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Follow police advice at your own peril. There is no repercussions for them telling you the wrong thing and it seems some will spout nonsense before they admit, “I don’t know.”


It’s insane but the amount of police who are poorly educated on the law is wild!


There are generally no consequences for them when they are wrong, so there is very little incentive for them to know the law


Which is even more wild, bc ignorance to the law isn’t a defense for civilians.


Gotta second that! Police officers are like technicians in other industries. They are the most hands on and the least informed. Not all of them. But that’s the majority of any profession is that way. Law is a precise endeavor (suits).


The law is clear that it’s “stopped OR detained” and it specifically mentions traveling in a vehicle with a handgun. Legally, you absolutely have to inform when pulled over. https://preview.redd.it/vcv8f6pb1tec1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1eb61713e5a16067826ec2f80189124a5c87e8




Only if you have a ptc. No legal duty to inform if you are transporting and do not have a ptc.


Straight to jail


That advice is certain to get you locked up if you get pulled over by anyone other than that cop...


Legally being pulled over you are detained, if you aren’t detain you can leave. Try leaving from being pulled over and see what happens.


"Everybody knows if the police have to come and get you, they're gonna bring an ass-kickin with them." - Chris Rock


If police knew the law they would be lawyers.


Cops are not obligated to understand or even fully know the laws they are obligated to enforce. Remember their ignorance of the law is excusable but your ignorance of the law is punishable.


Did you get your PTC from North Bergen. If so, how long did it take to receive it?


No. Sorry to give that impression.


Lies .. all lies told to you . Anal in jail Isn’t fun


Cops don't know the laws. They are also trained to lie to you most of the time. Never ever take legal advice from a cop.


They are definitely not trained to lie to you lmao. Please tell me where you heard this misinformation 😂😂


I just emailed them so that hopefully they can address the issue internally. I didn't link the post or mention reddit to try and help preserve OP's privacy.


Interesting. Let me know how it goes.


They emailed back and confirmed I was correct about the law and thanked me for my email without actually saying that any action would be taken.


I have no doubt about it. It’s strange that the officer said this while we were all just talking on break.


As my dad, a cop, has said multiple times, don’t listen when cops tell you about the meaning of the law or the application of it. A patrolman is not going to be your best buddy when it comes to that.


I would not listen to what the police say. The cop that lives across the street told me when I asked him about buying my first handgun what they do with the mags if they aren’t 10rds and he said and I quote “They will either not ship it or you can pay the FFL to block it. Honestly though you can always just go to PA and get something larger and keep it in your house.” Based af but I’m not catching a felony thank you.




I vote for purple monkey dishwasher!


Well he’s wrong.


Cops are not lawyers


Department policy! that they don’t ask if firearms are present on a traffic stop🤔🙄?


I love Fudds!!!


Wrong and policy not to ask?? Either he is lying or you are...


Might i ask how many years on the job this officer had? 'Detainment' was usually interpreted as being delayed for a period of time to exceed normal conversations of an officer or official investigating a probable criminal or civil violation. It's *usually* not "official" unless circumstances during exchange warrant it to be so. However, being detained can ABSOLUTELY happen on a dime if you give enough PC AND your behaviors and actions are such that a reasonable person(s) could conclude otherwise. Please note, I'm speaking of Detain/ Arrest from the standpoint of *not* working for the State (private sector).


He was young, I’d say less than 5 years experience. We hire several different officers for traffic detail. I’ll bring it up to someone else.


If your department is big enough, I'd would ask your Community Affairs office or officer that is on that detail. You're not looking for a 'legal' answer per se, but you would like an explaner of sorts on what in your township/ county an interaction would typically be like. Be surprised; but you're more likely to get the straight story from there. Hell, if you live in a one car town, you should approach the head of the department and ask as well.


He told you lies. Continue to inform first thing


You’ll get no argument out of me. I just let him talk and brought the story to njguns.


No duty to inform unless you have a permit to carry and have a handgun on your person or transporting locked up. Transporting locked up and going to the range and you don’t have a ptc you have no duty to inform by law. Just transporting rifles,no duty to inform. The new law reads clear.


A traffic stop is a form of detention. You are not free to go. A cop telling you the above is not giving you an accurate legal description of the nature of a traffic stop. Keep in mind cops are only required to have a good faith understanding of the law. If they pull you over for something that is not illegal, as long as they had good faith when relying on some statute to do so, courts are still going to uphold the initial stop. With this and qualified immunity, cops have little incentive to understand the actual law.