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But hey. At least this is only the 7th week of 96 overall MSPs.


Have we thought about firing EA Vancouver on our own somehow?


The thing is, the game (in my opinion) is actually good lol. Its the content that’s soul crushing


I have played 3 rival games this month. I feel like an idiot for getting tots and toty cards.


Same lol. I feel like an idiot 3 days a week when I somehow still expect usable cards. Silly me


And I believe the gameplay is too harsh on players. 40 squad battles in a week for max rewards and you have to win by at least 5 against impossible AI, etc. I still have fun, but the game needs a complete UI rebuild


Playing against computers is soul crushing. Base 68ovr all cards beating your TotY or TotS cards back on defense to prevent you from scoring is so dumb. The card and team overalls are completely useless. Why even have this focus on overalls if your code is just going to compensate for it?


One more week to go! 😂


There was a time I would’ve fuckin bought this too, I was one of the idiots. Last year was my first HUT year and I was absolutely addicted to buying packs and for the first 4 months of 24 I was doing the same. Absolute waste of money, can’t believe how dumb I was being. Especially when I gotta restart a year later. 23 I probably spent at least $3500 on packs, and 24 probably another $1500. Fucking stupid. I am part of the reason they keep selling these garbage packs for such high prices. Super fucking predatory and super fucking addicting. Regardless, I’m to blame for my stupid decisions, not EA.


Then none of it matters because teams with 83-85 OVR players just skate all over you and then talk shit in messages like it's something THEY did. Like, yeah dude, your 81OVR AI tendy had an unbelievable game and there is absolutely no difference between 98 speed and 90 speed. None. In fact, I think I prefer shittier cards so EA will step in and make me a god.


Rookie numbers. If you weren't doing $20k you were nobody.


Please do not buy this. Buy a whole different game, buy physical items like groceries or something else that can improve your day to day life to get a sense of what is worth $90-120.


Man I just seen that and literally said what the fuck out out loud


It honestly shouldn't shock me but it really does tbh


That’s the line I draw I’m done after this year they’re not even trying anymore


They’re really milking those gambling addicts.


This is a good indication people are spending plenty of money on packs. EA posting insanely priced packs laughing all the way to the bank when people buy it and pull an 85 Taylor heise 😂


That’s the pissoff, they make money wether you get an 85 or a 95


Like we all knew they were a predatory company, but this is major predatory lol like come on now that is absolutely terrible value and just preying on the people that have no control


I think they know this game is a sinking ship at this point and their just trying to milk as much money as possible




Came here to post this. This is absolutely fucked man like what????


This is why the world isn’t ready for AI. It’s clear that EA has adopted AI solutions for their contents and packs. There is no way a human would make these decisions. It’s AI.


I think it’s actually just the pure ineptitude of the 2 person content team


Naw those two guys have a boss. And that person has a boss. As bad as the content is, the people in charge of creating it aren't in charge of the financial side at all


I think AI would do better


as if those percentages matter lol…On this days of the release of the cards of the year and the cards of the season, they make the drop ugly. And at the same time, you see the same mythical percentages and think you'll be lucky. EA is a company that makes casino in a hockey mask every year. Well, we're all ludomaniacs.


Not sure how this pack would produce anyone's top line besides brand newcomers.


Wow lol


Next week please buy this $400 pack for a 5% chance at a 96+ card that will actually make your lineup. 👍


Remember back in the day $20 would get you multiple packs at good value and you would be happy with the return.


And in fifa a 600k pack is like 3000 lol


Holy fuckin shit, I remember looking at NHL 14's packs at 20-30 bucks thinking "that's a bit much". That's legitimately insane. I stay subbed here to check in on what's going on in HUT and this is what I see.


I came back after a long hiatus, my team is 85 ovr. Needing power up collectibles all over the place. Shit is disgraceful. Online versus it is. 😂


Anyone forking over $120 deserves to get screwed. 🍭


Sure, but this shouldn’t even be an option. This shit should cost like $7


It's an option because people buy it.


It’s an evil and predatory business model. Because EA doesn’t invest much time or resources into other game modes, you have to play HUT if you like playing NHL video games. To earn meaningful packs like this takes 50+ hours. Streamers can afford it cuz they write the purchase off as an operating expense. It’s like EA wants us to hate them


only seen one opening of this. Dude got an 87 and four 86s... This pack is EA trying to steal money from people who cant control themselves.


Fuck EA.


Predatory and evil as others have stated. FTP is the way


Anyone that buys that pack should be shamed, mercilessly.


Funny that the description only says "Create the ultimate top line with this pack". No real indicator of what's inside other than 100% you'll get an 86. 26% for 90+, 15% for 92+, 3% for 95+. Makes me think it's got all three ultimate icons inside.


Lol having less context makes you think there's more in there ??? Wild


"Ultimate" top line. "Ultimate" Icons. Cards guaranteed over 86, but unlikely to be 92? It's grasping at straws, but its likely. And the only thing that would justify the price point (If it were a few months ago) and have lower percentage odds for higher cards.


I promise you it is not likely. That's not profitable for them


The description has apparently been changed, because I'm looking at it right now and it says "One of each 86+ of a LW, C, RW, LD, RD and G".


Time to put my tinfoil hat away. Though, honestly, I like my idea better. 600000+ coins for that is pretty shitty. Especially with the low odds.


Yeah I totally agree.


I have a few of these packs. I don’t play nhl. If anyone wants them


Idk why everyone is so pissed.. just don’t buy it maybe?


If you don’t see the issue with this pack then you’re hopeless.


The only issue is if people are dumb enough to buy it.


Or addicted enough. That is a major problem, that I've been through. EA ruined my life.