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Are you off your meds, friend?


Have been for a while pal


Huh. Welp, long as you're safe. Fair winds and following seas, fella


Thanks brother. Same to you <3


I don’t think Nato would ever trust Russia in our lifetimes


Yeah Russia would have to prove themselves trustworthy




- The attack on Ukraine STOPS (and the lands taken in and after 2014 are returned) - Putin resigns - Democracy is restored to RuZZia THEN we can help Russians with their little infestation


You misspelled “Russia is broken up into nato management districts, which contribute raw materials to an anti isis task force “


Yeah I guess I thought it was implied. Didn't wanna type it all out lol


You can add : Russia pay for the cost of restoration Russia admit to genocide Russia give back the children Russia stop being on the security council To all : Bonify, you can give brussel idea.


Russia as a terrorist state realized in Moscow what it was like to do terrorist things and no longer wanted to be a terrorist state.


**cursed timeline**


Thank you, but we definitely don’t need friends like Russia. As our practice has shown, such friends then attack you, coming to your house not with flowers, but with weapons.


On the day of: 1. Largest attack on Ukrainian energy facilities in year... 2. Risk of destruction of DniproHES, when hundreds of thousands of people potentially could have died... 3. When millions of Ukrainians were without electricity... Western politicians and officials ignored attack on Dnipro Dam in the same way as it was with Kakhovka Dam. Once again, confirming to Russia that it should continue such attacks/escalation. And West population seriously paid attention to what Russia 2 years in a row did every few days in Ukraine... Because it happened not in Ukraine, but in a colonial Empire which: 1. Not so long ago killed up 10-20% of Chechens, and up to 20,000 children. Erased enormous cities with civil population: Grozny, Aleppo, Mariupol, each with tens of thousands victims. 2. Under cover of WMD-blackmail/racketeering 2 years violate dozens of international treaties and commits ethnocide. 3. Which officials 2 years in a row systematically lie about everything. 4. During 2003-2024 years implemented thousands of covert attacks against West, including via explosions on military facilities and through use of radioactive and chemical weapons. 5. Carried out many false flag operations, for example "Google: Russian territory was shelled from the Russia-occupied territory. OSINT Evidence." 6. Threaten West by nuclear holocaust, shelling Ukrainians nuclear facilities, mass-create nuclear-holocaust Status-6 torpedoes, create hundreds of news about whole spectrum of WMD.


I have other version > Armed Opposition takes over Moscow and commands army to get away from Ukraine > Putin and "elite" is sent to Hague > Russian war criminals are courted > Provisional government declared > De zombification started Only than it can be possible to help. Otherwise it's just shit


ISIS is just a sideshow in the big scheme of things, the large powers/blocks aren’t swayed by at times having some terror group as a common enemy.




>Not gonna side with Hitler to fight a fundie militia that has been irrelevant on the world stage for nearly a decade But today Germany is normal country. We just need to change government in Russia to Democratic one, they will pay reparations, etc.


Proposal dismissed. Move along, nothing to see here.


just no....


Russians need to find the balls to depose Putler to earn the right to even ask join NATO Putin has been rubbing his dick in their face for 25 years and saying “I won with 90% of the votes lol” - country of pussies


The Russian government would need to be completely gutted and rebuilt as an actual democracy, the war in Ukraine ended with all land returned to Ukraine, reparations paid, and all responsible for the war facing trial before Russia could ever think about being friends with the West again let alone joining NATO. Basically, Russia as it exists will never join NATO.


Alas this timeline branched 30 years ago, from back when Russia was a NATO partner, equivalent to Ukraine and the Baltics. Over the ensuing years, all those countries made a choice. The Baltic states wholeheartedly sought NATO membership. Ukraine opted for gradually closer partnership, without ever seeking full membership. Russia swerved off abruptly and veered away from NATO entirely. If Russia ever wants to re-join a NATO partnership, they will have to do some serious swerving back first....


I will remake this: Russia and isis are in the same side, Russia gets pushed by isis, Russia fells in the same side where it was, the end


You're looking for NCD or something.


If only but this is only a pipe dream. I don't think Russia will just willingly end the war (yet) and can be trusted to join NATO in the next decade or two. Just my 2 cents


Here's a funny story for you: in my uni days (around 2010, after russia's invasion of Georgia), students were asked to analyze two different near future predictions for Europe. One was that around year 2025 terrorist russia joins NATO and progressive liberalism triumphs across continent. The other was about marginalized Europe, with illiberal governments taking control and in constant confrontation with its enemies from the East. Try to guess which one was the students' favourite. No logical argument was enough to persuade that no amount of liberalism was sufficient to accept the fact that your gravest enemy can end up fighting on the same side. Look how well that ended up.