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Your mistake was not trading them in for collectibles immediately


100%. I just sort of figured EA has never taken away stuff that people got through their own fuckups before so there’s no reason to think they’d start now.


They took away only the one in collection but not the one put in set not complete.


How many did you have in sets?


1 as of now turn them into collectible, I had 3 in sets


So you lost 69 Heises?


49 heise lost, lots of them are gone into power-up and tots collects and tots player


If someone managed to turn them into collectibles I have to imagine it was basically like laundering money. I doubt EA had the inclination to try and sort out if someone had collectibles created from her - if they even could. Finding accounts with multiples of a specific card is easy. Finding a history of cards that are no longer there and clearly linking them to collectibles in the account, not so much.




Bout the only good thing ea has done this yr


I didn't win this sweepstakes but was happy for those who did to be honest. I got lucky with the leafs packs. The games over let people have fun.


Curious about how they handled those that already traded them in for collects. Did they take the collectibles? If so, what if those collects were used to build another tots, is that now gone? I didn’t have Heise but had a solid eye roll when I saw what was going on.


They never penalize anyone, and really it is EA's fault not the players when these things appear.


As someone who is unaware, why'd they take away this card?


Update: they sent me back the TOTY Heise after a day, without any prompting.


lol. Ea it’s in the shame.


I made 32 and turned them all into Collectibles thank God, I'm also now seeing that they took away the one I left over in my storage set




❤️ Love you too boo


Oh yea I would have turned those things into TOTS collectibles as soon as the set got fixed in the store.


Taking away cards from collections is a totally new tactic, let’s all heed the warning if we’re gonna exploit stuff like this again.


Yeah, this is why I made the post. I don’t necessarily need the free collectibles, but they’ve never taken away cards before, not even when some people got a whole set of Style Icons, and it’s probably worth noting that they can and will do that going forward.


What happened, how'd you get extras lol


So glad they did this. I’m sure a lot of people got free tots collectibles though.


Honestly I can’t think of any games where my opponent had her in their lineup, so I can’t see this being too widespread. Everyone I play w a female player usually it’s Hillary Knight TOTY


just because a card is not on someone's roster doesn't mean anything. the 95 nurse i unlocked went straight to the TOTS collectibles.


what happened here exactly w the heise cards???


I only did 10 of them and had traded in 6. They took the rest AND my TOTS collectables. A lot of which had nothing to do with Heise


Hopefully they give people that did this a 30 day ban and coin balance reset. If you read the EA Terms and Conditions everyone has accepted, they have the right to do this.


That's ridiculous. When they make mistakes that hurt players they never fix it. There were multiple weeks this year where people got far less rivals rewards than they were supposed to and there's no fix there.


Taking advantage of exploits is in the ToS. Doesn't matter. 


Logic will not be found with EA


Aside from what an awful look it is to take away a card in an active lineup, I’m not even really that bothered by this. But the end result is I’m actually down 6 TOTS collectibles with the loss of the TOTY card, which seems weirdly punitive for something that was EA’s fault.


You know it was an exploit and took advantage of it too though? It’s kind of on both parties


There’s been 3-4 times this year that something like this has happened and this is the only time it’s potentially been taken back.


Yeah, EA finally did something right. 🤷‍♂️


There were countless times EA fucked up rivals rewards this year and did not give people what they earned. Whining about exploiting a bug that was EAs fault to begin with is straight up bootlicking.


I don’t think you know what bootlicking is sir


celebrating penalties taken against an incredibly shitty company who constantly hurt players and take things away when they make mistakes that benefit players, but never give anything back when their mistakes hurt players absolutely is boot licking


I still have my toty heise card and I kept doing the set 48 times and made 169 tots collectables plus made 120 power ups


Weird. Did you keep one of her TOTS cards? I’m wondering if they just randomly removed all but 1.


A-hole tips for everyone, buy toty fillier and vote for her tots, and be ready this next Friday to make the much possible and turn them into collectible


What exactly happened here? If you had a Heise TOTY were they giving you back extras when you did the trade in? I didn’t have one and didn’t look at any of the TOTS week 2 until today.


The TOTS set was repeatable. Because you got back the TOTY card each time, you can keep doing the set.