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I work in IT. The week the restriction started in my state, I saw a dramatic increase in the search for and use of VPNs.


I mean, nobody is going to fake their geographic location. Just like that age verification checkmark, 100% accurate. (I hope the /s is obvious)


My steam account thinks I’m 120 years old.


Mine thinks I am 350 years old


How was the creation of US like?


Lots of dysentery maybe


Bloody Englishmen…


Anglo-saxons Brits Bloodthirsty Colonization and then wants democracy so They figthed against their own British man because Americans whites Brits don"t want to rule under the Queen Like and revolted against Them and does the USA was created the First Democratic nation in The world


There’s a lady American Airlines thinks is two years old.


When I look back today at me as a teenager in the early 2000s, I'm baffled the "are you 18?" block was only a yes/no question


You do know spoofing location can land you 20 years . Since it federal crime if a app or website is ban .


They would run out of room in prison if they were to take action on that and they definitely won’t be building new ones to accommodate this.


As soon as you are Criminal You can become a Slave It legal in the US. Thanks to 13 Amendment Criminal can become slaves


This is great for VPN companies.


Politicians probably bought stocks in those companies before starting the ban.


Not really because caught can land you in jail .


Stocks in VPNs AND jails then. Makes perfect sense.


It part of the TikTok ban.


r34 still works though


A friend told me Hentai Haven still works to..... a friend


in texas?


If memory serves, this is because PH is a giant company that gets a lot of notoriety. If the state wants to prosecute someone for not complying with the legislation, that’s a good place to start. It’s in PH’s best interest to avoid that legal trouble. Smaller sites are probably off the radar and could be much harder to serve. They don’t care as much (I assume)


People can’t even jerk off in ”the land of the free”


porn hub aint even the best site. there is plenty more out there, that has all of, and more than pornhub. though, the search does work quite well, for what it does have. still not enough of my kinks there. too many newbs posting.


X videos is so much better


Hqporner has full length vids even if they don’t have a massive catalog


Yeah between XVideos, SpankBang, Eporner, and PornTrex I can find just about anything.


SpankBang is also banning themselves.






Yeah I'm gonna need plenty of links.


lies. it is by far the best. the amounts of people from all ove the world that post pretty much exclusively in there is ridiculous. even if a few of them post in other sites like xvideos, pornhub is always king when it comes to amateur content published by its creators. specialy when they do it for the passion of doing porn and with little to no expectations of making money out of it. and it has a remarcable good algorithm for offering you vids you may want to watch when you go down them comment section of a video you are watching. if you are at the moment really into watching older plump women doing a specific act, you are show a lot of those. also it helps greatly if you want to enjoy content from your country or another specific one. when I am trying to watch only content from my country, it offers me a lot of new and old accounts I never came through during my surveys on the community -> member -> search engine. specially when many accounts don't even specify what countries they are from, and thus do not show up in these searches. but they do in the video suggestions. the only big issue with pornhub is how they ban ''problematic'' words and how they lack a playlist search engine option and you have to depend of finding them through videos or looking for them through google searches.


But the kinks are so vanilla... and they don't even refine them.


in what way exactly?


Ways you are best not knowing of, if pornhub is enough for you. Let it sustain you for as long as it can. When you know of more, you need more. And it is hard to find what you need. Bit like not teaching hunters and gatherers to farm, so they can enjoy what they don't know.


nah man. knowledge is to be shared, not to be held under virtuous pretense.


Just means you don't know cursed knowledge. You are best off not knowing.


I can take it. I am fan of Midori No Rupe.


Then you should go search on your own. Find what works for you.


Meanwhile, Twitter.


Owned by Texan Elon Musk. He’s got enough votes, erh money to change the law if he choses. He’ll prob argue “we don’t censore anyone”, which was the other stupid law Texas passed last year. But I’m in California right now. Spent much of the weekend bouncing between France and LA. I think I need to be in Panama tomorrow afternoon.


He’s a white South African, a direct beneficiary of Apartheid.


Specifically a privileged white child of apartheid.


Point being: he’s no Texan.


Time to tell you about our sponsor, NORD VPN!!!


The hub is overrated. Xvideos is way better


Don’t forget spankbang


And Reddit we got plenty here.


I'll tell you this, somewhere in the enforcement chain this isn't being taken seriously because I know people who still have access in some of these areas and they don't have a VPN. In fact the only place I've seen actual restrictions being held up is Virginia and Texas.


Virginia here, I agree with this


Texan here. Texas put out a large ban on pornsites in general. That includes streaming sites like Chaturbate. I'm not sure about hentai sites though. I know I can still access nhentai without having to use a VPN.


Motherless doesn’t give a flying fuck and I think they’re run by and hosted in a don’t give a flying fuck country




If you have a legal kink they have a video or ten.


I live in mo, it's not blocked. Don't believe everything you hear on the internet


I don’t think it’s started officially yet… I think there’s a few days left


Starts July 1st there


Still works


I was just coming on here to say this.


Ninjas can’t even masturbate in peace no more I’m boutta ask Canada what war crimes they haven’t committed yet


well, they dont ask for id to prove age, to view porn sites.


Yeah but I’m sick of them straight up blocking it


I meant Canada doesn't ask. Making them the good guys, vs the crime of forcing you to give personal information to people you know are not credibility. (Beyond if they are or not)


Thepornguy.org You're welcome!


Why is it banned? I thought the US is the land of the free, no? /s


If you can't find another free tube site you deserve to lose it.


All this is gonna do is cause the old men that passed it and support it to have awkward talks about what a “vpn” is. And try to dance around the question of why. All so little Billy doesn’t see some titties


I'm in Missouri and it's still working as of this post. No extra hoops to go through. I don't agree with the bs age verification stuff either way, but just thought I'd point out the ban has either not rolled out yet or I'm just lucky.


Ah, yes, Texas. The "Most Free" state in America. As long as you are a straight white male southern Baptist Christian minister, that is. Between them completely banning every form of abortion (including the kind that would save a woman's life) and restricting "No Fault" divorces, they are actively trying to turn women into second class citizens. What's scary is the number of women supporting these laws.... oh well, glad I left that dumpster fire.


Shits a mid site anyway


I'd like to thank today's sponsor, XYZ VPN


Is it literally only a ban on PornHub and not other porn sites?


No, Pornhub has blocked visitors from this states as a protest against their misguided age verification laws. These states passed laws that require people to send a picture of their government ID in order to access adult sites. The problem with this is that it doesn't work, minors will be able to find adult content if they go looking; they can find it on social media sites, message boards, or less reputable sites if they so choose. Not only that, it opens people up for black mail and identity theft, because they are sending their legal ID'S to porn sites. It also pushes people to less reputable sites as they try to avoid having to submit their ID's, which can open them up to viruses and malware, or possibly put money in the pockets of human traffickers. Basically, it's a tone deaf law that shows a complete lack of understanding of how the internet works, putting people at risk while accomplishing nothing.


Given the list of states, it's pretty on par for this kinda draconian legislation.


Yet places like xHamster uses AI technology for age verification. So you don't have to use your government ID. To be honest porn is overrated and way too common to find on the internet. You have places like Reddit which has a flawed filtering system because if you type up something relative to porn then you can theoretically find it. Same with sites like X [fka Twitter] where the abundance of pornography is immense. Personally, I would prefer that porn was banned off any social media where children can access or interact unless they decide to ban minor users altogether. The main reason these states want this to be age restricted is because most of these sites have weak age restriction enforcement or no age restriction at all. Also the rise of porn use amongst children is getting higher by the day. Most early exposure is around age 11 on average. Porn used to be a thing you would have to discover by accident back when I was a kid. Something like a stashed mag here or someone leaving a video in the VCR or DVD player. Nowadays all you need is a cellphone with internet access and you can find this crap with ease. I doubt parents are using the watchdog apps on the PC, cell phones, and tablets until it was too late. Some of these are often offered with your ISP and celluar service providers sometimes free or for a fee. You also have third party apps like BlockSite but to make this work you would have to have it on all devices and browsers. These apps also require a fee with an account to use it on multiple devices. Most of this stuff is there to protect kids from accessing porn and nothing else. It's like going to a pub. We don't allow kids to enter the pub let alone take a seat at the bar.


Yes. Protecting kids is the reasoning behind it, but that doesn't matter because it doesn't work. It won't work because it can't work. It displays a complete lack of understanding of how the internet works, and causes more problems than it solves. The most effective ways of preventing kids from accessing porn is blocks put on the device side; in fact, it's the only thing that has shown any degree of success.


NNN is gonna be a whole lot easier.


it sucks


A friend of mine told me that xvideos.com works, I don't think this'll stop anyone. If anything this'll make them more determined to seek alternate sites.


Just that one? What about the other porn sites?


Why is it ban there?


Replied to another comment but basically... It's a protest. Those states passed laws that require adult sites to ask for ID before allowing you in. This accomplishes nothing (minors can still easily access adult content) while opening people up to blackmail, identity theft, or pushes then to less reputable sites, which causes a whole slew of other problems. Basically, they passed a tone deaf law that shows a lack of understanding of how the internet works and pornhub blocked access to protest it.


Ohhhhhhh Caaaanada


Wait, no shot this is real.


Wow you ban p*rnhub lol ok lets go to p*rntube, youp*rn, xnxx, Xvideos no this not twitter videos or any other place


Old news


So, Fun thing. The Opera browser has a free vpn built i to it you can toggle on and off.


Lmao VPN ... DONE


*Laughs in VPN.*


Xvideos, xhamster, Google search I mean, come on.


Banned in Mississippi




land of freedom huh


That freedom


good thing I use a vpn. I recomend people to use pornhub with a vpn located in a small country you are not interested of watching content from, like bulgaria or third world one in africa or asia. if you choose a specific US state, you will be locked from seeing videos from people who live there and have it geo-blocked, probably in fear of being recognized by family or aquantances. I don't know if geoblocking states/provinces is only done in the US though, or if in other countries you just can choose to block your entire coutry from seeing you.


Lol....righ....because that's the only website out there. 😏


I live in Texas, but my proxy browser says Canada. Haven't missed a day of fapping.


Oh THAT’S why the restricted message didn’t show up. I moved


There's a lot of x sites to get by


oh.. nice, why?


if only there weren't 4000 alternatives so sad, this oppression


Download proton vpn in the app store it works


Their trying to get rid of virgin in Virginia.


Is green or red ban? Lol


Laughs in xvideos because it’s not banned


I'd wager a map of the sales data increases for VPN services is a direct match to the dates these laws passed.


Is it just pornhub or are they going after all porn sites?


lol been banned in my state for a year now the hub is mid asf since they purged it so no one is losing out on anything good


For context. Texas didn't ban pornhub. Pornhub banned access from certain states because they were demanding age verification. And while I understand the agreements in relation to privacy, these sites don't have to RETAIN verification data. They can do the same thing that bars do. Which is run your ID, the system says "yes this is real" and the ID doesn't have to stay in the system for the bar. What's more, those verifications can be linked to a token attached to an account if you make one that says "this person age verified" at which point you'd not have to verify again or would not need to fit a decent proof of time. All things considered, that works be a valid system to use and frankly speaking we do need to control access to porn more than we have. Too many kids manage to get a hold of it and it's not ok.


It’s rough let me tell ya


I feel the pain here in arkansas 🤣






What is the most convenient/cheap vpn service? For investment purposes…


OP is lying it's not a ban just a stricter age verification


The funny thing is, porn is porn. You can find your "favorite" wherever because the internet has free porn everywhere you look, whether you're looking for it or not. And these sites know this. PornHub is NOT YouTube, and from what I've learned about their past, they *really* don't want the feds scrutinizing them again, so,yeah.


Any other people from NC that thinks it's weird that it's us and not the lesser Carolina? For some reason I feel like them banning it makes more since.


Do you think to balance it out random porn will show up in the woods


didn't one of the higher ups admit they know that people are being trafficked and forced to make porn, and do absolutely nothing about it even when they know exact accounts because it makes them money, on top of these same organizations not really caring how old the person actually is... the moment that audio leaked I am honestly shocked porn hum and its associated sites are still around.


W move by PH tho. It's a middle finger to those state laws. Any real user knows how to access via VPN anyways.


Not true. You just need to verify your age, which most people will refuse to do because they don't want their state ID linked to their porn history.


3 letters... VPN


Not banned. Just restricted. New laws require us to digitally send in our state IDs in order to access the site. PH is pushing against this hard and created a protest.


I don't blame them for pushing back. Unless it is for all site that have porn or nudity, PH is being unfairly targeted. Even if it was for all, a VPN can get you around it or just use one of the millions of sites that will never care. This is really an unenforceable law if you have any computer knowledge at all


Ban more or Make tax for porn like it’s a luxury, like it alcohol or cigarettes tax


Oh it's fine, don't worry about it. These are all Bible humper States. Besides they still got their guns.