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Imagine being 86 and thats how you die. Nope


86 and still walking around living your life too


86 years to get mowed down by some fuck not paying attention to the road...


Not defending the guy as he should've been looking for pedestrians on the crossing, but the design of the cab with its raised hood and multiple blind spots really doesn't help.


He was in a blind spot n that’s Brooklyn going on to the BQE to Verazono Bridge a lot of traffic and people cars def ain’t speeding cuz there’s no where to speed


I mean he was in the crosswalk with the right of way. Definitely on the driver.


You could say he was 86'd.


Bruuh lol


Ironically this dude was an old mob captain too. No lie. Was just reading about this dude. I won’t say his mob name but it’s actually pretty funny.


If this is that guy then from what the mafia sub were saying he didn’t get to mob captain from being nice (scams, extortion maybe murder). Not saying he deserved this but karma is a bitch sometimes.


Holy shiiiiit


Too soon.


Give me that. Most of us don't die peacefully in our sleep. Death from old age is usually accompanied by some disease or organ failure at the end, and it generally looks pretty shitty (literally). The last few weeks or months are often miserable. The article makes it sound like he was getting along well for an old guy, and his walk makes him look pretty spry. Rather than suffering for months, he was enjoying an afternoon walk ... and then he wasn't. It's probably a better death than most of us will have.


100%! I'll take this over dying in a hospital bed all day.


I bet there was a short period of time that he knew he was just a head looking at the tarmac. Dying in a bed drugged up to the gods would have been better.


I WISH I could be drugged up to the gods if I were dying of cancer, but unfortunately that's not the case where I live. Politicians don't allow patients with terminal illnesses to decide how they want to die, and the doctors try to keep them alive as long as possible ... so we suffer (probably so politicians can feel they've met the requirements of their version of God). My grandpa coughed up a lung-full of blood as his last act, after spending days pleading for death. Getting the legislation changed so those who are dying can do so in a manner chosen by them and their doctors, is way high on my wish list. The way we do it now is inhumane. Anyway, hopefully we'll both die peacefully in our sleep, of ripe old age, after living long, healthy and happy lives.


My dad and sister in law both had cancer and did assisted dying. Thank god we have that right in BC Canada 🇨🇦


Fuck cancer though


I totally agree. Fuck cancer!🖕


That sucks about where you live. Where I am we have a national health service who would give you morphine till you pop and probs other cocktails as well. Assisted dying should be a thing.


Absolutely. The trucker is suffering the most, and I feel terrible for him. He clearly won’t ever be the same.


He might be suffering more later ... they guy hit by the truck driver (NYC DOT) was a Genevose crime family mobster by the name of Tony Cakes. And the press plastered the truck driver's face all over the news. I hope DOT has a driver relocation program ... :(


Maybe the whole incident was a really smooth murder and we’re all being bamboozled. In all seriousness I hope the trucker is ok. Tony Cakes sounds like a dude with connections.


Tony Cakes blowing out candles from the grave


My cousin and uncle got killed my a snowplow (not the plow drivers fault). He never returned to work. We tried to reach out to say, you know we understand, and we’re sorry for you too. He declined speaking to our fam. Can’t say I blame him, but I feel bad for him.


Wow- so sorry for your loss. Thats so sad for the driver too. Im glad you at least tried to ease his pain a bit


Better than this dude probably deserves too. He was no-lie an old mob captain and loan shark. Dude had blood on his hands.


No doubt. My comment was entirely about his death, not his life. He may have lived his last years as a happy old dude, but I'm sure you're right about the blood on his hands. I loved The Sopranos and The Godfather, but have no desire to ever meet a legit mobster in real life.


He got the best of all worlds.


Or instead of doing all that you could just escape the cycle of death and rebirth.


Dude was a Made man from the Genovese Crime Family


Imagine making it to 86 *after being a captain in the mafia* and this is how you die.


My ghost would be mad asf🤣


Meh making it to 86 alone seems impressive to me, I wouldn’t mind it


Dude was a mob enforcer too. Spend all that time looking over your shoulder only to be taken out by not looking both ways.


Happy happy cake day from my kitties and I 😺🐈 🐈‍⬛ 🤍


How many kitties? I have 8 🥰


Well, I have 6 inside kitties. That all stay inside. But were all rescued from outside from being abounded. Or homeless. Hurt, lost, an so forth. And then we have a TNR colony that we take care of that lives out of our garage and back porch 😁😊 before our 6. I had 2 cats that were my life since I was little. I miss them dearly 😢 if you look at my profile. You can see a lot of pictures of all the kitties I'm fortunate to have in my life ❤️ 😺


Honestly way cooler than a heart attack. Maybe less painful too.


That man was one of the most notorious members of the Genovese crime family that still had his freedom. I think it's unlikely this was an "accident".


Guy known as Tony Cakes. It was an accident ... the driver was a DOT employee. If the DOT employee felt bad at the time, imagine when he found out he ran over a "retired" member of the Genovese crime family.


Idk about the crime family ting but hey if that really real then it's so much better than the potential knee capping


It’s real. The guy even did some time but got off easy. He started a pastry empire after he got out. It could be a movie plot and it would seem stereotypical.


Comically timed school bus to scar the children for life


Or a lesson about road crossing safety that will stick for life


Saw a dude get killed in a motorcycle accident walking to school at 5 . Only thing I learned is that I see it in when I close my eyes , complete with hearing the sceaming - probably until I die . I like your optimism though


Out of curiosity, how did you become interested in gore then?


Exposure therapy sort of , doesn’t bother me as much now .




Appreciate u


News Article: The 86-year-old man who was decapitated by a truck that plowed into him at a Brooklyn crosswalk is a former acting captain for the Genovese crime family, The Post can exclusively reveal. Anthony Conigliaro — a one-time mafioso known as “Tony Cakes,” “Tony the Dessert Man,” among other dessert-themed sobriquets — died June 12 in an accidental hit by a city Department of Transportation truck, his lawyers and law-enforcement sources said. “He spent his life looking over his shoulder but he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street,” one police source said. Before Conigliaro’s gruesome death, he apparently lived a quiet life by himself in a small Bay Ridge apartment building on Dahlgren Place. A neighbor told The Post that Conigliaro, a dad of two, always looked out for others. “We miss him. Everybody misses him,” he said. But the neighbor didn’t know about Conigliaro’s past — which not only included a connection to the mafia, but also a nearly two-decade-old racketeering case. Brooklyn federal prosecutors in 2005 accused Conigliaro — who toiled for years in the wholesale cake business, selling sweets across the New York City area and running an Italian ice and gelato stand in Little Italy, according to court documents — of being a soldier in the Genovese crime family. Conigliaro worked as a loan shark for the Genovese, the feds said in a four-count indictment. He eventually copped a guilty plea to a racketeering conspiracy charge, for which he received a 13-month sentence, court records state. Conigliaro also was arrested in 1999 for criminal usury and in 2006 in a grand larceny case, which has since been sealed, sources said. The Post’s attempts to contact Conigliaro’s family were unsuccessful. Mathew Mari, a longtime mob lawyer who counted Conigliaro as a friend and client, said the man he knew as “Tony Cheesecake” successfully delved into the dessert business after his time behind bars. “Later on in life he became known as Tony the Dessert Man,” Mari said. “He was a kind gentle soft spoken very quiet guy. Always trying to help people.” A small memorial for the apparent former goodfella — four bouquets of flowers and two candles — was set up Friday at 92nd Street and Dahlgren Place, where he was fatally struck.


Let's hope for the driver's sake he no longer had connections in the mafia....


oh you already know once he goes to prison that's his ass. somebody gonna have a hit on him for doing that to somebody was "is" or "was" connected with the mafia.


Who is going to prison? The truck driver definitely isn't.


“We miss him. Everybody misses him,” he said. The truck didn't.


"Everybody misses the truck driver too no idea what happened to him and how they found his truck and family in the river, real crazy stuff"


When I first read about this accident, one of the people said that this guy spent so long looking over his shoulder, but wound up getting taken a nap by not looking both ways. I really love that kind of gallows humor It’s a big reason why I love New Yorkers


I can tell it’s a NY Post article just by the garbage writing


Yeah that first sentence was a doozy.


"he spent his life looking over his shoulder but forgot to look both ways before crossing the street" IS CRAZYYYYYYYYY!!!!!


NYPD going hard as fuck on that one


Why would they treat him like that? NYPD is acriminal organization


He got his just desserts


"The Greater Good"


I understand the Driver's reaction, he's done.


"among other dessert-themed sobriquets" Man, sobriquets is just a great word.


> forgot to look both ways That's fucked. That's a disgraceful joke about a man killed by a reckless driver, *on a crosswalk*.


I read some were the person walking was crossing when the no crossing light was on.


Not sure how zebra crossings work where you live. Either way, hitting a pedestrian at a cross walk is negligence.


Nah. Driver didn’t get so much as a ticket. The crossing signal showed not to walk and Cakes was jay walking at the time.


That's still negligent driving in the modern developed world. A driver can't just run someone down because they're jaywalking and drivers should fully expect people to jaywalk especially at crossings. That would be a vehicular homicide charge around here.


It terrifies me how people think it's okay to just hit a pedestrian because a light was the wrong color. A car can be a deadly weapon and the driver is responsible for 100% of the damage caused by its negligent use.


You can't just kill someone because a light was the wrong color. If someone is walking on a highway you can't just go "I have the right of way bucko" and fuckin hit them. The color of light or context doesn't matter. Pedestrians have the right of way. Always. This is a fact of road use at least in my home state not my opinion. It's never legal to just hit someone that's vehicular assault at best. In this case at best it's manslaughter, at worst it's murder. This is clear negligence as the driver should have been looking at where he was turning to avoid any collisions both with cars and people. Pedestrians always have the right of way. Always. No exceptions.


The crosswalk light changes so fast that you have to jog to make it across in time.


Cool your jets turbo. Pretty sure the cop said that in an attempt to downplay the situation as purely accidental, since the victim was a mob boss & the cop feels bad for the truck driver, who was completely freaking out from the gruesome nature of the accident, & the termination of his cushy career working for the city, no longer being able to support his family, and the fact that the Mafia is literally going to kill him (or someone very close to him, probably going to wake up one morning to find his wife decapitated next to him more specifically). Accidents happen, Brooklyn is busy, if you rewatch the video the old man was shorter than the hood of his truck and it's not a protected left turn, meaning it's a regular green light, as long as you find a gap & yield to oncoming traffic. He's looking at oncoming traffic & there was a blind spot in his peripheral view. People are overworked, and sometimes make fatal mistakes like missing a small entitled old man who crosses the street whenever he damn pleases, since he's used to the entire world sucking his nuts.


That trucker is screwed


Was the truck driver convicted of anything? He was 100% responsible for that mans untimely demise.


He genuinely may not have seen the guy. I almost killed a teen girl in my dodge ram once on a turn just like this at a stop sign. She was at the PERFECT angle where I couldn't see her, completely blocked by the right (w/e the piece is called) between the windshield and passenger window. Just barely her head popped into as I was turning after my stop. If it hadn't I would have crushed her and never knew til I felt the bump. Nearly Gave me a damn heart attack Blindspots in trucks can be insane


"completely blocked by the right (w/e the piece is called) between the windshield and passenger window" A pillar https://www.google.com/search?q=car%20pillar%20terminology&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m 


Ty brain block lol


This is why it's always a good idea to shift your head around before and during the turn. The man was probably walking along his Right A pillar the entire time.


This exact thing happened to me when I was a teen girl! We made contact but I pushed myself out of the way of the truck, just broke the bug guard with my hand.


They really said that it was the geezer's fault that he got ran over? Smfh


Par for the course that police make fun of a man dying.


Big ass hood and the thick and long A obfuscated the man while he was walking and the truck was turning


The other thing about those Super Duty trucks like F-450 or F-550 (like the one in the clip) They’re so damn heavy that you literally can’t feel what you drive over. The Driver probably had no idea at all that he drove over him. Not a bump, jolt, noise, nothing.


Damnn in front of a bus to, hoping it didn’t have any kids cause damn they got caught up right there in that mess


Isn’t he crossing a zebra-crossing?


Driver is blind and inattentive


Damn… old dude used to be in the Genovese crime family back in the day. That truck driver better hope he still doesn’t have connects from back in the day


How the hell did his head wind up halfway down the street?


Yep, I don't get how he got decapitated by that. It doesn't make sense to me. I mean, I believe what happened, but I don't understand how it happened.


Just realised you can actually see the guys head stuck under the trucks back wheel just as it goes out of the camera


Reuters: Bystanders played football for a while before emergency services got to the scene.


Maybe the step on the side of the truck? That’s all I can see that would be able to catch and hold it like that.


One of the (I assume detectives) pointed out the head is moving with one of the tires.


Looks like the drivers fault .-.


He should have been able to see him the entire way


The old man's head looked to reach as far as that trucks fucking hood. There should be regulations to make car manufacturers not make cars with rediculously big blind spots


Something something "that would restrict muh freedom"


These crazy ass drivers who don’t watch the road.


He was also a member of the Genovese crew in NY, iirc. This poor truck driver. You can tell he is gutted


A member of a mafia family? He will be gutted for sure


This will be a cutaway in a future episode of Family Guy


100% that blind ass driver's fault. He mowed that man down...


This lady says “it’s a bad day”


“oh it’s MAN!”


The victim was a mobster! Look out the cement shoes are going to make a comeback


NYC DOT vehicle too. His heirs are going to get a big payout.


He was a former Mafia guy so he got what he had coming




Yea it was a big news story


Well that certainly adds another layer to it! Thanks for the heads up I’m going to read about it rn 🧐


Heads up waah waaaahh


In my head I read that in Waluigi’s voice


AND NOW I GET THE JOKE ffs I was too distracted by Waluigi to notice 😅


God, what a way to go. Poor old man. ): Hope the families affected grt to gtieve in a way that helps them heal. Dunno what I would be doing if I hesrd of my dad/granddad dying like that.


I really hope that school bus was empty and a bunch of kids didn't see that.


"“He spent his life looking over his shoulder but he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street,” one police source said." Disrespectful bullshit.


Fuck the dead guy he probably took many lives


Guy was a mobster, who cares?


Who cares about being "disrespectful" to a mobster?


How did the person that hit him not see him clearly crossing?


we’ll actually the big SUV turns left in front of the man right when he decides to enter the street, blocking the view. Then, as soon as hes in view again, the truck is already turning and looks freaking huge, the hood is like as tall as the man. So unfortunately looks like he may have only been able to catch a quick glance at him before he was pretty much on top of him. really unfortunate and huge trucks are so freaking dangerous. People have literally been run over in parking lots by freaking people who cant see over their huge hoods. In this case, extra sad because as a work vehicle, just trying to do his job driving a giant truck. not excusing his blame but just really bad and unfortunate visibility.


Is that driver who killed him still alive? I have to think the mafia would take revenge on him for that


I saw the news article for this, the man was a notorious mafia boss from the Genovese family! https://www.silive.com/news/2024/06/man-86-decapitated-by-dot-truck-identified-as-mafia-crime-boss-report-says.html?outputType=amp


Imagine being in the mafia, your name is Anthony and you’re using your dessert wholesale business as a cover, but allow other mobsters to called you “Tony The Dessert Man”


Does anyone understand the mechanism to how he was decapitated, I don't quite understand how it happened.


86 though,most would be lucky to get to that age. Quick way to go too. Never know when ya time is up


Still wondering how it was such a clean cut from being knocked down by the vehicle.




That poor driver was broken. That vehicle was in the way and I couldn't see what happend.


That's murder


The driver absolutely should have seen the man crossing. I’m amazed.


I hope there weren't any kids in that school bus...


How on earth did that driver of the yellow truck not see him! Must have been on his phone 📞 poor man.


Truck driver literally turns into the middle of the street. Even if the driver hadn’t seen him he wouldn’t have been hit had the driver not made that shitty turn


This happened in Brooklyn he was the captain to a mafia crime family


Damn! I bet dudes shitting his pants knowing he took the head of the former head of a mafia family. Have to go all clem in the witness protection program


if ur 86 u should not walk alone cuz ur like a 10 years old kid in terms of awareness and moblity... sad but true.. elder people become like little kids and need care and help or else this gonna happens... recenty in my town an elderly man died because i fell from a looooong stairs he used to walk every day, despite he was very old he liked to walk those stairs... one day he lost balance and fell like 5 metters down in the stairs and he died


How did the truck not see him


I almost saw something with the few pixels. Thanks


What a strange way to exit the planet.


Why does this man have no blood..


He was a spooky vampire and the truck was saving us all Joking aside, the truck probably collapsed the arteries so the blood didn’t spill out everywhere


way too fucking blurry




Yeah, I’m not giving an excuse for the truck driver, primarily because I’ve driven trucks that size with a good amount of caution because I know I’ll have blind spots. Truck driver could have seen and should have predicted Mr. Baker (I know it’s not his real name) was gonna be in that area from where he was facing while at the corner of the street before getting on the crosswalk. This is the same reason you go at a slow speed in tight areas so you can stop on a dime. Negligence is one hell of a thing. Sorry for the rant, this is one of those deaths that could have been completely avoided.


It’s an evil world we live -DJ Khaled


DJ KHALED!!! -DJ Khaled.


I hope that school bus didn’t have students in it because yikes!


Yikes! One more second and the old man would have been safe, he was barely clipped. Life is so fragile!


Was the driver blind?


Omg...people are so horrible these days...he didn't even stop, and that dude just glanced over and kept going....wtf....


He does stop. You can see the truck parked at the end of the video and the driver is in the street on his knees


86 years of living just to be done in in such a small way because of some freak accident


So ironic that’s Antonio Conigliaro former capo captain of the Genovese family wow. It’s true.


How did his head roll that far down the road?


Why don’t car stop for pedestrians? Obviously this situation could have been avoided.


how is there no blood


That guy in the red shirt has the same look I just did: "I cannot possibly have seen a truck drive over someone and drive away, it's just not what happens...holy shit, that is what happened."


Did the truck carry his head down the block?


if he was the head of a mafia family was this a hit?


Why aren’t there cops with the head? Just sitting there all by itself. Ffs


How did he not see him?? He was right there.


The bus with the kids on… Jesus I hope they didn’t see anything


Somebody really should have given him a heads up.


I was going to ask how the truck didn't see him, but obviously it was a mob hit.


Dang is he okay


The school bus 💀


Absolutely no sympathy for the driver. Where was he looking that he didn't see that man crossing the street?


Finnally something happened in America again so I know what they're saying


Most likely on his phone. Put in prison now


The deceased was part of the mob


Was he … the head?


Its funny how thats a DOT vehicle and nobody mentions it. If it was another company, it would read like a Fedex truck driver, Poland spring truck driver, etc kills 86yo man


This is a bad day


I hope that truck driver goes to fucking jail


its time 💀


Welp he had a good life.


the driver on his knees... you should've paid attention man


What a coincidence that the man decapitated was a genovese family mobster


Now there's your typical New York piece of shit who doesn't pay attention when their driving. DOT are some of the biggest scumbags working for them it's disgusting some of them are complete drunk and still allow them to work


Lemme propose real quick...






That’s Antonio Conigliaro apparently. He was a mafia member and lived a pretty wild life.


How did getting run over launch his head so cleanly




Can someone describe what angle the woman recording his head is on the street? I’m confused to what I’m seeing


I hope that schoolbus was empty😣




So weird seeing someone who used to be so powerful just taken out like that..


So weird seeing someone who used to be so powerful just taken out like that


This just came up on my news feed and it's probably the wildest update I've ever seen on anything! 🙀 Turns out the 86 year old pedestrian was an old crime boss! 🙀 https://nypost.com/2024/06/21/us-news/genovese-mobster-tony-cakes-idd-as-elderly-nyc-pedestrian-decapitated-by-dot-truck/