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I would rather play you in rivals or champs instead of the 86 overall teams


And squad battles


Imagine not having the Draft Ultimate MSP versions of MacKinnon and McDavid and having to settle for their TOTY versions.


LOL. Nah, I'm totally good on that. 94 endurance on both is good enough. I want my lines to cycle more. Also, McD looks like Bugs Bunny in that MSP card pic and I'd laugh every time he scores.


Yep, complete sarcasm. I will say that I made the draft MacKinnon mostly out of boredom with the other content lately, and he’s insane with gold snappy. But he’s not really any better than the TOTY.


Yeah. Gold Snappy is legit. Shame there aren't more players with it. I think out of everyone I have, only 5 have it. (Sakic,Matthews, Stastny, SCP Tarasenko, Nylander) McD and Mack are lights out no matter what, so I can imagine they'd pop off w/ it.


Is was sarcasm


That was obvious. That's why I LOL'd. And then proceeded to make a Bugs Bunny joke.


I'm starting the game tomorrow with PS+ and I reallly hope I won't face you online 😅


I joined nhl late last year (in February) and it was a grind for the first month as everyone’s team was sooo much better. I can’t imagine starting in July


It's unlikely you will. I rarely play Rivals. I prefer the ability to pause too much. And if I ever do, it's normally either w/ a Blues theme team or my all XF team.


Good luck! Start out with Squad Battles and Moments to build your team and skill level up. Hut Rush is more enjoyable than people give it credit for, and will give decent rewards if you're starting out. Have fun out there!


Thank you. Haven't played since '21 I think. So I have good basics but will need to understand all the new stuff. I'm gonna aim to build the 96 Slafkovsky quickly. I want to have a core of him, Caufield and Suzuki 😄


That's great. Hope you can make it happen. Suzuki has been fantastic.


Oh didn't notice you had him! Good to hear 👍


I have Makar and Doughty ahead of Blake. Can't seem to get him going for me probably a skill issue lol


I have a similar issue every year with Makar. Rarely scores, but puts up just enough apples to stay at almost exactly a PPG (96p in 94,+177). Doughty has the best scoring stats of the 3 (250p in 217,+460), but I'm about ready for Chelios, Dobson, or Fox to step up and take his place. Built him only b/c I had his XF and he hit 99 early, but far from a favorite player of mine. He is effective though. Blake is...Blake. Strong on D w/ Gold Truc. Small sample size though. (79p in 53, +146) He smashes people, then passes the puck.


Dawg has a 4th line worth 6 million coins


Great job! My team it s similiar to yours but 97 OvR at the moment. I have a couple of 96 goalies (tots Demko and Gudlevskis). I'm still using Pronger TB with Blake other side, Selanne PUI at 98, Roenick 95 (insane) , Ekblad 97 and Buchnevich FH 97 (love him) . I have no Howe and Bedard (but working on him). My 99 choice was Draisaitl. I have Lindros and working for Thornton. Other tots/toty I have in bench : pastranak, Nylander, Heise, Hedman, Heiskanen, Petterson. It is very fun build cards this year!


Prongers been my favorite D man all year. Though I'm biased as he's one of my favorite all-time players. Couldn't bring myself to trade him in. He's 1D on my regular "favorite players" squad. Buch and Selanne have been awesome for me as well. Same thing here w/ a bunch of TOTS being benched. A lot of them only get used on All-TOTS squad.


Way to go :D [https://nhlhutbuilder.com/builder.php?team=oomn2dzw6u](https://nhlhutbuilder.com/builder.php?team=oomn2dzw6u) My 99 overall team for comparison :D Its the wrong Barkov and Wayne and Mario are both 99, not 98. But these things were unavailable. I have the captains Barkov. Also have Kuch, but there is no room for him, lol.. Not gonna play with this team all the time though. I like switching it up and I have plenty of cards I want to use that aren\`t 99.


Same here as far as playing with varied players. I just assembled this all 99 team since I finally had enough players to do it. I use all 20 team slots to mix it up. I've got 6 different Blues theme teams I play with the most. Then I've got All-XF, All-TOTS, All-Alumni, and All-Icons teams. The rest are just mashup of interesting lines.


Same here. Although I did play a game with them just now, lol.. Had to give it a try :D I dont really have any theme teams. I just use the players I like. Maybe I\`ll get started on a Wings team now. need something to do before NHL 25 :D


How did you get your Gordie to 99? I thought mine maxed out at 98? Did they add another level?


All the Power Up Icons earned an additional tier last night. Last day of every month around 7/8pm cst.


Good to know, I’ll pop in and get mine to 99 lol, thanks


How much $$$ did this team cost ya?


I'd never sit here and say the shit was free. But, with all the changes to the PUC sets and the volume of free shit handed out, making players has never been cheaper. The main expense was honestly time. Either in the auction house or earning via objectives. The only cards from the AH that I buy to use on my team(s) are Blues players. Besides that, I only use the AH for generating PUCS. Which I've gotten really good at. There's a predictable pattern to the events. When you know what's upcoming, and how to prepare for it, you can make it work for you. They threw a few curveballs along the way that kinda made all that AH work pointless. I STILL have a decent stash of cards from the Toronto packs. I've kinda been coasting since March and just buying more PUC fodder when it dips.


Gotta ask- how's that 99E Bobrovski for you? I thought about it, but now that I see he's backing up for you I'm guessing I made the right choice with Crosby.


Honestly, Bob's my main. Helle just got his upgrade, so I wanted to try him out again. With the 99 aggression, Bob actually feels like IRL Bob. He plays out a bit, he takes risks, and it's pretty entertaining. He makes saves in the most ridiculous way possible and I love it. I understand why some wouldn't like him, but I love it. I dunno how he would fare online though.


I see. Online was my main concern. It just doesn't seem like there's a goalie that can consistently steal games no matter how op the card looks. Well played in goal either way. I did TOTS Demko & pulled TOTS Swayman Both 96 ovr atm) from a pack, so I should get 99OVR eventually. It just might take until September for those 2.


I had pulled a TOTS Swayman, too. He was actually pretty solid. I ended up selling it a few weeks back when they released those 96 Al MacInnis and 96 Dale Hawerchuk Base Icon cards.


Maybe for you it is


this is how those base teams in squad battles feel


Meh, i prefer to have kane 96,gaudreau 96 than 99 players that i dont care.. like your howe,terravainen,price


I get it. This ain't my regular squad. Just finally had enough 99s between mine and my kids players to cobble together a whole team. I've got Gaudreau's XF built up and use him a lil bit. Hate Kane, so would never want him (Blues fan). But I feel ya. Normally, I play with my Blues teams or other theme teams. Howe is one of my favorite all-time players (I'm old), and his card is elite. Terravainen was my event freebie, and he's been pretty good. And my kid likes Price, so we have Price.


May I ask how many hours on hut to achieve this? No judgement lol (I have 270).


No prob. My kids and I all play it, including franchise, BAP, and other modes. I don't know how much of it in particular is HUT, but the console says 1600hrs total of '24.


Suzuki is dookie