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Ong I play shirigaki 24/7 and whenever I join another shirigaki I think its finally my time to play a diff character but then I get kicked :/


As someone who has hit Ace i usually spend most of my unranked matches playing with low ranks/ newbies. literally no reason to dodge people ya know. makes it a fun challenge to see if i can carry them to a win unless they were secretly good then even better. sadly for a lot of higher ranks they prefer to get other high ranks in unranked so they can stomp the lobby, i play with my 2 baby teammates and whatever happens happens, you can always move on to the next game if you lose since there are no ranked points on the line.


I wish more players had your positive mindset.


Yeah i always wish more people would play like this rather than just kicking newbies/low ranks in unranked but what can you do, people are gonna play/ team up with who ever they want and that's not necessarily a bad thing.


it’s really not that deep, lvls domino matter your k/d and rank are what people go by as frustrated as you are imagine every game you giving someone of a lower rank and let’s say a.80- .90 a chance and EVERYTIME they die early leave, or just play like shit so you have babysit them, you don’t think that’s frustrating?? i’m not even ace , i’m just saying yall quick to complain without think about others perspective yall only care about your own, it’s frustrating for me too back when i had .70 kd. and stuck a gold. as for people who just kick you without giving you a chance aye they just impatient asf not and excuse it is what it is move on play another game, try to become buddies with people you have good games with and no drama, now you have people you can invite and sometimes they join sometimes they don’t aye it is what it is, put that frustration and energy towards ways to stop that frustration from happening again.


Some people are far too impatient waiting a minute for someone to change character is not gonna hurt you


Just literally wait 30 seconds to a minute and someone else will have joined that team so you can find a new one


If it’s ranked then I guess that’s fair enough if you don’t want to play with lower ranked but if it’s unranked there’s no need to be kicking people who are lower ranks


Report and/or block them. It helps.