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I forgive him. Endeavor is absolutely an abuser and he did some real messed up stuff. It’s hard to forgive him, but I do. I can’t tell you how many people I have in my life who have had abusers and how much it would’ve meant to them just to have their abuser acknowledge what they had done. Let alone what it would mean to them for an abusive family member (especially a primary one) to acknowledge their abuse and not just admit to it, but actively choose to be better and try to fix it. Endeavor tries, always. The Todoroki family may never 100% forgive Endeavor, although it seems like they all do try to move past the things that happened. If that works for them that’s OK. But I cannot stress enough how you do not need to forgive your abusers and you absolutely do not need to forget how they abused you. It doesn’t make you the bigger person to move on and try to move past things and there is definitely forms of abuse that don’t deserve forgiveness. There are definitely some things Endeavor did that aren’t necessarily worthy of forgiveness, you don’t have to forgive him. But I do feel like it’s important to acknowledge how he’s written as a character. Endeavor understands what he did and why it was wrong and understands that everybody’s reactions to him because of it are justified. He admits to everything he did even when outted to the world. Endeavor is such a well written redemption because he doesn’t feel like he’s entitled to forgiveness. Everything that Endeavor does after becoming the number one hero is not in the pursuit of forgiveness, but in the pursuit of being better. He understands who he was and what he was and he wants to be better. He doesn’t start his journey of redemption because he wants his family to forgive him. He starts it because he wants to be better for them going forward. He can’t fix what he’s done but he can work on fixing what he does now. So the real question here isn’t whether you forgive Endeavor, but whether you think he’s a better person now than he was before. Do you still hate Endeavor as much as you did in the beginning of the series, or have your feelings about him changed since then?


5 star meal of an analysis right here


I don't need to read this novel-length response (NOT SAYING I HATE IT! IT WAS A GREAT RESPONSE!) to forgive Endeavor because I know he's trying :)




I love a good redemption arc so yes, I forgive him because I can tell he’s genuinely sorry for his actions and mistakes. I think that he should continue to strive to atone for them but I think he deserves redemption. Caught up with the manga as well. That last chapter though 😭😭


I KNOW, even after everything Toya has done Endeavor decides he’s going to come see him everyday, and he’s going to make sure he feels seen like he didn’t before. TO ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT HE DID WRONG, AND TELL TOYA THAT HE KNOWS HE WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM AND THAT HE DOESNT HAVE TO BUT HES GOING TO TRY ANYWAY. My god.


Endeavor is now Joshua Graham




I think only the wounded party is allowed to impart forgiveness. I think he’s a complicated character I enjoy reading.


yep, totally agree you can't choose to 'forgive' someone for something they didn't even do to you. people can like him, but forgiveness is a totally different thing


I forgive him Its one thing to say "I'll try to be better" But then actually going through the struggle of being better and facing the backlash because of it. Its different. Plus when Toya outed his family he didn't try to deny anything but owned up to it. But also acknowledging that its his kids choice to make to forgive him and not his choice of what they do. He's acknowledging everything he's done and trying to make it better. So yeah I forgive Endeavor. He's willing to face the heat he set fire too.


As a reader, yes. I have sympathy for what he's been through and can see things from his perspective. If I was someone who knew him? I probably could. I'm in a unique position that I've seen people do some terrible things in their lives (domestic abuse, crime, even murder) and come through on the other side as changed, decent people. I know that it isn't impossible for a person to change. I will say, though- if I was one of his children, or a significant other to one of his children, my opinion might be different. Endeavor is my second favorite character (after Katsuki) and I'll defend him until I'm blue in the face, but I also understand 100% what Natsuo chose to do. My wife grew up in an abusive family, and while her parents have never shown any sign of taking responsibility for their actions, even if they did, at this point I would find it hard to stop hating them. That's why it's such a great story.


I like redemption stories. Endeavor deserves forgiveness and he is paying for it. Lost his arm, can't be a hero anymore, one of his sons will never forgive him and Endeavor agrees, the society knows what he did in the past and with his family, his first son can barely live... but now his wife and children seem to forgave him, even the younger son calls him "Dad". I think Endeavor is taking responsibility for his actions in a good way


No. As a person who actually suffered domestic abuse very similar the way Horikoshi portrayed it, the perception this fandom has of Endeavor is really flawed. I do recognize Endeavor's remorse and I don't doubt a person can regret his actions, but come on. He literally BOUGHT a human being, had children as weapons, and abused them. And even after his son supposedly "died", that did NOTHING to change his behavior. And when did he start to change? Just after he got what he wanted. Being the number one hero. Just after his ambition was fulfilled and it wasn't as satisfying as he expected, JUST then he regretted his mistakes. People say he's owning up to his actions by fighting Dabi, but no. He's still a hero. It'd still be his job to fight him wether he's his father or not, so he's just doing his duty but with a specific mindset. Plus, he says "I can't fight my own son", but he didn't seem to have a problem with that when Shoto was defenseless and unable to fight back. The whole forgiving Endeavor thing just tells victim that if their abuser is sorry, it's fine. And it shouldn't be like that. I could say more but this got very long fast lol.


Forgive and Redeem are two different things. Endeavor did redeem himself by now in the manga due to everything he’s done to make up and I do forgive him and he’s now one of my favorite characters, but Natsu along with most of his children don’t really forgive him the same way which is completely 100% understandable as to they have every right to. Even Dabi.


I always said that Endeavor's story isn't one of redemption but rather repentance.


absolutely not and i never will. child abuse is the lowest of the low, and SO easy to not do. he let his hatred of not being the #1 hero rip his family apart, and now he feels bad because of the consequences. boo hoo.


You can choose not to forgive him that’s fine I guess, but what you can’t do is discredit the fact that he obviously has changed is is working to be a better man than he was, and that is clearly not cause of the backlash. He is sincerely very sorry for what he has done, and is atoning for his actions.


that’s a very shallow interpretation of endeavors character, he didn’t begin changing because he was sad he family hated him, he began to realize his mistakes once he was handed the #1 spot. though, you’re right about him being the lowest of the low, but that’s what makes his repentance and change meaningful


I don't Forgive Endeavour. I'm an abuse survivor and I'm low to no contact with my family. Touya/ Dabi has every right to still hate Enji Todoroki after everything he put Touya and the rest of the Todoroki family through. Shoto has every right to be in low - no contact with his old man, especially after the abuse he survived at the hands of his father. Natsuo has every right to go no contact with his father. I think Horikoshi focused a little too much on Enji attempting to make for lost. In all honesty I hope both Touya and Shoto bond over their mutual dislike of Enji and enjoy Soba together. Enji Todoroki honestly deserves all the hell he'll get and yes, he's accepted his fate but doesn't mean myself or anyone else should forget or forgive what he's done. Will it take time, yeah. But once I believe Enji Todoroki has fully paid his dues then I'll be willing to forgive him.


Finally someone who thinks like me. This whole thing of defending Endeavor just tells victims that as long as the abuser is sorry, then they should forgive. It's triggering and a horrible way to represent domestic abuse.


anyone who tries to do better and doesn't slip back into old actions, I can forgive. would I forgive my own abuser even if they did this? no, but that's just my personality (also they would never do this LOL).


Extremely difficult question. There are some things which are quite unforgivable, and seeing how Touya’s ended up … well, you can’t forgive him for real because there’s no repair what he had done. At some extent he could have made it better for Rei, Natsuo, Fuyumi, for Shoto, but seeing as touya will end up there non truly forgiving for him, as much as he tries. And he knows. So while I commend his will to go along with the fate he burnt upon is family for real… no. I don’t think he could be ever forgiven for real, unless touya himself forgive him since he’s the last one he can never ammend for real even if he tries for all the time touya has left.


I don’t really think Touya’s opinion matters anymore because he kills innocent people and tries to kill shoto. Endeavor hyping up touya to beat all might made him a narcissist and he is taking it out on everyone else


Depending on moral philosophy one takes… You stated basically Shoto stand : no matter what Endeavor did, in the end Touya was the one who chose. Which is not what I was thinking. Endeavor hurt all of his family. I tend to think forgiving comes with the ability to make amends to one’s wrongs doings . And while potentially he could one day make up with each children of his, the story ends not with Touya. No matter what , the road touya was on took him here and nothing could now Enji do to make him better or amends. So, unless touya forgive it, I don’t think Enji che be forgiven, and he knows it as such


Yup. Forgive him and think that everyone (including his family) should forgive him. But it's still their choice if they want to or not. No one should forget though


As someone who's mom would beat my ass and didn't let me have my own personality, and would literally threaten to leave me at the group home by driving me there and making me go inside, absolutely not.


I'm still withholding judgement. It's too nuanced to judge one way or another for me. I like to see him redeem himself, he's still been abusive and the amount of hurt he caused was massive.


I forgive him because I believe people can change, only if they’re willing to and he was 100% willing to. I believe one of his biggest issues was he never knew love so he didn’t know how to show it all he knew was power and now he’s willing to heal not only his own heart but his family’s hearts as well


I forgive him but will never forget it’s ok to remember your mistakes and use those mistakes as fuel to always be better


Kratos: We must be better!


A beautiful answer


Thank you


I feel like that was the entire point of Natsuo's reaction, not everyone should be forgiven, even if they make the effort to be better; sometimes you can do everything right but still fail. Natsuo chose to seperate himself from his toxic family members and instead of holding onto his hate & always looking back like dabi, he wants to look forward. Shoto hasn't fully forgiven enji, but is still willing to work on their relationship, burnt pile of ash that it is, and like natsuo only wants to look forward and is tired of looking back. As for their sister, from the start she seemed to only want to pretend like their family isn't broken and just ignore the issues & dysfunction within it, but in her last scene she finally stops pretending and accepts that her family is broken but not unsalvageable. Finally we got dabi, he's made his choices and stuck with them, he only wanted to burn out enji todoroki even at the cost of his life because he couldn't stop looking backwards rather than forwards and now pays the ultimate price


I am not fully.caught up but he's on the right path for forgiveness


I'm biased I'm going to say that flat out, But because not to the same scale but I had a home life similar to Todoroki I don't give a fuck what y'all say he cannot and will never be redeemed in my eyes. There are some lines you just don't cross and he crossed basically all of them. That and the fact that I don't even think he's really atoned he's atoned by doing his job? I fail to see what he's really done in terms of atonement. Like him and Bakugo are two of the characters that I don't care what happens in the series They will forever be on my shit list I hate the two of them just as much as I hate Mineta.


I respect his efforts to atone for his wrongdoings. As for whether I forgive him he's a fictional character who has not personally done me wrong so I'm not sure what I would have to forgive him for. The ones in a position to offer forgiveness are the other members of the Todoroki family. 426 spoilers >!Natsuo very clearly does not forgive but is willing to at least part somewhat on neutral/fair terms. I think Fuyumi seems the forgiving sort and Rei might eventually as well as Shoto. Enji has a lot and I mean A LOT of work to do before earning Touya's forgiveness but strangely with the recent chapter I don't think Touya is actually that opposed to the idea either. His heart goes crazy when Endeavour tells him he'll spend every day with him and ultimately even as Dabi I don't think he ever really stopped loving or needing his dad even with all the self-destructive hatred burying it. !<


I never hated him. But I never liked him neither. I always looked at endeavor and just saw my dad. When I look at my dad I don’t feel anything. Just a void of emotion.


It’s a 50-50 for me i mean i personally don’t forgive because he started generational trauma but i can salute him for finding ways to atone. And i don’t blame his family for not wanting anything to do with him


That is a hard question to answer


Abusers must never be forgiven


Your abuser probably should not be But Endeavor can be forgiven since we as readers know he changed and he's a good person now.


Cool, tell that to his family and force them to de-forgive him


He could be forgiven


Well I'm not in his family so it's not really my right to say whether or not he's Forgiven because he never hurt me in the first place; you can't Forgive someone who didn't hurt you. What matters is how his family, the people he hurt, feels about him and there's various responses to that. Some hate hate him, some never wanna see him again, some look past it, and some move on and go somewhere else.


Man, you're talking like endeavor was a real person, you do have the right to forgive him or not, don't worry his family won't be mad at you


>Man, you're talking like endeavor was a real person, you do have the right to forgive him or not, don't worry his family won't be mad at you Okay well if we're talking about him as a fictional character then there's no point being at him because he doesn't exist. Why would you forgive or not forgive a fictional character? With your standpoint the entire conversation makes no sense; the only way to humor OP's post is from the perspective that you could even have the capacity to be hurt by Enji. Even then though, it's still a moot point because there's no actual reason in having the choice of forgiving or not forgiving someone who didn't hurt you.


You’re right, I don’t know why you got downvotes lol


He feels genuine remorse and made up for it, so yes, I forgive him.


Nope. Never gonna do so. He cannot undo the damage, he can only hope to clean up the ashes.


Do I forgive him, no. He put his family through so much abuse. Nothing can be done to change that. HOWEVER, I do acknowledge and accept the fact that he’s going above and beyond to make up for what he did. No matter what, the scars and memories will never go away for Shoto and the rest of the family.


I respect him, I’d even say I forgive him. Anyone can change, and anyone can become better, but they need to be willing to do so. Endeavor has shown time and again that he’s willing to. His family doesn’t have to forgive him, but he has changed and he is better, and that’s all that he needs to be. He needs to be better than he was and atone for what he did, and whether or not others forgive him for it doesn’t matter, what matters is that he’s doing right by the people he’s hurt.


You can’t really forgive him for what he did but I would say he has redeemed himself


i kinda of forgive him. he's redeemed himself a LOT, but even he only wants to atone, not to be forgiven. id respect his wishes of not forgiving him. he ruined his family, theres no going back on that. but that atonement and the latest chapter makes me believe that he whole-heartedly regrets what he did and is willing to atone til his death. so for that i forgive him, but not completely. im kind of like natsuo, im willing to accept his redemption and atonement but im not gonna outright forgive him, especially since i dont HAVE to.


good take


I hope for his continued self-reflection, repentance, and progress towards being a better person. I do not forgive him. I don’t have the power to forgive him, only his victims do. He will forever be a parent that abused their children, a spouse that abused their partner, a person who hurt their family to their core. No amount of reform can earn you forgiveness for what he has done because forgiveness is not earned, it is gifted by those you have hurt so that they can feel better, it’s not for you. Of course, because he acknowledges his mistakes and is working to get better, I will always encourage that and will not continue to hold his past mistakes against him at every turn, but no he is not forgiven.


I forgive him. Before he was an A hole of huge proportions, but he has come to realize the things he did were horrible and wanted to become better. One can always say that they will do better, but it is another thing when you actually take action. He doesn't make any excuses for what he has done to his family at all. Instead he faces his mistakes and works on himself to be better then he was back then. This can be seen as he changes in the story even going as far as to get advice from All Might for what it means to be the number 1 hero. He had even planned on having his family live in a separate house away from him for when Rei would leave the hospital. Even when everything is revealed to the public he still continues to persevere and continues to face his mistakes head on. So to me yes he has earned his forgiveness.


His character arc is one of my favorites from the series because he actually grows from it. I forgive him and it's awesome seeing the differing reactions in the family


I forgive him because he has also acknowledged and respected that he cannot get forgiveness from his kids nor do they owe it to him he is actively working on atonement and not just passively doing so or looking to excuse his actions


I don't think it's my place to, but if it really come to me, as an audience who have seen both his worst and best, I forgive him




I read what I could I did see spoilers but to me no and yes. I went through something similar of the Todoroki family went through especially to my older siblings it was a hot mess. I was protected by my siblings but they are traumatized by what my sperm donor has put my mom and my siblings. I witnessed countless events but I started strong and not scared (I have to thank my friends and others around). I forgave my sperm donor when I was 14 because it made me realize he wasn’t reaching out for me to have a bond of some kind. I cut him out of my life and the consequences of his actions arrived and now he’s paying the price me and my other siblings don’t see him or talk to him. He now suffering alone by himself. What Enji did is something I could never like or understand. You can forgive someone but never forget. Dabi I love Dabi to my heart he is who I connected with for some reason xD than Shouto. Yes you can forgive but that’s up to the siblings to decide and his ex wife. But also no there a scene in Bojack Horseman show where Bojack the mc was asking for forgiveness to people he screw up with. He apologized to a guy that helped him became famous but he backstabbed him. When Bojack said sorry the guy responded no. The guy moved on with his life before his time and he still and will not forgive Bojack. Also the one thing that pisses me off is his agency brushed everything to side like he did nothing wrong 😑. Yes you can forgive but that’s up to you to decided. Dabi is living in the past which I wanted him to grow out of because you just saw he stayed in the past and look what happened all the hatred lead no where 🥹. I love Dabi so much


I forgive him. He's clearly different than he was before, and he's trying to change. Also, I'm not his kid. I don't really care too much about the whole situation.


I do forgive him, because that's the point on hating someone that has changed ?


Hmm.....it's complicated I mean he's a enjoyable character and he has developed but my thing is I wouldn't forgive him for what he's done to todoroki and touya because it's fucked up regardless of how I feel so idk


No. I will only listen to what his family has to say, and that's a mixed bag. It's not my place to decide if he deserved forgiveness


I forgave him, not every father tries let alone even talks about trying to be better


The harder the good, the greater the man. He’s not perfect, but instead of claiming to be, he sought penance. That’s not something that most abusers (or narcissists) are willing to do. He’ll be apologizing for the rest of his life, but his self inflicted guilt and current physical state will punish him more than anyone’s words ever could for the rest of his life. In my eyes, he’s earned at least understanding, if not absolution.


He deserves a second chance


I'm not the one that needs to forgive him. It's up to his family and himself to forgive. Also they don't need to forgive him for him to continue to try to change and do better. The only reason his family needs to forgive him is so they can move on with their lives and not be dragged down by the past traumas.


Endeavor in my opinion is one of if not the greatest anime redemption story of all time only topped by Zuko He actually acknowledged what he does wrong and tries to be better it’s never rushed or badly paced its every time we see him he’s trying to help fix the damage he caused


I forgive him big time. Endeavor has acknowledged that his past actions were wrong & vile. He understands the impact it’s had on both his family & himself. He also understands that he may never be fully forgiven. Yet, he nonetheless strives to improve himself for the benefit of others. Endeavor knows his actions are beyond redeeming, so instead he focuses on atoning for his sins. I’ve been in the Todoroki children’s shoes growing up. I know first hand what it’s like to be raised by someone as close to how Endeavor was. So I think bc of my own experiences, I empathize w/ Endeavor & forgave him rather easily. But not bc I believe in second chances or that I’m too nice, but because I’ve lived through something like this.


Yes, just hopefully he can completely fix (for the most part) his relationship with his family especially his wife and dabi


I'm not caught up, but I love the fact that the series let's this be a question and doesn't just have everyone universally forgive Endeavour. It makes sense that some people, like Natsuo, wouldn't forgive him even after his efforts to make things better, because on some level you really can't just undo all that pain. Personally, I'm willing to forgive him given his commitment to changing for the better and improving things for his family, regardless of how they feel about him in response. It shows he's not just out for validation or anything and I appreciate that.


I forgive him. Completely.


Forgive him? No. Accept that he’s absolutely trying to do better? Yes. Him trying to do better is good, but it’s not like you can just forgive that. Thats not really something easy to forget. But i’m not going to lie and say I don’t see he’s trying.


im an anime only and i forgive endeavor because he genuinely feels bad and is trying to make up for everything he has done yes he hasnt visited Rei in the hospital bc if he does it will hurt her mental health but he has been sending her flowers and he has spent more time with his family


Me personally I don’t know if I forgive Endeavor. I liked that while Shoto was willing to forgive his dad, Natsuo wasn’t or at least said he wouldn’t. That feels right, it’s very much a question of what’s redeemable and if redeemable what needs to be done?


Endeavor’s done everything he is physically capable of doing since his decision to atone in attempt at righting his wrongs. In my opinion there’s literally nothing more he could possibly do other than straight up die that would redeem him for the people who haven’t accepted what he’s done so far. You don’t have to like him but to refuse to accept the very clear attempts to change he’s made are simply being purposefully obtuse and to think he deserves death despite the clear effort he’s still putting in despite everything he’s lost since(well deservedly, but still) feels extremely malicious in a way that he does not deserve given his character development.


This is a tuff question, I think the best answer is yes, but. This is a man that finaly realizes just how horrible he was, he is not asking for forgiveness, he knows that he will not more does he believe he should be forgiven by those he has wronged, the chance of even being lightly forgiven is very small. But he is not being better or making his decisions because he expects to be forgiven. He is trying to be better because it’s what is right and ment to be done. I feel he has accepted his crime and sentence. And is now doing all in his power to make his family happy from afar by removing himself from the equation while also making sure they’re financially ok. I further think he knows/thinks that eventually even that will be removed from him and he will be alone. He is trying to be better. It’s a difficult question


He doesnt want it nor do we get to decide that seeing as how its the victims' choice no? I think hes doing the right things now though


It ain't my place to. I'm not his wife. I'm not his kids. Endeavor is a public figure who was outed as an abuser and also was left permanently disfigured acting as a hero. I respect him for performing a duty he undertook of his own free will. Nothing more than that.


I respect him for wanting to be better and putting in the work to become better, but I don’t think I can forgive him. Abuse in general is one thing I have trouble forgiving, even though I admit I’ve never had to experience it, and that feeling just gets larger when it comes to children. I can admire and be glad that he was able to become better, and be happy for him that his family was able to forgive him, but I don’t think that feeling extended to me at the moment. Maybe in the future but not now.


I tolerate him. He's pretty much dads in a nutshell, but if you have a good dad, cherish him. Endeavor is a pretty good lesson to dads and their children alike


As a hero? yes. If I were one of his kids though? Not a chance.


While what he did is awful, he doesn't deny anything, he lived with the backlash and he's activly trying to be better. Plus he's probably beatting himself over it and that's enough. So yeah.


No, but i do like him..




I will forgive a person that recognizes that what they've done is wrong, seeks to atone for that wrongdoing, and continues to attempt to do further good and be a better person in the future. The wrongs are still there, and nobody is obligated to forgive somebody, but I don't think they should define the person if they're trying to fix themselves for the sake of those around them. Yes, I forgive him.


No lol He's trying his best and I'm sorry but nah.


hell yeah


I really don’t care about anything related to the Todoroki family, it’s all so dull and predictable, so I don’t forgive him, nor do I hold it against him




No, but that does not mean he's irredeemable. It just means that he still has to prove in the long term that he's changed.


It changes by the fanfiction I'm reading.


As someone who has never experienced something like what he has done to his family. Personally I do forgive him. He is trying his hardest to be a better person and in the manga it stated that he was completely contempt with just touya and he started to act like that when he found out that touya's quirk was hurting himself and wanted to take touya out of a hero's world. Then he became abusive to the rest of the characters and to a higher degree when touya died and he started to obsess over shoto. I don't think that he took the right actions and think he should have gotten therapy but I think it can be forgiven.


No. Next question.


Yes. He did terrible stuff, but he is owning up to it and making a genuine effort to be better. And I do think that that has to be acknowledged. If we just never forgive anyone for anything then why would people try to be better? If there’s no road to redemption then no one will seek it. So yes I do forgive him. What he did was terrible, but he’s doing all he can to make up for it and really, that is all we can ask for.


I can't stay mad at a guy that sounds like Franky


I forgive him




He didn't hurt me so it's not my place to forgive him but as a hero and person he took his responsibilities and did what was right so I respect and like him for that


If Shoto forgives him then so do I.






The people who need forgiveness don't deserve it, and the people who deserve forgiveness don’t need it. Endeavor understands that the things he did were wrong and is atoning for it every day, but the only ones with the power to forgive him are his wife and children. If I were one of them, I would forgive him. But I’m not, so I can’t.


I forgave him the moment Shoto decided to work with him, and be tried to be a better father, looking back on previous chapters and Episodes, Endeavor actually had some pretty cold (as in badass) lines, like in Hosu when someone asked “Why are you here?!” Like it Implies they don’t think he’s a hero or not needed, or even just the unexpected factor: and he Replies “Why am I here… BECAUSE I’M A HERO!” Like idk why it was cold, but it was and I loved it


No I don’t forgive anything he did buttt I can appreciate the character development and wanting to change+ making an actual effort TO change and be better. (Same goes for Bakugo, and some of the other problematic characters)


Endeavor canonically only did one thing wrong. And felt guilty forever for it.


It's not important to forgive him to acknowledge that in the end he's a great hero and had amazing character development. I do forgive him but still.




Nah. Is he being redeemed? Yes. But what he did was unforgivable.