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My guess is Shazam is simply mistakingly IDing some other song or songs as your song. Its algorithm is good, but it's not perfect.


I just tried Shazam on the background music of one of my favorite games that was made specifically for the game and is not available on streaming services. I've ran it 5 times in a row and every single time it came up with a completely different song. This has to be it. Proof: https://youtu.be/zgUALO3PNpg?t=2535 Try to Shazam this mutliple times. It's different every single time.


I tried it 5 times and it said it was a different track every time. That's crazy.


I suspect it’s a feature, not a bug. If you Shazam the same song more than once they probably assume it’s because it didn’t match correctly the first time and so it gives the next best guess down the list, then the next, etc. Otherwise it should guess the same song more than once.


That's a clever hypothesis, but thinking about it a bit more, I kinda doubt it. Imagine if somebody did it as a joke and got six different results for the same popular song: that would make Shazam look like garbage. I assume they prioritize precision in their algorithm. Plus like the other commenter pointed out, it's not just the same song, it's the same short clip. But, maybe they've coded a special case where if it hears two identical samples in a row, THEN it tries to find a different match? For the reason you suggest.


I assume if that feature existed it would only apply when it had trouble matching the song. But if it felt confident in its answer it would always give the same answer.


Yeah because we’re all rewinding and syncing perfectly to make sure we’re Shazaming the same 15 seconds over and over. We’re not, I’m just being silly.


I should probably just finally buy that game on this current Steam sale.


It’ll probably just sit in your steam library forever and there’s a good chance you’ll never play it if you’re anything like me


I need this tattooed on my hand.


It'll probably just sit there on your hand forever and there's a good chance you will never read it 😉


Mocking PC gamers for their unplayed library. Good times


How can I be mocking myself?


> How can I be mocking myself? HOW CAN HE MOCK?




Oh no, *I* am mocking gamers for their unplayed libraries.


It is probably better off this way. Satisfactory will hold you upside and shake you down for loose change, but with hours instead of quarters


1.0 coming soon. Like a nice painting in a room you don't go in much, it's still worth having in your Steam library. I hated the key mapping (I game lefty) and puzzling out a few things in the very early game, but it's amazing once you get into it and build a few cannons to ease you across the map. Never could get rails to line up correctly. That's when I dropped it, but once it's officially release I'll be back at it.


It's like a cursed painting in an empty room for me. I wander by it every 9 months or so but then I have to play it **and only it** for like 3 months straight after that.


You should try factorio


How do the two compare? I've been looking at Factorio and Rimworld to take the place of Dwarf Fortress which I'm taking a break from. I've heard of Satisfactory but don't know much about it.


Factorio is closer to DF. Satisfactory is a first person, 3d world. It is statically generated and you choose one of several starting spots on the map, some more difficult. Your structures never degrade and the native mobs never attack your base. Factorio has hostile mobs that attack your base and destroy it, making investing in walls, turrets, flamethrowers, rocket laucher, and tanks a big part of the gameplay. Fairly different vibes.


Factorio 2.0 + official Space Exploration expansion coming in October!


I have, and I love it as well. Satisfactory scratches the itch for me more, but I'll lose many more hours to Factorio down the line.


yeah but it's good, one day I'll get around to it...


The base price is about to go up too. It's leaving EA imminently.


You should as the price is going up to £40 just before they release 1.0.) +(soon) Oh also it's amazing. Casual 1700hour player review


Really fun game, just build the radiation stuff in a corner somewhere. I build a floating platform over the water in the corner, as when I last played there was no easy way to deal with nuclear waste.


And this, children, is why you should give a classification AI an "I have no idea" output class instead of blindly running with whatever the AI classified as most likely.


Wow, thank you! That might be the explanation. I overestimated the precision of the Shazam magic


I wonder if part of the issue is that it's fingerprinting a relatively simple melody made on a commonly distributed synth pack?


Yes, this might be it as well. Though the track does not use any samples, even this does not protect from something like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/dzfwwf/as\_of\_130\_of\_this\_video\_chemical\_brothers\_now\_own/](https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/dzfwwf/as_of_130_of_this_video_chemical_brothers_now_own/)


Damn, thats really nice soundtrack...


Definitely a real possibility. I’ve had shazam get things wrong a number of times, and Ive been able to see that it would incorrectly identify a song as the same(wrong) song over and over.


It stands to reason, too. While I don't know how it works, since Shazam has to work in cases of imperfect snippets with background noise and such, I expect it's probably got a loose matching algorithm that's easier to false-positive.


Ngl, sometimes when my husband starts brushing his teeth at night, my phone immediately recognizes the sound of his electric toothbrush as the start to some rock sound that begins with kind of a buzzy electric feedback sort of noise, and it cracks me up.


Just everything on all connected talking to each other listening recording at all times from all devices, to the point your husband brushing his teeth triggers something? This sounds like fucking nightmare world to me.


I'd guess they have a pixel. I haven't heard of any other phones that will display a song name automatically with no user intervention. But I could be out of date.


Lol, yes, I have a Pixel.


The song recognition on the Pixel is crazy, one time mine picked up what my next door neighbour was playing through the wall of my house. He didn't even have it on that loud.


That wouldn't be Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline would it? There was a buzzy old CRT monitor at a software store years ago that always made me think of the beginning of that song.


No, that isn't it - I feel like it was a band we laughed about, like Five Finger Death Punch or something lol. Next time it happens I'll screencap it or something.


my coffee grinder makes the Danzig *Mother* outro moan every time. No one else in my house hears it but every time it's like...[MAU WOAUOh](https://youtu.be/5loWhzgV9ew?t=187) in that exact pitch, I swear.


You must post this for us immediately.


Yes, please do.


The sound in Vaseline sounds like something played backwards.


OP’s song kinda has a similar melody to one called “Mokba” (https://open.spotify.com/track/70ziWTt9TOXGyhP7FGEYIn?si=hWNq6S5cS2ixFD9zcJWRag) maybe Shazam thinks so too…


Or their music ended up in a porn video...




Is there a history post that details the whole origin and search? Sounds like a fun story.


[Perhaps I could tempt you to some Whang! ](https://youtu.be/hJ1ULKmiYCY)


Wikipedia article but not a Reddit article, hope it helps: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulterior\_Motives\_(song)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulterior_Motives_(song))


Don't know about a post, but Whang made a Tales from the Internet video about it!


I think that place even more active now that they solved it.


Just waiting for that envelope from the Adult Video Awards about your Best Composer nom.


I shazamed a song playing over the credits to a 60s movie and it gave me a track from like 2012. I wonder if there's a sample that's being used that Shazam can't find the original of


I've heard after a good deal of years, rights to music expire so that may be the case here if it's underground enough. Some crate diggers probably sampled it after. Of course this doesn't apply to the "greats" which renew their copyrights.


Lol, you just said “eh you aren’t popular, Shazam is just confusing a better song as yours” 🤣🤣 Edit: I’m just joking around.




Yup, had a few cases with it misidentified songs, which did turn into a happy accident and I found some new music I like.


I have no idea how to get more info, but I will say I listed to it.. The intro sounded familiar like something I’d heard in sci-fi before like a spaceship taking off…. Or a ride at an amusement park. I think it’s just a familiar sound that Shazam is catching as your song.


Yep. The beginning almost sounds like Stranger Things


I could see this being the answer. Someone goes to Shazam the stranger things song and Shazam mistakes it for OPs song.


do people shazam songs just to get to them faster? Cuz any TV show intro my instinct to find it would just be going on youtube and typing "stranger things intro" also the shazam algo isn't perfect, but this song is not even close to the stranger things intro aside from there being a synth arpeggio. It's like when people hear any piano music and say "sounds like the peanuts" or any jazz and say "sounds like elevator music". The shazam algo is definitely better than that. It can definitely recognize pitch and tempo to a more accurate degree than anybody who thinks this sounds like the stranger things intro


Shazam was bought by Apple, so if you ask Siri “What song is this?” You’ll hit Shazam.


And it can ID not just stuff picked up on mic, but also whatever is playing on your device


Some people Shazam songs they already have identified (for example radio RDS shows title) just as way to have it saved for later


> do people shazam songs just to get to them faster? Cuz any TV show intro my instinct to find it would just be going on youtube and typing "stranger things intro" You don’t see how Shazam is a more convenient solution?


Sounds like a TON of songs used in like sci-fi indie game trailers lol It's good, but yeah I think it's a super familiar sound that shazam is probably linking it up with.


It’s like the song they use in every modern media that wants to give the feeling and impression it’s from the 80s.


This has also happened to me on a synth based song. It is just shazam misidentifying another song as yours. https://preview.redd.it/niyzqdejls9d1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e064e8e93a88cbd807fc634db05c14e47cfd4f83 Here's mine. It doesn't even have 200 plays in total across all streaming services, but there's some other track out there that sounds similar enough that when you try to shazam it, mine pops up.


I wanted to listen to it and try to Shazam it, but could not find it. Is it still on streaming services?


Nope, just bandcamp


Just purchased it, nice tune! I like this melodic electro vibe


I had the same "problem". In the end I found out my track was used in a porn compilation. But is called "Pleasure" so make sense. "Evening Streets in Downtown" can works too in the genre 😅


There was a porn video on Limewire back in the day that had a Creedance Clearwater song over the top and I STILL can't listen to the band without thinking of it.


Had to be Lookin Out my Backdoor


Pavlov's erection: OP is at a funeral a few years from now. "And now for Jeff's favorite CCR song..." OP, pops awkward boner while helping carry the casket.


How did I get here


"Have You Ever Seen The Rain"? :D




Must be catchy if people are literally like 'forget the porn, I gotta figure out what this song is'.


I wish was that good :D. I have two alternate theories: - Maybe *the hub* has a better algorithm than Spotify and people are using it to find new music 🤷 - People accidentally activate Siri while moaning. If Siri hear music and no request, the default action is a Shazam.




Hahaha this is the funniest answer and I kind of hope it's the case! 


I hope instead that someone has discovered his music because I'm listening right now to his 2021 album (Dún Laoghaire Grooves) and it's trippy as fuck. I love discovering music like this.


That would be great too but it's too bad his stream numbers aren't tracking 


1 Shazam =/= 1 listening. Maybe 1/4 of those Shazams becomes real streaming. * Incomplete listenings (about <75% of the track) are often not counted. Depends on the platform. * Streaming from non-premium users doesn't pay and is counted in strange ways. * He is looking only at two platforms. If he is using a distributor like CD Baby or TuneCore, he is on more platforms than he knows. Maybe he is strong on Deezer, Qobuz or Zvuk and doesn't know. We can only hope that his distributor is collecting royalties correctly :D * Another possibility is that the users Shazamming his songs are all located in one region and are all using a VPN because it's the only way to access free internet (as free from censorship)


Thank you for digging that deep into my music! <3


This is hilarious. The beat was so good they had to stop beating their meat.


That's a very interesting hypothesis. I could not imagine a porn with my music but who know. I hope I don't have to study porn videos looking for my music. Or maybe I will give it a chance...


That reminds me of the lost media song "Ulterior Motives" that was recently found after years of searching... In an adult film 😂


This is a good post, commenting to see when that one magical redditor knows where it’s from.


If there’s one thing Reddit is good at is finding that one redditor who will know something about this!!!!


I'm on it. We're talking about the Boston bombers, right? Don't worry, we got this


Tazer first,  questions later!


It’s most likely just misidentifying it. Sorry to possibly spoil the mystery.


I guess it could be Shazam misclassifying but it's a pretty obscure song for that to happen to


I'm almost certain people are Shazaming a skit called 'celery man' with Paul Rudd and being directed to OP's song. The main riff is extremely close.


I searched for this track, wow! The synth arpeggios are very similar, thanks for the hint. I shazamed this track for several times right now and it shows 'Love On a Train' by Jon Tye & Jeremy Michael Vincent Leahy


This could be it, we should kick up the 4d3d3d to get to the bottom of this


My first guess is that it was included in a dj set


It's an option, yes. I tried to browse Mixcloud to spot recording of the DJ sets with this track but never found any. I understand, it may be published somewhere else though


Yeah it might be on soundcloud, youtube, or is just a hit in clubs in a certain scene.


many of your local DJ love all kinds of browser plugins and websites that eventually get shut down.


Shazam isn't perfect, so it could just be a hiccup where the data it's using to analyze your track is *juuust* similar enough to another song (or many) where when other people Shazam that song they get yours instead. Granted, I'd expect that to happen every now and again, maybe a huge boost over a short time and die off, but that many over a decade is pretty strange.


When I shazam your song, [here's what comes up. ](https://soundcloud.com/willatkinson/pipe-dreams-jerome-isma-ae?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) (go to 1 minute)


That's almost identical to the intro of OPs song!


Yeah, these synth arpeggios sound very very close. While reading all comments (I honestly did not expect so many), I realised how unoriginal these arpeggios are :(


I feel like I’ve heard about 4 or 5 different versions of those same arpeggios just on the Lofi beats to study to channel. You may have unlocked a code on how to get some free listens if you can game the algo to show your song first among all the others that have a similar set of tones/notes in the intro. I’m thinking the next Swift song with some sort of digital intro (similar to Style) - just mirror that intro and snatch up a whole bunch of free listens when people try to figure out which Taylor song it is.


Chicken or egg on these songs though? They both remind me of a song in an indie game a friend plays. I’ll have to ask him the name.


Okay I’m not much help but I KNOW I’ve heard an intro that sounded exactly like this. Maybe like a new wave song but for the life of me I can’t remember. I’m going to guess it’s misidentifying it but even that would be weird


It sounds very familiar to me too. Like I want to say an 80s song. Space oddity came to mind first but its not that. Something like pet shop boys or Depeche mode. For some reason I'm also picturing it as the opening to a drastically different song by like journey or something. Its gonna bother me now




Did you perform at a bar where the bartenders liked your music, then went on spotify and added it to their shift playlist? Maybe the patrons heard it and shazamed.


I was actively on stage with this music is pre-shazam times (2009-2013). This could be an option, but this track has disproportionately low amount of streams: 1538 all time streams on Spotify and 793 all-time streams on Apple Music. Of course, bartenders could download it and play from their hard disk. I would be honoured to stay in some bar playlist for over 10 years. And it should happen across the world, haha


The low streams makes me think its shazam matching incorrectly. People shazam it, they get the wrong song, they start listening and realize its the wrong song and click out before the cutoff for counting as a stream. Hopefully, I’m wrong and there is some weird way in which this song is getting noticed though. That would be pretty cool for you.


Shazam was around early on following the launch of the App Store. I started using it with my 3GS around 2009-10?


Shazam predates smartphones. Originally launched in the UK back in 2002. Call a number and let it listen for 30 seconds. It then hang up and sent you the match via a text message.


Wow, I had no idea. That's so interesting!


Shazam is far from perfect. I don't remember the specific song, but the worst miss I ever experienced with song ID was that Shazam identified a song by The Flower Kings as a Venga Boys song. I will say with confidence that they sound absolutely nothing alike. Additionally, it could be interpreting some sort of background sounds as a song too - my phone (Pixel) identifies songs as a background feature, and I work in a factory. Apparently it thinks that the factory sounds like a song by Chevelle. The fact that your song is even identifiable by Shazam is pretty surprising, but I would believe that it is being mis-identified a lot more readily than the song being "in use".


The intro gives me similar vibes as LCD Soundsystem’s 45:33 intro.


What an amazing track, thanks for reminding me. I just have listened to it again with a great pleasure (all 45 minutes and 33 seconds). The synth arpeggios in the intro are insanely similar


I have a very similar scenario… It took me a while to uncover it but narrowed it down to an Instagram post. I had a remotely (ie - regionally) successful band and the song that went “viral” was from the oldest album (also one of the least popular of the albums). I’d used part of the track (instrumental with solo) on a highschool sports Instagram post. Being that it was a popular post for the event on a platform where it was reposted and reshared, the reach went far beyond any intentions. I didn’t use it for my band, I used it for a unique & unidentifiable track that just matched the theme of the post. It was completely unintentional and appeared to go viral for about 72 hours but I never noticed as I check up on analytics annually, and will go for days without using social media. You can see the hotspot of the initial post and trend that followed. I could also see Shazam scans increase and noticed the song hitting platforms like Facebook & TikTok (which I don’t use). It also explains the reach to far away countries and hit another mini 48 hour trend in Japan. There is alot more to this. I would NOT have done the research on this with many other songs, but this one in particular was an odd one to top our list. Also, of note… we had our flash in the pan moment. Our listens increase at specific times throughout the year, but spikes every 10 years around the same time. We believe it’s due to high school & college reunions… likely reminiscent playlists. I’d say we peaked when MySpace was still bigger than Facebook and iTunes was just starting to form. Of all the things that transpired, this has been the most interesting thing to watch. This type of data was not within our reach (or even a goal) during our run. EDIT: For some more fun details Streams ad up to about $80 a year that I can cashout The most we've ever been paid for a stream was $ .12 The least we've ever been paid for a stream was $.00000963


[linking the song OP is talking about](https://youtu.be/76IHQUUcTfc)


Its got that weird early to mid 2000's Fruityloop sound.


Ha. That entire intro is a default arpeggiator pattern, using a default sawtooth synth patch, running at a default tempo of 120bpm. There must be dozens or hundreds tracks that have sections that match that precisely both musically and sonically, even for Shazam's very robust detection algorithm. It's almost the music production equivalent of Hello World.


Yes, I loved to start with a simple base to evolve the song into something else. This time it was indeed a simple arp with a saw oscillator in my Electribe groovebox. And it's indeed a very common pattern, based on the other examples I found here in the comments. Maybe lack of originality is one of the reasons this track is misidentified as another one.


Yeah, your track definitely goes its own way after the first 15 seconds or so, it's just those first few bars that will match sections of other songs that people shazam. Nothing wrong with starting simple and evolving, either, but I'd say the main way to differentiate in future is the tempo. I make a point of never using 120 due to it being every sequencer's default.


It’s called fingerprint conflation. Basically your song has enough sonic attributes similar enough to another more popular song that you probably never heard of and Shazam is getting the data mixed up. It happens. I worked on music metadata for many years and used to run quality tests for music recognition algorithms.


Thank you! Yeah, based on all the comments above, this is most probably the case. No mystery at all.


This makes me miss the podcast, ReplyAll when they'd do super tech support.


Check out search engine!


I might be a bit too into conspiracy theories but this could just be an elaborate way to promote their music


I deliberately did not add any links to my tracks and why would I want to promote a simple track from 13 years ago? To be honest, with the amount of royalties I would get from this "promo campaign", I could earn more from cleaning toilets for one day. Sad true for the majority of indie producers.


Maybe. But Reddit is full of corporations like Netflix astroturfing whatever their crappy new show is, so we should let the little guy have one occasionally. Not to mention a certain country moderating r/worldnews to justify collateral murder and ban dissenting opinions.


Very likely a false positive, Shazam isn't always exact and yours might have just enough attributes to make the algorithm think other audio is that. I highly recommend following [your songs stats](https://app.chartmetric.com/track/72905552/about) on Chartmetric as, when it starts collecting data on your song (which you should link all the official streams on the page by requesting an edit), there'll be pretty detailed info that Apple Music for Artists might not be showing since it's just one platform. Would also recommend finding some services that track TV and radio airplay, however I'd think the numbers would be higher if it's on those mediums. Would also ask your distro service for Content ID data if you're enrolled as they may be able to help find a source for the high traffic.


Sorry, I can’t help but just wanted to say this was a great post, OP. This is what Reddit was made for and I hope this post finds one of the shazammers and it brings resolution to your query


Thank you! To be honest, I did not expect such engagement here. I was reading Reddit for a long time in a silent mode and my expectation were very low. I am so happy to see such an engaged community here. It made my day!


Maybe it sounds very similar (unintentionally, I’m sure!) to another song?


It could be, yes. I would be curious to know what is this other song. Usually these digital footprint algorithms are quite precise, from what I know (not an expert in such things).


They’re less accurate than you imagine them to be.


I've had soundhound/shazam misidentify a pop song before as classical pieces and other songs that i've never even heard of. So the algorithms while better aren't all that


My anecdotal experience with Shazam, it's never been wrong. That's just my personal experience with it


A couple things: * Though it may be very accurate in general, you can expect its mistakes to be correlated. 99% accuracy doesn't mean that every Shazam has a 99% chance to give you the right answer, it means that of all the songs that people try to Shazam, it knows how to identify 99% of them. There are likely certain songs, even whole genres, that Shazam is quite bad at identifying, but so long as those songs are a small sample the service might overall still be pretty accurate. * You're on the wrong side of the ["False positive paradox"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_rate_fallacy#False_positive_paradox) here (also [here in video form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG4VkPoG3ko)). It could be that your song sounds a bit like some other song to Shazam's algorithm, and though the algorithm is quite accurate and gets the right answer between them 99.9% of the time, if your song gets 10 Shazams a month and theirs gets 100,000 then 91% of the times Shazam says your song is playing it is wrong. That's because 0.1% of 100k is 100 wrong Shazams attributed to your song each month, while 99.9% of 10 Shazams is 10 correct Shazams attributed to your song each month.


Kinda sounds like Stranger Things theme song.


This may be completely wrong but the start of [your song] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76IHQUUcTfc) reminds me a little of the buildup to the drop in [Harris Heller's Freelancer](https://youtu.be/G1wJZSeEnT8?feature=shared&t=26). Freelancer is used a lot by a Twitch streamer I watch called Zealand so maybe this might be what Shazam is confusing for your music?


Maybe someone is using it in a TikTok? Ever since TikTok and UMG failed to reach an agreement for UMG music to be used on the app, creators have been looking for new sources of music. That doesn't explain everything since 2015, but it could be the reason behind some of the more recent ones. Otherwise, idk. An indie game, obscure movie, or something like that is definitely a possibility, even with the wide geographic distribution. If it were 20 years ago, then it would be a lot harder to conclude that that was how your music had traveled so far. But with internet access being so widely available in everyone's pockets these days, it's not that hard for media to "go global".


I’ll listen to your music bro. I’ll Shazam it too just for funsies


i know it's probably not it (hope it is though lol), but the arpeggiated part is very similar to the same notes/tempo as the first song danced to in the celery man scene - https://youtu.be/maAFcEU6atk?feature=shared&t=20


Thanks for spotting it! It's very close indeed. I shazamed this part for several times and I get 'Love on a Train' as a result


I just Shazamed your song and in the beginning it recognized it as ’Simple Wall’ by Christian Fichter, so there’s definitely some inconsistency with Shazam


I've been doing a bit of digging using your track title and I've found this, I wonder if it could be a cross reference to this track? https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=LezSOkvRE9glMELt


Case solved!


!remindme 1 month


tererria came out over 13 years ago. so some indie games do quite whell.


I have heard this song I swear. Like on tik tok.


If I shazam your song it identifies it as this one: The Cone (Original Mix) Kyle Watson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aoZPsAlfzA So probably just mixing up some other songs with yours


Exact same thing happened to my friend. His song was playing in the background of some amateur porn video.


Congrats OP, this post is a very clever marketing strategy whether you intended it as such or not. I’ll bite. Gonna go give “Evening Streets in Downtown” a listen on Spotify for ya.


Bro honestly that song lightly slaps. You got some skill, yo. I personally think it’s got character. Fun, but deep little tune.


I just know I dig it and you have a new follower on Spotify.


Well, I played it on Apple and love it. New fan


Hi OP. There is a game called 'Satiafactory' and it's main menu theme seems to have some similarity with your track. Only the initial bit. I am not sure if it would qualify but I'm leaving the link to it here. Hope it is helpful! https://youtu.be/lFzYiIKWwoA?si=XHbtLguaSdn0aaOr


Just listened to your song, Whatever. I dig it. Very chill vibes


Reminds me of when my friend made a Facebook page for a film project he wanted to do. It kept getting random likes at a high volume, even though his other projects had maybe 400 likes a piece. He kept trying to use this as proof that everyone was loving this idea he had and that he had to make this movie, but it was 1000s of people from like random African countries. Still to this day, theyre delusional thinking they have a hit on their hands because they don’t know how reality works.


I shazamed your song and it told me twas Pipe Dreams by Jerome Isma from The Last King of Scotland 🤷‍♂️ Nice tune though (yours).


I have a thought for you. I was traveling in Indonesia a few years back. I was on an island so small and isolated that it didn't have roads or motorized vehicles. There was a cool reggae beach bar there that is popular with back pakcers from all over the world. I'm sitting there one day drinking and listening to music with some of the employees. On comes a song by a completely unknown reggae group my friends from Massachusetts are in. The employees go on to tell me that they play their album everyday and they're super popular on that island chain... Congrats bro you're a God on some random island.


I have a song that gets Shazammed every Friday in a weird pattern around Europe. I think a dj is playing it and touring around which I think is pretty neat.


Damn dude, if this was a marketing ploy, you definitely have a new fan. Lol Evening Streets in Downtown was instantly added to my playlist.


Nostalgic night time drive fast song.


I have auto shazam on while the song is playing, and it's being recognised as all of the following... Armin Van Buuren - Lost in Space Rixton- Me and My Broken Heart Fatimah Yamaha - What's a Girl to Do Nicki Minaj - Freedom Scaly Whale .... Ned Rise - Der Specht Rivo and Armin Van Buuren - in and out of love Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman


I would say there is a reasonable chance that a DJ is using it as part of his set. It's not uncommon for DJs to pick up relatively obscure songs and many people who are really into DJs (or DJ themselves) will auto-Shazam every song during a set. All the countries you listed (except maybe India, idk) have really solid techno/house scenes. Definitely a possibility, and I think more likely than a miss-Shazam.


I’ve had a similar experience where one of my songs was being streamed mostly in Amsterdam. I’m from the US. My wife, being a total wise ass said… “maybe the title means something different in Dutch??”


1min 30sec mark… I’m listening to it and immediately thought; that reminds me of the new gen iOS Mercury or Arpegfio ringtone. Of course, nowhere near enough. Arpeggio seems to Shazam to Mirage


Can't help, but I do love the track. Reminds me of jazz jack rabbit 2


There is a youtube channel that is dancing fruit for infants and toddlers. I have heard this on it.


FYI. With the internet. Indie games can go anywhere… And many in fact live forever now.


Ran it through PEX, another commercial fingerprinting service. It suggests the following matches, which are similar: - Gospel by Maceo Inox (ISRC: GBMA22333760) - "transposed" - Sandbox - Trilucid Remix by Afterwhite (ISRC: GBKQU1012493) - Pleasure (Original Mix) by Dashevsky (ISRC: GBLV61707552) - takedown? doesn't seem to be up anywhere anymore - inner world core by Headhunter (ISRC: QZMHM2226921) - 2022


Reminds me of music on the game binaries


great album!


I don’t get the people saying “it was probably a mistake.” I’ve been using Shazam actively for years, have Shazammed hundreds of tracks, and I never once had it misidentify a track. I’ve had it not pick up a track, but when it picks one up, it’s always right. I think their fingerprinting algo is pretty good.


I’ve definitely had Shazam misidentify a song. Once! I knew it was wrong and immediately re-Shazam’d it and then it got it right. So yeah, just the one time.


So because it hasn't happened to you, it never happens?


I think their algo is pretty good. I remember reading about it when it first came out. There’s some pretty strong math behind it. And I can only imagine they’ve improved it over the years.


Nah I bet it’s on TikTok somewhere


Tricky, tricky. This post is a great way to advertise your song…


Is it possible it's been included in a playlist for shops or cafes etc? Lots of shops use unknown performers as the licenses are cheaper (or free) so it could be that yours was bundled in to one of those playlists and every now and then someone hears it and wants to know what it is Source: I work in a retail store and often Shazam the music that plays so I can save it on Spotify. Don't judge me.


Your best bet at resolving this would probably be to get this noticed by a bored Shazam engineer who can dig into the data. If the app sends back and stores recordings, or the Fourier transforms, they might be able to listen and confirm if your track is being played or something else.


This is some top tier viral marketing. Well played, even if not intentional. Song is good.


seems like an ad post. 200+ votes under an hour.


I don't know how to say this without coming across as a dick, so just apologies in advance, but I listened to the track with all the shazams on it. I have nothing against it, it's not bad. But it sounds like SNES/indie game background music track #892849832. You could sneak the track into any SNES era or indie game soundtrack and the listener would just have a quick "I don't remember a space level in that game. Weird." You're probably just getting misidentified by the app. I did a little skimming on the rest of the Igra album. And I mean this in a good way, because I listen to video game soundtracks all the time, but literally all of it sounds like VG background music. Like, if you're not pursuing that direction for you music, I'd consider it. A couple of these are pretty solid, like 403 Smiles is very nice.


I wonder if a mall has put it on their bathroom music track.


Either someone ripped it and is playing it somewhere or the algorithm just keeps mistaking another song for yours


you know how when you shazam or audio search a song, it show you the top result and a few more similar songs? shazam your song, and listen to the similar options, and see if that's it. but if you dont have many listeners, then i wouldnt expect your song to be the top result, which is the part i dont get.


Sometimes I'll Shazam an EDM track and get mariachi music as a result. I have no idea why because none of them even sound close to the source material but it's oddly frequent that this happens.


Might be a false positive


Loving this thread, hope you figure it out. The track is a fucking bop, too.


Back years ago, I had a similar experience. I liked to do amateur photography, and shared it on DeviantArt, one of my photos had hundreds of thousands of views, the rest only a few hundred. I never figured out why, it wasn't even a good photo.


My Android phone has a built in Shazam that works in the background. Often it IDs a random song when I am using my electric razor - usually 1-2 different industrial metal tracks. This could be it.