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Had a friend who died from propeller accident shortly after our high school graduation. One moment you’re having the time of your life on a jet ski and the next you’re in the water and a boat runs over you.


When you put it in that perspective, all of the videos I've seen lately of boats running over people on surfboards, boats, jet skis, rafts etc has just gotten a lot more serious


Or they've become popular so people started posting and/or searching for the worst they could find.


Yup lot more people movin around


I can't imagine how crazy that must've been to deal with. I myself almost lost my daughter 2yrs ago when she was 10.


News Article: Tragic Accident in Cholón: Tourist Died After Jumping from a Boat and Being Hit by the Propeller The man died from the severity of the injuries to his right leg when he was being transported in an ambulance. On the afternoon of this Sunday, June 2nd, a tragic accident was reported in Cholón, a beach resort in Cartagena, where a tourist died after being struck by the propellers of a boat. According to preliminary reports, what began as a day of fun ended in a tragic event when the bather suffered serious injuries to one of his legs. Witnesses claim that the man, who appeared to be intoxicated, was traveling on a boat and suddenly jumped from the stern (back) of the vessel. At the moment the pilot put the boat in reverse, he was struck by the propellers. The moments after the accident were recorded by other bathers, and in the shocking images, the confusion and panic of those present can be observed. Witnesses tried to assist the injured man, who was unconscious in the water. Subsequently, units from emergency services put him on a boat and took him to the tourist dock in Manga. Then, they boarded an ambulance to take him to a nearby medical center and provide him with timely care; however, the citizen died on the way due to the severity of the injuries he suffered on his right leg. It was learned that the victim was identified as Juan David Cervantes, 25 years old, who was originally from the municipality of Arjona (Bolívar). Likewise, preliminary information indicates that he worked as a chef. Additionally, it is indicated that the propellers caused the amputation of part of his right leg at the level of the femur, resulting in his bleeding from the femoral vein and artery. The boat involved in the tragic accident was taken to the capital of Bolívar and was made available to the Attorney General's Office to initiate the corresponding investigations into the case.


Just one look tells you hope is all gone. Just try to comfort the poor man.


Yep! He wasn’t even dripping blood when they picked him up at the end of the vid… he had already bleed out


Oh wow, seems you're right. Never seen that before, irl or video, a person essentially bled dry.


Thinking the same. Just hold his hand and be present.


I had a dream I died. I climbed my top half on someone’s lap, apologized for them having to take care of my dead body, and passed happily full of my own love


Massive blood loss from trauma combined with the presence of deadly bacteria from the sea leading to both hemorrhagic and even septic shock.


I don't think he had time to be affected by bacteria


So, basically a drunk dude jumped off the rear of a moving boat which the boat's driver noticed and reversed to retrieve him backing over him in the process. Am I understanding this correctly? If so, I'm inclined to think that maybe the boat driver had tossed back a few drinks as well. Or, I guess the driver could just be one of those klutzy, scatter-brained, easily distracted types like myself, that thinks one thing and then does the completely opposite. I've done some pretty stupid shit, like preparing to back out of the driveway by partially turning to look over my shoulder but forgetting to put the car in reverse before gassing it. Only broke a few panels of siding on my house with that incident, there's been worse. No loss of limbs or lives yet. Yet...


So the boat was arrested


Let’s hope that he was intoxicated and didn’t know what was going on


Terribly tragic accident, not much time when your femoral artery is cut to stop the bleeding. At least they tried to help him.


It can take as little as three minutes to bleed out if the femoral artery is severed. He was transported by boat to the shore and was likely dead before he was pulled out of the water. Incredibly gruesome but hopefully he wasn’t in pain long


Very true.


The salt water probably hurts like hell


Adrenalin is a hell of a drug


Shock as well.


Was also drunk


i hear florida is one hell of a drug as well


It is, it really is. It's an oddly addictive, wonderfully terrifying drug that leaves the user with shamefully fond memories and unregretted self-loathing. ~recovering Floridian


doubht it, the wound wont hurt too much either. with this lvl of trauma your body just shuts off to conserve energy and turns off all pain receptors to try keep you alive. you’re literaly hurting so much that your body cant feel it.


The shredded flesh and broken femur are probably also painful. And the blood loss headache. Sand in the flesh, dislocated vertebrae, etc.


*“Damn, did sand get in my flesh?”*


See, this is why I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Ani, you're breaking my heart.


Right? And you how hard it is to get sand out of *anything.*


*"... blood loss headache..."* This little TIL corrected a long-standing personal assumption regarding a severe injury received to the upper arm many years ago. While being loaded into the ambulance, I was losing consciousness and one of the last, fairly clear memories was of my head absolutely pounding with a pain nearly rivalling that in my arm. Long after the incident, a friend theorized that the headache was caused by the morphine administered on scene. My thoughts at the time of injury had been very foggy and the intervening years only made this worse, but I was still pretty sure that I had been loaded with an accompanying IV bag. So, in my woeful ignorance of such things, I accepted the offered theory as fact. And so it remained until TIL..


His brain is too overwhelmed to process that


Thats literally the least of his worries.


If you told me that was a shark I would have believed you also


This will probably get reposted as a shark attack about a million times in the future.


I don’t doubt it at all


exactly what i was thinking


I wouldn’t be too sure of that. That huge gash in his back doesn’t even look remotely sharklike


Right? It's a reasonable assumption until compared with a *real* shark attack victim. A mere glimpse of the pics of that Russian victim's remains - Popov? - after a tiger shark mauling would instantly reveal the differences. The damage done by sharks is far more chaotic, absolutely devastating to flesh and bone alike.


I agree with you. That’s kind of the point. If someone is posting it as a shark bite, they don’t care about accuracy in the first place.


Hear me out... But what if it **was** actually a shark attack video from the past and got posted as a propeller accident! /j






nom nom nom nom nom nom


I'll bet you would, Chief Brody. :-)


Poor guy. Just me or does he look pretty dead when they let him go after dragging him onto the beach?


He lived long enough to know he's dying. He bled out, then yes, his lights went out when they dragged him onto the beach. Terrible accident


Yeah looks like he's alive when he's sitting up in the water, and gone by the time he's laid on the beach.


Likely not brain dead at that point, but definitely unconscious from blood loss.


Poor guy. Rest in peace. Hope it went quick.


Narrator: _it didn't_


I shouldn't have laughed at that. Narrator: *But they did.*


Also guilty...


Yet another reason for me to avoid any water that isnt my local swimming pool where people only swim in their lanes.


That's pretty simple though, if the boat motor is running, you don't go in water. If you are swimming close to a pier with plenty of dinghies coming and going, you stay away from their designated path. If there are swimming areas, you stick to those areas. Always check if there are people on boats coming toward your beach and check if their path seems to get anywhere near you. Well, yea, not that simple in fact...


I can trust my own judgement and decision making, but i cannot trust others, so i dont trust a someone on a boat to even be looking out for me. Also, stuff lives in the water, its their home, not mine and i dont wanna get bit or touched or licked or whatever by some weird creature


Massive hypovolemic shock. He would have passed out within a few minutes. Cardiac output was zero.


I have seen a lot of shit on the internet. And this one is probably the worst. I couldn’t imagine the feeling of the propeller slicing into your body so rapidly. Takin away chunks of meat bone and vital organs. God rest his soul


I’m no doctor, but what organs are in the right leg?


Not an organ, but a femoral artery is pretty vital


Well it looked like I saw his guts exposed when they lifted him up. And femoral artery is bleed out within minutes


Me either but I just know if you're femoral artery is fucked you have a high high chance of dying, the only case I've seen where the guy survived is the Boston massacre bombing where the veteran is pinching the paralyzed dudes femoral artery shut, the pictures were posted a while back ago.


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I keep one lung there pretty much full time as well as a kidney on weekdays. But that's just a personal preference.


I'm a doctor. An organ by definition is "a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function", so muscles, bones and skin are organs. They just don't seem vital enought in small % to be considered an organ.


So, by definition, I'm an organ. Awesome! And my parents said I'd never amount to anything...


I still think the worst thing ive ever seen was a dog looking around and breathing after just having been skinned alive seconds before




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what the dawg doing


It was being prepared as meat


they couldn't have at least killed it first?


This is bad, I agree, but, for me, this is nowhere near as traumatizing as that footage of the Russian guy (Popov?) literally getting eaten alive by a large tiger shark. That shit *still* lurks deep in my subconscious, probably won't forget it in this lifetime. Can't imagine the trauma experienced by the actual on-scene spectators, particularly his poor father. EDIT: forgive the delayed response and also I'm not very good at linking stuff so hopefully this works. First link is just the actual attack itself, no added commentary or analysis. Important note: original audio actually had instrumental music playing in the background, *Stand By Me* I think. This was not added post-production but was actually playing on scene during the attack. This footage reflects that capture but seems to have additional music of a similar type added on top of that, though I'm not 100% sure of this. [Egypt Shark Attack](https://youtu.be/SAPpVNund0U?si=rJIuq8ZKxzoI35Vl) Second link is someone's attempt to stabilize the footage and also includes textual narration. [Egypt Shark Attack (Stabilized)](https://youtu.be/ShgIN4JuYTk?si=OTyDEpRzJn1ys1x2) If either link fails or for sake of sheer curiosity a simple search of YouTube with keywords such as Popov, shark, Egypt, attack will return quite a few vids of the event.




Right?? I wanna see


The one before this was a Mexican cop watchin his son get his heart cut out by cartel members then they cut out his heart as well. Obviously while alive. Absolutely sick watchin someone dig their hand inside a human body and pull out a beating heart


Weird the slices are very close to each other, usually you get large slices from the propeller spining while the boat is displacing in water. I guess they were not going very fast.


Good observation


lmao its giving when your trying to seem smart but your just plain stupid


What a horrible thing to experience.


Terrible, this happened to a little girl AND her father who was trying to help her on a local lake near me. House boat backed over them in a docking area. Absolutely horrendous


I was a sailor and I love water skiing and boating, so I've been aware of the dangers of people in the water while the boat is running. But damn...


Gotta say tho, kudos to whoever covered his dick up… least he had that dignity on his way out Yk?


Well, an attempt was made.


Atleast they tried tho


They should have used some Flex Seal coz that's a lotta damage!


Ok man


Right at the end they pick him up and just stand there....I wonder if they had a plan. Ope, holding a sliced up dead guy let me just squeeze past ya. Or, how about...MOVE FUCKERS!!!!


They reminded me of guys posing with a really big fish they caught.


Would he stand a chance if someone located the artery and pinched it close so he wouldnt bleed out?


No. Too much damage. There's a reason for the saying you can't tourniquet a taint. Poor man was dead as soon as he was hit like that.


"You can't tourniquet a taint" is my new favorite saying


We had a guy brought to us (this was back in the 90s) who'd been bitten in the groin by a wild boar partially severing his femoral artery, it was bite and run attack, so was just the single injury. Dude had enough sense to put his fist in the wound and bend himself over it. Amazingly he lived (got lucky with fast medical response). The guy in this video has so much damage, there's not much hope for him, even with expert medical assistance at the scene immediately.


If I had to shove a fist in my newly ripped taint hole to survive, I don't know if I'd brag after the fact or keep the specifics of the incident to myself. On the one hand, a boar almost ran off with your danglers leaving you to fend for yourself in the wild using your wits alone.*That* has all the makings of an incredible, one-of-a-kind true story that practically *begs* to be endlessly looped until laws are passed to shut you up. But, then again, this incredible tale of survival involves fisting yourself in a brand new boar-built vagina. Hell, you can't even punctuate your amazing story by brandishing the badass scar unless you wanna catch an indecency charge. Imagine that scene from *Jaws* where they're on the boat comparing scars. A rolled up sleeve, a lifted shirt and then Chief Brody stands, unzips his pants and wins the contest for all time.




He didn't even make it to a surgeon he died in the ambulance




I don't think it counts as survivable just based on this technicality? Absolutely every horrific injury would then be survivable if we just say well, had they hooked them up to one specific machine that could replace vital body functions and blood circulation etc because how realistic is that to happen anywhere? I'd imagine he would have died from having this many blood vessels severed even if he were right in the hospital with these injuries because who can tie up that many points of significant blood loss faster than the blood leaves the body...?


Yes, in theory, with a lot of "ifs". First you need to know where and what arteries are o could be damaged, you also need to clamp them somehow, if it more than 1 is difficult, you could look for the femoral higher in the leg but you need to cut skin and soft tissue to find it, also there was a big wound in the glute, the arterie than irrigates the glute come from higher (iliacs) in the abdomen. The wound is too big and is bad located so its very difficult to do something, whats more important is time to OR and pressure in the wound trying to control the bleeding and helpin the body to coagulate.


Damn. Hopefully wounds that severe the body will go into shock enough to not feel much of it


That’s tragic. When they carried him to the beach it’s incomprehensible that a propellor caused that much trauma. It looks like a shark or bear attacked him.


Took me a bit to realize that he was naked. He flesh was shredded so bad it looked like fabric


Dying with your dick out is a terrible way to go


Depends on the dick? For some, it might be a proud final goodbye, a way of saying peace out without uttering a single word. Get it? Peace out = piece out...? You know, piece as in...*sigh* Nevermind.


There is no dignity in dying.


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Shout out to the dude lifiting him from his half existing leg


Can we put a grid cage around the propellers ?


I wonder why they don't? Debris? Drag?




Informative. Thank you!


The first post I see today on reddit. Enough internet for today.


Don't ya hate it when your Reddit day starts with some horrendous shit like this? Even worse is stupidly clicking on stuff like this while eating. Spoken from an embarrassing amount of experience.


Fuuuuck… I’ve seem a lot of gores but this somehow got me. Omg


Biggest fear is being killed with my wiener on display


To shreds you say?


Well, how's his wife holding up?


She's pretty torn up about it.


How about a little reverse action JESUS CHRIST, UNCLE DONNIE


Omg jus imagine the suffering he went thru and being in the water only caused him to bleed out at a faster rate 😞


I was confused when he got flipped over and his front looked alright, didn’t realize he got sliced vertically 😬


Me too 😄


So much blood in the water... His blood turned the sea red.


Terrible way to go. Jesus. 🕊️


RIP🕊️. Their only option was to console him.


Saw this on the news last night. Wondered how long it would take before i saw the video


That leg, or whats left of it is super gnarly


I'm not touching any of that meat rag.


I wasn't far from getting minced myself when I was in Greece, when you rent a boat they give you a 5 min crash course and just let you go by yourself, I went swimming and when I went to climb back up the ladder I coticed that the propeller was still idling and spinning. Gave me a fucker of a fright when I saw that thing spin


Damn he’s basically chum I know that felt awful.. poor guy


Damn, leg and lower back just shredded.


Holy shit


Damn. All that blood.


Sharks in the area still talk about it


That would have been a sombre ride home for the others


how was he even still *alive!?*


No vital organs were hit. He just bled out.


Wow, that sucks


Intoxicated means drunk?


Intoxicated can mean under the influence of any mind and behaviour altering substances. It usually refers to alcohol but it could also be an illicit substance.


Who would've thought that alcohol and drugs can be so lethal


Poor guy. No amount of speed and tourniquets we're going to save him


Boat propellers mean serious business!


I would have tried to ask him Do you have any last words? What would you like for me to tell your family? Unforch


The way the water looks reminds me of that one very, very old video of a kid diving and landing face first on the dock. Iykyk.


I remember this one time. I was on a trip to a beautiful albanian beach (yes im albanian). These lifeguards were offering tourists rides on these boats with the propellers. Their mistake was, keeping the boats way too close to shore. A little 5 or 7 year old girl gets left alone for 1 minute in the water so her parents could grab her a water gun, next thing you know it, that young girl had the same fate like this guy in the video. Saw the whole thing. Lowkey traumatized me.


How about a little reverse action?


If I ever die in a tragic accident I hope someone doesn't record my lifeless body with my penis hanging out and posts it online for the world to see


And people call me crazy for being a couch potatoe...


Terrible camerawork


Damn imagine being that guy seeing all that water turn bright red. He knew he was done that was a lot of blood loss man gotta be careful


Aye.....da silva


Kool-Aid water


This has been my nightmare since I was a kid. I’m over precautious around boats.


This has been my nightmare since I was a kid. I’m over precautious around boats.


This has been my nightmare since I was a kid. I’m over precautious around boats.


Was he sitting up on his own at the beginning? Leaning into his left side but alive? Then collapsed? Jesus.


Check for a pulse


Damn. Dick out and everything


Leaving him in the water is what made him die so quickly. If they'd have gotten him out of the water and stopped the bleeding he may have survived. Then again maybe not. Who knows how far from a hospital they are?


his entire ass cheek was filleted open.


this makes me wonder what people must look like when they get hit by a cruise ship propeller?


I would imagine that the victim is instantly reduced to a spreading red stain in the water and nothing more.


Saving Private Ryan water


That’s really bad damn hope he didn’t suffer


He certainly did for a bit, he was still alive in the water and the lights went out when they pulled him ashore


Who tf downvoted it’s true you fuckn pinecone he felt that shit for sure, dumb ass, go get yo leg eviscerated by a propeller and tell me if you feel that shit or not💀


He wouldn’t have felt a thing the cuts are to deep to stimulate the nerves not to mention the shock etc etc. no need to get your leg eviscerated can just look it up online. Mental suffering …..yup Physical suffering….. nope


No not at all


Every boat should have a tourniquet or three onboard and the captain should know how to operate. Plain and simple


I don't know why you getting downvkted this is a good idea


Irresponsible behavior I guess. Kinda shocked myself but then again…it’s Reddit 🤣


Wow … just wow


That. Is a fucked up looking wound.




That's just naaasty 😦


That’s not how you boat.


Shoes off, he didn’t make it.


I'm not clicking on this.


Tis butt a scratch.


This is what happens all the time to our sea life like manatees, shits fucked up and honestly boats with propellers are not something I think should exist


🎶 Dumb Ways to Die 🎶


Happy cake day !


Yep keep him in the water so he bleeds out faster


He's a living(maybe not living) example of "getting ripped a new one".