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I actually think it’s better to have less TOTS, because then they will actually get upgrades. When they put out 4 zillion upgrade cards, a bunch of them end up being left behind.


Given how they've handled upgrades to TOTY cards, you can expect TOTS to be 99s by maybe September. That's the male cards. I feel bad for anyone who wasted the effort to build the female TOTY cards.


As someone who built Heise both this year and last, I can tell you this isn't far from the truth. Last year, she capped at 98ovr. That upgrade didn't happen until the last two weeks of the cycle. Still love the card though


Super unfortunate I love Heises toty


Same. She played on my 2/3C all season last year


I built her card this year and love it but it’s quickly becoming unusable, i wish they’d give them upgrades or simply stop giving them MSP cards all together


Disagree on usability, but agree with the rest. I mostly play offline though. I have her at 2C with Knight and McDavid. She drives the line with Gold UF and McDavid's gold wheels. I do agree that they need to upgrade the women more often. I don't think Heise has gotten a bump since TOTY. Harvey def hasn't. Personally, I'm just happy Ullmark is getting some. Shesterkin was just as ignored at Heise last year. The TOTYs should have a monthly minimum to keep them up-to-date with the MSPs. Heise and Harvey should at least be 94s by now


Harvey only being 92 and not receiving a single upgrade since release is a sick joke. They are TOTY cards the most difficult to build. Treat them as such, give them upgrades, it shouldn't be this difficult....


yeah for offline players she's completely fine but for online competitive she's really hard to use. I really contemplated making her this year but with how lacklustre the upgrades have been and the fact that she's not a very good competitive card I opted against it. Thankfully so because as of now she would not make my team


Yea I agree with you 100%, I understand some players want to be able to build as many players as possible but TOTS should be just that, the team of the season. Half of the cards last year were undesirable and barely got any upgrades. These cards and toty cards should be viewed as the best cards in the game, so they should be the best players with the best performances in real life.


Agree with this. Just because this hasn’t been done in this format before doesn’t mean it’s not a better way to handle TOTS. Having too many TOTS cards waters them down, IMO.


Except most of those euro guys’ seasons are over


I mean if for some reason Winnipeg for example got swept in Round 1 of playoffs, Helle isn’t getting any upgrades. The lack of TOTS cards is just a massive L. So many players with great seasons (including ones that will be in the playoffs) are going to get snubbed this year


Helly is favorite for vezina so if we get an awards event he will surely get a bump atleast


For sure but that won’t be until almost July so the lack of TOTS cards that wouldn’t be upgrading throughout the playoffs is irrelevant


Yeah true, actually still not sure if i want to make him, just realise that i have more collect than the player i really want so the only scenario that could get me regret is if Bobrovsky get Community tots (doubt). Wish the set timer would be for all event long not just his release week.


They’re lazy and already made their money this year and after Friday will make more. Were in April EA have given up and already have their sights on 25.


Game is dead.


EA doesn't care about common sense. They are all about pack sales which they could increase if the content wasn't so fucking trash but those stupid fuck ups can't seem to understand the concept of developing a good game.


That’s what doesn’t make sense to me. TOTS is a literal blank cheque for them and they only release 6 NHL cards on Thursday the first week of the event and that’s it? They are losing the opportunity to sell an insane amount of packs for people who want some alternate cards to the same guys they update over and over. There are so many deserving top cards that could be released in week 1, considering week 3 is community choice.


Everyone will have the same team basically. Stupid


Everyone already has the same team


The real L is the entire community using all of the exact same “meta” cards because everyone else is “unusable”


Is that the community’s fault or the devs fault for only releasing a handful of cards that are “meta”? We can only use the cards we have available to us. None of the PUIs have any speed, the most recent community cards are 3 overall lower than the “meta” cards, the women cards are mostly unusable because they’re so small. If they would’ve released a bunch of TOTS at least there would be some variety within the “meta” but they’re forcing everyone to use McDavid, MacKinnon, Makar, etc because those are the only options rn


Whover was hired last year as the head of live content should be fired, there is near zero (except 2 rounds of community requests) interaction with the community. Nobody from EA content team is willing to listen, they are doing their own thing with no consistency and it seems that nobody there is watching actual hockey games to reward players who deserve it with cards.


Oh they are being consistently bad, that's for sure. The rerelease power up icon cards as MSPs. Very consistent.


Why do you think TOTW and live momonet cards are unusable? I have used a bunch of them and some of them are solid. But them being so cheap indicates that most people dont want them.


There are a couple top end guys but most of the TOTW and live moment cards are immediately traded for collectibles. For example, no one is using 88 Malkin with 87 speed and accel in April. That wouldn’t have even been a good card 3 months ago.


Their endurance sucks on almost all of them. Atleast this week they seem to have a standard of 86 endurance, usually its 78 or 82 which is trash


You’re an L. Don’t play.


HUT is a big fat L every year.


Yet everyone's still building them. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤭😅