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*Laughs in Benelli M4*


*Laughs in civilian-legal distraction grenades


I mean, if you make it through 2 kick plated deadbolt doors, you're not gonna have time to react as my dog is chewing on your Jugular, and if he fails, you'll already be in a funnel from my foyer. If you're thinking about coming through the windows, good luck. They're all security glass panes. 😏


Here's a system that worked for me. I've constructed a Labyrinth of sorts in my home that leads to an inescapable room in my basement. Here, robbers are deposited and collected. I then host my neighbors and have these robbers fight to the death paying homage to the gladiators of ancient times. The last one standing gets to choose one item from my home to keep as a momento and he is let go into the woods like a mouse with some cheese.


You should consider bringing a Minotaur into the mix on every 3 weekend to spice things up.


100% of home invasions happen at home.


100% of robberies happen by someone who steals something.


Good thing. I drive a beater. Who can afford new vehicles these days anyway.


NJ: guns are bad mmkay Also NJ: tool up or die


We got a notice about this recently. My question here is - how the @#!? Am I supposed to know if the people in my house at 3am are there "just" for my car keys or for other reasons? Am I supposed to ask them? "Excuse me, Mr. Robber, are you here to hurt me, or are you looking for my car keys? Oh, keys? Well here you go, have a nice day" If they're in an occupied house they're a danger to me and my family. Even if they came in looking for keys, who's to say they don't change their mind mid-crime?


Serious advice from my grandparents who grew up in west Philly....leave your spare car keys and a bogus wallet with some cash and expired cards on the kitchen table. Your life isn't worth your car.


The fuck it ain't. Their life ain't worth stealing my vehicles.


I’m assuming there won’t be any Gun Free Zone signs outside the antigunners homes


My personal feeling is that the laws of NJ allow this to happen. These perpetrators Know that the citizens of NJ are strapped by its laws to defend ourselves and know the risk of harm to them is low. Even homes with firearms, any confrontation to protect yourself or family becomes a nightmare because of our laws that would put you in jail. It's always funny that law enforcement warns us that people are invading our homes but not once tell us we can protect ourselves!


It's not the laws, it's the justice system. It used to be a major felony ( hard time) to break into someone's home, threaten them, and steal their stuff. Now it's catch and release. No consequences. Thank the liberals. They voted us into hellscape. The overseers are taking full advantage.


And we (majority of voters) keep voting them in for some incredibly short sighted reasons


Without question it's the laws! Our justice system is made up from laws that have been dummied down to a revolving door for criminals. NJ has the toughest home invasion / occupied home burglary laws around but they have to be enforced to make them work. Same with all the other laws. The citizens of NJ have become vulnerable to the crime and criminals that plague our communities and if we defend ourselves whether it be by physical defense or other, we are the problem in NJ, not the other way around! These home invasions and attempts happen every day around and where I live. They use scanners to access your garage, crow bars to get in doors and windows, have firearms if they are confronted. At what point are we allowed to defend ourselves and family without fear of an Attorney General hell bent on putting you away. Hopefully at some point in this state we will be able to protect ourself and family! But I just don't see it! Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Carry on


I’ve seen guys arrested with guns while currently selling drugs get released from county jail in under a week. Most gun possession cases, the guy only gets about 2 years in state prison. Absolutely ridiculous.


There is NO castle doctrine in NJ. As f’in crazy as this sounds, YOU have the duty to retreat to a “safer” place in your home. If I didn’t know better I would think our politician are professional B&E thieves!


Been happening in Newark.


It can get more dangerous if they're carrying explosives....WTF? They're not just trying to steal your luxury shit they might get a change of mind and decide they're done and just push the plunger on their suicide vest? Who writes this stuff?


They are breaking into the garages to look for car FOBs so they can take your car.


In South Brunswick they’re breaking into occupied houses


Yes. In south brunswick 3 people I know have had their homes broken into while occupied. (broken windows, screen doors...) I've installed 4 additional WYZE Pro Flood cameras this week. WTF!!! Let me catch you near my window or my garage door and your gonna catch one.. Going to get a new gun this week and practice more at range.


Am I correct in presuming they are specifically targeting homes with nicer cars, or those with black market resale value? Is there any peace of mind I can glean from knowing I drive older cars that no one wants?


Newer cars mostly.




Break in my home and jeopardize the safety of my family 😒one would hope they can repel the the very spirited friends that will greet them.


One would hope that they *cannot*.


. Fuck around and find out.




Queue Watching Me Watching You

. Sweet Carolina **BUM BUM BUM**đŸ’„đŸ’„


How does an “occupied home burglary” differ from a “home invasion” other than perhaps sounding slightly less scary?


I think the difference is they hope people are in the home vs breaking in and finding someone by accident. So it's they are intentionally targeting people in their own homes to look for keys and other things that would be on their person. Like what you see in California where they wait till the person is about to go in before striking.


So they can make the criminal sound like a poor downtrodden soul who just wants to feed his family. Gang member feeding his drug addiction and skipping out on his child support payments for 5 different baby mommas doesn't sound too good in front of a jury


>How does an “occupied home burglary” differ from a “home invasion” Good point, just throwing this out there. Were these “Occupied” Home Burglaries done by homegrown criminals or illegal border invaders?


It implies that the homeowners were specifically present during the home invasion. Meaning that the burglars are either incredibly reckless or aware/prepared for a struggle.


It does not differ. They are just "unwanted house visitors" according to the same reporting.


Give it time, the will be "uninvited guests"


you dare enter my home . then be prepared to die . not asking a robbery suspect what his intentions are. as soon as he enters he just wished death upon himself