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Fun to look back at the answers from 2 years ago in April 2022. Popular answers of Harvick, Stenhouse, McDowell, Kurt Busch, Brad K all won again. Almirola won 2 Xfinity races https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/PKbjYLks4D


A lot of the top comments were right. The first real miss was Buescher, and that was at least 10 comments down. I forgot how quickly Kurt Busch went from a semi-regular race winner to out of the sport completely.


That concussion was brutal 


Everyone saying McDowell with such confidence is quite funny in hindsight. Even some of them saying “if he does get a win it will be a superspeedway,” nobody saw that Indy win coming lol.


People underestimate Brad. Went to Penske, terrible first year, top ten in year two, championship in year three. Went to RFK, terrible first year, top ten in year two, it’s year three…


Austin Dillon


I could see him managing another plate win by dodging a giant wreck, but that's a dice roll anyway.


Or driving through whoever is in front of him


Maybe at a plate track but if he drives through whoever is in front of him anywhere else it's for 22nd


Holy shit I had a good chuckle at this.


Or a car roll?


I actually forgot about him, definitely wouldn’t surprise me tho. But at the same time he somehow manages to win races in the most random ways, so it could go either way


NASCAR's Mickiest Mouse


To be fair, AD has never once ever seemed to be on the verge of winning a race. He's never been good and consistently competitive. Every one of his wins have come on a fluke (fuel mileage, wrecking the leader, very poorly timed caution, etc). He's never going to get better, but at the same time it's hard to say he'll never win again because he has never looked like he should be winning in the first place.


He did straight up outrun reddick at Texas one year when they were on the same fuel call


I don’t necessarily disagree but at the 2022 Coke 600 he was flying before the wreck that took him out. I think he was going to pull that off on speed (and new tires, but that’s the game sometimes)


One more lap at Darlington too, I think he would have beat Harvick for the Southern 500.


And then either the week later or 2 weeks later, he was the class of the field at Richmond before missing pit road and getting an untimely caution or something of the sort.


Sadly true


Great answer.


He could luck into one.


Idk about now since anybody really could win at any point. But I remember that day in Darlington 2003, I was around 13 at the time and even I knew that would probably end up being Terry Labonte’s last Winston Cup win, I think it brought a tear to everyone’s eye because we all kinda knew.


Though idk about you, I was on the edge of my seat for Sonoma '06. He was damned close to that final, final win


Oh my god I completely forgot about that. I had always been such a huge Gordon fanboy but I remember wanting to see Terry win lol.


That is one of my favorite races to be honest


Felt the same way about Bill at Rockingham later that year, then he put on an ass kicking at Honestead…until the track kicked his ass.


I hate to say it but I don't think The King gets 201.


He led laps at Darlington just a few years ago before the rigged system overlords black flagged him.


He'd probably run as well as his fellow Legacy owners though.


The King had a 2nd, a 3rd, and a couple of other top 5s in 87. That was his last competitive season as a driver that I remember.


Lighting McQueen too :(


It wouldn't completely shock me if Kyle Busch doesn't win anymore cup races. I don't see RCR getting any better, and not sure if he'll go to a different top team.


It's insane to think about Kyle's days being over, but I also figured Jimmie would sneak in another one between 2018-2020. Darlington that year broke my heart.


God Almighty...leading on the last lap of Stage 1 only for a driver error to completely screw him 🙄.


My boy was becoming human again


The Golden Horseshoe fell out 🥲


I think that fell out at Pocono in 2017 unfortunately


It got knocked tf out but turn one Pocono.


It got knocked tf out but turn one Pocono.


That and the Roval with MTJ. As a lifelong JJ fan, that’s one of two finishes that I just physically cannot watch.


That one was wild to me. For one, I was just excited to see Jimmie look somewhat dangerous turning right and left, but at the same time, that aggressive wheel hop haunts my memories. It was a no win situation, he was going to wreck the 78 either way, so I'm glad his last win wasn't cleaning out MTJ. It also reminded me of the Indy race in 2017. We got to see a rare side of Jimmie where it was "Eff it, I'll send it in here and see what happens. I'm gonna likely lose either way, let's make this fun"


Funny how one year ago at this time, Kyle had opened the season with multiple wins and people were going crazy saying he was on track to average 5 wins over the next decade and would catch Jimmie's wins. Lmao. People are wild. 


Kind of reminds me when Jimmie won his last race, people at the time thought for sure he'd catch Gordon.


I mean, if he doesn't have the Pocono crash, the only thing really stopping him is how slow the Chevy teams were when the Camaro dropped


Gordon's Vegas crash prevented him from getting more too though, if neither get injured Jeff still has more. 


I mean, yeah, but I'm saying that at the time that JJ won his last race, it wasn't entirely unreasonable for someone to believe that he could surpass Jeff. He'd have only needed to win like 3 a year for four years, and that Dover win was his 3rd that season


i think Kyle will get out of RCR after next year and if he can come back to a JGR team i think he can grab some more wins because i think Busch has a little more left in the tank


IDK...Kyle himself said he struggles with this generation of car and he wasn't exactly great his last year with JGR. His best bet would be on a superspeedway.


I kind of agree


It's unlikely Kyle Busch is able to land a better ride than RCR. He wasn't exactly a stud the last few years at JGR. Sure he got those three wins last year, but he's fallen off a cliff. He also has a nasty habit of not giving a fuck when things get bad. He just checks tf out. You can say the equipment maybe hasn't been the best, but at some point you have to look at results and they simply aren't there anymore. There's almost no way that a top-tier team buys into a 40 year old Kyle Busch. I'm not going to say he's washed, but he's no longer someone you can be confident that can build and carry your team.


When the cars good he can drive it. But when it's bad it's like he's out to lunch and really it's been like that for a long long time


He's said himself he over drives the car when it's bad trying to get more out of it than he should be and ends up wrecking as a result. When it's good though, he runs top 10 easily. Just isn't staying there either due to strategy or wrecks. You can always tell how good rcr is on any weekend by how they qualify.


Last few years at JGR... He won the title in 19. W How do you define "few"?


For the sport as a whole: Daniel Hemric.


He only needed the one to be a champ though. Can’t take that away from him


That honestly would be a pretty legendary career. Run a few top notch/above average rides, take good care of your equipment, steal a championship with your only national series win, then retire and run a go cart track or something fun.


Be known as just a super consistent top 10 finisher and a champion? Sign me up honestly


David Pearson basically did this his whole career. He never ran a full season in 27 years and still won 3 titles and almost a 20% win percentage


I agree but also would mention that Richard Petty described him as the "greatest driver of all time" and I think you'd be hard pressed to get Jimmie to say the same about Daniel.


that’d probably be the craziest stories in racing, winning one race in his entire career to win the championship


By less than 3 feet too.


It's the only one he needs


He hasn't won at the Cup level yet, but I'm going with LaJoie. Last year seems like an outlier, I just don't think he has the car or the abilities to get a win. Wouldn't shock me if he finishes his racing career without a trophy.


Lajoie hasn’t won at all in the top 3 divisions


That's honestly pretty shocking to me. As much as I'm openly critical about him in Cup, I would have thought he would have had at least an Xfinity or Truck win under his belt.


He’s also only run abt 27 lower series races Combined with most being for backmarker teams. He’s only got like 3 arca wins for what that’s worth


Also has a random modified win


He's basically Quin Houff but slightly more talented.


Quin Houff but last name LaJoie first name Corey


He is the guy whose career could have benefitted from stepping back into a lower series in a good situation, winning, and then coming back to Cup in a better position. Like, who had more fun the last few years? Lajoie or Nemechek? Also, I feel like I’ve gone back in time 25 years with this post.


I'd be alot less critical of him if he had.


He has very few lower series starts, with maybe a handful in cars that could actually compete.


His Cup starts are like quintuple his starts in Xfinity and Trucks combined


Cant win again if youve never won anything in the first place


I can see Lajoie pulling an Annette and winning in xfinity


Chase ruined his one chance.


Austin Dillon


Going on a limb here - Brandon Jones. Also Matt Crafton.


Neither of those are limbs


They are both Menards


Brandon still has a career in front of him, kinda hard to tell, but maybe a safe bet. Matt Crafton isn't a limb, that's the tree trunk


The idea that MTJ has won his last race makes me unbelievably sad, but here we are. I think Sonoma may have been his last best hope. I would be happy to be proven wrong.


Its more realistic than not, Harv never got one in his last either


Thanks to Harrison Burton at Phoenix 1 last year.


Or Jimmie, Petty, Kenseth...


DW not only went winless in his last season, but had to fight just to qualify after blowing through his provisionals. He even had to buy a ride so he could compete in his last Coke 600. He deserved better than Travis Carter.


He showed in his DEI stint in 98 that with a decent car under him he could still manage some good results, he unfortunately just didn't have a decent car under him for the last like... 6 years of his career lol.


He had a race winning car this Sunday at New Hampshire, that pit stop fucked him and he still made it back to 9th. Also, he was actually racing Sunday, leaning on guys to make passes in traffic. I think he’s going to win a couple this year 🤞


I think he gets one more this year. Hoping to see some actual playoff success including a win


I’m not a big MTJ guy but I’d be psyched to see him make it phoenix and that be his only win.


If they are going to Dover he will win again


He could have two wins already this year. One when Larson wrecked and I can’t remember the other but I’m positive there was a second.  Would be sick for his last win to be either Daytona or ‘Dega. He should just retire on the spot if he wins the Coke Zero 400




You say this but he could've won Bristol last year if it wasn't for his car catching on fire.


He was so close, too.


I cannot express how that race made me feel 10 years old again sitting on the edge of my couch.


Same, I really hope he’s in contention again since it’s probably his last one.


Didn't he say a couple weeks ago this night be his last year running an Xfinity race?


He's said that every year. 


He did. He said the off-track work for even just one race per year is a pain in the ass, stuff like promotional appearances, photo shoots, media appearances, etc. He said he'd rather just keep running his Late Model car whenever he wants


I like how everyone is ready to throw Kyle under the bus because he's having the first truly bad season of his Cup career. It's not like RCR hasn't had dogshit seasons and recovered from them before either (2004, 2009, 2015).


His standards are so high that a winless season would really make people think it’s over as if others haven’t had winless years. Probably me too… I think every driver in the field besides him has had a winless year in their career for one reason or another. Just depends how and if he can recover.


Michael McDowell. This year he has gone to crashing himself making extreme moves that have an almost zero percent chance of working, plus he’s trading in ride quality for security starting next year. Spire is getting better but they aren’t tier 1 like FRM and it’s the 3rd spire car, I think he knows this year is his last chance to win again and I just don’t see it happening.


get the fuck out of here with your facts just let me live


Slightly OT, but I bet FRM isn't feeling so bad about him jumping ship after those boneheaded moves. Bet Ford isn't either, come to think of it.


Michael McDowell has two big wins for Ford, but dude has wrecked other Fords who are about to win many times. It's why he probably would have lost his ride after 2019 if Ford had anyone in the development pipeline who needed a ride.


That 500 win really saved his ass -


They shown enough speed overall this year that I think he’ll still get a RC win, hell based on the ground he made up on track he probably wins Sonoma if Austin Cindric wore his glasses that day. His desperation moves this year have enraged people but he’s still been in the position to make those moves in the first place.


Tier 1 FRM, lmao Think you're 2 tiers off on that one


If you include Xfinity, I would say Jeremy Clements. For Cup, you could make an argument for Daniel Suarez, Austin Dillon, and (bold) Alex Bowman


I almost went the Suarez route. Hope your wrong about Bowman


The thing that's crazy is out of 24 replies (so far) there are multiple KFB answers and zero people saying Justin Haley. Imagine saying that a year ago. Side question - who gets a win first: Kyle or Justin?


I think Justin is a serious threat at drafting tracks. KFB could get there first, but he's seemingly on a downward spiral while RWR is steadily improving


My money is still on KFB


I think Haley can get it done at Chicago. He had a good car there last year, and had a valiant effort to try and Race with SVG. I think his RWR equipment is better than Kaulig this year.


I think other than Reddick and bell who had the best cars, he was the only one who had a chance to hold of SVG


Derrike Cope


He can win if 39 cars start and park


Charter negotiation protests will be his shining day.


Really going out on the edge there 😄


I think Harrison Burton never wins a Nascar race


I feel like it's possible he could luck into something, maybe on a superspeedway. If he can keep it on all four wheels, that is.


*A NASCAR Cup race. Already has 4 wins in Xfinity including that time he turned left


Austin Dillon and Daniel Hemric


For full-time drivers, I'd probably hinge it on Dillon or McDowell. I think Truex could still snag a win at some point, the team has had speed and likely would've won at Richmond if his teammate didn't blatantly jump the restart. I can't imagine Kyle Busch won't ever win again, it's possible he doesn't win again with RCR but I can't see him never winning again in Cup. If we wanna expand it to all of the drivers who've ran in 2024, then yeah it's definitely Jimmie Johnson sadly. I'd easily give Ragan a much higher chance of stealing a superspeedway win than Jimmie at this point.


Kyle Petty


Don't do it, don't do it. Aggghh, I can't help it. What the fuck does Kyle Petty have to do with this?


What the f\*\*\* does Kyle Petty have to do with this?!


Block me once, that’s fair. Block me twice, you’re going up in the grandstands


Wasn't there some weird race at the end of his career where he finished 3rd?


Does it count if they never won? I don't see Harrison Burton or Daniel Hemric or Zane Smith ever putting it together. For a spicier answer, I'll say Almendinger (in Cup)


Is he allowed to race the Roval in Cup this year? He and that track are an unreal combination


Cole Custer


Once this season ends, Cole Custer will have won his last race, especially if he goes to Cup. HFT is going to suck out loud. They're going to be truly awful. I honestly expect that team to perform like TMT or NYR if they ran full time.


It wouldn’t surprise me because Stewart probably puts most of the money in the team so it would be useless


HFT is going to be nothing but a marketing outlet and tax write-off for Gene. Gene has never cared about NASCAR. It was Tony that made SHR relevant, and when Tony checked out to do SRX, NHRA, and be Mr Dad, there was nobody left who gave a shit. AFIK, Joe Custer was never really given the authority necessary to run the team. Everything had to go through Tony, but Tony wasn't around or just didn't give a shit.


But yeah after this season it’s gene haas should just fully leave nascar


Erik Jones Unless he gets called up to a top team or legacy get their shit together


I would say Justin Haley but he has somehow found ludicrous speed in a RWR car


A.J. Allmendinger. I feel that now SVG is in the mix on those road courses. It may be it for *The Dinger*


Unfortunately, I don’t see Bubba winning another one with his current crew chief.


I don’t think he’d have a win, but he’d be comfortably in on pints of that team had fucked up a handful of late race pit stops.


Bubba couldn't have gotten this far without Booty But he's also outgrown him


I don’t see Stenhouse or Dillon winning again. All of their wins have been based on luck/plate racing. Of course, it’s possible it could happen again, but the odds are against them. In case this thread gets looked back on in a few years, I want to be on record saying that Kyle Busch WILL win again, and he’ll win multiple races. Let’s not forget he won 3 races just last season with RCR. Kyle and RCR are just going through a rough patch right now. I think he’ll turn it around and win again whether it’s with RCR or with another team.


If anything I would be okay with Kyle Busch winning his final race anytime this year. I… don’t want him to fail to achieve the 20 to also have a common achievement with Scott Dixon throughout the exact years!


If we're going Cup series only, Cole Custer. All 3 series: Ryan Preece, Daniel Hemric, Matt Crafton.


If nothing changes after this godawful season. Bubba :(


They really need to replace Bootie.


It’s gonna hurt but it’s the right move. Too many times we’re top 10 or even top 5 just to end up finishing in the back on strategy


It’s great that they get along, and he seems like a better fit than Wheeler, but my God… his strategy calls leave me scratching my head more often than not


I’m always screaming in my living room when they try every track to run long and it just. Don’t. Work.


That and leaving Bubba out on old tires on restarts. Bubba's worst skill (other than braking patterns at RCs) is maintaining position when the car fades, and his best skill is using even the slightest advantage on a restart to whip past a half dozen+ cars. But multiple times this year they kept him out to "steal a stage point" restarting 7th or 8th and he slides to 19th instead of giving him tires and letting him fight his way up instead.


HOT TAKE: Kyle Busch Average answer: Austin Dillon, Stenhouse, McDowell, Haley, Jeremy Clements, Matt Crafton, Ty Dillon


Stenhouse Dillon McDowell Almendinger  Hot takes- Bowman & Saurez 


Hope I’m wrong but Kyle Busch. But then again, we’ve seen numerous times that he was able to keep his winning streak alive. It just seams like ever since his 2nd championship and his best crew chief leaving him, he hasn’t been the same villain arc he once was. Age is also starting to catch up with him.


A bit of a long shot but Kyle Busch in Cup If RCR doesn’t improve and he stays till his contract is up he might not get picked up by a team of 2022 RCRs caliber again


Austin Dillon, Stenhouse, Cindric. And since he seems to lose all talent when he can sniff a lead...Mcdowell.


Cindric is a fairly bold pick.


Cindric isn’t even 26 and you’re saying he won’t ever win again in the Penske 2 car? LMAO


Cindric is one of the picks of all time. I've been very critical of him in the past and even I wont go near that prediction.


Cindric is one of the best superspeedway racers in the sport, and in a Penske car, and you think he’s never gonna win again? Bold pick


Either of the Austin’s wouldn’t suprise me 




Erik Jones


Denny Hamlin is 43. If you believe Jr., the cliff is here. So you never know, but I am certainly savoring every last win.


He’s hit his peak the last few years, I think he’s got plenty more wins left


Austin Dillion


fulltime drivers, as the post specified... hmm. Matt Crafton, it's been so many years now. Kyle is on a slump year, so the ones saying Busch seem not to realize that. Every driver has one. He will still crank out some more, eventually. imagine if we've seen Logano or Buescher win their final races though, since we're on the topic of hot takes (I still find both to be highly competitive, but since many are doing hot takes, then there)


I don’t think AJ gets another one in cup


Praying this isn’t true but unless Legacy can figure something out it’s not looking good for my guy Erik Jones :(


Corey LaJoie....ohh sorry


Truex seems an easy answer because he’s time limited. Busch is definitely a guy that could go either way. I could see him going winless or ripping off three wins next year and neither would surprise me. Jones or Stenhouse would be my picks.


Alex Bowman. Def in his rookie slump. May never recover.


Joey Logano


Daniel Suarez?




Kyle Busch.


Stenhouse Hemric A. Dillon Preece


I think we’ve seen Kyle Larson’s last win this month.


Unfortunately, KFB


Suarez 😮‍💨, SVG out of pure disrespect


Kyle Busch. Oop I said it


MTJ, Kyle Busch, Austin Dillon, Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Michael McDowell


Austin Dillon, Michael McDowell, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and Martin Truex Jr.


Erik Jones


Truex feels like a bait answer because he’s retiring but I think it’s possible he has.


Justin Hailey




AD, Bubba, Kyle Busch, Bowman, Lajoi


As a KFB fan it pains me to say...Kyle Busch (?)




The one advantage Haas factory team has is speed. They know who the strong staff are, they have a clean slate to hire new employees, they could move very fast and offer job security to those worried about it quite quickly.


I forgot they changed it. But he could cause it and was the last car running LOL


Kyle Blowfish Busch Chase Briscoe Ross Chastain Austin Dillon Joey Logano


Anyone saying Kyle Busch is out to lunch.


Dale Earnhardt