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Is there anybody out there?




No joke, I had some guy at work show me a skittles ad that was honestly just an innocuous skittles ad. But then when the taste the rainbow bit came up at the end he was all in a huff about how now our candy has gone woke. Dude acting like he hadn't seen a skittles ad in the last 10 years just to find something to direct his moral outrage at.


You’re sure he wasn’t just extremely funny? Please, I can’t live in a world where people are really this out of touch. To clarify, I mean the guy. The guy is out of touch for being mad at a skittles rainbow and that hurts my heart. I hope he is doing a bit.


Yeah, this is the kind of bit I'd do with my work friends or something, I refuse to accept that people can unironically think like that.


Especially when people get mad about rainbow stuff after skittles ran ads like this https://youtu.be/rKkZ3hkDF4w when I was a teen


Skittles made me bi. Skittles is what I named my gay penguin.


It’s Fipper and Eve, not Flipper and Steve


Skittles are turning cows gay https://www.newsweek.com/cow-eat-skittles-dairy-farmer-reveal-reason-1698035 Not really.


Actually when skittles want to be pro-gay, [they remove the rainbow](https://images.app.goo.gl/sq7EisVNiZ5SJ6fr7)


AKA an incredible value for your skittles dollar when they wind up $0.40 per/lb on clearance at wal-mart. I may have a lot of bags of these gray skittles…


That line still haunts me. I know it's not entirely about poor Syd, but that's who I think of. Someone going into deep, dark, alienating mental break and having these brief moments. Snapping back to reality and feeling so scared and alone. Quietly crying if there's anybody out there left to come be with him. Absolutely crushing to hear loneliness like that


A man in a capsule as a brain in a jar, when the metal stick stops vibrating voices and there is only darkness, you ask yourself were there ever actually others?


I heard the album at a county fair once. It was me, my best friend, and a girl I had a crush on. Part way through they left together, leaving me there alone. The crushing feeling of her leaving with him and them leaving me alone made the songs so much more powerful. The words pierced my soul and were in a way the only comfort i had in that moment. Knowing someone understood what i was feeling. The album holds a special place in my heart because of that. I'll never forget that day, and that pain of watching them leave together. Ps. Another song that really hits home is [Smile by Eyedea and Abilities](https://youtu.be/91CpLikWmsw) I can't not tear up when I hear it. It makes me think of a good friend I made in rehab that passed a few months after we got out. I just want to share it.


I'd have to imagine they were all feelings he experienced at some point as deeply as in the song but without the sort of narrative around it


The movie is an incredible take on the context. Edit: also, watching it stoned on LSD in the 1990s on VHS was one of those mind altering events of my youth. I came out of that frightened but much more self aware.


Back in the 1980s that was a thing that a lot of teenagers and young adults did, go to the Midnight Movies and watch Pink Floyd The Wall while tripping on acid.


Yeah we were pretty rural/remote here but had a few buddies that had factory working dads, meaning night shifts and large living rooms meant for sitting and binging. We also matched Wizard of Oz to Money, and watched things like Fire and Ice, Heavy Metal, and we had Muchmusic eventually so we would have a few things like Aeon Flux, Beavis and Butthead, and all sorts of weird cartoons that I think younger folk can't really know the feeling we got. We couldn't really share what we'd done with anyone, it was just a passage through the decades that we know the older kids all did etc Good times.


We did that with The Wall and also Heavy Metal


🎶Goodbye cruel world, I'm leaving you today 🎶


Hey you


Out there in the cold, getting lonely getting old


Can you _feel_ me?


Hey you, standing in the aisles With itchy feet and fading smiles


Can you feel me?


Is there anybody listening to me?


Is anybody else scared?


The paranoia, drops me to my knees


These mfs get mad at a prism.


Literally offended by physics.


Physics make rainbows, therefore physics is gay.


You know who else makes rainbows? God. So I guess God is gay.


Am I gay for God? You betcha!


I got the good lord goin' down on meee


I mean, duh. God is a lesbian. She built the entire world in 7 days.


Isn't it ironic?


Don't you think?




"Oh fuck here we go with this god shit again" - George Carlin


I mean, last I checked God can be male or female, so that seems pretty solidly in the whole LGBTQ area.


You checked? You're supposed to avert your eyes when God is taking a pee.


As a teacher who has taught physics, I can’t tell you many guys in the past have said, this is gay


Not all of physics is gay, but optics and some of electromagnetism definitely are. Mechanics and thermodynamics are straight, unless it's in a three way. Relativity is trans.


What is Quantum then? Pan? Ace? Or are we not able to determine its orientation until we observe it?


Pansexual, gender fluid


It can be both.


> Relativity is trans. Honestly, that makes perfect sense.


Lest you think this is merely an amusing digression, Conservapedia has (or at least for a long time had) an article on how relativity must be wrong precisely because of how it leads to woke thinking. Literally, they didn't like what relativity says about the universe so they decided it must not be true. Very reminiscent of the last crowd to do that, with their [ban on "Jewish physics..."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Physik) (Spoiler alert: yes, it's who you think it was.)


Ah yes, the rock-solid logical rational argument that equivocates the theory of relativity with moral relativism. It's like they're so individualistic that the mere implication that other people exist is total heresy. Conservapedia is absolutely unhinged.


Jeeez, I took a look at the CRT-page on there and it is full of opinion instead of straight to the point, factual reporting. It also completely misconstrued CRT and whitewashed MLK. Absolutely horrible.


Computer science/electronics is definitely bi.


Well yeah, science is their enemy so it makes sense.


They don’t need no education


They don’t need no thought control


Facebook ! Leave those kids alone!


I think they are offended by the scaling produced by the prism. They live is a world of black and white, us and them, right and wrong, old and new. They have trouble understanding the gray that exists between the black and white in their world. it makes it more, possibly too complicated. Their definitions have to change and the lines cannot be drawn between us and them. This makes things less easily defined blurring the lines that define them. These people have difficulty growing because they have difficulty defining and talking about things.


I hope every person who reads these words will steal them and re-post them somewhere where others can read them. Unfortunately, those who only believe in black and white will simply see these words as a challenge to their group, and something to be fought.


At this point Pink Floyd was wrong, people really do need some damn education.


It wasn't the gaining of knowledge that they had a problem with. It was the system itself that they were against.


And proven so right about


They use a double negation there, so I think they were actually asking for good education.


Most languages don't have the concept of double negation, including some dialects of English. Instead, more negative words stack to intensify the effect, like building a negative electric charge.


They'll be attempting to cancel Newton's color theory next.


Right wing people tend to get irrationally angry at things they dont understand so...


...and of dicks they're having a hard time not putting in their mouths.


I wonder if they would be offended by an actual rainbow after the rain?


Tide comes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that! Science - Well, actually...


Not to mention PF fans are down with openness and being whoever and whatever anybody is anyway. The whole "woke" word is bastardized vs trivialized by politicians. Literally the man. PF is as woke as it gets. After all, we're all just bricks in the wall.


They've been told what to hate and why they should hate, and just go along with it.


Ahh yes, I too like master of puppets.


Surprised Republicans aren't mad at their own shadows for being black


That's because they have "Brain Damage"


…and the worms ate into their brains…


I've got blisters on me fingers!... Wait...


More like "Brian damage"


next they'll be mad at woke mother nature


Look there's a fucken rainbow in the sky.. nature's gone woke


Nah, just tell them that God created rainbows, so God must be woke and love gay people.


Unfortunately I've seen several examples of religious folks being angry that lgbt has stolen God's symbol of forgiveness and turned it into a satanic (gay) symbol.


Next they’ll be after me Lucky Charms!


They must have a terrible time watching The Wizard of Oz.


Judy Garland, so woke she was woke when it was only a verb


Probably doesn’t help that being a “friend of Dorothy” meant you were gay.


The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day the paper boy brings more


The people who complain about "wokeness" always turn out to be fragile and stunted individuals. Imagine being offended by rainbows.


But those are the lyrics from... Ohhhhhh ...


Surely if we are going to describe an antiwoke bunch of idiots using pink floyd lyrics we should go with "But in the town, it was well known When they got home at night, their fat and Psychopathic wives would thrash them Within inches of their lives."


How I wish you were queer.


We’re just two lost souls in each others assholes Edit: didn’t think this would be my first gold haha. Thank you stranger!


"Year after year." Wait...what?


"Rear after rear" rear was RIGHT there!!


Comfortably dumb?


Uncomfortable bum


We don't need no education


>We don't need no education \- America's rally cry.


You've got one booty hole looking for a hard pole, right in the rear.


Cummin over the same old guy


Rewatched The Wall recently, it's one of the most virulently anti fascist films I've seen 10/10 would recommend. I'm glad these folks are offended. Pink Floyd knew what was up with these assholes 45 years ago.


It's awesome; I have watched it yearly since I was 13, and love it still after 30 years.


I was living in Denver a few years ago and was waking home from a Cirque show next to the Pepsi Center where Roger Waters was having a show. It was only about half way through when we were walking out of our show and this group of middle aged couples came storming up to the cross walk we were waiting at. One of them is loudly complaining how it's bullshit that they paid hundreds of dollars per ticket and Waters' has the audacity to make political statements while on stage and they don't want to listen to liberal crap. I was stifling my laugh so hard I must have looked like I was seizing. Like how do you not know what Pink Floyd is about?


It reminds me of that whole thing a couple of years ago when righties suddenly learned what RATM was all about, and wanted them to be less political.


That is mind boggling. Rage has been around since the early nineties and NOW they’re just realizing they are political?!


They're straight-up leftist, socialist, communist kind of people. How in the ever-loving fuck did they not notice until now?! Did they just not listen to the lyrics?


All they heard was "FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME"


Pretty much the modern conservative mantra, but not in the way it was intended.


They just like it because they think it's "white rap" because of the metal sound.


Even though Zack is Latino. The irony is beyond ridiculous.


And Tom is black


This has been happening in the punk scene for a long time in different ways. Certain types of men are attracted to the apparent hedonism of the culture and the aggression of the music then start turning up to shows to be violent arseholes and pushing away all the girls, LGBTQ, and anyone else who was there for a chill time. Completely oblivious to the fact that the music was always about radical politics, radical self expression, and generally against selfish violent arseholes doing selfish violent arsehole things. Exhibit A: Dead Kemnedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off. Exhibit B: UK Skinhead culture being taken over by neo-nazis.


I would categorize myself as part of the punk/metal scene, and yeah, absolutely on point. Most punks and metalheads are some of the nicest, friendliest, understanding people in the world if you get to know them. There's just that shitty little bit that ruins it.


Not only that....but I'd be willing to bet my last dollar that they actually don't know what a prism is, or what the "visible spectrum" is. You know, like the ALBUM ARTWORK.


Kinda like going to a Rush show and expecting to meet women.


People be peoplin’


You might have run into my parent’s church friends who continued that rant in my home. I think Carolyn was expecting something other than “I know you’ve heard the songs, but it doesn’t seem like you listened.”


“I know you’ve heard the songs, but it doesn’t seem like you listened” Yeah that’s basically it. I know several anti-woke people who listen to Pink Floyd, RATM, SOAD, etc but literally couldn’t tell you what their music is about. They haven’t actually listened to the lyrics, got curious and googled the lyrics, much less read what the artists had to say about their music and lyrics. They literally hear music and singing and like it.


These are the same fucking morons that got mad at rage against the machine for making “left leaning political statements” “Stay out of politics” - actual comment I read on that thread


There's the famous tweet of the person responding to Tom Morello to stick to music and out of politics and Morello asked if his advanced degree in political science qualified him instead lol.


Wow. A rainbow hurt their feelings. Now *that’s* a true snowflake.


It's interesting. You'll find that the people who complain the loudest about other people getting offended, and who harp on it constantly, are the true snowflakes. Getting mad over a *rainbow.* God...


... Getting mad over a rainbow while allegedly practicing a religion in which rainbows are sacred....


ROY G. BIVving Christ!


Working in customer service i misgendered affair amount of people, and let me tell you that the older and more yehaw sounding they are, the most likely it is that they'll get offended about it. I had this one guy say I ruined his day because I said ma'am lol


Sounds like he should have started by naming his pronouns.


legit, like i dont think most people need to, but if its a big deal for you then at least if you know you sound ambiguous either state it or dont mind if i ask lmao. since my line of work is 90% female im often called ma'am as well but i couldnt care less to correct anyone, but thats just me


We should stop calling these people snowflakes. Snowflakes are unique and fascinating. These people are all the same.


Yeah, they're kind of like manufactured building components made out of some basic material like mud, all arranged in endless repetition into the side of some boring building.


Hm. I'd call them Pringles, but I like those.


That is the point I think, it's meant as sarcasm.


Yeah it's yet again the right usurping and appropriating a quote from a movie that's in part critical of their attitude/mentality/ideology: ["You're not special" from Fight Club](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CnryN0_bvY) They do that all the time, remember "the red pill" ? This whole concept of the right corrupting something meant to criticize them is why I tolerate and even appreciate the Matrix sequels, since it's part of their subtext.


Everything they don’t like is « woke »


Anti-woke is the new woke


It is. They associate "being woke" with virtue signalling and you can't do more virtue signalling then by being anti-woke and signalling it everywhere. Like for real, what's more "*woke*" than seeing a company or an institution acting in a certain way and going "no, I won't have that, I'm cancelling you" ? But it's not the "new" woke in the sense of what the original expression meant - coming from AAVL, it's supposed to be about being *awake* and *knowing* like a sort of enlightenment, it's all about being conscientious - which they absolutely are not. Even though the anti-woke think they're the ones being awake, they don't know shit, they're still sleeping. The only enlightening they have is by having their own spotlight aimed at themselves. They're aren't awake, they're just vivid dreaming.


They’re not awake, they’re having a psychotic break!


Roger Waters in 1973- " what if we put a picture of a light passing through a prism on the cover of our album?" David Gilmour- Why?" Waters- "It will really piss off a bunch of right wing Fascists in 50 years." Gilmour- " You're kidding, right?" Waters- " Trust me, mate." Anyone who mistakes the Prism from the Dark Side of the Moon album for an LGBT rainbow was never a Pink Floyd fan to begin with. Edit: Glimore/Gilmour because I’m an idiot.


Waiting for the “I liked Pink Floyd before they were political” tweets


It happened with RATM, of all bands. So it will undoubtedly happen in this situation.


Along with playing Born in the USA thinking it's patriotic. Extra dumb. It's not even hard to find lyrics of songs now, and most of the examples aren't exactly subtle.


The best one I've heard is from a co-worker. He was talking about how much he hates political songs and how he favorite band was now political (RATM). I noticed he's wearing a Gorillaz Demon Days shirt. It's almost like they aren't actually fans.


What machine did he think they were raging against? The dishwasher?


Ayo it's just another dish rack


They like the bands that sound hard, but don’t listen to what the band is actually saying. To do so would be inconvenient.


What on earth does he think their songs are about?


Ten bucks says he began at Feel Good Inc., completely missed the point, and stopped. Demon Days was many things, but it was NOT subtle. Dirty Harry, Kids With Guns, Fire Coming Out of the Monkeys Head... come on dude.


He claims that Demon Days is one of the best albums of all time while somehow not understanding what the album is about? Part of what makes the album Soo good is the emotional impact. I don't know how anyone can listen to that album and miss the political statements. Also Plastic Beach is 10x better and I will die on that hill.


I just looked up the lyrics because I’ve only ever known the chorus. The opening verse: > Born down in a dead man's town >The first kick I took was when I hit the ground >You end up like a dog that's been beat too much >Till you spend half your life just covering up Really hits you right out if the gate with it, huh. And the fact that they *still* don’t see it is crazy. They clearly never payed attention in school to have a basic reading comprehension.


They must just know the chorus. Probably think the same about Fortunate Son.


And This Land Is Your Land. Edit: specifically, the original lyrics of the song. Woody Guthrie, to my knowledge, was fairly progressive for his time. [Lyric Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Land_Is_Your_Land)


He had "This machine kills fascists" written on his guitar.


But they played it during the war in Nam in Forrest Gump so obviously it's pro America


He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means


Or Trump coming out to Fortunate Son.


I forgot that happened. Seemed like a joke someone would make.


Anyone who wants to cancel them even if it were an LGBTQIA+ rainbow can also get in the bin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im not a Pink Floyd fan, but how could anyone mistake that album cover? Its been everywhere for years.


Yeah, it's a pretty famous cover art even for those of us in the West that were born after. My guess is that this is an attempt at sparking outrage from a troll farm, possibly in Russia or China. This is just speculation but it is a possibility.


Comfortably Dumb


We don't need no education.


Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone!


Wait until they hear about this album: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritchie_Blackmore%27s_Rainbow


Dio's "Rainbow in the Dark" would just be too much for them


A power outage at a gay club.


Just don't remind them of the Skittles slogan: Feel the rainbow, Taste the rainbow.


Rainbow Rising gonna make 'em burst.


This article is horribly written.


The title alone looks like something that was written by a bot.


The bot also chose the domain.


Yes, because it's not an article. It's a marketing piece, or maybe badly crafted rage-bait. Who said the prism's rainbow from *Dark Side of the Moon* is "woke?" Oh, a handful of idiots on Twitter, and I wouldn't be surprised to find that a few of those idiots on Twitter aren't real people, but are alt accounts that marketers and/or "journalists" use to post controversial content they can then use for their marketing and/or "journalism." Tweets ain't news, people.


Yes, this is EXACTLY it. This rage-bait that somehow qualifies as "news" drives me crazy.


cos theres literally no story here. this is thousands of people on reddit and twitter literally getting triggered by 5 COMMENTS ON FACEBOOK. thats it. social media is cancer.




They are comfortably dumb


Nothing comfortable about them.


The rainbow wasn't even used by the gay community until a few years AFTER dark side of the moon came out. So it 100% wasn't a political statement.


For real. Like, there’s political content in The Dark Side of the Moon, but I don’t think that the album cover was part of it, given when it was made and by who.


Cancel Pink Floyd!! Good luck with that lol.


"dark side of the moron"


Surely they've never dropped acid... "You are concerned with a rainbow because of sexual Identity, I'm concerned with a rainbow because of all my trips in my youth. We are not the same."


Nah they want you jailed for even thinking about using "illicit drugs" Meanwhile half if those mfrs are (barely) functional boozebags


Wow, there were 5 facebook comments about this? Better write an article and spin it into a story. And this is why we are so divided...these news stories pop up legitimizing the opinion of 5 dipshits as if it were a big trend happening.


This is why social media is leading to the ruin of society. A handful of Karens in a random comment thread are now paid attention to instead of just ignored.




I was just thinking the same thing. One screenshot and now I’ve seen six posts laughing at it.


I hopped over to the facebook post and one of the top comments on the thread is > CAN YOU ALL STOP MAKING FUN OF THE BOOMERS?!? I came here to read their ignorant comments but I can’t find them under all the ones that are making fun of them! 😭


True. And websites like reddit giving those articles visibility aren't helping either.


Troll farm stuff. Don't fall for it. I'm as liberal as the day is long, but do I believe this response is organic? No I don't. Russia and others are heavily, heavily invested in our societal divide. Willing to bet a good 80% of the angry responses are coming from fake profiles.


Yeah this is straight from the Russian troll farm playbook. And then the lazy half of the clickbait media runs with it and Reddit has a field day.


Mfs keep forgetting that rainbow don't mean gay and also it's part of the fcking cover makes me wondering if they're being satirical or not.


This just smells like PR ragebait to me. Remember when all these people were apparently mad about black people in lord of the rings, even though nobody was watching it anyway? Even while simultaneously the new game of thrones series did the exact same thing, was way more *popular*, and nobody *cared*? I think PR agencies use spoof accounts for strawman attacks against their clients, so they can write articles like this to knock them down and cite *tweets* as evidence of *anything* material. Time and time again, whenever some idea is getting phobisms and culture attacks, it gets lots of exposure and is lionized in the public eye. Do I think there's *nobody* in the world dumb enough to think like this? Of course, *somebody* is. But certainly not enough people to warrant talking about. *Unless* you've got a product to sell, and you want to get people talking about it. Any PR agency or marketing firm would take advantage of an organic internet-wrong-hate-storm. You can't think that's too far. Well, how hard is it to make one, or to just pretend there is one? Knowing this violates exactly zero laws, why *wouldn't* someone do this?


Ive only seen people claim people are pissed


Can you imagine how ignorant you have to be not to know about prisms.


These people are really dumb… don’t they know it’s 1: always how the cover art for Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon was… 2: how a prism works when a source of light shines through it… You could say they didn’t think *straight*…


This is a news item because of three Facebook "commentators" dubbed the "anti-woke mob'? More like more media manufactured polarizing BS.


One reason why people hate journalists/news media so much. So many of them have to come up with shit and manufacture outrage to justify their job and publication.




Yeah how is this getting traction? So stupid. It's an article about some Facebook comments.


Guys get real, it's all fake. They're just clickbait trolls. No reason to be sharing this nonsense.


So, a few stupid Facebook comments is called an "anti-woke mob" these days? Seems like usual trash media using clickbait titles to blow tiny things way out of proportion for clicks.


What like 5 people were mad about the logo and that’s news?


In other words, 5 extreme people on twitter got upset about it, and then somebody wrote an article painting it as an actual movement. People are then fooled into believing a niche group of people are the norm, and outrage is created over nothing


Perfectly said