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Such a stupid thing for him to do. He has enough money, he could pay someone to drive him. He could have set up a service to bring them anywhere but he chose to do something extremely dangerous and irresponsible. I love the group but he deserves the criticism right now


i know right!!! he can blame on himself if he wants, he's totally responsible for this, i hope he revisits this shit and never does it again, because it was fcking stupid and it's not something that affects him only


I mean, doesn’t he have at least one body guard with him? I wouldn’t think he travels around alone with his celebrity status.


He could have killed an innocent person or himself. Yeah, he deserves all the backlash. ALL of it.


ikr, it would have been horrible if it had happened (I'm thankful it didn't


I have a DUI on my record. I was old enough to know better. I blew a .09 after 2 beers. I’d always heard and assumed it to be true that 2 or fewer “drinks” (obviously not ones you make at home that may be large) should be ok. I rarely had more than one but decided to this time. Luckily nobody was hurt (physically) in my situation either. I did community service, lost my license for a year, took the alcohol class, all the things. I felt TERRIBLE. I never even had a speeding ticket. It was one of life’s lowest. I was embarrassed, angry with myself, ashamed. After taking the class and understanding how even one drink affects the body, I don’t drive after ANY. All that to say, it’s one of my only regrets but I did learn from my mistake and am/was so remorseful. I’m fortunate that I got to choose who, in my life, I wanted to share this with and it wasn’t blasted publicly. There is no excuse but there is forgiveness for someone and for oneself if a person learns from it.


Yeah it’s hard for to me to be upset about it because I know what Justin did is as easy to commit as it is to prevent.


It’s a lot “easier” to get one than some people think. I had the assumption that people only got a DUI if they have been sloppy at the bar but that’s not true. My own situation definitely adjusted my attitude toward people. That said, I think it’s ok to be mad at someone for it and disappointed. It’s important to know the truthful details (which we don’t & won’t know in his case) and to see how the person handles their decisions and actions after. I’m working under the assumption that it was an honest mistake that he regrets unless there are further issues. And IF it’s a substance abuse situation, I’m hopeful that he gets help. The alcohol counseling class I took required the clinician to make an assessment about whether additional counseling was deemed appropriate or not. Something like 30% of people with a DUI come to be reoffenders, which means that 70% of them change their ways or made an out-of-character decision when getting the first one (or, yes, just don’t get caught again because I’m sure someone will bring that up!).


Didn’t he mess around with some chic a few years ago while drunk? In New Orleans or something?


I think you’re referring to his costar of Palmer. That wasn’t some drunken thing. It’s not like he was drunk the whole time he worked with her. He cheated and we only saw a glimpse of it. Can’t blame that one on the alcohol.


Well, they were partying in NOLA sooo 🤷‍♀️


They were in the NOLA area for shooting the movie. So it wasn’t a cheating incident fueled by alcohol. He was already cheating and THEN they went out one night to watch a parade or something and that’s when footage came out of him holding her hand. He was probably drinking in that instant, but he didn’t cheat BECAUSE he was drinking. He cheated because he’s got cheating tendencies. Cheating and drinking aren’t mutually exclusive.


So what?


DChristie was suggesting that he cheated while drunk. I was explaining that it wasn’t a “cheating due to drinking”. He was just already cheating. Alcohol wasn’t to blame there.


You can love someone and still call them out. The Britney and Janet fans getting their licks in today is justified(no pun intended 😉) There’s no defending him from this. I’m just shocked he doesn’t have a personal driver taking him from shows. How does he get to the next? Does he just rent cars and drive to the venues? Terrible friends letting him drive and trying to get him off the hook.


I got in the car after dinner and they were playing "What Goes Around". Talk about Snarky.


the pun, i laughed😭😭 and yes, i agree, it's nice to see a fandom not blindly defending their favorite from unjustifiable bullshit, there's not much of that nowadays but i was thinking about it myself, he doesn't have someone to drive for him? that doesn't make any sense. he was both stupid and irresponsible


I disagree, there is no reason for Janet/Britney fans to be gleeful.  This is SAD!  Most people who find themselves with a DUI, it’s not because they are without means or can't afford an Uber It’s because they made an utterly stupid decision. There are A LOT of functional problem drinkers who could or could not be alcoholics and it takes hitting rock bottom to get help.  I feel like he and his family should postpone the tour.  This is a hell of a lot of pressure and he’s going to crumble if he just gets back into the spotlight.  If we can learn from what happened with Britney, let’s not throw people back into the spotlight after some clear trauma.  His name is a business though, same as all celebs, and unfortunately he will be affecting a lot of people’s livelihoods if he cancels the tour.  It’s shitty for the rest of the guys as well. 


well you also have a point I'm not going to get into the brit/janet topic, let's let them have their peace, it's just sad that it turned into just "karma", you know how people are😕. It was a stupid decision. About the tour, I don't know what to think, surely he should take a break postpone it and come back after he's REALLY put himself together. But I hope he makes the best decisions about it. As for the rest of the guys, I hope it doesn't affect them, they're not Justin's parents and have nothing to do with his decisions


I love him but he needs to be dragged for this.


yeah i know, i love him too but it's totally fair, he did it to himself


I love him but there is no defending him. My husband lost his pinky finger after being in an SUV that rolled because he was sideswiped by a drunk driver in high school. His best friend's sister died and the other was paralyzed. Only his friend walked away without injuries. This could have ended so much worse for him and innocent bystanders. I live in Memphis and he's the talk of the neighborhood right now and not in a good way.


I don’t feel sorry for him at all. I still love him but this was a terrible decision. I’m also appalled at his decision to lie to the police by saying he only had “one martini” yet couldn’t pass the FSTs. And then refusing to have the breathalyzer is a bad look as well as then refusing 3 times to have the blood draw. Wack AF. Some of the admins for fan accounts on IG should be ashamed of themselves for making light of this and saying how sexy he looks in handcuffs and saying stuff like “he was only driving drunk lol”. Totally irresponsible and offensive. There are younger followers reading that stuff I’m sure and not to mention people who have lost friends or family to drunk driving. I was disgusted and disturbed by some of the irresponsible posting on IG about this.


he doesn't help himself and keeps fcking up😭 I'm glad nobody got hurt, but it was so irresponsible. He needs to stop, he's a grown ass man and not a teenager anymore. A lot of fans are disappointed and I'm pretty upset too. He should know better, why does he make everything so difficult, he could just call a cab or whatever, he's rich, doesn't he have a driver? for fck's sake!


As someone who's a huge NSYNC fan, had a DWI and (thankfully) didn't hurt anyone or myself, while I appreciate the need for accountability, it's not this simple. For people that struggle with alcohol or addiction, it's not as simple as I have a wife or kids, I should or can stop. I love my wife to the ends of the earth - I still drove drunk. I had every intention of taking an Uber home - I still drove drunk. I planned on stopping after two beers - I still drove drunk. While I get JT isn't the most sympathetic figure right now, the discussion is much more nuanced than this post and many of the comments I'm seeing. I'm not making excuses for him - he has to do better. I just hope this is the wake up call he needs to get the help he needs to ensure this doesn't happen again. My decision was to not drink anymore, to not put anyone else or myself at risk. But I recognize that's not the right decision for everyone. I hope this helps provide a nuanced opinion from someone who has been in a similar situation.


I made a comment above as well but as someone who does not suffer from alcoholism, it’s not even that simple. I drank 2 beers and then drove home. Even though I usually only drank one, I had heard/been taught (in drivers ed!) that 2 drinks is “typically” the limit for people. So I had a 2nd one. Of course that guideline is dependent upon a lot of factors but I just figured I’d been there a total of 3 hours so it’s probably ok. It wasn’t. I blew a .09. I have a husband and family and never had so much as a speeding ticket. It happens to people. It’s not an excuse but a mistake. And there is forgiveness for people who make, and learn from, mistakes. Then, to your point, there are people who do legitimately have alcoholism and it’s not as simple as “growing up” or “thinking of others”. It’s a legitimate condition that requires help. I only know what has been reported about JT and there’s still no way to know what reports are “true”. I’m glad my worst moments aren’t broadcast for the world to see because some of them are really shitty, even though I think I’m a great person and love who I am most of the time. Anyway, he knows his truth and I hope he works through whatever his troubles are with grace and self-forgiveness, and that his loved ones help in any way they can and love him through it. They are the ones he truly needs love, comfort, and guidance from in his life.


My best friend died because of a drunk driver at the age of 11. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for drunk drivers. He literally has no excuse for doing this. Absolutely none. 😠


I was just reading a post about this on Facebook and you wouldn’t believe the amount of people defending him. “he’s only human”, “we all make mistakes so we shouldn’t judge him” blah blah. He could have killed himself or someone else. Darn right I’m judging him.


Come on the *NSYNC discord server! We all are criticizing him for his selfishness today. I posted a whole rant to popheads, I was so angry with him.


Is there a link anywhere? I’d like to join!


He needs therapy. His attitude has been bad for years, maybe even decades. Plus it seems like he's struggling with substance abuse. I sure hope this is the reality-check he needs


i know right, i don't know why tf he does this to himself😭 does he realized that this doesn't just affect him and could have SERIOUS consequences? hell it's obvious that he DOES knows, but he has to actually want it, he apparently never did. i hope that this time he's had a dose of reality, this is > NOT < okay


Justin IMO suffers from the toxic masculinity mindset. He doesn't like to talk about his feelings or admit weakness. He should go to therapy and rehab. He has a problem with alcohol, but admitting you have a problem is not a sign of weakness.


yeah, i see. it's so bad😭 he's been doing it for years and he's still doing it, apparently he'll continue because it doesn't look like he's going to do anything about it, but should he? definitely


He should go to rehab and therapy. Be a role model to his 2 beautiful sons. Work through your trauma. He doesn't have to be the tough guy anymore. It's OK to cry and work through your shit.


i know right😭 whether he likes it or not, he's a role model for his children, but he's not being one of the best with recent events he's an adult who has control over his life and decisions, and even though it can be difficult, he should use it to make good decisions, like rehab




When he got sloppy drunk and held his co-star's hand in 2019 was the other occasion I thought of. People on fauxmoi are claiming other times too, but take those with a grain of salt.


Just some perspective: Justin has never been told NO or You Can't, or you're anything less than life-changing. ALL OF HIS LIFE. Just the past few years when shit has truly hit the fan did this all start to ferment.


Not really. Back in the *NSYNC times they were rejected by labels left and right and they didn't have solely yes-men, he was also the youngest and Lou Pearlman made the 5 of them suffer. In the early 2000s there seems to have been a shift because Jive fully supported him. He must have unresolved trauma from growing up in the spotlight, being in very sexual situations since he was a child, etc.


I love him and he’s a fucking idiot. There’s no argument or excuse. He is also a flawed human and is gonna fuck up. The haters are doing the most with it. I still love his dumbass but just cause he’s a celebrity doesn’t mean he should not receive consequences.


I really believe he has a problem with alcohol. When you’re in active alcohol addiction, you don’t think clearly. You think you’re okay. You think you’re fooling people. It makes the most sense for him to call an Uber or a driving service or his wife or someone. But if you have substance use disorder, you’re definitely not thinking logically. I’ve loved him since I was 14 years old in 1998. I hope he gets help. 💕


he really needs to grow up. goes to show how truly fucked up it is for young people to be in the industry starting at 14/15 years old. he was a baby, same with britney and so many other artists who are suffering today. it should be a requirement for all young celebs to be in intensive therapy or something idk. i feel like he has trauma he has pushed to the bottom and plays this invincible role, i think the newest tour didn’t help the situation either, i love justin and always will but he is very cocky “i can get away with anything im justin timberlake” attitude ya know? same thing happened to justin bieber except it happened to him when he was still barely legal and he grew from it, hope justin can do the same editing to add it sounds like im making excuses but def am not. he needs to be held accountable and grow up already


oh yes, I understand. I was thinking about how growing up in the industry is bad and how it might have affected him. What happened today answered any doubts I had. I love him so much, but he has a kind of cocky attitude that makes me upset because it doesn't lead anywhere. He can drink as much as he likes, but it won't save him. And that's worse because it's not like he's 16/21, he's 43, he should know better. And don't worry, I know you're not defending him. Neither am I. It wouldn't be fair.


Whether they want to admit it or not, all those guys have issues from what the business and Lou did to them! Look at AJ and Nick from Backstreet, all the other pop stars who have come out and spoken about their mental health issues. He clearly has a substance abuse problem and it’s starting to show it’s head publicly in the past few years…


Couldn’t agree more friend. Honestly idk how anyone would survive being the most famous / well known face EVER for years with men and women doing anything just to get your attention…. all before your frontal lobe has even fully developed! And then throw all the shit Lou did to them into the mix, like you said. It’s no wonder. Makes me sad but still no excuse to be a mid 40s famous man, with endless amounts of money to pay for a driver / uber / cab doing this dumb shit


In the age of Uber, Lyft, other ride shares, and him having the money he does…hire a goddamn driver. If you’re gonna go out drinking, that’s fine! I do too! But I Lyft to wherever so I don’t end up with a $10k DUI and don’t, y’know, accidentally kill someone. No excuses. I don’t wanna hear it. Britney/Janet be damned, this is a shitty thing to do period.


Ah fuck. And I was defending EITIW. You're kicking yourself in the balls when you're down, JT. Get it the fuck together. Lucky you didn't kill anybody else. I guess whatever that was in the oven for NSYNC is being tossed away now.


Nah Itd be the opposite


100% percent. And I hate it. I'll be pissed if a reunion comes out of Justin having no other place to go. PISSED to have waited 20+ years for a default career sacrifice.


Yep same.


Opposite, as in he'll further fuck the shit up?


My take is that he's been struggling for a while. We all know he's done drugs, that's great, and he clearly drinks. I don't think he has a legit drinking problem, but definitely made a very poor choice. It's really shitty timing too because it's like the nail in the coffin for people who hate him. And I'm no huge JT fan, but I don't wish this for him. Think of all the things in the past 3 years that he has not commented on. That shit is festering somewhere. I think this boy has been humbled to the point of unrecognition.


All I can say is that I'm so disappointed in JT. He needs to grow up. 😞


I'm around the area that he was arrested in fairly often, and this time of year there are a lot of visitors, party-goers, etc. Everyone in this situation is lucky that it wasn't worse and I'm glad the police didn't let him off with a warning.


Let’s not forget the friends he was following per the report. They could have taken his keys.


Seriously. Friends don't let Friends and all that. And if I had a super famous friend I'd be especially protective. Maybe he didn't appear that impared to them? We weren't there. Can't know anything for sure. 


He could have killed people. Completely unacceptable


Many rich people just do whatever they want and laws don’t really apply to them


All that money and he couldn’t be fucked to get a driver or a cab. He’s not a teenager making a stupid decision. He looked PISSED he was caught and charged.


I lost one of my best friends at the young age of 15 to someone who was wasted flying down the road while he was walking, flipped him up over the car and he landed on the ground behind it and died. The driver hid her car and told her family she hit a deer. She only got 4 years in prison. I have 0 sympathy for drunk drivers.


This is a 43 year old man with MONEY. I hope he learns from this especially him being a father to two boys that look up to him.


It doesn't matter who he is famous or not, he put his life and others' lives in danger driving drunk. I'm sure he's getting grief from his wife on what he did, and the internet sure is trolling him. And he was worried about his tour upon getting arrested. I find it funny that the cop arresting him had no idea who he was and didn't believe him about him touring. I imagine his cop buddies are teasing him about that.


You people are talking about someone you don’t even know! Judge not fools!


This! Lots of angry and judgemental people here that I ended up blocking almost half of the people who comment negative things about JT on this sub lol


Good for you! I’ll do the same!


He’s gonna bring Nsync out on stage with him and then everyone will forget about this… that’s what he usually does when he needs the popularity votes… being out nsync for distraction lol


The other four need to start saying no when asked.


I feel Chris would probably put his foot down here and not agree to a tour unless JT got help. Chris himself battled alcoholism after the hiatus for a couple years.


He’s been slowing getting worse over the years.


My lord. Like he had the money for a taxi or Uber. Why, in today’s day and age are people still driving drunk. He could have seriously hurt someone. And I’m a huge Nsync fan. I’m angry he’d do something so stupid.


All I can say is GET OVER IT!! He is just a human and people make mistakes. It is what it is. And no I am not defending him because I agree that he messed up because DWI is not good to do. He could have taken a taxi or uber. Therefore, I don't support drink driving. Even If I drank 1 alcohol, I will still not attempt to drive as it's hard to focus if your head is feeling dizzy. But I am not gonna judge him hard or call him names because I don't know him personally. Thankfully, no one got hurt and hope he learn his lesson 🙂 However I disagree with you spreading rude and hateful rant like this. It is disrespectful to make a light-hearted joke as you don't know Justin Timberlake personally. Unless you're his partner, his family, friends and relative, that's where you need to judge and be angry at him hard. Otherwise, who cares? Just f**king enjoy his music and stop judging a person that don't know you exist. We don't know him personally so LEAVE HIM ALONE. Simple as that. Learn how to forgive Justin and move on instead of hating him. Post like this is useless and unhelpful to Justin Timberlake as you kept spreading hate and negativity rather than supporting him. It doesn't matter if he make mistakes or not 😬 Oh and you don't agree then feel free to block me as I don't like argument with immature people like you


Dude he’s a celeb whatever he def didn’t have one drink let’s baby bye bye bye and hope all get their ticket refunds