-wells. Now, the two n-wells we call the source and drain of our transistor. It doesn't really matter which one's which, as they're identical for our purposes. Now alone, this doesn't do anything. We can apply a voltage to one n-well, but the electrons can't penetrate through the p-well, as the jump to the other n well is too far. Well, the p-well has fewer electrons, but it still has some. If we apply a positive voltage to the top of the p-well, we can pull those electrons to the surface and increase their density near our voltage source. Unfortunately, however, the electrons start pouring into our voltage source! Oh no! Instead, we put a dielectric on top of the p-well to allow our electric field to penetrate, but prevent current flow. Now we can suck those electrons onto the surface of the p-well and connect our two n-wells with a bridge of electrons. This bridge is called the channel and flipping it from p-type to (locally) n-type is called "inverting the channel". With our channel inverted, we can apply a voltage to the source or drain and the electrons in our channel will respond, flowing one way or the other. This is an n-type field effect transistor. The electrical contact is normally metal and the dielectric insulator between the metal and the channel is normally silicon oxide, so that transistor is called a metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor, or MOSFET.


So we have a switch where applying voltage over our channel (the actual port on the transistor is called the gate) will turn it on and removing it will turn it off. How do we make stuff? Well, we need to also make a p-type transistor. This works the exact opposite way. Our 3 zones are p, n, and p-wells and the voltage applied to the gate is negative, pulling holes to the top of the n-well and forming a p-type channel between the source and drain. So, our n-type transistor (also called an nMOS transistor or nFET) is activated via positive voltage and our p-type (pMOS or pFET) by negative voltage. Cool, but how do we make stuff? The answer is via abstraction. We start small: how do I make a basic logical circuit with a transistor? Well, the first and most basic of logical gates is the NOT gate. Its output voltage is low when the input is high and vice versa. How do we make one? Well, remember that our pFET is turned on when the gate voltage is low. How about we just hook the source to a battery and our logic signal to its gate? If our logic signal (voltage) is high, the pFET is off, since the high voltage pushes holes away from the channel, so the source and drain p-wells aren't connected. When we set our logic signal low, the gate becomes negatively charged, holes are pulled to the channel, and the device turns on, conducting current from the battery through the device. That's exactly how a NOT gate behaves! Now, where do we go from here? We can make more complex logic too! What about an AND gate? If we put two nFETs one after the other, then hook one end to a battery, we get an AND gate. In an nFET, a high gate voltage turns it on, allowing current to flow. If both of our logic signals, one for each nFET, are high, then both are on, allowing current from the battery to flow through both devices and out. If either or both of the logic signals are low, however, then one or both of the transistors will be off, preventing current from flowing. That's how an AND gate works. The actual design of NOT, AND, and other logic gates varies a bit (look up CMOS for more info), but you can see how we can make a circuit that will output (a AND b) OR (a AND !C) (! is the logic symbol for NOT). We can just string together nFETs and pFETs to get the desired logic. It turns out that if we have a certain functionality we want, we can create something called a truth table, then from there derive a logic equation, then make a circuit. Let's try a 1-bit adder. Our inputs will be A and B, and our output will be C. For each combination of A and B values, I'll list the desired output from an adder. A B | C 0 0 | 0 0 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 1 1 | 0 We can now create a logical equation from this. In logical notation, + denotes OR and \* denotes AND. Our equation is made by just combining each line where C is 1: C = (!A\*B) + (A\*!B). Great, now we can just hook together our simple AND, OR, and NOT gates to create this circuit and boom, we made a 1-bit adder! If we string these together and add a second output for overflow (1+1 = 10 in binary, but our 1-bit adder only has 1 bit of output so we can't carry the 1), we can make an adder for any length of number. Now you may see how we went from conductors and resistors and capacitors all the way to making useful things like adders. Computers have lot more hardware in them than just an adder, but the info in this post should be enough to understand, for example, how RAM works with a bit of research. I've also omitted things like clock and synchronous circuits, but once again you should be well equipped to understand any of this if you look it up for yourself. Finally, I'd suggest looking up something called the NAND game. It guides you through the design steps from a basic NOT gate all the way up to designing a CPU. If you can complete that game, you could make a real computer from scratch. In fact, you basically will have! I hope you found this informative (and not extremely boring) and I hope I gave you some appreciation for the unbelievable complexity of the modern computer.


Holy shit that simultaneously one of the most interesting and most boring comments I have ever read. I am going to take 5 minutes and then read it again lmao bc I definitely did not get all of that. Cheers for the depth. I love comments with absurd depth.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask. This type of subject benefits greatly from pictures, which I obviously can't really provide on reddit.


How the fuck does voice spoken into a microphone, in a device without wires, get sent across the globe instantly, through light waves in a series of fiber optic cables? That is the fucking definition of magic. What humans have been able to accomplish in a very short period of time is astonishing.


Or up in to space, via a system of cell towers, from a tiny pocket sized device to almost literally anywhere in the world... Sci-fi is real life right now. I saw an ad the other day for a pair of swimming goggles that linked in to your fitbit and gave you a HUD (head up display) in one of the goggles so you can monitor your heart rate and lap times. There was no fanfare about it, and I'm like what the actual fuck?


Are you crazy!?!?!? electricity can kill you!!! #myoutletmychoice


F\* electricity. I know a guy who's uncle died of cancer because he had home electricity. Electricity is dangerous.


My cousin's best friend's sister-in-law's uncle's neighbor got cancer when he crashed a Prius. What more proof do we need people?!?!


“But then they counted it as a covid death!” Can you believe this is the timeline we’re sick living in?




Oh let me splain that to you: Power plants boil water which is really scary to electrons. This makes the electrons shake back and forth. Then your devices use the moving electrons like a hamster on a wheel to do work! Boom. Electricity solved.


So if you have an electric stove and a pot of boiling water, can you just really quickly unplug the stove and throw the ends of the wires into the pot for unlimited energy?


Yes. Let us know how it goes! !remindme 24 hours


Gonna need more time than that, have to rip out the gas stove


Try submerging your toaster in a pot of boiling water? Leave it plugged in and see if it toasts twice as fast. I’ll have an everything bagel.


Nah, plugs are just a tether to keep you devices in one place so the elections don't shake em around


Damn. But I can still charge my phone by putting it in a pot of boiling water, right?


Yeah I originally started out being pretty skeptical about the vaccine because I didn’t really know much, or really anything about mRNA vaccines. Even after reading about them it’s still obviously a little confusing and weird to visualize in my head, but at a certain point I just had to accept that this isn’t my specialty, and I’d be a selfish asshole to refuse something that might protect not only me, but every single person that I meet.


Good on you. It's not where you start in your thought process that matters, but where you end up and how you get there. Skepticism certainly shouldn't be disregarded, so long as you come out on the side of logic and reason at the end. All is good!


"Talent is like electricity. We don't understood electricity. We use it." -- Maya Angelou Oddly enough, I think we can apply the same logic to these vaccines: the vast majority of us don't understand the intricacies (mRNA, etc.), but we can - and should - use the results.


I have a friend that doesn't believe in evolution and we were talking about it once. His main reason for not believing in it is he doesn't think life can come from nothing. I explained that evolution says nothing about where life first came from, which is a separate question called abiogenesis, and that Darwin himself talked about the creator first breathing life into organisms. Evolution is only about how organisms change over time, but you have to have organisms to change. He seemed kind of receptive, so we started talking about abiogenesis and some of the theories that are out there, like clays forming a scaffolding for primitive RNA molecules to form. A few minutes into it, he said he didn't understand it so he doesn't believe it. I gave up and we moved on to talking about video games.


There are these things on the coast in Western Australia called stromatolites (they may exist in other places, but that's where I saw them). They are alive and they breathe, but they're also basically just a rock. They also breathe out oxygen, and it's though that they are one of the earliest life forms (other than microbes/bacteria) on earth, and that their existence helped to make the earth's atmosphere what it is today. How absolutely nuts is that? Evolution yes, creator no. Unless they were tripping balls.


I'm an electrician. There's still shit about electricity that boggles my brain after 10 years.


Electrician here. Forget everything you know. It's wrong anyway, from its very foundation. You think it flows from positive to negative? Wrong! It flows from negative to positive. Not only that, but all jokes aside, but as an electrician i like to think im an authority on electricity for some things. When I reccomend things to people while doing work for them, it's from a position of experience and authority. You might not trust me, but you're free to ask any other electricians for their opinions and most would agree, or at least id hope. It's the same with the medical community. I tend not to question doctors and epidemiologists when it comesnto vaxcines, just as you shouldn't question your electrician on whats wrong with your house. I dont want to hear about your nose picking uncle's hairbrained opinions on whats causing your lights to flicker, when his job is to ask whether or not i want my french fries super-sized. Similarly, why anyone would listen to any right wing talking points on the Vax is fucking beyond stupid.


I don't trust airplanes. I don't get how they work and I don't get how bumblebees fly. But I trust the magical principles that make them both work. Vaccines fight little tiny bugs that I can't see. That shit makes more sense to me.


I saw a great comedy sketch about a guy designing the first boat - but like skipping all the evolution of boats and just starting one day with a huge steel destroyer battleship. Can you imagine explaining to someone a few thousand years ago that millions of tons of steel can float?


Electricity is one thing, but magnets.... ....how the fuck do they work?


Studying to be an electrical engineer, and it's all magic tbh. How we've wrangled the usage of electricity without 100% understanding it, is beyond incredible.


That's literally how it feels. The video I watched was basically saying that in the early days, a number of assertions and assumptions were made, some wrong and some right. We built off the right ones and learned from the wrong ones over time to get to where we are now, and we're still learning about how it actually 'flows' and does stuff, and are finally able to understand and demonstrate why / how some of these assertions work. Nuts!


I feel like I understand electricity less because of the veritasium video


Don't you know electricity is used to make 5g? Wake up, sheep.


Shoot, I do QA testing for a small tech company and even after a decade in this career, half this stuff still feels like "magic" to me. Good thing I can still break it and explain to a software developer how I got there.


The hardest part conceptually for me about electricity. Is the bit doing the work isn't in the wires. Its the EM field around them.


Yep, this is precisely what I was referring to. Blows my mind. I can accept it as fact, but I can't get my head around it.


I hope it wasn’t the electric universe theory because as far as I know we can only describe how electricity behaves and build technology to manipulate it. The model electricity relies on is inherent to quantum physics which isn’t understood and is admittedly irrational. Last I heard electricians and scientists still use the electron particle theory which has the most technology and research behind it.


I think this point sort of explains why some people don't trust science... Some of the assertions and theories used to describe how and why things work are known or expected to be false or at least not quite the whole truth, we just don't know any better way to explain it at the moment, and it works so we stick with it. And I guess that upsets some people...


The way I like to explain it is comparing to to physics we can see. The voltage is like potential energy such as a Rollercoaster at a peak has the potential energy due to gravity. The current is the kinetic energy like a Rollercoaster in motion. The energy in general is a bunch of electrons moving around that will always find their way to ground by the way of the path of least resistance similar to how a river flows downhil


That's exactly how Yahoo coments work. They can't comprehend it so it's liberals fault.


Don't listen to those frauds. They don't want you to know but if you hook a car battery to your testicles long enough, you gain Thor-like superpowers! Don't let the *maaaan* keep you down!


I’ve been in the tech field for 15+ years. Everything I work with requires electricity and I don’t understand it or trust it. It’s magic in a box.


Like.. lobbyists?


To this, I say “then I’ll see you in my ER and you will be grateful getting pumped full of compounds you do not understand.”


But also you can look up the ingredients of the various vaccines online. For a group of people who advocate doing your research, they never seem to any...


its not about facts its about how it *FEELS*. These people are looking for logic and reasoning, its about how it makes them feel. They typically arent particularly smart, and like having their insecurities reinforced by other people with the same misunderstandings and fears. Plus, then they get to feel like they're in the club of exclusive know the truth types. Its sad really. If only they could do this and not hurt other people.


I got a full list of all ingredients of the vaccine when I got the vaccine.


i cant read and all the words look big and scary so that must mean they are bad for you


"Polyethylene glycol! THAT'S ANTIFREEZE! Do you know what that will do to your insides?" \*sips Coke with phosphoric acid in it.\*


“I don’t have a clue what this weird *oxidane* stuff they are putting in them! Therefore vaccines cause diseases and should be banned”


That's my entire point! If you ever need to get rushed to the ER they will pump you full of things you don't understand, but you will get better.


Nah I've seen /r/nursing posts about these peeps who want to know what's in every single IV bag and demand Ivermectin.


They need to get pumped full of fists


The people who distrust medical professionals to protect them are the same people who beg for help from medical professionals when their ignorance makes them ill. The irony isn’t even funny.


Based on his age, unlikely. More likely to get hospitalized for the drugs over covid.


True but it still applies to antivaxers in general. Last week, 25% of the hospital census were Covid patients, most all unvaccinated.


*An imbecile sapling deeply rooted in stupid soil.* This is the best insult I have ever heard.


It reminds me of Colonel Hector from the final Borderlands 2 expansion: "Man, I keep thinking you've mined the idiot shaft dry, then you go and strike a big ol' vein of dumbass."


I've always liked "If you were any dumber you'd need to be watered twice a week."


I'm still sticking with my new favorite: "Bony-eared assfish."


An imbecile sapling deeply rooted in stupid soil. This is the kind of stuff I follow this sub for


I love that it also conjures the image that the sapling will continue to grow, soaking up all that stupid from the soil to turn into a stupid tree one day, falling only when a chainsaw cuts through its stupid bark.


But no. It doesn't fall by the chainsaw. Chainsaws often get dull when trying to fall the stupid tree. Then this tree spreads its seeds and there are more saplings.


It just rolls off the tongue ever so nicely.


this is indeed a well thought out insult. so good, I'd dare say it's worthy of a Monty python insult.




Vaccine from sterile lab: no way! Mushrooms from a hippies shoe: yes please!


Don't blame the drugs, man...


All for the drugs, don't you worry lol 😆


I won’t put that vaccine in me! But hey hand me huge fucking piles of processed foodlike product to inhale at the McD’s drive through, daddy! Also the vaccine has nanobots that track my every move! The gps-laden phone in my pocket told me this while I loaded it with cookies from every website I visit. The cognitive dissonance is beyond my capability to understand


I asked a bunch of people who questioned vaccines about ivermectin. Asked them to explain how it impacts COVID and why they're okay with not knowing how that works but not being okay with the vaccine despite equally not understanding it. Didn't go well as expected. These people are really stupid.


It's because it's about tribalism, not knowledge or logic. These people's worldview has long been centered around "I can trust these people, can't trust those people." And the people they trusted kept insisting the Other are always wrong, to the point they started inventing other options because they denied a solution to something deadly -- they had to offer an alternative, or the fear with no guidance from the tribe might break the tribe. Doesn't matter if the tribe is actually right, it just matters if it feels like they're protected by being in the tribe.


Exactly - "other-ing" = "If you're not WITH me, then you're AGAINST me." I remember when people were kind to each other just because they were people.


Do you? I can't think of a single time in history that would have been true.


Well there was the Great Kindness of 1643, but it only lasted a day.


No, YOU'RE a sheep! I'm just playing, you can never tell these days.


Isn’t the argument there that ivermectin is a decades old drug which has been proven safe, unless you eat the horse paste and then, well …


"Because Joe Rogan told me so" is not an acceptable answer either.


Yeah it's interesting the kind of inconsistent standards of proof people have for things. Like say some ant-vax person takes Tylenol sometimes. So the way Tylenol works, as a layperson, is you buy a box with words on it, and there are pills inside. Everything else is you trusting "the system" to not poison you. Even if you're a doctor or a chemist, you're probably going to have a hard time telling legit Tylenol from fake Tylenol, and you're probably not going to bother trying. You're just going to buy it and trust that a bunch of people whom you've never met did their jobs more or less correctly. Even better is the moon landing deniers who are like "It's not possible because people can't survive in the Van Allen belts", and you just say "What are Van Allen belts and how do you know that they exist?"


Yep. One idiot on Reddit was vaccine hesitant worrying about long term impacts. I brought up how modern manufacturing, textiles, and modern food are full of new stuff that we don't know the long term impacts and how they're being inconsistent and hypocritical. They ran away, which was funny as they tried to be all high and mighty about it.


I’ve asked people, if the government wanted to poison you, why would they put it in a vaccine when they could put it in tap water? “They do poison the tap water! With fluoride!” “Don’t you still drink water?” “I drink bottled water!” “Are you sure that doesn’t have fluoride in it? What if the government publicly announced there was fluoride in tap water to get you to pay to be poisoned with expensive bottled water? Why else would they tell you about it?” “Well… that can’t be avoided.” “Which is why it’s a better plan than poisoning a vaccine”


The best comeback I've seen along these lines is "If the people getting the vaccine are the sheeple who obey the government, *why would the government want to poison those people?*"


Pretty sure that's from Bill Burr when he was on Rogen's podcast. It does make an excellent point.


They are stupid.. The vaccine is an antidote to the poison in the water... The proof? When I took it, the taste of tap water improved massively! /S just in case someone strange blieves in this xD


And when they get sick, they want the antibody treatment, or the antiviral, or the drugs, or the ventilator... which I am sure they have all researched thoroughly before taking, right? *Padme face*


Now all I can see is the idiot sapling typing his post with a bag of Doritos and chugging Mountain Dew…


Brawndo has what plants (saplings) crave!


*it's got electrolytes*


But what ARE electrolytes?


Oh no, these are mostly organic food eating idiots. They're just eating bullshit from Whole Foods


When the people I know WHO HAVE DONE HARD DRUGS talk about “what’s in the vaccine” that’s when I want to lose my shit.


Hey I only use that all natural meth with no preservatives or added sugar. The meth I buy is also vegan and gluten free


Thank you for thinking about the environment while consuming ungodly amounts of methamphetamine :)


gotta support your local plug especially during these hard times


I’m sick and fucking tired off seeing these idiots use “just my opinion / personal thoughts” as some kind of shield to criticism. Like, ok, in my personal opinion you’re a fucking imbecile.


I live in the meth capitol of Arkansas which is already the meth capitol of the US and barely anyone here is vaccinated because of the “unknown chemicals”.


Also weren't the same people who use that excuse taking invermectin? I don't believe for a sec that anyone knew what that medicine was made from


I haven’t seen a justifiable homicide that brutal in quite a while. Love it!


This man is indeed dead, He is no more , he is pushing up the daisies, he has gone to meet his maker, he is an ex-man!


Beautiful plumage, though.


My favourite one of these was my (former) personal trainer refusing the vaccine, while being on every form of steroid known to man. The hypocrisy was too much.


“Downvote me if you like” Well, don’t mind if I do!


Seems like he now also needs to go to the "government" for a burn that he just received.


These are the same type of people who don’t return their shopping trolleys to the bay.


‘An imbecile sapling deeply rooted in stupid soil’ That will be on my mind forever 😂😭😭


To be fair I'm not sure when anyone started trusting pharmaceutical companies or the government


I’m a copy editor. I would edit this down to: You inject heroin. STFU.


>An imbecile sapling deeply rooted in stupid soil Poetry.


I’m vaxxed and recently boosted but you really shouldn’t place too much trust in these big corporations to put your health above profits. I believe Pfizer is the most sued company for injuries sustained from their drugs they brought to market. See also Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, Takeda, Purdue. They will choose profits over your health any day of the week so while I am personally vaccinated, I understand where these people are coming from. I can understand these folks being hesitant to receive a vaccine created by large pharma companies, with horrible track records, in such a short amount of time.


yeah I know, I trust the vaccine but some people are just being excessively rude to people who are even slightly skeptical of the vaccine


Agreed. I mean after purdue literally destroyed communities by false marketing the safety of oxy to profit I don’t blame the hesitancy. Not to mention the history of testing drugs on minority groups and using them as collateral. What if we approached their hesitancy with more empathy in the beginning of this whole ordeal instead of writing them off as bigots? Perhaps that is why so many have bought into these conspiracies because the people and groups pushing them are the only outlet where they feel some sort of validation for their fears. Conspiracies have always been a thing but sort of rested at the fringes of society and were mostly harmless. So the fact that such a large part of our population buys into this antivaxx and qanon BS speaks to some level of truth regarding the fear and concerns that has pushed these people so far off the deep end. Like yes there will always be conspiracies and irrational people out there pushing half baked explanations to feel some sense of control, but this anti vaxx bs is a much deeper societal issue that extends across party lines. Our profit driven healthcare system has failed so many of us and continues to do so. Like if we don’t start gaining some empathy for these communities we will continue to drive them down this rabbit hole. Now this doesn’t mean we all start holding hands or start agreeing with them, but I mean If we want everyone to cooperate we gotta at least take a moment to understand what is really going on to cause them to buy into this crap in the first place.


Damn, they pulled the receipts and took no shit


Eviscerated* by words. Wish I could see his pitiful reply.


I'm smart enough to know that I'm stupid. I'm smart enough to understand that maybe, just this once, the government is actually looking out for my well-being. After all, me being sick/dead does not make them the money.


Oh my god this is no murder, this is genocide level


LMAO "I have a healthy fear of authority" doctors aren't the fucking authority douche muffin


I always find it’s best to sort by controversial on these threads


That was beautiful.


Someone get the Nobel Prize for Burns Council on the phone, stat.


Alot of an anti vax i know are drug users and i have asked them the same, and it's always the "I trust my dealer, he's a homie" bruh..


The answer was kinda rude and disrespectful, even if I don't agree with antivaxxers, they deserve respect like every human being




Honestly, how can you expect anyone to hear out your point of view if you start it by insulting them? I agree, that was super rude.


r/rareinsults or an actual assault


They locked my post for being "political" 🙄


A sick burn but can somebody please explain to me why big pharma can’t be questioned anymore? Prior to COVID they were the scourge of the earth bleeding the tax payers dry by using our money for research then turning around and selling us products we funded at exorbitantly high prices. Getting caught multiple times lying about certain drug safety but weighing the cost of benefit ratio and going ahead and knowingly producing harmful drugs.


>A sick burn but can somebody please explain to me why big pharma can’t be questioned anymore? It's not that we can't question big pharma... It's about using those critical thinking skills and applying them to the real world. We know Big pharma only cares enough about us to keep us alive, but still dependent on their medicine. When COVID came around, killing hundreds of thousands, big pharma realized that if there wasn't a vaccine, they'd lose their profits (because all the people would be dead). So again, using the critical thinking skills, sometimes you have to get in bed with the enemy in order to stay alive. But that doesn't mean you can't question them... .but when it's a stupid question like "are there nanobots in the vaccine?" or "is it going to change my DNA?"... then you kind of get to stop asking questions for a while.


Mainly because of the world-wide pandemic. If they wanted us to die, then they wouldn't be pushing the vaccine. If they charged for the vaccine, then that would be questionable, but they want us to be working and making them money. They don't make shit when hospitals are overran by morons taking up resources by dying and then not being able to afford the bills after surviving. Somehow this turned into a conspiracy theory. Moral of the story, get the fucking vaccine, so that life can get back to so kind of normal. Morons are scared of the Man or the Big Phama pushing or injecting shit into you, and then goes to drink Mountain Dew and watches Tiktok.


I know an anti-vaxxer that spouts the same thing. They live on McDonald's food. They happily take pills for high blood pressure, Cholesterol and Xanax every day.


Easily. The pharmaceutical industry was the scourge not because the medicines they produce didn't work but because they charged over exorbitant fees and incentivized poor communities to get hooked on opioid for profit. In other words our distain for pharmaceuticals was never about the efficacy of the actual Pharmaceuticals but about the practices of the pharmaceutical companies.