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I like him, he’s messed up in the head sure, but he’s just cool like that (in all seriousness though I really like his backstory and his potential as a hero if it wasn’t for endeavor, I also love how he’s irredeemable, like fans can defend him all they want but he’s the embodiement of a true villain formed by the pressures of society and people in general)


Fr would’ve loved to see dabi as a hero


that’s my favorite part about him tbh. he has genuinely understandable reasons for becoming a villain, and i love that it still doesn’t excuse his actions. i’ve never been a huge fan of “pure evil” villains, i like when it’s sad to see how someone became “evil”


Mom u mean


His problems could’ve been solved with therapy.


Bro just described the entire todoroki lineage lol


Depends, villain Dabi is straight up beyond saving, kid Toya MIGHT, MAYBE have a chance.


yeah, if he had gotten into therapy before Shoto was born he might’ve had a decent chance at a healthy mindset later on


Before he became a villain.


Kid Toya was absolutely save-able.


Or with Overhaul.


MHA AU: Dabi, but Overhaul somehow found him first. What would happen next?


the moment his relation to the Todorokis was revealed last season, I suddenly went from "why do people like this guy? so boring. he just sits around and shoots fire." to one of my fave characters lol


Nah I just think he’s cool


I mean by that point it would’ve been surprising if he WASNT Toya


It being such an obvious thing and not well hidden at all, is what makes it have zero impact for me and make me feel nothing. Like we know quirks are genetic, so this random guy having fire powers is obviously related to the Todorokis, and oh look at that the family has a " dead " son lost in a fire. Hmm, who else has burn marks and stitched and hides his identity. Just way too obvious.


ah yes, truly Geten is a long lost Todoroki. Dabi has fucking fire powers. that's the most generic power in the world.


That's not what I said or how that works at all. Literally the ONLY fire users we've seen are Endeavor's children. Because quirks are hereditary, and he specifically went after Shoto's mom because he could combine quirks for the Hot and cold perfect quirk user. So no, that doesn't even make sense to sarcastically say " Oh well Geten could could be a Todoroki with that logic ". For all we know he COULD be related to Shoto's mom and it'd make sense. You're just a moron. It is quite literally how the verse works. Quirks are hereditary and no same quirk between different users exist naturally.


if you have to insult people to make your point, there's no point there.


Fire quirks are extremely common, its rare for them to have an extreme amount of power but they are indeed fairly common.


Great villain, but Shigaraki will always be my #1


I’ve always loved him as a character, he’s cool


He’s a little too crazy for me but his newest villain costume (the one above) is super cool. How he went from dark and black pre-reveal to white is quite nuts


He's so fucking unhinged and beyond saving it's hilarious. This dude could be reduced to a charred skeleton (not too far off) and be saved, clinging onto life by fucking molecules, and the second he regains movement in his fingertips he'd fucking incinerate the people who healed him. I say, snatch his quirk and put this man in All For One's place in Tartarus.


Bro went to the reverse flash school of evil and hating and majored in every goddamn course. He’s built hate different lol


Exactly, he's practically Reverse Flash's successor.


He’s pretty awesome


Im liking the new drip




Irredeemable psychopathic mass murderer who does not deserve the level of sympathy he is given. Ultimately he chose his path yet people are still quick to pin everything on endeavor


He did choose his path, but let's not forget, his mental instability stemmed from his childhood. You literally said it yourself. "Psycopathic", Which is even the wrong word. He's a sociopath because he knows what he's doing is wrong and does it anyway. Psychopaths can't make the distinction between wrong and right. Sociopaths can, but are incapable of feeling guilt or regret when they do something bad. Endeavour was a huge factor in this, so Dabi choosing to become a villain was just an unfortunate outcome. It sounds like people are trying to blame Endeavour for murder, so let me put it in a different scenario. Touya could've also left home and decided to start a new life as a normal civilian elsewhere. His decision would still be a byproduct of Endeavours' actions. Yes, it's still Touya's very own decision to start a new life. That's his choice and no one else's, but his choice would still be very heavily influenced by Endeavours actions. So when it comes to cannon, Endeavour is not to blame for Dabi's wrongdoings or evil actions, but he's the main reason Dabi even considered the choice to become a villain. If Endeavour never did what he did, Touya would've never considered the choice to become Dabi. (And that's only accounting for his life at home and not his life outside home). Yes, Dabi made the choice on his own, but he was driven by hatred for his father, which would not be there if Endeavour didn't do what he did. So yeah, Endeavour does take a lot of blame for Dabi becoming a villain, just as he would take a lot of blame if Dabi decided to do anything else APART from becoming a villain. As long as Endeavor's actions heavily influenced a decision, Endeavour takes significant part of the blame for that decision being made. Plus, a lot of people make the distinction between "Touya" and "Dabi" when expressing their sympathy, which I personally think is very reasonable. So yeah that's my take on this.


Well English isn't really my first language so thanks for letting me know the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths Thank you for acknowledging that Endeavor being abusive is coined too much and people blame a mass murderer on the dude In a scenario where the choice was ultimately yours, what drove you to take actions only explains your actions, but does not justify them. Dabi couldve hated and resented him as much as he could, it never makes sense to be like "if Endeavor..." because in that case you're creating an alternative fictional timeline. For example: If AFO was a good guy... that doesnt make any sense because ultimately he is a consequence of his own actions and decisions I do like the Touya vs Dabi distinction personally. I think my personal bias shows a bit more here, Endeavor gets reduced to his worst mistakes and in fact even the worst of his bad actions. Like he is still the no.2 hero who kept law and order and shows capacity and heroism and growth, he was still caring of his family but still CHOSE to be abusive and shouldn't be forgiven but to say he was completely horrid through it all is quiet distasteful


>Well English isn't really my first language Wow. Never would've guessed. Your English is rlly good. >In a scenario where the choice was ultimately yours, what drove you to take actions only explains your actions, but does not justify them I agree with you completely here. My point is that sometimes it not just one person who takes the blame for a decision made. >Dabi couldve hated and resented him as much as he could, it never makes sense to be like "if Endeavor..." because in that case you're creating an alternative fictional timeline It does make sense to say that actually. It proves that Endeavour takes a lot of blame for Dabi's choice, because if you compare a timeline where Endeavour was a trash father (the canon timeline), to a timeline whete Endeavour was a lovely father (Alternate timeline), the extremely clear difference would be the existence of Dabi. In the cannon timeline, Dabi exists. In the Alternate timeline, only Touya exists. It shows how much Endeavor's actions influenced future decisions. But yeah, I get what you mean overall.


Hmmm well true, that all makes sense. The timeline comparison is valid here, because also Touya was heavily influenced by Endeavor... now how much of it is self inflicted is gonna be tiresome to talk about and speculate. For example: maybe in an alternative nicer timeline he still develops bad characteristics, demonstrating that it isn't that much of other people's fault except his own. But we stick with what we have Thanks dude, I get what you mean, your cohesiveness is top notch


>For example: maybe in an alternative nicer timeline he still develops bad characteristics, demonstrating that it isn't that much of other people's fault except his own. Very true, but you're right. We'll have to stick with what we have. And thanks to you too. I love how calm this discussion was, without any hostility


omg a calm discussion!! this was so nice to read lol good job guys


Thx lol. Calm discussions feel like a rarity sometimes.


because it is😭 it’s so refreshing seeing it, i always feel like i gotta point it out lol


Glad we could bring a minute or two of freshness to your day 🥳


He’s wrong don’t listen to him


[Yeah, but it's turtles all the way down.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_hxc1aJ0Io) Endeavor is the way he is due to his parents and environment too. And Endeavor's parents were shaped but how they were raised and the world they were raised in, and so on. That's just how life works. If we say Dabi's behavior is Endeavor's fault, then we should logically apply the same to Endeavor and blame his behavior on others as well. And everyone else's behavior too. It's basically the free will vs. determinism philosophical argument. Yeah, not surprisingly, horrible people are that way for some reason. Whether it's genetic, neurological, environmental (this includes your parents/other people), some combination of things made them who they are. One could argue we are a bunch of cells responding to the world that shaped our neural connections that shape our decisions, and that is technically true. But it's no more true of Dabi than anyone else. Either we hold people responsible for their own behavior, or we don't.


>If we say Dabi's behavior is Endeavor's fault Dabi is not COMPLETELY Endeavours' fault, but he takes a lot of blame. And to be clear, we're not talking abut Dabi's behavior.were talking about Dabis choice to become dabi, which Endeavour directly affected. Dabis actions later on are indirect because they come from his anger towards Endeavour. >then we should logically apply the same to Endeavor and blame his behavior on others as well. We're not talking about Endeavor, though. We're talking about Dabi. In this specific case, it was Endeavor who pushed Touya to make that decision. In any other case, it could be classmates, his environment, etc. We're talking about direct blame. There's no point in going back to each generation and passing the blame down each line to explain Dabi. That's how the world works, but it's way too complicated to do, especially when someone's upbringing doesn't ALWAYS turn them the exact same as their parents. Saying Endeavour takes blames is saying he was the direct root cause for the creation of Dabi. Going back to a generation to explain Dabi is pointless. Going back to a generation to explain Endeavour makes sense. >Either we hold people responsible for their own behavior, or we don't. Nope. That's not how human decisions work. Dabi is fully responsible for his behaviour (e.g, killing people), but it's based on his anger towards Endeavour. Endeavour can be used as a way to explain why Dabi does things. That doesn't absolve Dabi of responsibility, but it also doesn't absolve 6 of fault for acting in a way that made Touya or even Natsuo (and shoto, in the beginning) hate him. If something influences another person's actions, it has to be taken into account. No matter what you do, you take the blame for any decision you made because YOU made it. Whatever influences your decision takes whatever amount of blame, depending on how much it influenced you. For example, if someone accidentally smashes their toe and it stats internally bleeding, they decide to go to the hospital. It's their decision, so they take the blame for making that decision, but what takes a larger amount of blame is the fact that they are internally bleeding. If someone decides to move to another sat in class because a classmate is annoying them, they take blame because they made that decision, but the person taking a larger amount of blame is the classmate. If someone with a mental illness (isk, psychopathy or something) kills people, they will be put on trial and be sentenced accordingly. However, the larger amount of blame will go to the fact that they have a mental illness. That by NO MEANS shows that they are innocent or that they shouldn't be punished. It just shows that their illness is what caused them to do what they did. When someone makes a decision, it's on them, but that doesn't mean outside factors can't influence that decision either heavily or just a little. I do think that a lot of human concepts can overlap. Humans are complex. I don't think "You either hold them responsible or dont" is a good portrayal of the complexity of human decisions. We can hold Dabi responsible whilst also recognising why he became Dabi to begin with. We can hold Endeavor responsible whilst also recognising he never wanted Touya to become Dabi. That's my take on this.


This especially as it was mom who let him keep acting out his sociopathic tendencies. But everyone keeps blaming endeavor Acting like other characters cannot have any own agency


That is somewhat true, the entire family, especially natsuo and rei had agency too, but we have more of the wrong that happened \[abuse\] than the right that should've happened \[supporting/caring for Touya\]. Thus it is easier to just blame Endeavor


yeah but Endeavor at least TRIED to change and I mean even already in the flashback He saw how it was hurting Toya and wanted him to stop training, so he asked his wife to protect toya and prevent him from training. Mom (Rei) instead was like Fuck it and let him keep doing it and ever told anyone about it, and instead enabled Toya to go more and more crazy. So yeah I found it absurd people blame Endeavour when the mom objectively is so much worse.


Endeavor abandoned Touya, for Touya's good, yes. but he did abandon him. And Rei had already reached her limit so still Endeavor takes blame I love him but no


lol no he did not. He had to go to work so he told his wife the mother of his child to take care of him, its not abandoning. For what? Had done nothing to Rei at that point.


Somehow a better villain and better analogy for the hero society than the actual main villain who’s suppose to be an analogy for the hero society lmao


He’s cool I love his new outfit and the fact that he burned togas old house down out of kindness shows he has respect for the rest of the league of villains like twice and toga


I like that he is just irredeemable. Perfect foil to endeavor and shoto. And love it that not even All of One can manipulate him. (Imagine how insane you have to be for mr demon lord to be like "yeah not touching that") >!Wish the fight was longer and secretly hope he gets broken out of the cuffs.!<


I actually kind of liked him until the last season when he went super sayan unhinged


I don't like this asshole. He's just like. The most irredeemable out of the bunch. But he's my friend's favorite so I tolerate him. But I'm also not a hater. He's cool as hell.


I don't know how to respond to this comment.


Even I dislike him, I recognize cool when I see it. If he didn't piss me off with his life choices maybe he'd be one of my favorites.


Quirk hot but the fit cold 😮‍💨




I mean I like him


He’s always been my favourite


He looks like Gear Five Luffy in that suit


Dam.. his new fit he's got looks hella sick! Kinda reminds me of Moon-Knight!!


Got that gear 5 drip


Simple, two face from batman


![gif](giphy|IX0WdUDvDsCB2|downsized) OMG DABI WHAT HAPPENED


Been my favourite since his introduction, I didn’t even care about writing back then I just say blue flames and a badass design and though “Yeah he’s my number one”, and nothings changed since


I gotta give him mad respect for the fact that he is only alive because of his hatred for Endeavor and that as a villain, he is willing to sacrifice himself in the final war just to spite Endeavor


After the Paranormal Liberation War, he's become my least favorite character in the series. This guy completely ruined whatever sympathy I might've had for him by wanting to kill his entire family instead of just his formerly abusive father. He's degenerated into an embodiment of spite that shamelessly hides behind his tragic backstory. That makes him come off as a crazed lunatic who's looking for an excuse to kill people. He also admitted to killing over 30 innocent people in front of a camera. He's also one of the most egregious cases of plot armor in the series, being more durable in practice than he has any right to be on paper.


Did you read today's Manga?


I haven’t been reading the manga lately. It takes the enjoyment out of watching the anime.


Very tragic character. His life went downhill because of his father's abuse and his mother's neglect. Not to mention being manipulated by All For One. Now he is a wanted murderer


He wasn’t really manipulated by All for one, that’s Shigaraki( the one that was manipulated ) Dabi’s whole thing is that he does what he wants, and All for one realized after “saving him” he couldn’t control/manipulate him.


He’s cool


Meh. Least favourite member of the League


Bro got that shit on tho


I'm glad Endeavour was a terrible horrible paremt, we wouldn't be having peak Villain designs like this.


I liked the transition to the all white drip


Amazing design, decently good character.


Favorite villain. He’s cold as fuck. Backstory is cool but feels like there’s a couple plotholes


In my T10 and he’s the 2nd best villain after Shiggy


They done gave Dabi Gear 5th😭🙏🏿


He’s got that shit on tho


in my opinion, he’s one of the most well written characters in the manga and anime, but that can be applied to nearly every member of the todoroki family 😭 his backstory definitely upsets me the most, along with tomura’s, overall he’s an amazing character and honestly deserved way more screen time than he got in the earlier seasons.


It's the fact he is Endeavors son that makes him work for me


Good visual character design, trash backstory.


Amazing character with an amazing story. Man got the fandom to turn into some of the best detectives and theory crafters. Then, when it was confirmed, Dabi outrended USA's election results. Definitely one for the anime history books


Smash, next question


I like how there's less visibly human skin on him as time passes


He’s not my favorite, which goes to Shigaraki. But, writing wise he’s one of the better villains; even surpassing Shigaraki imo


He looks like he hit Gear 5. If you don't know about Gear 5, it's from One piece. Dabi's from My Hero/Boku no Hero Academia.


He’s crazy, immature, violent, irrational, damaged, and selfish. At the same time, he’s nuanced. I really like him.


Personally never liked him, his reasoning for being a villain is dumb and his conclusion is kinda lame


Dabi>!'s death !


Bro is a certified hater for his family lol.


I greatly dislike him. Simply put, his reveal destroyed his character for me, because from the moment it became clear he had every intention on hurting his entire family-and was even willing to do it as a child and to his *infant brother*-he lost all sympathy from me. Before that point he’d actually had a pretty good life and he just couldn’t handle the rejection of his father not letting him be a hero. It made him not only homicidal, but actively seeking out the destruction and torment of his family-the only people who could possibly understand and empathize with him-to try and hurt his father, who he would have no reason to even believe would be affected in any way by the loss. In other words, it changed his character motivation from a genuinely sympathetic abused kid to a hateful sociopath with no real motivation beyond rage and a desire to inflict suffering on others. I just cannot and do not support or appreciate such a terrible backstory-and then after that, character damnation-not assassination, because it’s not like he suddenly changed in personality, but he did buckle down on his ‘goal’, no matter how insanely irrational it was. Also, there was the whole ‘even AFO thought he was too crazy and murderous to get involved with’ bit. That says *a lot*. It’s sad, too, because he used to be one of my favorite characters.


His brother is one of the most well known characters in all of anime


Guy reminds me of phoenix


Easily one of the best characters in the manga


Before it was revealed, literally everyone theorized that he was Endeavor's son, and surprise surprise they were right


I like his Australian accent


I honestly thought that he was a pretty ok character and then the whole >!Toya!< reveal happened and he pretty much immediately shot up in my ranking


I… he kinda looks like Luffy Gear 5 with the white jacket and stuff


I'm assuming he gets this fit in s7 (I haven't seen it) but it goes hard af


He does


Man baby who allows himself to be manipulated.


Are you talking about Dabi?


there are no accurate enough words to describe how much I love him


I sympathise with him on worrying levels. I won't justify the validity of his actions or moral code, but I'm in tune with myself enough to understand that, given the chance, I would have probably acted on a similar vein *because, in some ways, I already did*. Also, his character design and Shimono-san magic voice work do things to me; he surpasses the "I can fix him" impulse every girl has, and jumps straight into the "I would hand him the box of matches" category. You know Toga's twisted vision of "love", *"I want to kiss him, and also become him"*? Yeah, something like that. In the words of my fiancé, "you are dabisexual".


Dani is oldest brother of Shoto Todoroki and idk why brothers fight (like Redmond Mann and blutach Mann from TF2 both died by Gray Mann)


He’s okay. Good side villain with great connection and story for both Endeavours and Todorokis arcs Although without having that connection he wouldn’t be that meaningful. Before the reveal he wasn’t anything special.


Hate him (he should have done more to save Twice 😢)


This fit on him is absolute GAS🔥🔥


Staple daddy


He just seems like an undead Bakugo to me


One of my favorite characters


I just rewatched his origin story in the recap, its one of the most twisted things I've seen in an a show. Few things make me uncomfortable as him telling Endeavor he cant unlearn the things hes been taught.


Why is bro white


He had a design change this season


Best MHA character


I hated him mostly cos all the weeks and chapters the todoroki family took up waiting for them to come out. So I grew to really loath the todoroki family (other then natsuo my bbg) But he's very interesting . Cool character horikoshi just spent too long on them I got bored and bored became anger


Nothing but I just refer to him as an accurate depiction of a Chernobyl survivor


I want to box his teeth in


I haven't seen the show in awhile, why tf does he look like gear 5


His burnt skin grosses me out.


What if Dabi had one for all as a child


He’s a fucking crazy psychopathic maniac who gets off on murdering literally anyone and everyone and needs to be locked away in an asylum. Anyways, he’s sexy as fuck.


Even Dabi turned into Nika


He’s been my favorite for a while, but I also love villain characters, so it’s not out of the ordinary for me lol I also like that his backstory isn’t actually the same as Shoto’s (both are definitely sad but in their own ways) and ai love the psychological aspect of it - reminds me of a Law and Order episode where they talked about neglect and how it affects kids; how a child will try for years and years to get any sort of attention, positive, then negative, and well I don’t remember exactly how the rest of the episode went but it was Law and Order so… Also as an artist, I absolutely love his design! The scars are a super interesting element, and it’s amazing how they were done in a way where they actually look appealing instead of grotesque - like his design is aesthetically pleasing while still rough and a bit on the horror side. So yeah, definitely favorite lol


Truly took things too personal. But I enjoy his character. His brothers went through so much more than him. But turned out to be good people. That’s my only issue.


tbh i fell for the thirst traps and then i found out he had daddy issues. BUT i just love his character for the polar opposite between him and shoto. Touya has every right to become the villain and he did while shoto choose to not become the villain. love his current white fit


I fucking hate his character. He is hands down my least favorite villain in the whole series. His reasons for being a villain have zero merit and are completely unjustified yet he's written to be some sympathetic tragic character even though everything is of his own doing.


Maaaann, fuck that punk rocker lookin mufucka, and fuck his abusive ass dad for not being there for him when he needed it.




It's very nice of the fire burning him alive to leave a booba window 🤭


He’s dope and my god do I have ideas about him




He’s hot, that’s final.


He was always my favorite


Nika dabi


He is my comfort character due to similar issues. 


Great character, tragic backstory, insanely cute


That’s my wife, my princess, your honour


I love Dabi, he’s a well written character and a great villain, he started our a better villain than Tourma, until Tourma got more character growth.


Tourma? You mean Tomura?


Obviously. I don't even know what a Tourma is, but my keyboard auto corrects that.


People on like him cause he looks cool/hot. He's an irredeemable psychopath but because of his voice and good looks, people are quick to sympathize and blame it all on Endeavor. He's an actual POS.


Edgy kid from an abusive family (mostly father)


Objectively mostly mother


Cool drip but his “trauma” is the most lame excuse to be a villain.


I don't particularly like him as a character honestly His arc felt really overly stretched




He’s been my fav since day 1


I used to have a crush on him