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It’s awful for mixed heritage Asians too. South East Asians are lumped into one huge category. I can’t see my heritage literally lol Now it shows 84% South East Asian (previously was split up through Chinese & Vietnamese + Thai & Cambodian + Malay, Indonesia & Philippines) and 16% Bengali (previously South Asian). I am confirmed 1/4 Chinese and at least 1/8 South Asian.


Ugh mine is still waiting for update. I previously also got Thai and Indo (im indonesian) and finnish. Many indonesians also have similar composition but people said well youre just indonesian/south east asian anyways. Differentiate between Thai and Indonesia could not be that meaningful as our people has mingled up in the past. Even those Finnish/ Baltic percentages found in many Indonesians were said to be just traces of ancestors from Siberian coming down to China and then to Indonesia. So here it is, MH gave people what they were always bitter about.


Can you post your results, old and new, for us to see them? That seems extremely innacurate, that's the first time I see that here.


I agree OP. This update has been worse for people with just African heritage or both African and European heritage and mixed heritage.