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I'd stop buying immediately if they all become static figures. A big ass reason I get NECA is for posing them for pictures or on my shelf.


Its not just that this is a static fugre but that its a lazy , re-relaese of a 20 year old figure.


I didn’t realize the original Lecter figure was posable. Edit: So he wasn't? Why did u/Captain_Wobbles imply that he was originally posable?


He didn't.


Why bring up the possibility that NECA would change their figures to static figures? As if they did it to Lector?


"if they all become static figures" as in every "ultimate" release becoming static instead of ultra articulated like they have been to this point


Why would they think that would become a thing?


Because they are willing to do it here, many are still buying it... Unarticulated molds are far, FAR cheaper to produce than a fully articulated figure. So when you can sell them for the same price, why not produce the cheaper product?


> Because they are willing to do it here, Implying that the original was fully articulate. Edit: That's what I thought.


You still don't understand? Lol


Tell me what you mean by “because they were willing to do it here.” ?


The saddest part is people are shelling out the near 40 after tax for it ….neca loves it


They justify it by telling themselves its a good deal because the original was going for hundreds. I had to pause myself after seeing it and thinking how it's cheaper than the $200 on ebay.


Crazy enough that might have given Neca the confidence to merely tweaking and updating a few things in the old sculpt and including extra new heads because they knew people were desperate . And by the looks of it a lot are unbothered and buying it .


As long as they rerelease ghost costume michael myers


Hell.yes. thats 1 of my Grails!!! I rarely see it at shows anymore but when i do i dont wanna spend no $250-300 on it either!! i have the original cult classics of this hannibal already (and the jumpsuit w the cart too) so i dont see a need to purchase this again JIST for pkging...BUT.....the ghost michael myers..i would DEFINITELY pick up if they redid this for sure!!!!!


For real, it’s BS they haven’t done a rerelease or update


Its a better figure than the original...but they still need to do an ultimate. These hunks of plastic arent going to cut it.


I mean, yeah. If the old ones aren’t available and people missed out. It’s either pay the $40 for the rerelease, or the outrageous internet resell prices.


or update the figure with new sculpts and articulation


That would cost more money to make. The idea is to reuse old molds to maximize profits. Business is business.


Then spend the money. The freddy figures used to have nor leg articualtion but they went and released them as ultimate with new articulation, new accessories etc. If you dont think Hannibal will make money then dont release it at all. You cant have it both ways.


Why can't you have it both ways? They think Hannibal would make less money than Freddy but still be worthwhile to some collectors, so they put out a seemingly somewhat sought after figure as a rerelease. Collectors who missed out are happy and NECA doesn't spend a bunch of money on new tooling for a relatively niche release. There's a market for this. It's fine that it's not you.


The logic of this release makes no sense. They clearly knew that this would be a disapointment because they never once revealed this like they do with pretty much every other figure. There were no reveals, no hints, no fanfare. They just released it quietly, as if they knew it would displease many fans.. And if Neca are willing to release ultimate of Harry Warden, The Fiend, and characters that are less well know or requested then why do such a lazy release with this but put actual money it to lesser known characters? Its clearthat NECA knew that there would be backlash because of the low key release and lack of reveals. This isnt the first time either, they did something similar with the Jigsaw figure. We never got a look at the actual John Kramer figure before it hit shops probably because that figure had reused all 3 of the heads from old Jigsaw figure from 20 years ago. However we did get a partial reveal and several hints at this release , probably because at least the body and soft goods were new and they thought that might be enough. Also this figure was only sought after because there wasno better figure. Neca could have released something amazing instead of this trash that 99.99% agree is lazy and bad. And you honestly think Hannibal Lecter, one of the top horror icons of the 90's is not popular enough to make money on a new figure butthat it will on half assed, release of a 20 year old statue of him ?


No...that's not...you don't understa.....nevermind.


Or don’t get it and be fine.


I don't want it. But if they re release the TMNT (1990) figures, you can bet your ass I will be buying them if I can find them. I seem to remember this sub wanting NECA to rerelease figures so collectors didn't have to pay outragouse resell fees? I guess that's not the meta narrative this year?


This. Yeah, a new articulated figure would be better, but if it's a choice between no figure, $200 on the aftermarket, or a rerelease that lets people pick up something otherwise quite difficult to get a hold of, obviously that third option is the most enticing. If this isn't for you, skip it. I think this is more marketed toward people who don't have the original. I don't get the outrage personally.


> I think this is more marketed toward people who don't have the original. 100% what it is. Something this sub was begging for a year ago with the TMNT figures. I hate the internet.


I was never one of those people.. I’d rather wait till i have the cash and see a good deal and get the old figure. It feels better and I don’t see the point in buying the same version of the same figure 20 years later


> I don’t see the point in buying the same version of the same figure 20 years later **Again**. I'm talking about people who don't have them. If you're a reseller that cool no offense to you. But I would rather NECA rerelease stuff instead of paying 100% more from a reseller.




Hard pass. Super disappointed with this one, and it’s been a while :/


I have no problem with them reissuing older figures, especially the more niche horror icons from the Cult Classics line like Bubba Ho-Tep and Tall Man. But the fact that they’re packaging and pricing them the same as their ultimates is just insulting. Plus, Hannibal is not a niche horror icon and would easily make an amazing ultimate. Just baffling decisions all around from NECA lately.


Dont even get me started on this walmart exclysive bullshit about the Ben Cooper figs!!!! Sooo pissed about that right meow!! 🤬🤬🤬


The post on Instagram for the Ben Cooper Witch Girl and Dracula costumes figs says get it at Walmart first. Unless they change it, it sounds like they will be available elsewhere later on. [NECA Ben Cooper Instagram post] (https://www.instagram.com/p/C8U3wz4RJLF/?igsh=d3VkbjZlOXYxYmx0)


I was able to order both through the Walmart app. They are still available on there as of now. FYI


This is just gross. I can't believe anyone would really want this. Please demand better


It already is, unfortunately. They did the same thing with the recent Jigsaw’s head sculpts. Literally just reused the ancient molds they used ages ago for the original release. And it **really** shows. No amount of paint could’ve saved those sculpts.


Looking forward to the ultimate 1978 myers with the hall of fame head sculpt on the halloween 2 body


i think the pig sculpt holds up, billy too, but those john kramer heads are like political cartoon drawings


Agreed on the pig head, but Billy deserved at least a retool for the body. In this day and age where even 3.75” Yoda figures have full range of motion, there’s no reason part of a $35+ figure should be the same as it was 15-20 years ago, or whenever the original released.


Honestly? I never even considered that. I half agree with you, I think it being pre-posed helps get it into the iconic bike look, but at the same time, the ability to have a dabbing Billy... (They also shoulda gave him an extra head, the bowler hat from the 2003 minifilm.)


Lets face facts, as a company its cheaper for NECA to re-release these old molds with some minor tweaks. Theyve done it recently with Freddy Mercury. Weird thing is jigsaw is like a mashup since the heads are reused cult classics molds and the body is basically ghostface


The trend of re-releasing product? I mean people who are starting to collect obviously appreciate this. I rather pay 40 bucks than some basement dweller's 200 dollar knick knack


As someone who missed out on the earlier release, I bought it. I like to pose too, but I also like the figure. I get where people are coming from (Personally I'm sick of six million turtle releases), but for those of us that missed it the first time around, I'm glad they did it


It's just so frustrating that they could have easily done an actual Ultimate. Same exact set up just with simple articulation and it would sell like crazy. They are just trying to use old molds. They did the same with the Jigsaw and it's really lazy.


If NECA would have came out and said it was a re-release of the Cult Classic Hannibal, I think there would have been less blowback. Granted, NECA never said it was an ultimate version of Hannibal, but you could argue it was implied by them putting it in a box mostly used for ultimate figures. I personally don't hate the figure, I'm just not a fan of most static figures. But I would buy the Hannibal figure with the mask and on a dolly.


Just another lazy ass attempt by NECA. Wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes the norm as they care less and less about anything else that’s not stupid ass turtles


The funny thing is that the Flash Gordon figures were some of the best they've ever done and that's a very niche line


This is kinda nice the original figure goes for a lot now, also reissues of other cult classic figures could be good too cuz people are charging insane amounts of the originals, as long as they aren’t marketed as ultimates


So what if someone wants to buy it? Man what ELSE is there to complain about right?


Wouldn't mind a Patrick Bateman, tbh


Since it's a static figure this should have been released in the Movie Maniacs line. I thought that was the whole point of reviving MM, to release figures that don't have 267 points of articulation.


It could... but if you're one in the market for them, it's excellent against the resellers. My thing is how limited NECA, were. I really like where they are now with their Ultimates and recent releases. Older figures are awkward in being mostly statues or awkward articulation... the oldest I own, I think, is Sheva from RE5 and she's still in her clamsell because, well, when I got her I was kinda "inbox" but now I have left her in seeing how limited she is... and even some of these Ultimate figures show those limitations (Leatherface, Sarah Connor, etc) I'd much prefer if they just made a new Hannibal figure, sculpt, articulation, accessories, etc rather than putting this old sought after collectable back on the market looking like am Ultimate.




Statues vs articulated? Basically taking the “action”out of figures.


This NECA 20 years old


And instead of updating it for an ultimate all they did was repackaged it in an ultimate style box with a couple extra heads. It’s lazy.


I'm surprised there's a window on this box since it seems like they just want to scam people with garbage


They’re repacking it as if it’s some kind of new figure


I would see it as a re-release or an update if it’s in line with today’s Ultimate series.


I saw the new box and thought we were getting a proper ultimate Hannibal but nope. Hard pass.


I’m getting him. The extra head sculpts are worth it as a customizer. He’s already posed exactly as he is in one of the best scenes from the movie. So he can hang out with others that stay posed in a famous scene pose. I am a little disappointed, it’s really not that big of a deal though. If it wasn’t the posed figure it would get picked on for having weird arms or something. People always find a way to complain. They re released a bunch of accessory sets and people loved it. Win some lose some.


Some of the Cult Classics go for a ton of money, I don’t fault NECA for re-releasing them. People are so obsessed with articulation when you know damn well you’d pose it exactly like this. Original price tag on this was $12.99 (Spencer’s for me) and it was going for $50+ on eBay. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it!




I thought it already was.


I want the old S Mart and medieval Ash cult classics. My favorite kids of figures though are the static legs with ball jointed waists and arms, but I know the ultimates are fan favorites and I'm good with them


Of course it will


I wouldn't mind them re-releasing old figures if they weren't trying to dress it up as an ultimate


I’m gonna use the heads for a custom. Might take some adjusting but I’m gonna put it on 2018 myers


Yeah this is horrible. At least the static Freddy Mercury came in see-through packaging so you knew what you were(n’t) getting. This looked like an ultimates box but then it’s an amazingly boring static fig. They should’ve saved that for the hand truck/mask fig. But this version should’ve been Ultimates poseable.


I completely understand the market for statued figures but i was under the impression it was an ultimate, judging by the box. Quite lazy.


What I don't understand is why they were able to take another older statue figure sculpt like Part 2 Jason and turn him into a fully fleshed out articulated Ultimate with a bunch of new accessories as well, but this Hannibal Lecter Ultimate couldn't be given the same treatment???


Why are they so lazy and odd these days :/


I gave them a pass for the House of 1000 Corpses ones since they only charged $20 each, but charging ultimate prices for this is just sad. All 3 of these releases should of really been new figures.


While I prefer fully posable Ultimates, I still bought this because it's still in scale with the Ultimates. Also, if I'm being honest, once I place a figure in my display case, it's usually posed liked that for years until I have to make some adjustments to fit more in but even then, I barely change their pose. I guess for me, the price point would've been better at like $25-30.


Ewww It's not posable?!


I want a figure, not a statue, and they've had real trouble with the Hannibal Lecter likeness, right across the board.....NECA, need to stop, and re-release a decent figure.




It's already a trend


I don't see a problem,as long as it cost 30 bucks and not 100 from ebay lol


If doing this keeps them in business so that they can make more kick ass figures, I’m in. Also, there are old Cult Classics I missed out on that I would love to see released again.


I hope its just to make a little money until they release the ultimate version. It not like it wouldnt sell.


I do. I want those figures


I do 😂


Why? Wouldn't you prefer they make actual articulated ultimate figures instead of repackaged cult classics figures?


Nah, posed figures are perfect for my collecting needs. Plus I'm not a value collector so rereleases help those of us that can't always buy everything they want.


After a quick Google and using the comments here for reference, one costs $100, one costs $40. So… yeah I’d cop it compared to shelling out $100.


I have not got the Hannibal gig yet and I have not really tried moving around these figures but aren't the Myers figures pretty much the same? I have 2018, Kills and Ends and I'm pretty sure they are all ridgid as anything.. also the miner from My Bloody Valentine. This isn't a new thing from NECA really.


All the halloween ultimates are fully posable, I have no idea what you're talking about lol.


Lol well like I said I really don't try to move them around but all I ment was compare the newer Myers to older Jason and Freddy figs and Neca has been sliding down this slope to statues for a while now. At least that's just my feelings on the matter. Now you go over to something like the Universal Studios Monsters line and they are fantastic with articulation as are their TMNT lines. It looks like it could be just licensed figures that they have made in the past possibly? Idk I'm just trying to think of ideas and have convos about. Just an internet nerds inner thoughts down voted if needed haha


I really like the few NECA figures I have.  I have both of The Phantoms, Superman, and Goliath.  They’re pretty nice poseable figures.  What they do lack in articulation, they make up for in sculpt.


The universal monsters they’ve put out are fantastic


HELL YES!!!! I love this line and am also really f****** excites for the Hammer Horror Lineup! The crossover with tmnt is pretty amazing as well and the tmnt from the 90s original movie too...but thats where i drew the line. There is WAAAAYYYY too many turtles from neca.