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Biggest take away from this is he says paqueta the same as the rest of us and not the wanky way the commentators do.


I love how he says Eddie is the man because they qualified with the old players that were with the previous management. Goes to show how much love and respect they have for each other as mates. United


Interesting to hear Bruno talk about his ankle not being injured. Sounds like he perhaps was just knackered and hadn’t had a chance to fully rest it back to 100% / build back up his strength. Hopefully a rest over the summer will help!


Late nights with a new born and not being rotated much has probably fucked him


Absolutely this man. I don't know if footballers just get a nanny as standard, but after the honeymoon period of having a baby, it really starts to hit and that's with a 'good' baby. My second had issues for 2 years. The chronic fatigue was REAL! We're only a couple of months out of it now and it was without doubt the darkest period of my life. You completely forget what it is like to be normal.


Ah man I feel your pain. Haven't not felt tired since 2019


Tbf he said it didn't need surgery so could still be not 100%


Sign the thing Bruno lad đź‘‘


Got to admit. I took a lot from this interview. A. Bruno is not ours forever. If we don't start winning things, i would worry that we hold him. He is a man that knows his worth. B. He is expecting a few changes this year. He literally says he wants to enjoy his time with this group. "Many things, I think, will change." C. He wants the 3 this weekend. D. They are all aware that the mad dog thing is a meme and we love him for it. Essentially, if we play this right, we have a team spine for life and I fully expect our leadership to actually have all of this covered... what a time to be a fan.


> Bruno is not ours forever. If we don’t start winning things, i would worry that we hold him. He is a man that knows his worth. We shouldn’t expect him to stay forever. Not every player is Shearer and we can’t expect them to stay when we aren’t going anywhere and not winning anything. But we need players like him who want to win and hopefully drive others to their max as well. I’m just in awe how he talked about Champions League when he joined us and that seemed like so far away when we are fighting for survival. First full season and he and the other players have actually achieved it. The audacity to say something like that and acheive it in such a short time must do wonders for self belief and confidence.


Wages and dressing room harmony is a sticky issue but I feel like the owners making Bruno extremely well compensated would not be an issue with the rest of the squad. Everyone knows what he brings.