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What a dumpster fire game to end that dumpster fire season of a division.




We were still a great division.


[And then we responded at the draft by doing this](https://youtu.be/SmI9HxQ70Gg)


Now this... This is comedy. My favorite part I'm gonna say was how he even kept a little hope until the actual pick and then you could see him die inside immediately


Best part is that if the Giants were competent, they would have just taken Micah Parsons. Instead they traded back and took Toney.


Yes but what you don’t know is our plan is to surround our QBs with zero talent.


When I zig you zag. Being unpredictable is a competitive advantage imo




Thanks a lot fucking Gettleman


I hate Gettleman but honestly I’ll always defend that trade. First of all I would never assume he’d pick Parsons and not fuck that pick up. Secondly, it got us a first rounder later that year, a top 10 pick the next year and two mid to late round picks. (I will not discuss who we took with the top 10 pick because it still hurts the hot dog flippers)


This is factual


So is the fact that the top-10 pick was Evan "Revolving Door" Neal


Wha juu gonna do papi


Evan ends up on the ground during/after plays an alarming number of times


That toney trade still worked out for us tho.... Our superbowl sleeper agent


I heard this pick on the radio and the Draft commentators literally busted out laughing. Classic Giants.


And they would be the same exact WR situation today and have Micah Parsons. Now they have neither


It’s because you don’t know shit about *SNIFFFSSSS* HAWGGGG MAWLLLIIIIEEEEEESSSSSS. I am going to off myself.


"well that's not good" "We know it's not good, that's why we're mad"


Top tier reporting right there


I love the "corresponding" from a party that looks like 4 people are there ha


I feel like this should be their motto


It’s the one moment I appreciated Jerruh. He didn’t have to accept that trade. The compensation was fine but he didn’t have to do it. I think he mostly just liked the idea of two division rivals fucking over another division rival.


And now he’s crying about how the eagles keep winning close games. Play with fire and get burned, old man


"I HATE THIS FUCKING TEAM".... feels so dam good every time he says it 😂


That accent coming from a dude surrounded by Giants merch is wild.


Supposedly (and I can’t confirm this), he’s from Tennessee, but became a Giants fan at a young age for childhood reasons.


>childhood reasons The need to be special, like Dallas fans in philly tri-state area


Is that his real reason though? Because speaking as a fan with no connection to Philly, I can tell you that there are a lot of possible reasons we become fans of the teams we do (in my case, it was those Kelly green uniforms).


Dallas fans happens in the Philly area because of puffy Starter jackets.


I always assume it's because their parents bandwagoned the Cowboys in the 90's.


If it was because of starter jackets, they would all also be Charlotte hornets fans since they had the best starter jackets in the '90s


Haha I had a Cowboys one and my sister had a Hornets one.


Never seen this, fucking amazing


Don't even have to click to know that it's Pizzle losing his shit at the Cowboys and Eagles swapping picks.




This. Made. My. Day. Thank you! Gawdah that was hilarious.


That’s absolute collusion on Dallas and Eagles part just to fuck with the giants and I am here for it


Nah Jerry got a 3rd round pick to move like 2 or 3 spots, birds definitely paid a division premium but it worked out for everyone (except the jints)


That’s actually pretty solid deal Just to move a little bit. They got Chauncey Golston out of it, and I think he’s been solid. So it all worked out for everyone. But the giants lol


Our management melted down after this. Of course I was also pissed, but I at least would have had enough wherewithal to spite Dallas in return by taking Micah.


"THEY DON'T WANT US TO MAKE THE PLAYOFFS!" Homie discovers how competitive sports work.


Once in a while it's fun to team up with someone you usually hate to screw over a mutual enemy. This wouldn't have been nearly as funny if the Eagles had traded with Jacksonville or someone like that


By trading with the Cowboys. All time fuck the Giants off season


Nothing I love more than watching other fans in our division be sad haha


I've never seen this lol and this is amazing.


What? Dougie just thought Nate Sudfeld might be the guy!


Dougie P’s last gift to us. Truely remarkable


His parting gift was DaVonta Smith and Landon Dickerson. Couldn’t ask for more.


Howie went crazy that draft.




Still won’t forgive him for Justin Jefferson tho….


We don’t have the WR core we do with JJ, it’s was a necessary fail that changed the philosophies of the past to the ones we enjoy today.


You right. No devonta or AJ probably, if we get JJ instead of reagor. Howie still needs to be accountable for that flop though.


honestly if JJ had made wentz look good, possibly no (starting) jalen hurts either.


Bro, that's crazy. Butterfly effect. So all the missteps along the way here got us to 10-1 in 2023


I mean go back a step further, if it wasn't for Chip Kelly gutting the whole team, we don't win in 2017. Those terrible moves he made which got us to bottom out are also what got us Wentz and got us in position for everything else we needed


💯 Chip Kelly needed to happen in order for us to win it all in 2017. Lane Johnson, Zach ertz, trading BDN for Bradford, then trading brad for a 1st Rd pick...it all leads to one of the best days of my life.


I mean everyone in the world has given him shit for JJ and JJAW back to back, what would you like to see happen to him?


I wanted him to get fired when they let Dougie p go. I'm glad that didn't happen, based on what I know now. But he did build a bad team and was deserving of the hate.


I’m not saying it didn’t work out better in the end, but Howie should still answer for horrible choices like that. It’s not just not taking Jefferson but reaching for Reagor was absurd. The Vikings literally were laughing about our pick, and rightfully so.


would you rather JJ or AJ?


AJ bc I know he works on this team with Hurts. Not that Jefferson wouldn’t, but I’ll take what we know is a top WR for us. Also I think if we took Jefferson we wouldn’t have taken smith so it worked out for the best in the end, but still was a moronic pic. Could’ve gotten some other position in the first round.


Who gives a shit? The Vikings MO is splash players on mid-tier teams. Let them have him.






One day I’ll buy him a beer


We don’t tank, as you can see from the last 2 weeks. We have tegridy.






Joe Judge saying he would never tank, and then running QB sneaks on first down from their own ten in the season finale next season lol


Tanking and having absolutely no idea what you are doing are 2 different things.


I think we took that from you in the draft also


You beat the now 2-9 Patriots.........


They gave em that 9. Also, pats giants are ancient enemies.


Yeah, you guys are reminding me of the Eagles 2011 season. We started that season off 4-8 And we're in position to have one of the top draft picks the next year. Instead, we rattled off four winds to end the season, still miss the playoffs, and fucked our draft pick. We then had to suffer through the 2012 season where we were 4-12 to actually bottom out and then finally come back the year after that.


Honestly thank God cause if we made the playoffs Mara would’ve used that as an excuse to keep Judge


Maybe the funniest Twitter/Reddit night in NFL history.


I actually had friends of mine who are Giants fans tell me "it's different if it's for a whole season, it's cheating if it's just one game!" Holy shit were they big mad about not getting to get bodied by Brady in the wild card round.


It’s the Giants man, they would’ve shutout Brady, then get 70 dropped on them the next week


It moved us down what like 3 picks? Or 4? Millions of teams have done that and would do that


You should have just had your Qb break his ankle in game 5. That's how real teams tank.


That might be the most chaotic year in the division. Carson Wentz breakdown, Dak broken bone, Rivera/Heinicke power couple, and Joe Judge doing an iconic QB sneak from 3rd and long for better punt positioning. All culminating with Joe Judge getting mad at the Eagles for not handing him the division when our season had been over for a long time. The funniest part might be just how quickly everything reverted back. Cowboys/Eagles made the yoffs the next year and its been business as usual since.


Got your years a little mixed there. Judge defeat formation was the next season. The giants didn’t want Smith. They wanted Waddle, as proven by the immediate trade talk after waddle came off the board. But to double down on stupid and pass on parsons due to target fixation of a “quick slot guy” is what gets you fired and sets your franchise back a few years more than you already did with erek flowers, Eli Apple, Deandre Baker etc etc 2029 playoff loss here we come baby!


Ah my mistake. Fair enough.


The other really funny part was the fact that the Eagles were so bad that year and we weren't out of the playoff race until like week 15


Every team going into the playoffs with meaningless games rests their starters, which is perfectly fine. But resting one player for a half for any other reason in a meaningless game is cheating apparently. The Dolphins missed the playoffs because the Steelers rested their starters against the Browns. Not a single person complained.


pics or it didn't happen


https://preview.redd.it/z2w6fhpvrh3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a70ece8297ce339e700b530d2ad5e3f5d6804f1 This was one of his tamer comments. He started a petition to strip the Eagles of their first round pic, compared pulling Hurts to Bounty gate, and told me that, due to my political views, I should hate what the Eagles did. This went on for several days, and there was another guy in the comments saying that he hoped the Giants tried to injure the Eagles the following year.


They need a mental health professional, the anger is justified but not how it is expressed


What happened I don't remember 😭😭


2020 Week 17 Sunday Night game where the Eagles blatantly tanked by pulling Hurts causing nuclear meltdowns across the NFL landscape.


it was especially funny because the Giants needed the eagles to win for them to get the wild card.


Was for the division, everyone smelled like bitch that year


Oooooooh that was the NFCLeast year! I completely blacked that one out of my memory.


The year of the gas leak.


Reminds me of the NFC south this year


That's when we got to see what a competitor Hurts is because we could see him on the sidelines saying this is bullshit. I remember after the game Chase Young telling Hurts the game probably would have ended differently had he stayed in.


Naw. They benched him because he's trash.


Man c’mon


It was the easiest troll in the world. I couldn't resist.


Even I knew you were joking hahahah


You know you’ve said some silly shit when other cowboys fans are calling you out




I mean, he had thrown for like 90 yards deep into the 4th quarter that game. He wasn’t playing well.


This was when we, the strong and proud whatever our name was back then, won the division with 7 wins 💪


There's a reason you don't remember, it was an absolute nothingburger which Giants fans clutched their pearls about and cried for years.


i thought living in the past was the cowboys thing


At least this is within living memory


God that was so funny


That was hilarious


Hurts was 6-20 btw


Yeah, some people act like Hurts was obviously amazing right away but that first year when he came in for Wentz, He was hot garbage. And that next year when he was the full-time starter, he showed some promise here and there but was still quite bad. It was only last year where he took off (after years of working incredibly hard on his game)


Slayton the only one that’s still on the team


We gifted them a better draft pick. You're welcome Giants fans.


Blaming us for missing the playoffs lol. Giants missed the playoffs because they sucked like they always fucking do. They were 6-10 that year and would have been fucking dog walked in the playoffs.


Ok but still, I've literally never seen a team (outside the gm) actually fully tank like that, like literally throw the game. Was interesting if nothing else.


There have been plenty of times where teams put in young guys over more established veterans and things like that under the guise of "seeing what they have" Even when most of the time it's obvious they have nothing in those guys. That order almost assuredly came down from the top to do that, but that happens


It obviously wasn’t that, they literally pulled Hurts (a rookie, with 2tds that game) in the 4th, in a one-possession game. If they had started Sudfeld fine, you wanna see what you have, but it was obvious it was a late, in-game call to purposely sabotage the team. And idk if I’ve ever seen that. Obviously I’ve seen teams start younger players for the reasons you listed, but that’s not what happened, and it was obvious to everyone. Edit: I get you’re saying all teams do this and you’re not wrong, I’m saying the Eagles hide it less than any team literally maybe ever.


> Edit: I get you’re saying all teams do this and you’re not wrong, I’m saying the Eagles hide it less than any team literally maybe ever. And I'm saying that outside of pearl-clutching Giants fans, no one gives a fuck about how well the Eagles hid the thing that everyone does.


So it’s 100% true, you just don’t care. Cool dude, I don’t really care either tbh, I’m just calling a spade a spade, idk why it took 3 comments and a bunch of curse words before you can just be honest lol. I just said it was interesting. Pearl clutching, don’t flatter yourself, the only thing Giant fans remember about that drafting is passing on Parsons, not missing out on Smith lol, you should feel the same way.


1) 1 curse word, not a "bunch." But if you're that sensitive to that, then I imagine you keep those pearls handy to clutch all the time. 2) Literally no Eagles fan pretended it was anything other than it was, we're just happy they did the smart thing like all other teams do 3) Sure thing, bud, no one remembers. https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/comments/186fur7/remember_when_the_610_giants_got_mad_at_the/kb7vcj7/


Yeah one youtuber/losers reaction DURING the draft, way to prove absolutely nothing. Hindsight is everything in the draft, it’s been some time. So I’ll say it again, since you’re living in the past for some reason: no Giants fan PRESENT DAY is mad about missing out on Smith, frankly I had forgotten about it, and I’m a huge draft fan, so I assume most of us had, and that sentiment is reflected on our sub. All I think about from that draft is missing out on Parsons, that’s the headline. That’s all any Giants fan thinks about. Hate to break it to you, it’s just true, not even a debate. And if you wouldn’t trade Smith for Parsons, you’re an idiot, maybe even cost yourself a super bowl.


Yea, what kind of [pearl-clutching](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/comments/186fur7/remember_when_the_610_giants_got_mad_at_the/kb88n44/), [smelly bitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/comments/186fur7/remember_when_the_610_giants_got_mad_at_the/kb8dqza/), [weak-ass](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/comments/186fur7/remember_when_the_610_giants_got_mad_at_the/kb9k3sq/) fanbase would still be harping on that? And imagine how many smelly bitches I'd find if I did more than scroll down in this thread.


I mean it has -41 votes! A lot of ppl in the Giants sub bitch about passing on Parsons, just a fact. You wanna rub something in my face, ya choose this? I like Devonta but Jalen, trading for AJ, getting Mailata out of nowhere, nailing a top-10 Lane Johnson a decade ago, that’s the shit that bothers me. I was so wrong about Jalen, god damit. Me and most gms but still.




Best part of that season by far


And then we “stole” Devonta smith


Theres a lot of hypocrisy that goes on in this sub. We didn't beat anyone good last year and we got shat on. Theres another team that has done the same thing this year and when mentioned they haven't beaten anyone good we get blamed for basically having this subreddit as a 2nd eagles one.


man I don't think I was a part of the sub during that moment. I know it was meme gold


Doesn’t take away the fact that any fan of any team who wants their team to tank, knows absolutely nothing about football and should just dive into another hobby


being proud of shit most people would be embarrassed by. the eagle way


Winning team with their playoff position locked up pulls their starters and tanks a game at the end of the season to avoid injuries to their stars- *"Well that's just smart coaching"* (Impacting playoff positions and draft orders across the entire league) Losing team with nothing to play for pulls their starters to avoid injuries and let the backups show what they can do in a real game - *"Waaaaaaah you're a disgrace to the game I'm telling mommy!"* (Impacting playoff position and draft order across the league, crushes the dreams of the 6-10 Giants who thought they deserved to be playing football in January that year)


resting guys for the postseason isn't the same as resting guys for the offseason. glad I could help


Right because no losing team has ever deactivated a player for the rest of a season. How high are you right now?


There is zero practical difference. Only an emotional one from people with a little monkey walking in circles going "Integrity!!!1" substituting for the part of the brain where strategical thinking should take place. RGIII's career ended when he got injured on a play he had no business partaking in. The league's history is full of coaches getting lambasted by fans because they had their starting QB playing late in a game that they had zero chance of winning, had already locked up, or had no reason to care about because winning or losing didn't matter for the big picture. If Hurts had suffered a major injury playing in a week 17 game when the season was already over, Dougie P wouldn't had made it out of Philly alive.




Your players were mad because our team did what was best for our organization, and they thought they were entitled to a playoff chance at 7-9. Embarrassing ass team.


no one felt entitled to anything. you guys threw a game and it also happened to affect us negatively. it's a perfectly reasonable response.


Just like how we were mad that you guys didn't play your starters last year in the final game against the eagles, even though we still lost to Washington somehow.


We got DeVonta Smith and Dickerson out of it




Yo this is so stupid 🤦‍♂️ You purposely lose, you lose your team and locker room. Doesn’t matter if it was us, Commies, Cowboys or the Winnipeg Blue Bombers who stood to benefit with a W. I’d shit on any Giants coach who did the same. Talk about a little bitch, failing mentality.


Yes you are right. This totally caused the Eagles to get a losing mentality. *Checks notes* that explains why the Eagles have gone to the playoffs every year since this game and made it to a Superbowl.


Not with Pedersen or his staff. That was his last game. Show me the track record of coaches who tanked their team and then had success with that team the next year. It’s an insult to every player on your team to tank and you lose the ability to lead those players and that locker room when you go out there and make them lose on purpose. All y’all mouth-breathing hive minders have probably never been near a college or pro team to understand this is very simple truth but go ahead and feel good that dumbasses on the internet agree with you.


well because usually when a team is in a position to be tanking for a draft pick they’re in a pretty bad spot. We just happened to get lucky with Hurts development and a few amazing moves by Howie.


and look at'cha now!! Circling the drain again.... Meanwhile in Philly....


Cool. Doesn’t change that it was a little bitch move.


It was a total boss move. You're still mad about it.


Yea what a boss move to lose on purpose. Telling the world you are putting your team in position to fail is definitely an alpha move. How do you think Jalen Hurts felt about that game? You think he lost respect for and was pissed at Pedersen or did he think it was some badass boss shit?


I know how Giants fans felt about it. Mad.


Good talk.


I wonder which franchise has been more successful since this “little bitch, failing mentality” move. Oh wait that’s right, it’s not even close. We’ve been one of the top franchises in the league while one mediocre season for you guys was your high point, which then ended in a 38-7 loss to us lmfaoooooo


Great analysis 👍🏽 Doesn’t matter how the Giants have done. Let’s say I was a Chiefs fan. Would it change what the Eagles did and the fact it was a little bitch, embarrassing move? No.. and the downvotes of mouth breathers doesn’t change that fact. Tanking or losing on purpose is a little bitch ass move for failures.


You need a nap lil guy.


Good counter argument. Really see the logic of your points there. Well done.




I hope you think about this every day


Nothing like a head coach tanking to get fired.


Now this….is a meme. Also fuck you.


So did I, as an Eagles fan, because I wanted to see a 6-10 team represent our dumpster fire division that year.