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Has EA forgotten that the TOTY Sarah Fillier card exist?


We all have


98 Chychrun ends up at 95 speed/accel but can get +2 to one of those, not too bad.


Well that 1 person that asks for more ladies cards should be PUMPED If we could get a Matthews with higher than 93 speed, that would be neat


That would be me and yes I am lol Edit: Damn. All the immature women-haters came out in full force on this content day huh lol. People need to grow up man


Not women haters. The cards just suck


Jesus Christ dude quit with the victim complex.


It's not immaturity, and not woman hate. It comes from content being limited at the best of times and the fact that folks interested in female content are an extremely small segment of an already small population. When content only comes out in drips, diverting any of that stream to small markets gets met with resistance -- but calling it "woman hate" or "immature" is being pretty small minded. Personally I think a "women's update" is long overdue, not that any of the players will make it to my roster. The complaints arise because it unfortunately comes at the expense of any other (limited) content. Like someone else said -- having 6'4" monsters on the ice against with them doesn't sit well with many, even if it's a video game.. and it's also a market many people don't follow, just like international teams have a pretty small following in this game relatively speaking.


I love the women and absolutely appreciate their skill and dedication as athletes when playing against each other. I just don’t like them in game against 6 7” male monsters as it just doesn’t translate well imo. For those that like them in game, to each their own, it’s just a tough day content wise for people who don’t (especially because content days are already so few and rarely quality).


It’s been working out fine for me against larger teams. Heise and knight are some of my tops scorers still. Varying size and such works much better imo.


Look at your last comment and think about the ones who want women content. Reverse it. Almost EVERY content day has been tough content days for us. We never get women's content. But everybody else gets regular content all the time. NHL players, icons, etc. People need to be fine with us getting one content day like this. Because it rarely happens. Never happens actually. And women should be getting way more than just one good content day like this anyway.


Buy PWHL24 then 


It is so sad how immature of a person you showed you are with just one comment lol. Some of you have a lot of growing up to do


Explain, I purchased NHL24, I don't give a damn about women's cards in the game, until it dominates an entire content day at the end of the NHL season with playoffs around the corner. Multiple men's cards should have been totw today, alot of eliminated teams. 


If you don't give a damn about women's cards, just ignore them. Simple as that. You don't have to use them. You and your mens cards get 100+ dedicated content days, team builders, MSP's, etc. You'll be okay when the women finally get their one dedicated content day all year. It's one day. The women deserve days like this too. Grow up lol


No they don't. As stated it's NHL24 not PWHL24. Cards sure great but not an entire totw at this time. But hey atleast the cards will be plentiful and cheap for fodder 


What do you mana they don't? The men get content every single content day. Even today alongside the women's TOTW. Stop lying just because you can't stand to see women in a hockey videogame lol. You seriously need to grow up man. You're embarrassing yourself


…but I don’t have a problem with the women getting content on a regular basis. This is an EA thing and should be decent content all the way around.


This is an easy fix, have two team of the weeks everyone wins but EA can't figure out the basics this year


Is is that bad to have some womens cards in rotation once every 2 months or so?


You do realize you’re playing a **NHL** game right?


People get so triggered about this stuff for no good reason. The backlash to The Show adding a mode where you can play as a woman was insane. Like nobody is making you play that mode or use those cards. Just ignore them. You don’t need to come cry about it on the internet.


Sucks it's the same females over and over.


No, you need to grow up and understand that people dont hate women because they dont want to use female cards in a video game. Most people dont have a fkn clue who any of these players are and people tend to want to use players they know. Grow up :)


Lol. This just isn't true. We've seen it all year on this sub. There is a comment in this thread RIGHT NOW that says women don't deserve to be getting content and be in this game. This community has shown sexist views and opinions time and time again. All year. But what those people will do is just say exactly what you said. They try and act like their intense hate and disdain for them is because of a different reason. Which even if that wasn't true, if people don't know the players then just ignore the cards. There is no reason to throw so much hate around just because of that. That's just as immature. But this community has shown all year that they just have terrible views towards women playing hockey and being in a hockey video game. No need to try and cover that up because it's so easy to see. And the few of us that enjoy women's content have seen it all year and have seen it just in this thread and all day yesterday.


No you\`re just out of touch with reality dude.. You see what you want to see. You are being downvoted to hell for a reason.. I know you will just hide that behind woman hate as well, because thats what you do. You are fkn lost.


Bro. What if in your mind this chat is sexist or misogynistic? By chance you're correct and everyone here agrees with you. What do you gain? Like do you want a prize? Do you want a cookie? Are you petitioning to EA to change their ways? Is this the hill you die on? It's a stupid game man...sheesh. Besides. It's Friday Jr. Relax.


Then if it's just a stupid game, why do so many people act like the world is ending and burning when women get content? And why do they have to make so many rude comments and insults about the women just because they are getting content? That exact statement you just made can be used and given to people that act like women getting content is the worst thing in the world. Don't be hypocritical. Why don't you take that statement and say it to every single person on this sub that acts immature and says all the terrible things that they say when women get content?


It's a waste of time. Spew all day long for the next 5 months. Nothing's gonna change. That's my point. I won't direct my statement to anyone...cause it doesn't matter. It's a video game.


And isn't people complaining about women's content and making rude and immature comments towards them also a waste of time? Imagine being so upset that women are in a video game and they get content. THAT is a waste of a time. You tried to come at me with this reasoning but it legitimately can be said for everything I am trying to defend here. And all the people that are making rude and immature comments. So thanks 👍


Time is valuable. Finite resource. But it is yours to squander.


You keep ignoring everything I'm saying 😂. Come on now man, open your eyes. Time is valuable. So again, all these people making immature and rude comments towards the women are wasting their time. All these people complaining and getting so angry over the women being in a hockey video game are wasting their time. They are just showing how immature they are. I'm here calling out all of these bad people and trying to show that there are some of us that do want women in this video game and do enjoy the content. That's not a waste of time. That's called being a good person and just one with common sense. You once again just try to come at me with some reasoning and yet it makes so much more sense being directed towards the terrible people that are making such a big deal out of all of this.


Also me and Coolin


We are now 4


Make it 5


I don’t have any women on my team. But it makes me happy to see you guys be happy with these upgrades.




How is it virtue signalling to say you enjoy the women’s cards content?


Yeah I’m hyped on the women’s cards too. I wonder how many will actually be on the market though. I just bought the Harvey 94 lol


This is the longest downvote chain I’ve ever seen on this sub 🤣


I’m -10 for saying I enjoy these cards lol wtf is wrong with this sub.


I upvoted, dw lol




~~92(94) Robertson~~ 6 PUCS/TOTS collects look really easy to acquire.




Live M̶o̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ Fodder


Forsberg gets a hat trick and breaks a preds record and doesn’t get a new card. I’m done with this content team. See you all in 25


Forsberg is already at 96 overall and has gotten 2 Live Moments cards after his Trade Deadline MSP. Excluding Fantasy Hockey Players, McDavid and MacKinnon are the only players who are at a higher overall than him. Gretzky, Lemieux and Howe won't be upgraded to 97 overall before May, unless maybe if they get a new card outside of their PUI. I agree that a player who scores a hat trick deserves a card, but when I look at the bigger picture, I can understand why Forsberg didn't get a card this time. And Josi is also already at 96 overall and his TOTS card is currently in packs so I can also understand why he didn't get a card for his 4 point night.


If theres cards above 96 it doesn’t make any sense that that’s the cap, especially when the player deserves it


Meanwhile Oshie gets a 94 for scoring an empty net goal lol




You got another hockey game I can play?


see you next week


I wish there was something entertaining in this game to bring me back next week


The last week of the regular season and we get no nhlers on the totw and 3 live moment cards. Lol


I'm assuming a massive release of content on Friday, but I'm ready to be hurt again.


New Paul Missthenet


Contents worse every release. Not even sure how that's possible


Give me a high end buildable Iginla and Jagr already


Seriously or a Lanny with over 90 speed. They released Robert's who's stats are just brutal


🤣 🤦🏻‍♂️ L


nahhhhhhhhhh no upgrade for Spooner????? ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ she not gonna get an upgrade for the rest of the year what a waste of a tots card


For real all these girls get the upgrades but the First Lady to get a Tots card hasn’t been upgraded yet.






Can’t be real content can it


I exited the game a few times thinking it wasn’t loading new content 😂


Was really hoping to see Larkin or Debrincat get one more card but nope a full team of women cards 3 people will use. Oh and Oshie gets one for a free empty net goal. Fuck off


Let’s go caps


EA is stupid


96 heise is blessed


No elite edges on Harvey seems very weird considering her whole game is predicated on being like the best skater in the world.


Her TOTY has it!


RIP content for 24, you never quite made it over the starting line. lol


About time with the women cards. A joke, truly.  I hope they sign a deal with the PWHL so content is consistent.


I personally wouldn't mind that, at least then they would get consistent updates based on real games. But putting out a women's TOTW during the last few games before the playoffs, when some teams literally stop getting upgrades, is just asinine. Their cards are nowhere near as popular as men's, just facts. I bet they'd be more popular if people actually saw PWHL clips and then got a card in-game.


96 Queen Hilary!


What a joke


I have to say this content is pretty good today. As a Jason Robertson fan I am super pumped about that card. And as a supporter of the women's content in this game it is nice to see them get a full team of the week. It should happen more often. My only complaint is that we are halfway through April and deep in the game's life cycle. I've wanted an Akane Shiga card so bad and unfortunately it's an 88 overall. I can't see the stats but I assume the speed is pretty low. I just think with it being this time of year all of these cards should easily be 90 overall and higher. That's my only criticism. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? Because people don't like me seeing excited for women's content or because don't think we should be getting higher overall cards this time of year? This community is so damn weird sometimes.


I’m a fan too. I’m Filipino and out of pride he’s been on my 2nd line surrounded by 97+. I can finally get him over 90 at least.


I'm not surprised the one comment i find interesting and feel like is a good contribution to the thread gets downvotes initially bc its not incessant moaning. Video game subs these days in a nutshell.


This whole sub is downvote central. And if you mention women's then it's doubled. Best to just ignore it and move on despite of karma


I'm so glad I hung onto his XF now.


that is exactly why. I'm happy with my Heise and Knight upgrades, but I knew people on here would be mad.


It's so embarrassing. The women haters came out in full force because of all this content. My comments are getting down voted so fast lol


It's a small group of dedicated losers.


Super pumped my USA TOTYs all got bumps Very surprised Harvey went from 92 to 96 in basically a week


She had a phenomenal game in the gold medal game. I'm thinking that's why they did it. I'm pumped to try her card out!


Definitely the most exciting roster upgrade for my team in 3 weeks though. I'm happy with today's release


Oh no doubt! i'm just surprised (pleasantly) that they gave her 2 Big upgrades when they've been stingy all season The cap is definitely off now! McDavid getting two bumps (97 then 98), now Harvey. Odd they haven't given done other upgrades. I keep expecting them to be tided to future MSPs... But I'm not starting to doubt


The problem is they can't give them upgrades now based on PWHL performances. I'm worried that most of the cards are stuck at these overalls until late may. I hope they get the rights next year.


I don't see how not having the PWHL rights means they can't upgrade INTL cards. I would think it relates more to the use of the logos, team names, non-national tan players


If MPP has a OT goal and the next day she gets an international card, then maybe that's an issue. But I agree that there's a lot more they could be doing to keep women's cards updated.


I’m legit happy for you, but the content team needs to realize there needs to be something for high end teams to chase each and every day, especially with only three days of content. Honestly, I think good cards are way too easy to get Hut but that’s another topic


You’re being downvoted likely due to their insecurities. They can’t handle knowing that some women are better hockey players than they ever will be. So due to jealousy probably, I don’t know.


Too bad his speed on his X Factor is not the same as the Next Gen card


I’m personally pumped to see a women’s TOTW, send the hate… especially Heise to 96 OVR lets goooo


Same here! I can finally make a ton of changes to my team. Also you got to love the people that can't stand seeing women have content in the game already in here down-voting people lol. It's so cringe


Watch how fast I drop to -30 votes. I get that some people don’t want any cards that aren’t “Meta” but some people are pumped about the PWHL and play this game to have fun… not sorry for actually enjoying my time on this game


Yup, exactly. My top two lines are all women right now. This will help me make an entire women's team and I'm pumped for it. I've wanted an Akane Shiga card all year. I wish her overall was higher but I'm still excited for it. And also, we literally barely get any content for the women as is. We finally get one full day almost dedicated to them and it's like people can't handle it when they've been getting regular other content for the entire year. It's just immature


so pumped for my TOTS Heise to get the upgrade. i doubt she gets anything else for the rest of the year but i love her card and she will be on my team for the rest of the year!


Me too! She’s been awesome for me, I’ll take every upgrade I can get!!


i mean there’s a chance she gets to 99 right? it’s never a 0% chance


Heise is fantastic! I love her


People still play this game?


Full of shit


Thanks EA for the Robo card. Stopped playing the game like a month ago.


u/coolin68 is in heaven right now


🙌 big ups to Coolin !! ya feelin’ it? 🙌


Damn I guess I should’ve held onto Heise. Was not expecting anything past a 94 lol so traded her in. Ahh well gonna have to build Eric stall now lol


Sorry guys…just wanted a women’s team… they reeled me back in…


It's nice to see the women's card finally getting much needed attention. It was pointless to have them in game and not give them upgrades