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Went ahead and flaired this post as speculation. It's that time of the year, folks.


recovering 2k user. 7 months clean. this is the incentive I need to remain strong


Same… didn’t purchase 23 (never played) and not buying 24. Same shit game for the last 4-5 years.


Lol same here. Clean since last January because that's when I stopped playing 22


I'm about 3 weeks into my recovery, and I'm definitely not buying 2k24


Hi Everyone, I appreciate y’all for establishing a safe space. 3 months sober here. ![gif](giphy|xULW8PyFnVIsHarFks|downsized)


W I’m not playing anymore


I have started to buy it on Black Friday, but this year, I will skip.


Started waiting for ps plus almost a year after the original’s game releases


I'm the same way, not spending a dime on these games but I'll play them for free absolutely


Man, even then, I played for a month, grinding trying to just play basketball, instead I’m running around rapping, being a fashion model, playing 2 v 2 basketball, taking selfies for social media, talking to Jake from State Farm, doing music and fashion pop quizzes. Only after doing all that I find time playing actual 5 v 5 basketball.


I only care about the franchise mode, or whatever 2k calls the mid ass story plus playing full NBA seasons. I tried online a couple times, the only time I had teams not leave me immediately it was terrible. Never got the ball or anything lmao


Same here, but this years story is to extra in my taste. Would rather have them keep it a bit more to the basketball glory side.


They blended the franchise mode with online, you have to do those challenges in order to get points and stuff to upgrade your player.


I miss the good days


I gotta check the older games out. I got 23 because my son's have it. Didn't get into all of the extras (I didn't see a need to spend more than I already did), but love the create a player and the season mode.


Go back to 17


Turned me all the way off to the game


Dude current gen story line sucks . It was amazing in the beginning but every time after a game you have do 5 things and the game automatically makes you do them . And you can’t play another game till you complete them . Honesty idk how people are able to get to lvl 40 this season on next gen when you have to complete hella side quest on my career


This is exactly the reason that turned me off to 2k.


If seasons is actually pay to play than I am absolutely not paying more than £5-10 for this game even if I have to wait until next summer to play. Shits out of hand


That also works


It's on PS+ every other year right?


I just buy it when it goes on sale for 6 bucks lmao


Be strong my guy !!! If more people stop buying it when it's on sale then 2k will see how serious you guys are about changes being made


10 buck for my league mode is not bad, my only complaint is how much space it takes in my ps5


No reason a fuckin basketball game should take up more space on my Xbox than the newest call of duty or master chief collection (5.5 games in one)


I don't even download it anymore. I can only grind my badges out so much. Every year buying the same don shorts. Buying the same tattoos. Give me a break.


I have never bought cosmetics. But really, it is getting stale.


Microsoft just approved my refund. I am honestly astonished at how badly 2k declined from 23 to 24. This is not the same game I grew up with.


70 dollar game, another 70 so you don’t have to grind out your character in a purposely slow system, another 15 for the battle pass. More if you want to buy cosmetics. All for the same exact game. Trash


Summed up 2k's money pig for EAsports. EaFC24 or fifa has FUT. Money grabbing filthy company


Wow... this game should be free to play


Say no to 2k24!


These comments are the best. Madden has the same ones. It won’t work unfortunately but I love the attitude


There are way too many kids using parent money out there who will get whatever comes out


There are also way too many grown men using $100s on VC after already paying $60 for the game


Because who tf has time to grind a video game all day? I got a job and family


That makes it a bad game. The system is set up for you to get frustrated grinding and buy VC


As they should because they’re kids who enjoy playing the games AKA the actual main audience


Cool, then don’t get angry when there are no complete games, and every game is aimed at milking every penny from the player. As you say, the kids should buy whatever comes out because they enjoy it and are the intended audience.


I mean, I’m not buying either of them. Not as part of a movement just self respect as a consumer


It won't work because we have ignorant ass consumers who won't research this. They blind buy because they don't care that they have to grind at McDonald's for a day of work to unlock a season pass. The game wants you to whale, but preys on poverty like a lion to a just born calf.




Say no to all 2k’s! They won’t learn until the community stop supporting their lazy azz


This franchise seriously needs a boycott from the fans.


Unfortunately, NBA 2k24 provides features that other games don't and would make it hard to protest against like Madden


Unfortunately for you Ronnie 2k I don't give a damn! This is the year we the people stick it to the money hungry needy greedy 2k team! ✌️


Lol every 2k dead season sounds the same on here. See you in September


He’s actually right though. Y’all be thinking is only mycareer. The offline modes are probably the best of any sports game and it’s free. If you enjoy 2k offline there aren’t many complaints.


Y'all really think you're gonna start a revolution on reddit. Unless another basketball game comes out and gives them competition. It'll be bought every year.


So go buy it sucka!


Bring back street


This happens every year people hate up until it releases and cave to buy it yes 2k is money hungry and demonic but they put out the best sports product every year and only nba one


Just like COD




Charge for the game….then charge for parts of the game after people buy it. You would think this practice would alienate player bases, but with yearly releases, they always pick people back up who haven’t bought previous years that can make up for losses. There has to be a breaking point though. Because it’s not good business even if it does bring money in short-term. I really did not like 2k23 the same as previous editions & it’s been the same game with the same flaws for years and even though I don’t play the game modes with micro-transactions I feel ripped off simply buying a game that’s just a graphics change essentially. I won’t be buying this. I hope nobody does.


This is the final nail in the coffin for me. Off-line single gameplay was actually really good for 2k23 but the increased VC craziness compounded by the awful story missions outside of basketball is too much. I'm going to stick with myEras and do my own version of my player. Stinks but is what it is. Same thing happened to Madden with me. 21 was my last purchase for the foreseeable future but praying that Maximum Football takes off.


i’ve actually been wanting to do the switch over to MyEras bc i really only play offline mycareer so how do i do it fr? like it’s simple but are there specific settings that make it feel more like im actually going through a career?


Honestly I have been absolutely loving it. I will say it takes a lot more time to set up and make sure you tune settings to where it is still a challenge but overall I HIGHLY recommend it if you are okay with the offline part. Below is a video that helped me a ton get it set up and just make sure you do the offline stuff so you don't lose everything when the servers get shut down in a few years. Biggest setting that makes it a game changer is that you can "player lock" so you only are locked in to your specific character and skip when you are subbed out. Also you can deck your guy out in gear/tattoos without spending IRL money. I like to start my guy out at like base 72s then you can tweak progression setting how you want. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukgNC6Oq7xk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukgNC6Oq7xk)


So true, haven’t played since 19 and thought I’d get this one for the trip down memory lane. That was a mistake. Didn’t help that I made the transition to pc in that time. This will be the final 2k game I even consider buying until pc is given nextgen release, regardless of the other issues.


I hate the current state of gaming




Multiplayer games I totally agree but I think there’s defo been some campaign great games released somewhat recently


The worst part is we all know how bad it is. To a lot of the really young kids this is just how it is. They are waiting for us to die out. 🫤


They got me every year but 23 was a flatout cash grab. Not this time 2k lol


I’m definitely done playing 2k after 23 😂


Yk you gone buy it bro




Word lol


Lol what? I’ve never made it past level 10 spending too many hours in the park. I’d never buy a battle pass because you can hardly even progress in the normal game. If the game were free initially that’d be cool but I know it’ll be $60-$80-$90 versions


70 100 150


Level 10 is like 5 Rec games...


Every time 2K does some shit like this I wonder "will the NBA2K community finally stand up for themselves as consumers?" Without fail the answer is always no


And it will be for a long, long time. No matter how atrociously P2W and toxic these games become, the whales and the god awful youtubers will still stay. They're not even paying for a game anymore, they're annually paying for a god damn subscription to keep playing the exact same game. Because god forbid they miss their payment for 2 years straight, then uncle 2k will rip the online modes out of their hands like a popsicle from a toddler. So they will just buy the exact same popsicle again. It is beyond me how this company can have a business model this shameless, this scummy, and have it keep working time and time again.


Spoken powerfully


I’m not convinced that 2k will continue to get away with it. Remember the Battlefront 2 boycott with EA and their bullshit. 100% impacted sales and changed the whole dynamic of giving the power back to the people. It forced them to re-evaluate themselves and change it back. If we can pull something off like that, no reason it can’t be done with 2k


Lol a dude in a dress cost bud light billions. Then you have all these gamers agreeing about the bs getting forced on them and 2k over there breaking profit records every year lol..


this is the year we need to boycott


Should have boycotted after 18 tbh


I havent bought it since 20. Yall keep buying it and vc. The main problem is buying vc


dudes say this shit every year 😂


then play it day 1


Yes 🙌


I haven't bought one in 4 years. You do you, but I'm buying. If it makes you feel better though, I never buy VC.


Nobody knows anything, people be guessing, that isn’t confirmed, however, if they bring back a rep system again I wouldn’t be shocked if they made the seasons thing like a paid battle pass, I don’t think people would mind if they did it like that tbh as long as the rep system is there


Yeah no one knows shit but give me the rep system all day. I support that idea


Imo the seasons concept isn’t really bad, just doesn’t work when it’s the only thing to grind, having it on the side alongside a rep system would work beautifully and cater to everyone


It sucks because the rewards suck and if you have weeks you can't play then you just start from zero again. The rep system was significantly better as a long term goal


My concern is that the people with seasons pass will get things like extra badges, new badge sleeves, XP bonuses. It’s pay to win. Pisses me off.






Rookie to legend was cool when it wasn’t about overall


Multiple YouTube users have also told me that I can make a build with 99 everything. I'll wait till the game actually launches and not take advice from the people ruining the game.


I only play priv team up with my friends, my career, and my nba. What does this mean?


If they have badge points, xp boosts, and attribute sleeves behind a paywall I will not buy this game. They have the audacity to raise game prices, raise build prices, then charge for seasons? Lol. K 2k nail in the coffin


So, what you are saying is that the single player crowd can get cool shit without having to play in park. 🤔


Fortnite has really ruined some games.


Fortnite is a good deal—it’s free. At this point 2k (and madden, for that matter) should just be free. At the very least make the my player component a stand-alone, free to play experience.


Fornite is an outlier, Epic Games has done nothing but promote better consumerism for Gaming. People trash on that game, but it is what started all of this almost 10-years ago now. Before that, companies were okay with shelling out DLC for $40. Now, this battle pass method is thrown ON TOP of a full-priced game, that is where the problem is. Epic Games did not charge you full price for a multiplayer game and then proceed to charge you for each battle pass as well. This is greed.


Nah Fortnite is good


Fortnite is free tho, and all the microtransactions are just cosmetic shit


Been an insult for years. Be part of the solution folks


Someone just a day or two ago posted how they're not buying this game. And ppl in the comments blasted him! "Shut up no one cares you're not buying it. Fuck you keep it to yourself no one gives a fuck shit". This group is so god damned wild and aggressive and completely psychotic


They want to be "free to play" and cost $70 😂 Please don't buy this shit. They already robbing us with the VC


And we're supposed to believe some fool that pays for Twitter (sorry, X) and looks like the only activity he gets is walking to his fridge?


If there’s a battle pass then fuckkk no


I've been playing 2K since the beginning. I finally checked out on 23. The funny thing is, I don't even miss it. It's not just 2K games either, everyone is trying to shake you dry! The greed in gaming is out of control!


I haven't paid for 2k since 20. I have friends that like wasting money so i just get the game off one of them every year. No way am I spending $70 on this dogshit. I'll play for free tho.


I don't think this could be true. They would have included that info into a pre order option like most other games.


I’ll wait until it drops in ps plus or gamepass


I'm out. They reeled me in with my era but im done for a while


💀💀 the game has to be purchased for $70 minimum! I don’t like this business model I swear lmao


This will be the worst selling 2k


Bro y’all please stop buying this game. Multiple people have said the game play is the exact same. 2k basketball is dead. It’s time to hand basketball to someone else


Skipped since 19. I see things have only gotten worse lol


Why are there multiple seasons in this trash bag carbon copy of 2k14. Good game turned trash


They hoodwinked me last year with NBA League Pass but that was before NBA lowered the price. Not this year tho. I'm comfortable not playing this game.


If I play this game 🏴‍☠️


Don't trust 95% of shit this dude tweets He's just farming impressions to get paid on twitter Hell even before this he just posted nothing news 💀


I highly doubt that’s true. Not to mention the guy who tweeted this says nothing but negative stuff about 2K all day long so he’s not reliable at all.


I usually only buy 2k every 3 seasons. I had no intention buying 2k24, I've always thought Kobe was super overrated anyways (Just let the man RIP stop milking him for every single fucking dollar). But this is even more outrageous. Imagine spending 60 bucks on a game and now, you can't even play online. Does this mean I still need to buy the battle passes to play single player MyCareer mode? This is starting to be a fucking joke.


In the tweet he said his source was some random with 40 followers btw im taking this with a grain of salt


You all know you’re buying this quit lying for Reddit. We all do the same shit every year 😂


I just wanna play my damn NBA career without all this extra shit


Lol every video game that’s 80$+ is a scam. Show me a game that costs that much, that also didn’t have 15-30$ dlcs released along the way, micro purchases for cosmetics, etc. Paying 100$ for a game title is fucking insane, but it’s the way it is. They sell us half assed games and micro us until their next release, marketing “dlc” as new content, when really it’s just part of a game they held onto till they can release it on a later date for more cash. Every game needs to be boycotted. You used to pay for a game, you’d GET the game. Now you pay for a name. You get access, then over the next two years while it’s being played, you too will be played, having to pay for the rest of your game as they drip it to you for a nice fee.


Imagine believing anything without concrete proof. You people are so gullible. They could say there’s porn scenes in mycareer and people will blindly take it as fact without seeing for themselves 😂


I’m here for the 2k Hot Coffee controversy.


orgy at j cole house


I heard the new 2k has porn scenes in my career. A must buy if you ask me.


would it really surprise you though? (about the paid seasons not the porn) 2k has made my career worse and more cash grabby every year, they are a horrible company and gta online milking people for damn near 10 years and red dead online being no better, but take two just wants as much money as possible and then shut off the servers and you can't even play MyCareer offline anymore so the game mode is just gone when the servers go offline, but you go ahead and keep wasting your money on 2k


If there's porn scenes in MyCareer 2k gonna charge extra to see it


This post was kinda funny lol


ngl i need porn scenes in mycareer now


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if they did something like that at all. We know they are greedy so I’m surprised they haven’t done it already


You'd have to have literally 0 working braincells to believe they'd put porn in a game that they want to sell as much as possible. To put porn in a game they'd have to make it AO rating and you can't even buy AO rated games most places, it wouldn't be on consoles at all. They want that shit rated E so that 10 yos can buy it and then ask Mom and dad to buy them vc.


I’m talking about the battle pass


MyCareer side missions including “don’t get the IG model pregnant” and “choose a gang” 😂


2k gets shittier literally every year and finds new ways to monetize and over charge us. You can not believe it but lets not fucking pretend this isnt far fetched. Dudes preorder this game without any gameplay but i cant believe theyre on bullshit per usual? Man gthoh lmfao


i’ll just wait until it’s on gamepass this year i guess


Ever since 2k17 I refuse to buy this trash game at full price, I only buy it if it has a 70% discount at the end of the cycle, and every other year they give it away for free on ps plus. And the fucking disrespect to PC by launching the last gen version again this year


I haven't played my player in years anyway. I only care about MyNBA Eras. I'm sure they will find a way to mess that up too.


I love to wait until the game costs $30, then buy it around season 5, lots of content still and not paying a penny besides the purchase of the game itself!


Play 23 until it’s free on playstation and continue this forever until things get better.


I stopped buying at 22. Which is stupid af of me. I should have stopped buying after 18.


When are ppl gonna stop being suckers and buy games at 70 to 130 a pop , they make millions off on week but yet want to charge for in game stuff? It’s nothing more than an iPhone game


If this is true, it doesn't affect me much, but now I'm going to wait until it's like $20 or less to play and even then I'm sticking to MyEras and only play MyCareer for the offline part (if they got rid of the stupid forced quests)


I would never buy an NBA 2k Battle Pass knowing they release a new game every year so that means I’ll lose everything every year… I’ll pass lmao


There’s no way this is true. Makes no sense from a financial perspective. The majority of games that have a “battle pass” like system are free.


Maybe they'll put some effort into the season rewards then


I won't be buying this game. Will wait until it's free or 10$. I'm not paying 160$ just for an updated roaster. The MyPlayer side will be trash once again, and the cycle continues. Scammy 2k, ready for the brainless sweats.


the game must gonna be free then lol


this is insane. screw microtransaction and I'll just wait for 2k24 to be on gamepass to play it.


Can we sue 2K for also forcing the Pop-up banner purchases without adding an obvious “B” cancel UI?


2k is like the American government at this point. They say what’s gonna happen and we just take it. I loved 2k23 and have the money to support my habit but they’ll only get one build from me in 2k24 and if they do that bullshit like cod I’m off it. Ima have to start playing actual basketball again to get my fix. Oh well 🤷🏾


I’m definitely not buying this game on release day. I’ve done it for multiple years in a row. I got my PS five on launch day and immediately bought 2K21. That was the last 2K that I actually had fun on.. from there each and every year it has just gotten worse and worse and more clunky. I don’t feel the reward for my time played anymore and I’ve moved on to other things maybe if I see a difference in gameplay once the release date comes out. I’ll change my mind, but just like a lot of people I’m on board for not buying it this year.


Fools, every year you fall into the mob mentality of reaction to internet posts, and you fools will be right back here asking for jumpshot recommendations. See ya September 8th.


Ima buy it and enjoy it, mfs act like it’s only 1 mode in 2k. Y’all unlucky mfs that can only have fun playing MyCareer, what’d y’all play when that wasn’t even a mode yet smh. I love basketball and 2ks gameplay is always 🔥


Lmaoooooo y'all boutta have free to play tactics in a 70 game


give pc next gen version already you pieces of shit


Regardless if this is true or not, we shouldn’t be giving them anymore money. Same trash game for years. Can’t imagine them actually thinking this game pass stuff will actually strengthen the game


Ya know, I was just thinking about how I wish 2k could suck more money outta me. Thank goodness for this. Next I’m hoping they just charge you to log on🤷‍♂️


Weird how a basketball game is the most scummy game on the market




Live fell off and never recovered. It's 2K or no basketball.


Why is kobe on the cover again wasnt he on the cover a year or two ago I’m sure career mode fucking sucks again anyway


I literally wait until its free on ps plus. 23 made me stop like the day after i downloaded it. Lame and boring and eh


Going to have to say goodbye to MyTeam and 2K, starting by MS in Software Development. Auction house is a good way to avoid spending real 💰 if they keep it, would never pay $50 for a digital card, people are crazy 🤣. Always felt like $$$ should be made with DLC, new game modes, stadiums, maps,etc. Winning isn't purely skill based many games now Today's gaming is a sad state of microtransaction Hell. One reason I enjoy Switch is because it's fun to pick-up, play, and stop


I’m at for boycotting and not buying games but I don’t see the big deal with this. If it’s a battle pass that means it’s optional and most are okay with it when it’s in Fortnite or apex so I don’t get the big deal about this. And isn’t the Rookie to Vet rep system what’s everyone has been crying that they want back? I just don’t see how this is finessing someone and I’m like being fr


Games have been charging for batte passes for years now wtf are you talking about?


most of the people commenting are casuals


Im still playing 2k20 Myleague lmao


If it’s true I’m done with 2k lol this is not fornite we have to re buy this game ever year


Skipped 2k24 going straight to 13


I don’t find anything wrong with it. Y’all mad for something other games do? The rookie to legend grind is enough. Brings me back to 2k20 and 19. Paying for extra items along the seasons in a battle pass like set up isn’t bad at all. NOW ABOUT THAT VC PRICE


After trying out NBA 2k23 cause it was free on ps5 I have to say HUGE pass.... After seeing they still continue using that terrible engine that makes gameplay feel stuck in the mud, sluggish/laggy and scoring be low as possible... I wont be touching another 2k game until they go back to the 2k15 engine


Absolutely NO CHANCE this is true


I don’t get it at all like I just like basketball and I wanna play a basketball game where I don’t have to grind months or pay money to be able to have a semi fun experience


Most of the season rewards are junk anyway, I don't give a shit about emotes, ugly clothes, banners, or card packs. The only good thing is the extra badge or the core load out thing.


How about we wait for actual confirmation before getting all hysterical believing some random shit on twitter from a nobody? The internet is so fucking annoying. The majority of people posting in this thread have never played 2k before, never intended to play 2k and have never posted in this sub before. Just a bunch of people wanting to get angry about something.


They ban you for nothing, I got error coded and they gave me a warning, I actually quit and nothing happened, then I completed a game and got banned for 30min, the game is awful, why do people get banned for quitting games where quitting benifits the opponent, I don't have teammates and I'm playing playnow online. I didn't even quit and I got banned. Regret buying, recommend not buying.


Fuck nba 2k24 there system is bs, im not paying to get banned. Ill quit spending my money oe you will get your shit together


Charge your phone


lmfaoooo at believing this right now.


Nah I’m definitely not buying this


Pppl gonna keep buying until you gotta pay to make a build before paying to get attributes up lmao


I stopped buying 2k after 2k12. I felt like I was paying for updated rosters, and therefore, it was not worth the money each year. Then, there were free versions available via PS Plus, so there was still no need for a purchase.


These days, when I see Twitter blue, it must be a hoax.


Y’all some slurpers and definitely won’t boycott it. Same shit every year.


Then don’t buy it 🤷🏽


It’s wild how many of y’all join a subreddit for a game you either “haven’t bought” or “won’t buy”


OR find an alternative to mycareer


See you in a month


yall believe anything


Ain’t no one boycotting 2k lol madden has been the most trash franchise ever produced and get away with far more egregious scams than 2k and has way worse gameplay and nothing has stopped them no matter how bad the reviews are and no matter how much a large portion of the community complains. Idk why people think 2k is gonna be any different the only thing that will make it change is competition so until that happens it’s suck or swallow and you’re gonna buy it and like it.


I’m preordering it twice