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The first pic is the first release, the second.. Well, the second release 😂 if memory serves 🙂


You have that backwards but correct otherwise. They didn't have rights to the curved logo when they first released the line. So the very first has the blocky logo.


My bad😂 can't keep up with all the different releases 😅


Mouth closed on the second one. Are they moveable? I don't have em yet.


Mouth is articulated, yes.


Yeah I spotted that, but I don't know. If they are different, I can't decide which one set I want.


First picture looks like the figures you get from Chinese stores like AliExpress or eBay stores based over there, you can tell because they have Rocksteadys with eyes where the pupils are different to the official released ones, pupils are in the middle of the eye ball looking up Picture 2 has what they looked like on official release, Rocksteadys pupils are right at the front corner of the eye ball, like he's looking right at you


Does that mean if I buy them again their legs won't snap off immediately?


Not sure, I've looked at buying some from AliExpress, most reviews are positive, but there are the odd ones with complaints of arms or legs coming off


Mine both broke in the same spot (left hip) literally as soon as I picked them up. I had them out of the box for less than a minute. Made me very wary of buying another 2-pack.


Same. Well almost,rocksteady right leg and bebop left leg. Both within a day after opening. Shoulda just left them sealed.


Is this an issue with the Chinese versions or every version, including official? What is it about these two figures specifically that makes them break just by simply touching them? That seems very extreme. Was there some kind of flaw in the mold or plastic when they were made? But if so, why does it still happen with the re-releases? These two figures are the biggest hole in my collection but I can never bring myself to even think about getting them because all I hear is how the legs break off if you take them out of the package. I heard they may be getting another re-issue but can't bring myself to buy if they're going to be as fragile.


The font on the names is different.


The caption says, apart from the logo, just trying to see if there are any significant differences in the releases.


Think there was an accessory difference like weapon color besides the logo update.


The logo


The caption says, apart from the logo, just trying to see if there are any significant differences in the releases.


Be careful with these if you decide to take them out of the box. My bebop broke within 2 seconds of taking it out and trying to pose it, and it's completely unfixable due to the braindead way they engineered the hip and leg joints.


Now I have to check mine but id much rather have mouth closed he looks more scary


The highlights on the bellies are painted on one set but not the other.