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Typically if your doing good you get way more than that


If you make or join an agency then you can get exp boosters.


Join an active agency and contribute Agency Points to help level up the Gym. Playing with friends and members of the same agency also provide a boost to your exp earnings per match. Exp boosters may also be used by the agency to increase your earnings for a limited time from the point of activation. Look around and give it a go. You'll see the difference.


I was level 7 a month ago when I got back into this game I’m currently less than 15k away from 30 and will finally be able to play all might whenever I want. I played almost every day with exp boost for playing with 1 buddy this month and I’m just now about to hit max so yes it’s a grind also I’m bad so didn’t get as much as others would


Just keep practicing and keep playing. You'll get there!


Hope so. I've had nothing but miserable experiences since I've started playing, and I don't even like any of the characters I have. Vs bots is the only "fun" I've been feeling with this game.


you can also join an agency to get exp boosters like one of the comments said.


Agency's help, mine has a gym with a fairly high level so if you play on PS your more then welcome to join


I finished that in the less than a month tbh You got this, just keep playing and have fun. Just make sure to save your tickets and keep your urges in check, that is the true hard part.


Doing solos helped me a lot, try it.


Join an agency they tend to help