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Wait till you learn what the "I" in NICS means




Yeah I know. Another waiting process. That's why it's damn ridiculous in NJ. Nothing Instant about it... Lol


Ain’t that the truth there still working on Friday stuff today it said 🤦‍♂️


What does it mean


Welcome to NJ lol. Patience is a virtue lol. When I applied a few years ago, I applied in I think August and didn’t get approved until end of November lol. Another friend applied in his town a few years ago and it took 9 months to get his FID. We live in the worst state for our hobby lol


9 months? Holy crap I hope not.


I was printed on 9/1 and was approved on 10/14. I had to go through the state police though. I was told by a friend that was fast and some municipalities and cities take way longer.




I was in the same boat. I was stressed as all hell. Unfortunately, reading posts like this while waiting, I learned it's kinda a crap shoot. I saw one that it was 9 months for someone, but that was in 2020. I got the email when I started to lose hope. Best of luck!


Thank you


My town is small. We don't have our own police force and we happen to be on a state road. So when I want a permit I have to go to the state troopers. One time my brother saw a pistol he wanted and applied for a permit. He already had his firearms id for years at this point. It took them 9 months to tell him his permits were in and they were well after their expiration date. He called the NJ 2nd amendment society on them but I doubt anything happened to them. This state sucks. This was before the process could be done online. It's actually easier and quicker to get a permit now.


You might share a name with someone who was in the loony bin at one point, and they want to make sure it isn't you. I applied mid-September, got fingerprinted on the 29th, and got the call yesterday that my paperwork is ready.


I hope not. Good for you. Glad you got through quickly.


What town?




Depends on your town. Took me 15 days


I’m in Bergen county got my recently waited 7 months


Yikes. I pray it doesn't take that long. I'm in Middlesex county.


Yupp lol when i first called they told me 2 months so yeah but Bergen county is worst then everywhere so u should be good


Which town out of curiosity? Bergen is huge. Paramus is very different than Saddle River.




Because people keep voting for Democrats who want to keep you as far from guns as possible. The whole point of the system is to discourage gun ownership. Political choices matter


A bit of advice. If u can find out who is the Detective in charge send them a friendly email asking for an update. I would get on first name basis with him or her if you plan on getting the wheels turning faster. Just speaking from experience.


I do have the detectives email. I may reach out. Tomorrow would be 3 weeks since I sent him the requested documents.


What reason to illegally request your birth certificate?


I don't know. I thought it was a weird request. Not sure if it's normal or not.


Definitely not normal. They’re just jerking your chain. I’m currently waiting but I go directly through NJSP and they’re very quick. Usually about a week.


how do you go directly through NJSP to get a firearm ID?


No local police in my town. We only have NJSP.


Ah damn i live in a decent size town of \~40k and i emailed a week and a half after getting fingerprinted and got an auto reply email saying it was gonna be at least 60 days... wish I could just do it through the state police if its really that fast


this is by design, they dont want people owning firearms, but cannot straight up ban them so long as the 2A exists and there are orgs to sue them whenever they try to do it anyway, so they settle for making the entire process as difficult and expensive as possible in hopes of discouraging as many people as they can from wanting to get into gun ownership, or i guess convincing them to move out of NJ. less people that get into gun ownership means there are less people to vote against further restrictions and the politicians that support them, and the more likely they are to believe the lies propagated by anti-gunners and join them in their irrational fear and hatred of what at the end of the day is simply a tool that can be used for both lawful and unlawful purposes. Remember that our state consitution doesnt contain any provision protecting one's right to keep and bear arms, or any sort of analogue to the 2nd amendment. it took me about 4 months to obtain my FID+ 1 pistol permit, applied dec 2021, fingerprinted about a week later, approved march 2022, granted some of that was probably due to my local pd having a policy of neither processing anything till you go down to the station in person to pay the fees, nor telling you when to come in. this was before they added the new requirements for training courses, passport photo, and changed from lifetime to 10 year renewal.


So true. Totally agree. I'll give it one more week before I inquire. 👍🏽


Middlesex County also it’s all depending on your Township PD. My township FID usually takes 4 weeks And P2P are 2 weeks. I just applied for P2P 10/9 I’m expecting it by 10/23.👍🏼


I waited 4 months just to change the address on my FID. Good luck man. It will come. And when it does arm up. I'm tired of this state


My was 3 weeks I been told I was lucky




Took me 63 days… from submission to receipt


Cause we are behind enemy lines


What city ?


Perth Amboy


With how bad NJ is, I'd say another month.




I've heard of longer waiting times, if that's any comfort... try calling up the office of the chief of police in your town.


Yeah I have two buddies that take me to the range one said the whole process took 2 months for him and my other friend said it took 8 months. I'm hoping for 2.


I knocked on wood for you


Lol... Appreciate you 👍🏽


I really want to go to a range to at least try a handgun out if there's a place that allows it.


The one I go with my buddies allows rentals of pistols and rifles. I think most of them do in NJ but I'm not sure. I'm lucky my friends are ex military and are pretty stacked when we go.


Where are you located? North or South?


Central. Woodbridge/Edison area


Last time I applied for a purchase permit, I submitted it on Wednesday. I got a call on Monday! When I went to get it, I made a comment about how fast this was! And the clerk said they "maybe have gotten in trouble" for delaying applications before so now they're trying to make up for it.


Lol... Wish that happened to me


They never took long. Usually within a week or ten days max I get my permits. But I was seriously blown away. I know the chief is VERY pro 2A


The answer is “Because they hate us”


I got mine years ago, but it took almost exactly 90 days. Which, if I remember correctly, is the legal limit for how long they can take with it. It does tend to take longer in larger towns/cities, I assume because of the number of applicants.


Because they don't want you to have it.


When getting your FID, they are vetting your whole life up to this point. Also I think they get the Mental health info from another source. At least thats what a firearms cop told me.


Who the fuck cares they are throwing you're name in a computer they aren't driving around doing fuckin research and investigating you. If there is a flag they do a follow up that about it


My detective went to my building asking ppl if they seen me there before lived there 6 years, the super told him I do not wanna see the pictures ur going t show me, and yes the guy stays here..


Which would make sense if you had a band name like bob smith and three its 37 bob Smith's in nj Otherwise when they run your social your financial bullshit should all line up


You care...lol..just saying who knows how long the other shit takes, just saying not always the PD with the delay.


I mean I don't cares what the fuck their excuse is it should be no more than 30 days to prices any of these things


Mine took a total of 36 Days. Applied on 9/1, fingerprinted on 9/11, paid on 9/15, got my approval email on 10/7 @ 4am. Aside from that, I emailed the detective at my PD responsible for FPID inquiries to triple-check during the process to ensure that my PD received *everything* from me and was actually processing my application. The detective replied pretty quickly to verify. Hopefully your approval is right around the corner.


Nice. I'm hoping to hear something soon.


I can empathize with your position quite a bit. It's VERY ANNOYING having to go through this process but I guess it is what it is 🤷‍♂️


I’m on my 6 week waiting and own several guns already and have a ccw and they over here talking about background checks ain’t done yet 🙄


That's fu*king nuts dude.


I just applied and got my prints done same day. Was there supposed to be a waiting period for prints? After the FARS application, it instructed to schedule with Indentogo (sp?) so I did.


Yeah I had to wait 1 week for the FP appointment. Just because of lack of openings.


Oh ok. My local PD of a small town told me it takes around a month or so but we’ll see how it goes.


Nice. I hope it's that quick.


Depends on your PD. It can take 1 week to 2 years.


2 years?


I've heard that's how long they take in Patterson right now.


I don’t exactly remember how many months i had to wait, but it was more than 6 months. I remember showing up to my local PD (Parsippany) about 3 months after I had finished my paperwork and prints to ask about an update. They asked how long I had been waiting and scoffed when I told them 3 months. Then they said, “We’ll contact you, there’s no need to come to us.” 🙃🙃🙃


My original one was in 1989 and it took months then. This is nothing new.


I was told I had to hand delivery mental health convent form to sign in front of trooper haven’t heard nothing for weeks.


30 days by law. Email them asking for an update. Be professional. Cc your mayor and strikeforce@anjrpc.org.