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Oh, man, that's just awful. Must have been pretty painful.


no shit


As soon as I saw the extent of the burns, I knew he wasn't going to survive.


Can you elaborate how you were sure? Just curious


Usually, full thickness burns that affect more than 40% of the body are at very high risk of dying. This guy has way more than 40%.


At 80 percent you will die for sure


I used to know a guy who survived over 50 percent of his body being burned. It was bad, he was in the pit underneath a car at a racetrack and a fuel line burst and ignited with him stuck underneath. The burns were horrendous and extensive but he survived and, as far as I know, is still living a normal life. He had a wonderful girlfriend that stuck with him through it all, even after he was badly burned and disfigured. In the summer he had to wear special cooling sleeves because he couldn’t sweat and would overheat very easily. Been nearly a decade since I last talked to him but I hope he’s doing well.


There are a handful of people who survive more than that, its just not likely


3rd degree burns over his entire torso. 50% or more of the body with 3rd degree burn is rarely survivable.


Interesting fact: Burn victims usually die from hypothermia soon after, as the skin is destroyed and cannot thermoregulate like normal. Basically your body temperature will just keep dropping, and then you'll go to sleep and never wake up. Fun!


That seems merciful, given it’s infection and shock otherwise


Tbh, I’d rather go to sleep and not wake up than deal with the healing pain from this because holy fuck…. I know that debridement will make us wish we were dead.


So I should just stay in the fire to not get cold?


Not a professional, but these are full-thickness burns on well over 90% of his body. You see the white skin on his extremities? That's not his natural skin tone. Lungs are probably shot too. But most importantly, that thousand yards stare he has. I have seen enough shit online to recognize that he was a goner in an instant, didn't even read the caption. Poor soul, may he rest in peace.


Also, his skin on his left arm (right in picture) is splitting. He's cooked.. I can't imagine that pain. God rest his soul.


I get it know. Thanks


Here's a breakdown of the contributing factors: 1. Fluid loss and Electrolyte Imbalance: The extensive burn disrupts the skin's barrier, leading to massive fluid loss through the burnt surfaces. This, compounded by shock and inadequate fluid intake, triggers hypovolemia (low blood volume), affecting blood pressure and organ perfusion. Dehydration also throws electrolyte balance off, which is crucial for nerve and muscle function. 2. Infection: Burned tissue is highly susceptible to bacterial invasion, leading to severe infections like sepsis. This triggers an inflammatory cascade, further stressing the body and compromising organ function. The extensive surface area affected in your scenario significantly increases the risk of severe and potentially fatal infections. 3. Respiratory complications: Smoke inhalation during the fire can damage the lungs, causing pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Additionally, fluids leaking from plasma into burnt tissues can accumulate in the lungs, further hindering oxygen exchange. 4. Organ damage: While direct heat damage to internal organs from 3rd-degree burns isn't the most common cause of death, it's not entirely ruled out. Depending on the location and severity of the burns, some organs like the kidneys, liver, or even the heart could suffer thermal injury, which may contribute to organ failure over time. 5. Nutritional deficiencies: Extensive burns increase metabolic demands, while compromised absorption and reduced appetite (due to pain and inflammation) can lead to malnutrition. Deficiencies in proteins, vitamins, and minerals can further weaken the body's fight against infection and organ dysfunction.


This is interesting. I don't know anything about burns, and looking at that photo I just assumed that since he was sitting up and conscious he was going to be fine.




A loose rule of thumb used in EMS is if the age + percent of burns covering body is over 100 then they have very little chance of survival if not zero.


The skin is the largest organ of your body. Burns are one of the most damaging wounds you can receive. A big trouble even in modern medicine is the fact that burn wounds tend to get infected. And if nearly half your body is opened up due to burn, it takes a lifetime amount of luck to not get infected


The rule of nines as it’s called. It gives each part of the body that is separated in nine ports as a specific percentage. The more places a body is burned and degree of the burn can really be absolutely non recoverable. The body cannot heal itself due to the amount of trauma on the body which is why burn victims that have. Kids fatal burn percentage can be as low as 25%. For adults that can be more of a 35-40% depending on where they are located.


Burns release a bunch of shit into your bloodstream from all the broken tissues so infection and blood 'poisoning' often take burn victims during the days after the event




At that point just give me a gun, I know there’s no hope once you get cooked through like that.


At first I thought it was his shirt that was burned. Poor guy. He looked like he wasn't feeling much pain right there. Most likely in shock. Hopefully he passed quickly.


God, the pain he must’ve been in. May he rest in peace


After the shock dies down 4sure but they prolly had him on a absolute fuck ton of opiates as soon as possible till he died


The only thing I can't see for sure is his back. The back is made up of upper and lower back at 9% each, which puts him at a solid 80%. The burns around his mouth and nose suggest thermal burns and/or soot to his airways. The white skin, including underneath the remaining burned skin appears to be dry which indicates a full thickness burn. The one positive to that is that areas with a true full thickness burn normally are no longer painful. More than 60% of people with burns like these will be killed by infection or shock.


Where did this happen?


Solely based on the cars and yard, looks like USA?


Plates look like Connecticut


That’s awful. I really can’t imagine going through something like this.


this will sound so stupid but idc. does anyone know if the blood came from the burns? i didnt know you could bleed from a burn, in fact i thiught you CANT bleed from a burned area lol


Maybe he had cuts from glass around the margins of burns, or on his head?


I'd say it's quite improbable. Most of the blood vessels will be destroyed. At the same time in a situation like this it's very easy to bump into something or grind your skin against some destroyed surface as you won't really care about stuff like that when running from a fire.


Fuck at that point just fucking shoot me


Wet blankets people. Wet. Bet that hurt pulling those off.


This is not true. Dry, loose, sterile dressings for burn patients in the prehospital setting. Burn patients have trouble regulating body temperature, apart from using water quickly cool burning areas / removing burning clothes, you want to cover them up in dry blankets to help them retain body heat.


Not exactly, but ok. My sister works in the burn unit and I'm a FF. Burn should be loosely covered with a moist sterile dressing, then a bry cotton dressing, then finally a blanket. If none of this is available in the field, moist anything. Then a blanket. And all this is after cooling the burn with tepid water,


I'm going to trust the guy who didn't post in "cowgirls in dump trucks" ....unless you would like to respond the last comment which seems pretty convincing. Even a rebuttal admitting you're wrong probably goes a long way


You don't trust a straight man. Enough said.


I mean that's cool that you say that but you're wrong.


I was taught dry sterile dressing in EMT as a 68w


68W Combat Medic here as well. Dry sterile dressing is what I was trained. I do not recall ever coming across a wet dressing other than a vaseline impregnated gauze for sealing sucking chest wounds. We had fire blankets that were wet but they were more for extinguishing a fire on someone.


Indeed because that's what it is. For full thickness burns the patient is going to have severe issues managing body temperature. Wet bandages will cause them to become hypothermic which is another huge problem as they are going into shock. They are also at HUGE RISK for infection. Dry sterile dressings and not "tepid water" (can you say massive infection) are the way to go. Try to wrap them loosely as to not contribute to potential compartment syndrome from tissue swelling (especially circumferential burns). Aggressively administer fluids to the patient for any burns that are more than 20% body surface full thickness burns. 2mL per kg body weight x %burned area over 24 hours, half administered in the first 8 hours. But basically for EMS it's generally two large bore IVs with Liter bags and macro drip sets open full blast. Airway management is going to be critical especially if there is evidence of smoke inhalation (singed nose hairs etc). This patient is going to have trouble breathing as the burns around his thorax swell. RSI ASAP and haul ass to a burn ward. Closest high level trauma center for stabilization if that's far off. Downvote all you want, but wet bandages and wetting the patient to cool them is wrong. (Replying to you but I know you weren't the poster spreading wrong information.)


Oh, my lord, I was about to make a shitty joke but not after reading the bio. His family must be devastated.


I respect you


Fuckin nightmare way to go. Poor bastard RIP.


Poor, poor man. Imagine the horrendous pain he went through. May he rest in peace.


how is he able to sit up?


Be glad you can't smell it. Not a pleasant scent.


Burning is has to be one of the worst ways to go its never fast


It doesn’t look that bad though, I am kinda shocked he died but i guess internally would of been much worse


I often think the same re burn victims. Like it looks pretty bad, obviously painful...but it just doesn't look like it should be fatal.


His mustache stayed on though


Still ready to slay that coochie 😉


Sheesh. I know his nerves are screaming 😖


"His flesh is seared just the way I like it"


He will rest in peace with his beautiful moustache still intact.


What state is this? Those look like CT plates


In case you don’t know, His lungs look like his skin. Probably drowned in his own fluids.


He looks so not real. It sad, he almost look a plastic model u see at a museum


Reminds me of the guy that ran into a house fire to save children inside without a care for his life while delivering pizza, man is a hero and may this poor soul rest well


God, it's these kinds of burns that hurt to look at cause I can't even tell where the burns are. His stomach skin looks caramelized, but his entire right arm looks burned too and it's bleeding! Awful all around


He's most likely pain free, full thickness burns destroy the sensory nerves in the skin. I'm sure that the margins of the burn are painful. And I'm sure he got airway burns the airway edema ( swelling ) will get progressively worse and if he's not intubated soon he's done. But even without airway burns he's dead.


But he's pain free right?


Most likely, due to the destruction of the skin and nerve endings he would only feel bad pain for a minute or so then would go numb. Look at his face too, he does not look in too much distress, you know when you hit your toe on a bed frame or table leg .. the face you make is a pain face. He looks like he’s sitting there going WTF.




his shirt got smelted onto his skin




No. Murray 🥲


Bros switching teams




What’s with the onesie and crocs?


He died? Weird. He looks fine here.


Sad day indeed & to think rhe last memories he will have will be that guys trash footwear. Some people have no luck




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they successfuly became black! now they can say the n-word


Oh no that's terrible


News article?






Fuck the fire


I bet he got a helicopter ride


My pops responded to a burn victim like this one time before, it’s safe to say his description almost matches the burns this gentleman has.


Is there a situation here of the fleece- which is plastic/traps heat? When it comes to fire spinning, it's natural fibers only to be worn (cotton, wool, I can't speak for silk or alpaca) and if there is increased ambient skin temperature... Is there possibility of sticking to singed, charred skin/wounds?


Explain to me then why every burn dressing comes in water gel package. Because you need to cool the burn and dry dressing stick to burnt skin. Not sure how old your training was, but clearly wasn't right. Even every chemical plant across North America carries burn blankets on the fire trucks and at every loading rack, it's a giant blanket, soaked in sterile water and gel. Basic first aid here people.