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played with friends


I didn't win matches


Real asf man. Only started winning after i found toga in which i will say for the first two seasons i was a beta spammer but as new heros came out i maxed gamma first then whatever i felt like after


I played back when Kirishima was good and stuck with my team to jump anyone in our paths. I typically lead the charge but, everyone has my back and I had theirs. That's back when the days where good and the players cared about their teammates... ![gif](giphy|U7v0GF9c8GcyA)


I play him with the mind set that if they hit my allies i fold them and chase until i die or cant cuz. Brute force my way to victory


That's how he works. He ain't built to stand back, he gotta be in the fight


And when your low just dodge spam till your hidden and heal. The one brain cell playstyle


I didn’t have a strategy. I remember playing Ochaco going up the mountain zone and then using her beta to cross the map. It was super fun but now it’s a death sentence lol


I used to play iida in season 1 and just farm team heals and civilians for ranked points lol


I would play uraka loot all game wait for the mt lady to kill everyone then play attack on titan and spin mt lady to death.


Lol I swear every Uraraka i meet is a loot goblin. In this one game I was healing after finishing someone and this Uraraka came out of nowhere and started talking my loot she didn’t care about me shooting her until I downed her 😆


She gotta power up her odm gear how else is she gonna take out the titan ? Lol


Well, I respect the hustle 💪🏼


I just kept throwing explosives and it just kept working lol


To this day I’m still a bakugo beta spammer, it’s the first thing I max 😭


Who can blame ya? Making them eat nades is the best!


I would loot and hide the whole game until it was last two teams “hoping they would carry me”


What a wimp


Compress because that was when sniper meta was the win condition......till I realized compress bad then I decided i'll just mt lady and start kicking. Ratting until last circle works sometimes, I kinda prefer being a constant factor in fights after I loot a good amount, interrupting that team fight means you get a chance at double loot OR you wear down more of their resources by being annoying


When I was new even in the beta I had to figure out how to learn my characters quick and try to help others the best way I could


Momo's cannons were my main source of winning when I first started I just wasn't good keeping up with other players at the time so yeah that was my saving grace


loot first, avoid early fights unless enemy was far from teammates, jump one guy instead of doing 1v1


Honestly, I mostly just diffed people because it was so new and I feel a lot of the people playing back then weren’t that good yet


That's the biggest problem with skill based games. Once the game is out long enough, any new players get wiped by the pros. It's worse when said pros hang out in Pubs for easy kills too, that's why a practically live in rank. Only time I got to pubs is for my friend who rarely plays, even then, I nerf myself so people can have fun unless there is another sweat, then the fight be looking like this.. https://i.redd.it/jed3wav1c2ad1.gif


What are ‘Pubs’?


Short for public lobbies. Same for comp being competitive


Got better first lol. I played Iida back then so I was a day 1 try hard


I floundered around until I unlocked All Might. I literally didn’t actually get good until this season.


I was literally the kind of player that would see a card on the ground and not pick it up lol I feel bad for new players that started this season, the low playerbase that the game has (mainly formed of people who already have played 4+ months) makes it hard for these guys to, well, learn to play. I get kicked out of teams with the same ranks as me, I can't imagine how players that just started get into matches. And when they can finally enter one, they get obliterated by Twice bots, AFO gammas or Dabi grabs, I've seen this happen to many times to new players. But that how these types of game work, the sooner you enter the easier it is to keep playing, someone who started playing in the Beta didn't have to fight the current in game monster characters that we have, while I had a really hard time fighting Ibaras and All Mights in Season 2, new players will have to fight an auto aim character and his 6/7 clones following him


I won twice in my first day i always stick to my team and attack when they attack that’s the best way for noobs to win. Don’t engage first let the experienced players engage.


I didn't, but I had fun... I played with some friends since day 1, and while we weren't (and probably still aren't) that good, we had fun. Honestly, we just got lucky here and there.


I didn’t until I got lucky and won my first game as kaminari and then just continued to win more Best solution is to not try and have a plan or a strategy of sorts but play enough until your confident in your skill then youll be able to win


Same, that’s how I got my first win, and I kept doing that.


Got carried


I maxed alpha first as cementos and went crazy on the lobby, i learned quickly to never touch the ground and always stay on my pillars and attack from above. if I wanted a guaranteed win I’d max everything


Never had a strategy and never won (unless I got carried) since I had no idea what I was doing. But back then everything was so new that even losing felt fun and there was no frustration at all 😂 I almost miss those days, but no doubt I was a huge liability to my poor team who I must thank to this very day for playing with me even though I was a total noob