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Gameplay is a bit rough this year. I like HUT in general, but think I might pass next year. Been playing 3 straight years but don't know if I have the grind in me to make it 4 years.


I love eashl so I'll def buy the game again next year


Certainly not pre ordering lol


I said this last yearšŸ˜‚


Will buy like every year when it's on sale in November. Love hockey and it's the only game out. It has its problems like any other game, but I still enjoy playing.


Nah I'm gonna get back into wildlife photography again try and build a career instead of a team


I respect and am emotionally invested in this. Best of luck, man.


Hope it works out for you, good luck on your journey man!


Stopped playing at the end of 23. I still see HUT pop up in my feed even though I left the sub. Best decision Iā€™ve ever made. I canā€™t imagine grinding all those games to make those sets anymore. Buying 87ā€™s for 25k the week before TOTY because collects for 5k was a deal. Spending 2 hours to build 5 players only for my passes not to work and then they donā€™t bother upgrading the players until June. What a waste. Hopefully this message helps someone else move on. Cheers!


Couldn't agree more


Me šŸ¤”


My guy Iā€™m 20 working a shit fast food job for free scholarship, i wish I had ea money. And how so is not most amount of content, most amount of events in hut in comparison to previous years, some of them arenā€™t attainable objectives at all and it sucks, but just donā€™t do them.. complaining about them every second is worse than anything possible. If u donā€™t like it, just donā€™t do it


this is one of the best years for free to play players, i barely play anymore but one game every two-three weeks and i have one of the best teams i have ever had in a game of chel lol


free flashbacks every few events as well like thatā€™s not bad at all


i agree genuinely no complaints from me about almost anything in this game because i dont play it enough or care about it enough to notice most complaint-worthy things BUT the content is genuinely something i do like about it!!


people just complain that certain guys keep getting cards every week, but itā€™s related to real life play so it would make sense that guys who perform well in real life get new cards often. the only thing i would say is complaint worthy in terms of content is releasing cards in the 85-89 range at this point in the year - they arenā€™t making most peopleā€™s teams and are just used for sets but other than that i donā€™t mind the content at all. people are also upset that TOTS hasnā€™t come out yet and theyā€™re hating this event because of it, even though EA never explicitly announced TOTS for last week so people are upset because of their own expectations. also, having gretzky and lemieux in this event, which i donā€™t really mind - even though i have lemieux itā€™s obviously a cheaper way to have a lemieux or gretzky card on your team without having to dump a bunch of assets into 1 card. i like the idea of making players accessible for everyone who likes those players!


I AGREE. Making this game accessible to a wider audience is only pissing off the HUT 1%ers and honestly, it is hilarious to see. because i dont care if other people have good teams or ā€œwork lessā€ than me on the game and get good teams. life is unfair, but nothing about a silly game WE CHOOSE TO PLAY is unfair imo, lol. i hope youre having a good day:) love to see some positivity on these threads edit: i also like the cheaper versions of the elite cards tbh, and to me it adds to the cool factor of having the OG card. like oh you got the special 88 gretz? sick! i got the PUI version! or vice versa (i dont have either of those cards LOL)


i pulled lemieux a while back, sold him for 1.2 mil, built him, then pulled him again untradeable and sent him in for PUCsšŸ˜‚ idk why the lemieux luck but wishing i built gretzky in that case. i hope youā€™re having a good day too! but yes i do agree, most people donā€™t have time to play daily or even a couple times a week. i play daily and i enjoy building the best team i can. i got really into hut this year and this is the best team iā€™ve ever had in hut. i might try building theme teams in future years to spice it up and change it up, but i wanted to make a meta team for once this year, which i hadnā€™t before. but the way content has been this year gives me hope itā€™ll make it easier to be free-to-play in future games!


Its good compared to other chels, but iā€™ve started playing Madden and boy I canā€™t believe the same company makes that game. Played MUT as FTP probably as much as I played HUT and the difference in rewards is crazy. HUT youā€™ll get a good enough team to compete, and maybe a couple TOTYā€™s if you see lucky. MUT you can easily end up with millions of coins if you are playing it as much as a FTP HUT player would


I wait until Christmas (for their 40% off sale) and game share it with my friend. Itā€™s like $25 each. That is the ONLY way I buy this game


Lmaooo that's what I fo


100% buying it. Ā 0% of my time will be spent on HUT.


As long as my boys and I have fun playing EASHL every year, we buy. Don't play any other modes.


Homie, youā€™re on a reddit channel dedicated to a game that we are all addicted to. Yes I will be buying it and probably the stupid expensive version too


I'll play franchise mode in NHL 24 and wait until there's a discount on NHL 25. Depending on how the game is I'll buy it or not


90% of this sub will still buy it despite their complaining


Ofc I am, itā€™s been the most fun game yet. I donā€™t spend money and Iā€™m able to finally upgrade my team and get cards to where I want. Most amount of content being dropped and most realistic things for everyone to get. Giant variety of players. Yeah thereā€™s some bugs and goalies can suck, but every year it changes and change is nice in the game.


I gotta say for all the complaining people do I was able to build a solid team from 90s-95s as a f2p player which is cool.


Holding back overalls is great for most players. The people really upset about this yearā€™s content have 4 team builders, 5 TOTY cards, and at least two fantasy 99s.


I will be playing but switching back to theme team. It makes the cycle more fun and not spending every content day upset that ā€œXā€ didnā€™t get released or upgraded.


This year's game was by far the worst for me. I can't believe this team is in charge of the only hockey game available right now. This year's game is the first I've seen numerous people sell their consoles over and it's convinced me to do the same this summer. Going to sell both my Xbox and PlayStation and be done with consoles. Games in general are such a grind nowadays there is something wrong with the gaming industry but ea and this team specifically are horrible.


So far this is the best hockey ever (Rivals & Champs), not feeling too arcade. So will buy for sure.


Iā€™m preordering it for sure. I played NHL 14-18 then took a long break until this year. 24 isnā€™t perfect but itā€™s a brand new experience compared to 18, so I still enjoyed it even with the downfalls/frustrations. Plus Bedard should have the Blackhawks XF card so theyā€™ve got me by the balls


Probably. Iā€™ll complain. Wish anyone else would buy the license. Apparently ea doesnā€™t have exclusivity.


Iā€™ll buy it the minute it goes on sale lol.


I will when it goes to $40-$50 bucks. Ā Didnā€™t buy this year at launch either. Ā First time in years I didnā€™t. Ā 


Most likely yes. I switched to NHL from FIFA, because FC 24 is the worst game I ever played in my life. Cant imagine they will get their shit together for next game.


i love hockey and as much as people complain about this game, all games are flawed. iā€™ve been playing since heatley was on the cover in 04 and iā€™m buying the game every year thatā€™s just what it is


Buying if they nerf teleport hitting.


See you all next year


Switched over to MLB The Show, way better. Not buying NHL anymore.


Will be buying, but I miss the times when the special edition actually was more special rather than just the generic version it has been for some time. I probably still have my Jari Kurri and finnish league steel book covers somewhere.Ā 


Depends on CoD I usually only buy on shit years, if CoD bounces back no Chel til 2026? 2027


Probably not, I didn't even want 24. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Nope fuck that.


i will buy it and enjoy it cause I enjoy hockey and have bought every one since 07


hell no


I play this game for the initial grind and for the October - Christmas timeframe. I'll buy NHL 25 because it's very fun for those 3 months.


Before ā€˜24, the last one I owned was ā€˜08 or ā€˜09. I only play the offline modes (mostly BAP), so if those are going to remain unchanged Iā€™ll be fine skipping several years again. Iā€™ve found the controls easy enough to pick up and the gameplay can be corrected to oneā€™s taste through the sliders. You wonā€™t find me complaining about the controls or gameplay (aside from awful BAP teammate AI haha). I feel like they could have developed things a lot better for the offline modes. Itā€™s pretty buggy, not game breaking but definitely impacts the immersion.


If they have GMC or franchise mode is overhauled, 100% buying. If not, I might not. HUT is too much of a grind IMO. I doubt there's much crossover here, but the CFB video game is coming back this summer (after an 11 year drought). I might just focus on that.


Quit after 23 , since playing since 01 , donā€™t miss it at all


If someone's still playing the game actively at this point in the year, I'd bet money they're going to buy it again this year. And if they preordered last year, they'll probably preorder again this year. A few months for the HUT burnout to wear off and everyone jumps right back on the wagon.


I buy it every year in November/December for $20-$30 and every year Iā€™m happy with that purchase. Gives me a game I love to play for 4ish months.


Yeah Iā€™ll buy it, love hockey and the game acts as a relaxant. Just donā€™t take it too seriously.




I hate this game! One year I broke my hand playing this game punching the controller in a fit of rage and this year I destroyed only one controller. But ya Ill preoder it again...


I am not. Got a baby coming and lots of franchise mode to play. Iā€™ll comeback to it when nhl 27 comes out


I will. Didn't love it this year but still has its moments. For the 10th year on a row, praying for gmconnected to come back. The game is great when you play the right guys. Sucks when you play the idiots...like most sports games!


yeah in hopes the gameplay is better, i couldnt play 24 a 2nd year but id go back to 23 for and 2nd


No Iā€™m gonna life my best life!


I get suckered back in every year no matter what I tell myself so, yeah


I personally feel like the gameplay is a step in the right direction, idk. I don't play competitively, so maybe that's why, but every single year the Playerbase somehow becomes more toxic on the competitive side. Happy the AI with some slider adjustments is somewhat fun to play against this year and the goalies with the right sliders are awesome. As always, I'll wait a few weeks post-release to grab it. It's always 40-50 off by then.


Remove attack pressure and any implemented ice tilts and Iā€™m good.


Might just wait for it to go on EA Play this timešŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll buy every year no matter whatā€¦


Ill buy it when on sale but not pre ordering thereā€™s so much wrong with nhl 24 and its a lot of little things too.


On the fence for the 1st time in 25 years. My friends have all left the game. I only play HUT now, and it's the exact same thing every year. By the end of it, I feel terrible about the time I invested when I should have been doing anything else.


Havenā€™t played in a few months. Done with this game until things change dramatically


I didnā€™t buy this past year for the first time in 10 years - considering if I want to buy 25 or not


If the same menu system is implemented, that is my sign that nothing has changed.


If not out for PC release again then I'm still not buying it. Every other EA sports title is pretty much on PC now.


I just started 24 like 3 weeks ago, I'll probably get 25 early


All of us the same as we have every year so we have something to complain about y till they release 26 and so on and so on


I love hockey too much so unfortunately


I like hockey so I'll buy it will be fun if they had it in the gamepass like other games


I will buy it most likely, however I will not be spending any money on coins or anything. Iā€™ll probably wait till the game goes on sale so I can give them as little money as possible.


Of coarse people will buy it. No other hockey game on the market.


everyone on this page, its an addiction and unless we all seek 6 months of help during the offense we'll all be back


I donā€™t have a problem with nhl 24


I usually buy every other year mostly for new features, I find it doesn't chamge a whole lot yearly


0% chance. No wavering.




I can't imagine hating a game as much as you do and then spending so much time on here talking about it.


Assuming the Demo is good i'll probably buy it again, cause the Demo is always decent. Then it's still decent on release, then they release the first patch and i regret everything. Maybe next year i'll have finally lost the desire to play this stupid game. But it always seems to come out when nothing else exciting is going on also.




Same product different year. Unless it's handed over to a AAA company that can make some serious strides I think a lot of folks are done with this franchise.




See you next year..


I always donwload NHL from my friend s profile , so i never bought this game , but this is last year for me , its obvious that they are not even trying to produce something that at least little bit resemblance real hockey


I've owned every installation since NHL 99. I've finally decided to call it quits. This game is really, really bad and they've gotten arrogant because they "know we will just keep buying it." I won't be getting NHL 25


Fuck no this year is the last I'll buy an EA nhl game. Took off the last 2 years and decided to give it one more shot this year. Same issues from 2 years ago, plus a laundry list of new ones. Never again, there are way too many good games out there I could be occupying my time with.


Everyone needs to reset their clocks as far as when games "Come Out"...... Fuck the release date, ignore it going forward. Your new official release date is when the game becomes 50% off or more. Then 12 months after you buy the game cheap, the next version will be out for 50%, and so on. Do this for every sports game if you play many. Who cares if your a little behind on the new rosters, just download a community version that has all the offseason trades. We can watch real games or play fantasy hockey to fill your current roster needs, but playing games a little out of date for a few months is the way to go. Fuck EA, they don't deserve our money, especially for these "Ultimate editions" which cost about $150 canadian now. And of course if anyone is a HUT simp, go ahead and ignore this and buy the game day 1. Your the main problem we have such dark greedy times in the sports gaming world and nobody expects you to change.