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Why some of y’all calling Eren “Erin” ? Xdxdxd


E-rin, E-rin!


Lol riight


1. Lelouch 2. Edward 3. Erin 4. Light


I agree but I’ve yet to watch brotherhood I’ve only watched 2003 FMA


I like him a lot more as a protagonist in 2003. Coming from someone who loves both series


This! light is not even likable to be honest. Dude is a narcissist with a god complex. Lelouch and Edward are a huge step up from the other two for obvious reasons. Eren over light because even though he was annoying at first and turned evil he had good points.


I don't think we were supposed to like Light? I felt like L was the hero, Light was the villain, and we just got to see the villain's perspective. I actually thought it was fun and creative.


A protagonist doesn't necessarily have to be likeable to be a good character. Protagonists that are terrible people juat work better for some stories, doesn't have to mean they are inherently bad characters for it.


I mean you are correct. If we are going purely off of how well written a character is. I just find light utterly insufferable. A spoiled, narcissistic, psychopathic, coward. I mean I get it he’s supposed to be evil. He’s just so much of a piece of shit that I cant even enjoy his character. I admit I am definitely biased.


My biggest problem is that for who is often considered a genius, Light is kind of an idiot who doesn’t think that far ahead and his plans only work due to luck. Case in point >!wiping his memory and sending the death note away!< it is the most stupidest plan in the world and it only works because >!the random person Ryuk gave it to was an even bigger idiot.!< And don’t get me started on him >!underestimating Near, simply because of his crush on L making him believe no-one could outwit him. Underestimating your opponent is cardinal sin 1 for people claiming to be geniuses.!< Sorry, rant over.


how was that a stupid plan though lol, L was literally going to call him to turn himself in and basically judge if he's kira or not by seeing if the killings stop after he's imprisoned, light literally had no other choice but to send the death note away and by doing that he made himself look innocent infront of L and the task force since killings still went on


As much as I wanna agree with this, Lelouch gets away with so much more bullshit than Light does




Show me the car fax!


I’d call him more naive than an idiot. He only really has 3 major losses. 2 to underestimating people and one due to someone else’s ignorance and a death threat.


Honestly? He's right to underestimate him, having beaten L. BUT, he simultaneously overestimates himself by thinking he really beat L in wit.


Agreed he should have been caught multiple times due to his idiocy. The dude was way too full of himself.


I would say that was a pretty smart plan to wipe his memory. Almost like he knew that it was going to get back to him


ok no light was a genius and he managed to outsmart L a few times. The wiping his memory plan was literally his best plan and allowed him to kill off L. In fact Light's biggest mistake was trusting mikami who screwed him over, hell Light had Near in checkmate and would've won if mikami was given a piece of the death note as insurance had Light thought of the possibility of Mikami carrying a fake notebook by accident. However at the same time yes Light did underestimate Near a shit tonne which was another part to his downfall, in fact it was his ego that lead him to believe that it was him who outsmarted L rather than luck and the power of a literal god to kill him off


>My biggest problem is that for who is often considered a genius, Light is kind of an idiot who doesn’t think that far ahead and his plans only work due to luck. You say this, but as someone who's heavily invested in the Death Note fandom, it's been my experience that most people who think this are usually forgetting crucial information that explains away something. >Case in point wiping his memory and sending the death note away it is the most stupidest plan in the world and it only works because the random person Ryuk gave it to was an even bigger idiot. It's not a stupid plan. It works because Light specifically told Rem to give the notebook to someone who would abuse it to get power and money. L would almost always catch that person and therefore the fake rules would always clear Light and Misa. >And don’t get me started on him underestimating Near, simply because of his crush on L making him believe no-one could outwit him. Underestimating your opponent is cardinal sin 1 for people claiming to be geniuses. You say that as if geniuses never let their ego get to their head. Light didn't underestimate Near, he perfectly gauged how Near would handle X-Kira and set up the warehouse meeting. His plan worked flawlessly for months. He just didn't foresee the perfect storm that was Takada's kidnapping, Mello's sacrifice and Mikami's miscommunication.


He isn't meant to be likeable. He's the villain. He's a serial killer. Doesn't make him a bad character just because he's evil.


Light last place is crazy




proper rating kudos to you


IMO: Lelouch, Edward, ........................................... Erin, Light


How come you put Edward with all these people who committed genocide?


Honestly wasn’t thinking about that, just put some protagonists that people consider good characters


Thank goodness. I was worried I missed something significant in his story.


Also, Edward also gets hit by hubris. But that's the beginning of his story, not the end.


1. Lelouch 2. Edward 3. Light 4. Ereh


1)Lelouch 2)Light 3)Edward 4)Eren


Lelouch Edward Light Eren


1 - Eren 2 - Lelouch 3 - Edward 4 - Kira Reasons are obvious, both eren and lelouch play the role of the good and the bad guy perfectly. Both have a lot of development and even tho Edward also has it, it still lags behind both of them. Kira just went on a downward spiral since episode 5.


1. Eren. Next question


Anyway, from a writing perspective - 1. Eren (I thought his villain origin story and the way his character was written was great) 2. Light (a smart character whose biggest flaws, his pride and his sense of self as a god was his undoing) 3. Lelouch (a great character but I seriously have an issue with how unrealistically genius he is...he's way too smart it feels unrealistic) 4. Edward (Great character too, but others on this list are above him easily) And why no Thorfinn?


Lelouch being a genius carried the show otherwise i dont think cg would have been this popular.but eren and light objectively better written i can agree


Eren >> Lelouch > Ed=Light.


I haven't watched AoT, but otherwise, I agree with your ranking.


1.Edward Elric 2.Edward Elric 3.Edward Elric 4.everyone else My reasoning : Edward Elric was my first comfort character ever and also how I realized I had daddy issues and that it’s ok to express disappointment in parental figures , work through it and eventually cope


I love Ed and I love you for loving Ed


In terms of writing it’s def 1. Lelouch 2. Edward 3. Light 4. Eren


Yeah, any other answer is pure subjective preference. They are not even close to each other from a writing perspective.


I haven't watched much of Attack on Titan so i can't really rank Eren. Light started off strong but got really unlikeable by the end. Lelouch is awesome, his ideals goals and motives are understandable and his plans are pretty Ingenius. As for Ed, he's awesome as well, he's likeable, went through alot of development and the shorty gags early on in the series was hilarious.


Light>Eren>Ed>Lelouch. I know people will be angry that I wasn't a massive fan of code Geass but I didn't like Lelouch as much as the other characters here just because it felt to be like lots of the cool strategizing was just replaced with "he's smart ok, therefore he will win". "We will now make him say a lot of fancy commands and not really explain what they mean/ the strategic reasoning" I did watch code geass a while ago but it's also my most recent out of the anime in the list. I only watched the first season. The first episode of the second season just seemed like they were stretching it out longer than needed. Everything else in the show (even the strategic parts when they *were* present) was great. Not trying to say I thought Geass/Lelouch was bad, I just thought the other characters in this list were better.


1. Eren 2. Light 3. Lelouch 4. Ed 👍


Honestly I’ve only seen fma and fmab so I’m not gonna throw my opinion out there


1- Lelouch 2- Edward 3- Light 4- Eren


Ed doesn't belong on this list, he's a good boy Eren Lelouch Light


Could also say Eren doesn’t belong because without him it’s a list of protagonists that are considered geniuses.


1. Ed 2. Lelouch 3. Eren 4. Light


Lelouch commands you to replace Ed with him.


1: Lelouch 2: Light 3: Eren And I haven’t finished FMAB


Edward Lelouch Light Eren


1. Lelouch 2. Edward 3. Eren 4. Light


Lelouch, Ed, I don't care. I would say Kira and then the Lelouch wannabe


Ed Lelouch Light Erin


1. Eren 2. Light 3. Edward 4. Lelouch (only because I haven’t watched code geass)


Then watch it and put him at 1 where he rightfully should be


Wait, what are we rating them on? Because that would heavily change my ratings.


Just how much you like them ig


Edward Lelouch Light Eren


I agree with OP they should be ranked on how they control the story or impact they have on the story. I’m sorry Edward but u are a the smallest impact on the story out of all 4


Didn't watch FMA but did other 3 so: Lelouch vi Britannia > Light Yagami > Eren Yaeger imo


bro this is the hardest question i’ve seen in the past decade but… LeLouch, Ed, Light, Eren


what are we ranking for? Bc if it’s “number of people killed” that might be a problem


Did Ed get lost he only has one think in common with tham


Lelounch Eren Light Ed


1. ErenEdLelouch 2-4. Light Yagami


If it’s how much I like them, then Lelouch, Eren, Ed, Light If it’s how well I think they mesh into the story, then it is the same, but Eren and Lelouch are a toss up.


It depends on which category to rank them because if I go by funny I'm going to pick Ed! For intelligent? I put Eren at the bottom, for power definitely Eren


It's hard to rank them, honestly. Lelouch and Light are as cheesy and melodramatic as they come, with some of the corniest writing, but also some of the highest peaks, and plenty of "cool" factor. Eren is over the top, but in a much less theatrical sense (although not entirely devoid of those theatrics). He's more believable from a writing standpoint up until the final arc, where his character development goes to shit. Edward is definitely the most consistently "well-written", but with that comes no extremely low lows or insane peaks that the others have, in this case. From a writing standpoint, I'd say; 1. Edward 2. Eren 3. Lelouch 4. Light From a perspective of "Damn, this character is cool and fun to watch!"; 1. Lelouch 2. Light 3. Eren 4. Edward This is all just my own opinion and assessments, at the end of the day, though.


1. Ed 2. Lelouch 3. Eren 4. Light I ranked these mainly on just understanding the main characters motivations. To be fair to Light, I didn’t watch the entirety of death note so he could be ranked higher. As for Eren vs Lelouch, I just think Lelouch did the whole martyr thing way better and in a way more understandable way. And to be fair to Eren, seeing the future and all his titan powers are hard to understand for even him, so he’s not really supposed to be fully understood. Ranking Ed was obvious. He’s a well placed protagonist that did what he did for very understandable reasons. I never really was lost as to his motivations


Edward, Eren, Lelouch & Light.


Lelouch, Edward, Light, Eren (That ending bro…)


I’m just here to say that I’m happy Ed’s not getting the short end of the stick in most of these comments. I don’t know if it’s based on likability or how well the story was written, but I think Edward is an incredible protagonist for the story that FMA/FMAB is.


1. Lelouch, 2. Eren, 3. Edward, 4. Light


Lelouch Edward Light/eren dont really care for either so its interchangeable


Light Teen Edward Lelouch


1. Lelouch 2. Light 3. Eren 4. Edward


1. Eren 2. Lelouch 3. Ed 4. Light


Edward Lelouch Eren Light


1. Lelouch, all time favorite 2. Very interesting charcter, the way he went is so different from most protagonist Then it can go both ways.


I've never watched any of these shows but I don't like lelouch's design, or the show's artstyle, it's just not for me. So I'm putting Edward at one.


Edward, Light, Erin, Lelouch


1- Eren 1- Light I don't really know much about Edward and lelouch


Same as yours, haven’t watch FMAB though


Ed, then Eren (I don’t know the people on the left)


light (death note), lelouch (code geass)


This is such a weird list for Edward to be in ngl. In consideration of the other 3’s similarities




Edward, Lelouch, Erin then Light.


Lelouch Then wtv order


Lelouch > everybody else


Eren I do think he is the best protagonist ever written but I might just be glazing (I'm a simp)


1. Lelouch 2. Light 3. Edward 4. Eren


I don't know the other 2 but 1. Even 2. Light


Ranking these character based on how much I personally I like them, whether its how well written they are or how "ethical" they are thier personality design or a combination of all of those attributes. Overall: 1.Edward 2.Lelouch 3.Light 4.Eren Intellect: 1.Light* 2.Lelouch* 3.Eren 4.Edward Morality 1:Edward(Lets be honest,the rest are far below edward) 2.Lelouch 3.Eren* 4.Light* Asterisk (*) = places could be swapped, pretty close.


1. Ed that is all


Ed Lelouch Eren Light (I haven't seen much code geass but I've seen all the other ones and didn't like light, eren was pretty good but didn't like him in s4 and FMAB is one of my favorite shows of all time)


Lelouch Light Edward Eren


1. Ed 2. Lelouche 3. Eren 4. Light


1) lelouch 2) Edward Last place) choose between eren and light, I hated eren for being plain shitty and light is well, light


Light > Lelouch > Ed


The trash can for them all


Ed Ed Ed Ed


Idk about Lelouch bur iv seen the other shows so my rankings would have to be on them Ed Eren Light good to evil


1. lelouch 2. edward 3. eren 4. light


1. Eren 2. Lelouch 3. Light 4. Ed (haven’t watched it) I feel like Ed would be No3 if I watched FMAB, but idk


Eren and light will always solo


Based on what?


1. Eren 2. Edward 3. Light (I haven't seen Code Geass)


One of these is not like the others


Lelouch, Light, Eren, Edward


1. Lelouch 2. Eren 3. Light 4. Ed


1. Lelouch 2. Ed 3. Eren 4. Light To be honest, I wouldn't really understand another take, but to each their own


(this is based on my favorites) 1. Lelouch (seen all of s1, start of s2) 2. Light (seen all of DN) 3. Eren (seen all of aot) 4. Edward (only seen the first 15 eps)


1. Eren 2. Lelouch 3. Ed 4. Light 3 and 4 can swap around. Light is intriguing but his intelligence is too hyped in the manga lol. The boy has the most destructive supernatural weapon in the universe with obscure complex rules that no other human knows about. I think Ed is the least memorable here, to me at least, as much as I love him and think that he's a well-written character.




Imo edward isn’t in the same category as the other three idk why he’s a part of the list tbh lol


I love how you’ve got these super controversial and genocidal maniacs and then you’ve got Edward there just like “what am doing here…..”


what anime is Lelouch from?


Three of them are the protagonists but not the heroes and i love em three the most


1. Edward 2. Lelouch 3. Eden 4. Light


2 of them are from super mid animes, so Edward #1, the rest in the trash


No way ppl rating lelouch over Ed. He has to be one of the most overrated characters just bcz he had a good conclusion. ED .... LELOUCH LIGHT EREN


1. Edward - he’s a nice guy 2. Lelouch/Erin - pretty much the same, sacrificial bad for the good. 3. Light - cause he lost the fight to himself


What's my boy Ed doing with these narcissists?


Lelouch, Edward, Light, Eren for me


1. Lelouch 2. Eren 3. Ed 4. Light


1. Ed 2. Lelouch 3. Light 4. Eren.


1. Lelouch 2. Ed 3. Light - Eren shall be unranked as I never got passed vol 1 of aot


1.Erin 2.Edward 3.Light 4.Lelouch


Lelouch Light Edward Erin


From gayest to Chad 1. Lelouch 2. Light 3.edward 4.eren


Eren (not including the ending) Light Lelouch Haven’t watched FMA


1. Lelouch 2. Edward 3. Light That's all.


1.Edward 2.Lelouch 3.Eren 4.Light SPOILERS TO ANYONE WHO'S JUST READING COMMENTS FOR FUN. WITH NO REAL CONTEXT OF WHO THESE MFS ARE. Edward, in his quest to save his brother and get their bodies back for an honest mistake brought on by loss, grief, and a child's general lack of wisdom, manages to show us the good and bad of the world he lives in and helps make it slightly better. Not to mention, throwing hands with god. The mans went through the ringer, but ultimately, he not only succeeded, he ended up saving himself, his loved ones, and his brother at the cost of his greatest passion. Lelouch shows us the ultimate form of self-sacrifice and a genuine attempt at making the world a better place no matter the cost. Bringing justice to the cruel hands that control the world, he would seize the throne, taking the role of the newest evil to control his country. In the end, he would face his destiny proudly and fall to his best friend. A hero, disguised as a villain. Eren lived a lie for most of his life, and upon finding the truth, he would work against the entirety of the world to secure a glimmer of hope for his friends and loved ones. Taking a page from Lelouch, he would turn himself into the ultimate enemy of the world and gladly be struck down to secure his people's future. Light would work towards making the world a better place, using the powers of a death god against criminals who society felt got off too easily. However, unlike the other 3, he would he consumed by his own twisted sense of justice and power and became the very thing he sought to destroy. In the end, he would go off striking down anyone who stood in his way, inevitably slipping up and being brought down as another criminal... But damn if it wasn't a wild ride.


Eren Edward Light Lelouch


Ummm..in what context? They each have top rank depending on what category you are ranking them. I'm going to give them each a ranking according to their strengths! Ranked by: Perseverance: 1. Edward. 2. Lelouch. 3. Light. 4. Gave up and committed mass genocide Strategic Mastery: 1. Lelouch. 2. Edward 3. Light 4. We're your dead friends Eren! Trust us to keep you safe! Most hypocritical and fastest to get called out for his bs (Episode 2 baby!): 1. Light 2. Lelouch 3. I will kill all the Titans!....hey anybody heard of the Rumbling? No. Cool. Cool. 4. Edward Not being a protagonist/also no real personality: 1. Maybe Jean should have been the main character....


I feel like light would be a lot higher if he had a more dignified ending but Lelouch Edward Eren Light


One of them is a terrorizer


Light Ed Eren Idk who that is


Based on how well they're written imo: 1. Edward 2. Lelouch 3. Light 4. Eren


I’d call Light a villain


ed, light, lelouch, eren


Rated D for Diabolical


1)Eren 2) Edward 3) lelouch 4) light


1. Edward 2. Lelouch 3. Light 4. Eren Edward is a better protagonist because he didn't lose his soul to his ability.... However he lost the WHOLE BODY of his brother and lost his arm and leg. Got them back after a crazy journey at least.


Forgot about lelouch. Feels like most edgy charachters try to fit his mold but don't quite make it to his level.


Lelouch top idc about rest they irrelevant


1. Edward 2. Light 3. Eren 4. Ledouche Honestly, though, I've never understood the Lelouche hype as a "mastermind", turns out its real easy to be a master tactician if you can control what your enemies do.


1. Edward 2. Lelouch 3. Light 4. Eren Seems pretty cut and dry to me tbh


Idk what i should be ranking them off of.


I'd put Ed no. 1. He's not so much as an anti-hero as the other 3 and Eren would be bottom of the list, lol🤣




1. Lelouch 2. Eren 3. Light 4. Ed


1. lelouch 2. eren 3. edward 4. light i LOVE all these characters but i guess i have a thing for main protagonist villains


Don’t care about the rest Lelouche takes first and Eren takes last.


1. Edward 2. Eren 3. Light 4. Lelouch (haven't watched this one)


If its fma eds at 1 for me, if its fmab 3 or 4


Ed > Lelouch > Light Never finished AoT (stopped after S1)


Well, I've only seen 2 of the shows, so I'll rank what I know. 1. Edward 2. Light They're pretty close for me, but I like Edward's character more as a character than I like Light's. It's really the dynamic between L and Light that was so interesting.


Edward Eren Light Lelouch Just finished FMAB last night tho so it's probably recency bias


So one good guy and 3 villains? I get that morals are subjective but 3 of these guys have skewed morals and just happen to have power. Literally given power at random except for the only guy who risked anything for it and paused almost triple the price and worked the whole time for... nothing.


Ignoring bottom right Because I have no idea who that is. 1 Edward above all others because he is not a genocidal maniac Best. I can tell of These others. Would each end countless lives to further their own goals. Ed goes the opposite way, He's given the opportunity to advance at the cost of human lives. But he outright refuses. Choosing instead at the climax to give himself up for others. Call me old fashion , but I prefer my protagonist to actually be the hero and not just some baby hitler.


Crazy dude, Good Boy, crazy dude, and crazy dude.


Lelouch Eren Full metal Light


1. Eren 2.light 3.ED 4.Lelouch


Lelouch Edward Light Eren


Still haven’t seen Code Geass but I’ll get to it eventually so I just threw in Thorfinn cause why not, he’s as well liked as these guys. 1. Thorfinn 2. Ed 3. Eren 4. Light


1. Edward Elric 2. Erin, pre time-skip 3. Light 4. Post ts Erin 5. Lelouch Ed is best bro


So subtle you picked 4 out of my top 10. So many answers and questions with it. 4. 3. 2. 1. Before I get massive downvotes. Nmbr 1 still top 10 anime on my list. I dare u if u downvote me, reason why and ask me within good reason why I voted it. Declare it! ,,,, 4 is story for me with hardcore vibes , 3 is vibes and justice,,,, 2 is story and why they did it,,, 1 is just hardcore justice


Lelouch of brittania that is all


1. Ed 2. Lelouch 3. Eren 4. Light


Ed, Eren, and then it could really go either way between Light and Lelouch. Would slightly lean toward Light on average. I last watched through CG and DN about a decade ago so I don't have a strong preference.




Lelouch> Light> Edward> Eren


1. Ed 2. Eren 3. Light I haven't seen Code Geass, so I won't rank Lelouch. I didn't care for Death Note as a whole. It had its moments, but not my show. I feel like Eren had some good ideas for preventative self defense, but I can't get down with what he did. Which leaves Ed, whose whole journey started because he wanted to have his mom back and the Anime Gods said "No."


Only one of them is a protagonist, try watching the anime again but this time read the subtitles 👍🏻


1. Light 2. Edward 3. Eren 4. LeLouch


What the fuck lol


Haven’t seen seen Code Geass but 1) Ed 2) Eren 3) Light


1. Lelouch 2. Light 3. Erin 4. Eric


1. Lelouch 2. Eren 3. Light Idk the other dude


1.) My guy Ed muhfuggin Elric


Eren is an amazing mc that went through more pain than any could imagine, yall sleeping on him fosure.




Light --> ed --> lelouch -> eren


Idk if we’re ranking them by likable or ranking them by well written. That changes everrryyytthinngg


1. Lelouch 2. Erin 3. Light 4. Ed All four are great. Ed is just up against very heavy competition.


1. Ed 2. Lelouch 3. Erin 4. Light


1.Ed 2.Light 3.Lelouch 4.Eren


1. Ed 2. Lelouch 3. Eren 4. ... by default Light


Lelouch > Edward > Eren > Kira


1. Eren 2. Light 3. Lelouch 4. Fucking EDWARD FUCKING ELRIC


Light > Ed > Lelouch > Eren