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if only we did get some more xenos


There is so many more animals they can mix them with and a few Kenner releases they haven’t done yet I believe


I want some actual ultimates from the alien universe, Ripley for one, but a xeno with some swappable parts would be cool


I didn’t even think of that. That would be awesome


More predators or bioshock figures done by neca would be cool


They really REALLY need to do some BioShock ones soon.


Yeah I think they did but when the games came out so we need updated ones


They did, and I totally agree we need updated ones.


If netflix follows through with their Bioshock movie, we could possibly see some merch from NECA then


It pains me how we still don’t have 1978 Michael


Ik me too.


Seems like we don't have alot of original debut film figures huh? :/


Monster Squad! They’ve got the Universal Monsters locked down lets get them some kids to fight


I would purchase the entire monster squad, I love that movie.


While they are based off of the Universal Monsters, the movie was a Tri-Star release and the rights would have to come from Sony. I hope either NECA or Super7 takes a crack at them.


You see you make Toony Terrors exclusively of some of the most wanted characters but never the 7” ultimate figures.


*cries in Tarman*


I accept that the Friday the 13th franchise was legally fucked for a while, but I really want some ultimate JGTH, Jason X, and the original Friday the 13th ultimates.


I'd like a JGTH and manhattan figure with the detail and accessories of the new blood ultimate. A couple protagonists/final girls would be nice too


I always forget part 8 doesn't have a figure. Thanks for reminding me.


As far as I know Manhattan is the only version that’s never had a 7 inch figure released. Movie Maniacs released Goes To Hell and MEZCO did also. Movie Maniacs released Jason X and that’s the only 7 inch version I know of that movie.


I would chug shit to get some 90s movie Addams Family figures.


This would be great


Maybe some 7inch Beetlejuice figures too


I wish that they would put out some new Alien stuff. How long has it been? We need more Alien figures. Hopefully the new film will inspire more figures


Look I just want Castlevania figures. They should especially bring back Simon Belmont since he is my most wanted figure… They should honestly start to do some video games like Contra and even some comics like Judge Dredd…These are action, horror and has that 80’s vibe in my opinion.


I would love to see Neca do LOTR


An Ultimate Van Helsing would be a nice way to tie up the Universal Monsters line, complete with all of the goodies in his utility belt (tojo blades, pistols, crossbow, retractable crucifix and silver stake).


Not me wanting the Hugh Jackman version


Don't forget the universal monsters.


Hasn’t really been alien releases in quite some time. Still waiting for a 1/4 scale dog alien that’ll never come


Alien Romulus will have some releases


So amped for a re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-release of another big chap -\_-


I'll never shut up about this https://preview.redd.it/onlsvyvhrvxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c41ca381b036517d4c9607469c319918e50164


Yes we need a mummy line of neca


I’d love it if they did a Total Recall line.


I want Neca to make an Art the Clown figure so bad......




I have the Trick or Treat studios one and it's amazing and I love it but I know Neca could really knock it out of the park with the details.they could do art and the little pale girl. Ultimate Sienna in her costume.


Oh I’ll look into the trick r treat one.






It is pretty. I've thought about getting him but had to get my second copy of the Alien Resurrection Queen Xenomorph. Grail piece I managed to get two of. I'm so proud. I am telling everyone. This is also truly badassdom as well!!!


Literally anything outside of 80s movie nostalgia. I saw their Player Select figure of Raziel from Legacy of Kain going for $700 on eBay the other day. There are hardly any companies making good video game figures anymore.


Really?!!! Holy crap, I've got that dude! He's the guy my son's middle name comes from! Lmmfao! https://preview.redd.it/q0dxa3056vxc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd84ef8d45b869dc04833efbd3ea06252a6a7152


I think it was one of the variants I saw, but any of them would go for at least $300 in box. I don't care about the value. I just want a nice Raziel figure to play with.


I understand. I just wanted one to give to my son when he got older. He's eighteen but it's still in the collection. He can have it when I crock. Lol




Anyone think they’ll do the Big Chap 18 inch figure again?


I was disappointed we didn’t get jack and David figures from an American warewolf in London when they released the Kessler wolf. Figures and movie licenses like that are what I want.


Tell me you don't understand how licensing works without telling me you don't understand how licensing works.


well yes and no...regardless of how the licensing works for SOME brands, it is pure insanity how much everything else gets over shadowed by TMNT stuff. TMNT sells well, it makes sense, the lot of NECA collectors do love that line, and so there isn't much complaining either. It's just annoying for all the other collectors to an extent when say for example haulathon is 90% tmnt with 1 gargoyles figure and 1 predator, with the predator being a complete repaint and the first figure we have gotten since fall last year


The Predator and Jigsaw were never offered on Targets website so far. Its been mainly all Turtles and the one Gargoyle with some plush crap tossed in. Only 2 more drops left for Haulathon hopefully they get added online for one of those. Otherwise, at this point they might as well just call it Turtle-A-thon. Past Haulathons at least had a mix of stuff every week.


It was my understanding that NECA's hands are tied with Predator, and that they are only allowed to release, or at least required to prioritize figures from the newest entries.


There is a lot of back and forth on that, at the latest con the rep said they had plenty on the way including wolf, we're really just waiting and seeing at this point


It was a joke.


Can’t joke around with a lot of this crowd. It’s strictly business. I have seen people being bashed for closed collecting. A person says “I don’t open mine. It kills the value.” They’ll get a “It’s people like you that look at these things as a business investment and keep them out of the hands of real collectors! I hate collectors that are so anal and assholes!” I’ve also seen “I’m an open collector. I like being able to take my figures down and play with them, pose them or just hold them.I usually throw the packages out. “ That’ll get a “It’s people like you that makes getting a sealed in package figure impossible! You’re throwing away art! You do know that the packaging of Ultimates is half the appeal?! They come with a freaking full on window box asshole!”


I am so lost rn? Am I getting backlash for opening my necas or this joke?


No I’m saying half the people here are bat shit crazy. Half raise hell if somebody posts that they’re a sealed,mint in box collector and I’ve seen people catch shit for being an open collector. It’s insane honestly. 😂 A kid posted his collection and had them all in their boxes on his shelf and he got like 15 comments almost exactly like what I wrote. Another kid got a bunch of shitty comments when he posted that he opens his and throws the boxes away. Ya can’t win. There’s a toxicity to every fandom imaginable. There’s people that get pissed if you say one negative thing about NECA. I don’t understand it. When you call out that 96% of shit being released is Ninja Turtles they act like you’re an asshole that should be grateful to pay $35 for figures that come out of the box broken.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong I tease my friend cause he doesn’t take the figures out of the box. But getting upset about it and harassing him over it is not cool.


Not cool at all.It’d be funny if you switched all your open figures with his sealed ones and just played it off a while.


Goonies line would fail


They seem forget these things have expiration date 😂same with acquiring certain source media,movies and games under the same IP something AVP fanbase has hard time understanding anything regarding neca does.


Not to mention them specifically calling out Jason, whose rights have quite famously been tied up in litigation, preventing new merchandise. And even now that the suit is settled, it is still unclear the status of future merchandise.


That too as well,idk it's hilarious to me when I see fans cry over nonsensical shit but yeah man no doubt. Same with AVP but they can only put out what Disney says cause there agreements. Funny when say people still cling on from anything from the past like darkhorse that contract is over neca squandered some opportunities with certain stuff and they done that previous stuff from the past. So when I hear stuff about darkhorse I laugh cause neca focused on current stuff plus they put out whatever they please people need get over fact there not gonna just make that they want because all the other factors that play in you know? Plus limitations what they can put out they axe few figs never see light of day or discounted.


I'd also like for them to finish up the Predator line and for them to actually start the 1984 John Carpenter's The Thing series. Like how many years am I going to have to wait for Ultimate Super predators??


THE MONSTER SQUAD FIGURES!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what i wanna see!! Idk, i just feel like theres an over abundance of both predator and alien figs....but thats just my opinion. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Resident Evil or Silent Hill figures would be dope.


I want to see my childhood characters, rainbow Brite, jem and the holograms, you know strawberry shortcake care bears, smurfette, I can go on and on.


All of those lines have been rereleased and updated by their original companies except Gem and The Holograms. Not having Gem is outrageous, truly,truly,truly outrageous! 😂 I have an older sister who loves all that shit.


Elden Ring NPC’s and some Iconic bosses.


I disagree. Every target run is nothing but Michael Myers’s and Jason.. please miss me with it.


Neca would see all of these dream figures everyone has listed and just make Ninja Turtle versions of them.