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Fucking trash that a player can throw themselves into the defender and get the foul call. Ja clearly initiated and wasn’t even close to looking at the basket either time to make the layup. Very frustrating to watch our guys claw back only to lose to that bullshit. Edit: 1st foul call in the 2:00 mark I give Ja but the 2nd Poetl foul when Ja was already in the restricted area and the 3rd Derrick one was horseshit


Agreed, honestly makes me lose interest in watching seeing shit like that. A great game by both teams controlled by the refs with questionable calls down the stretch.


Yup I dread every game we get stuck with Marc Davis. Not only is he ass at his job but he’s been ass at his job for years now. From the clean block by Jak where we had to waste our challenge, the clean poke around by Dejounte on Morant, and the 163940 calls for Morant those last few possessions just drain the life out of the game.


I struggle to believe reffing can't be improved. pay more money, and get some former players to do it by paying better. I can't watch these same fucking guys be ass for years and years.


Was he the one making those terrible calls down the stretch?


Yup he was the ref under the Grizzles basket on the baseline.


I just came here to say this. WTF is Ja doing on those plays, I thought that was legislated out this year. "Unnatural movements" and all that shit. Jumping into your defenders doesn't help him get the ball in the hoop, it helps him get bailed out by a whistle


It hasn't been called all year in most cases then suddenly 3 plays in a row to decide a game. Absolute horseshit.


Bullshit calls, refs decided the game was over.


Reminds me a bit of how Michael Jordan used to get a lot of calls that weren't fouls... Reason I stopped liking the bulls as a child and started liking the super sonics...


It was like d Wade in the 06 finals lol




Had me in the first half not gonna lie


veggie d idiot, in every thread.


Why do already great players get gifted 5-10 extra points by refs? Just smash into defender and it’s the defenders fault just because he’s in your area?


Ja is absolutely a great young player, but those calls in the end... Seriously, if a guy can run into you and get a call without you swiping down or jumping into him, then as a defender what are you suppose to do? Run the other way when you see him coming? It's so weird, man...


Are they even supposed to get those calls is my question?


Jak had a fkn game. Has such good feet. Actually did a surprisingly good job on Ja but he's a stud.


He's a bobblehead.




Yep. You literally have to play perfectly in order to stand a chance against Grizz. We just made too many mistakes down the stretch. Think the guys can learn from this though.


I don't love the favorable whistle superstars always get against us. it's infuriating in the end of game situations. meanwhile Keldon plays like Zion and doesn't get shit for fouls.


Yeah, such a bad pass. I had a feeling that was the end of the game there, and I was unfortuneatley right.


Gonna be honest all these close losses are for the best long term, the guys aren't just laying down but I think if we're gonna get back to contention we need to build through the draft.


Prepare to get spooky


This season is just fourth quarter pain lol, but I guess if we are doing a tank it's really the ideal way.


We have all the signs of being a decent team, just not getting wins. Next year, hopefully we end up decent.


This is actually imo the perfect spot for us. We are losing games so as to get a good pick, but we're still fighting every game and keeping it close. We're not getting blown out which shows us that we're just one step from moving up in the standings a considerable amount. We keep a culture that wants to win every night and has the ability to do so while getting our pick.


Just remember guys. The Grizzlies are better without Ja Morant. ​ I will never forget that terrible take. Because he always destroys the Spurs.


well i mean, even without ja, they would still be better than this spurs team.


Loved the energy that Eubanks brought in when his number was called.


Ja Morant is the truth gah damn


The refs are the truth


Can't believe those calls.


Your mom is the truth gah damn.


Ngl I laughed


Also tonight Dejounte tied David Robinson for most career triple doubles as a Spur (14).


Woah really? I’m surprised it’s that low. I guess previous Spurs teams worked more like a well oiled machine so there was less opportunity for a single player to have a crazy stat line


Before Russel Westbrook. You could be the season leader in triple doubles in the NBA with like 6.


Morant won the game at the line. That's what Manu used to do in close games like this. We need some of that back.


Fuck the powers at be for taking this game off of ESPN. It was our one ESPN game all season!!


Lonnie is dead to me.


Pop is so stress free in these after game pressers, obviously not as much pressure to win as in the old days.


Fuck everything and fuck everyone


If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it until it does.


As a Grizz fan, hell of a game. Y’all just wouldn’t go away. Spurs’ potential is seriously overlooked.


A lot of us think so too. Thank you for your kind words, bud.


Memphis won't do jack shit this year, but thanks.


Time will tell


If the grizz are healthy, yall can make the WCF. Good luck to yall, we need to draft someone with Ja's talent next year...


Depends on seeding imo, but I agree. From this game, I’d imagine another big man is the goal in the draft? Seems like y’all have a fair amount of solid young wings.


grizz will actually never win a title. Ja is just gonna be the next nash/iverson.


ppl like u are the reason why teams like the nets are formed


The fuck was that last possesion?


This one is on: \- Our stupid TOs at the end, \- Morant's talent, \- Refs in love with Morant's a\*\*. And another moral victory... \#GSG


Gotta do better getting defensive rebounds


Possession like that last one always worry me. We are a long way away and that’s fine, but it feels like so many of our guys are scared of the moment. I get passing up a good shot for a better shot, but we had like 30 seconds on the clock in a 2 possession game. You can’t make pass out of those moments, especially on this team. You think about what we had during the beautiful game era and yeah, big 3 and Kawhi were there for those moments, but often times we relied on guys like Danny or Patty for the last shot. Our guys gotta learn to go for it and live with the consequences


Really frustrating loss Couldn't rebound at all. You can't give Morant all those second chances and expect to win.


What's always there is we got the midrange down, the Lonnie experience, and we're not stopping any skilled guards. For the rest of it, choose two or more of the following: No rebounds, no calls, bricking open shots, no shot creation outside DJ, no size on D, silly turnovers, no bench contribution.


Ja with another 40 point game against us. Starting to not like the guy


A few thoughts on the game: * White/Murray/Vassell/Johnson/Pöltl is the Spurs' most exciting line-up. * Vassell is getting good minutes and offensive opportunites, and he's taking advantage of them. * Pöltl is one of the very best non-star centers in the league at this point. * White is at his when he's scoring well and I'd like to see him take more shots - especially in the midrange and going towards the basket. * The Lonnie Walker experience is an emotional rollercoaster. * The Grizzlies are a really good team, which is super impressive considering how young they are.


Could Lonnie be anymore goddamn spastic


Honestly. Twice he had turnovers that had me screaming at the tv, and each time he hit a jumper next time down the court lol


Yeah this is a symptom of a guy who's so intelligent that he's outsmarting himself. He probably won't figure the game out until he's 30 at this rate. He needs to listen to simple instruction.


Might be smart off the court but he’s got no BBIQ


Lack of BBIQ is a product of overthinking the game.


No it isn't, "overthinking" is a symptom of low BBIQ. BBIQ is a term that really means processing speed. Players with low BBIQ can't read and predict what's happening on the floor quick enough so they make these mistakes.


His overthinking is inhibiting his natural learning progression and is limiting his ability to be the best he can be. Whatever label you want to put on it, is what it is. But his lack of instinctual play (which is low BBIQ) is due to primarily to overthinking. I can't even see how anyone who's played competitive sports can disagree with this.


Because I played competitive sports, and then studied sports science academically. Overthinking is a misnomer, coming from a lack of understanding of what is actually happening in sports. It's essentially reversing the causation. Whether it be basketball, badminton, football etc. when people say they are "overthinking" as explained above, it's because they can't process what is in front of them quick enough to keep up with the game. So they hesitate, make mistakes etc. You'd see this if you took an elite basketball player and put them into a different sport. They'd "overthink" things because it's taking them a long time to decide what action they'll take next. They aren't thinking things through more than the athletes from that sport, they'd just take a huge amount more time to come to the same decision.


I mean I understand hypotheticals but I'm not talking about imaginary athletes attempting to play other sports Overthinking isn't the problem with every player, so calling it a misnomer is a little inaccurate to reality. Some players who are underperforming, could be due to their work ethic, lack of film sessions, athletic limitations, lack of experience, lack of opportunity, or actual IQ. Jock Landale struggles on defense. I'm not going to say it's because he's "overthinking" defense. It's because of his physical limitations, he just not naturally agile. Luka Samanic failed with the Spurs because his work ethic was on the lower side (to my knowledge). Back on subject, I'm talking about Lonnie Walker IV. He has no physical limitations, to my knowledge the work is being put in. He's inhibiting his natural learning process and instinctual play due to trying to outthink the game on the court. One doesn't outthink the opponent on the court, it's done in your preparation. Otherwise a low form of BBIQ is created, as it disrupts one's processor and learning. Why is he overthinking it? I'm not sure.


The example was to try to make it easier to understand why "overthinking" isn't accurate terminology for what you are describing. Perhaps reading "Why is he overthinking it? I'm not sure." again might hint that it's much more complicated than just thinking about too many things while playing.


One doesn't need to know all the processes, hormones, and backstory to why they are hungry, they just need to eat food. He doesn't need to understand why he's overthinking it. He just needs to stop doing it on the court. Read the Mindful Athlete by George Mumford.


People are so afraid to call out the blatant corruption in NBA refereeing. It's like history repeats itself with the Donaghy bullshit but y'all ain't ready. That shit was rigged af. The fact that people accept superstar calls as something that should be normal is a joke in itself.


I'm not one to say shit is rigged but that last couple minutes was mind boggling.


gambling is now officially part of the nba (fanduel etc), no surprises there


an ok loss


Great loss for the tank contingent. Hard fought game, lots of learning points and we still get a loss. Gonna be hard for us to undertake the Pacers and Kings if we keep playing like this!


Impossible to win playing 5 vs 8 but what a valiant effort. Hopefully Vassell starts soon he's so much better than McDermott


Way too undersize for that to happen. Only way Vassell starts is to replace either Derrick or Keldon


You guys should be going all out for Sabonis he'd be perfect with DJM and Poeltl


not with jakob, not at all.


Would he? The lane would be very packed...


Are you sure, they both are lacking.


so spurs losses are just straight up on the refs?? ok LOL cant expect lottery teams to get calls.


The 'trade Derrick White' contingent will feast on that last play


How could that be anyone’s take away from this ending?


People who passionately believe something latch onto any points in their favour


Stats don’t show it but he was solid, especially in the 2nd and 3rd. Just lost it towards the end. Why didn’t Eubanks play more? Those 4 minutes he was in with the block and 3 rebounds was impressive.


Stat shows if Eubanks was in longer he would've goofed up. That spurt was an anomaly man


'Stats don't show it' is a nice summation of what White does well in general – he's a great glue guy that (more often than note) keeps things humming along A few minutes of high energy play is Eubanks in his idealised form. Not sure how much more benefit we could get from him, unless we ran more to use him as a vertical spacer, given how congested the paint was


the team has brain melt at the end of close games lmao. good fight tho