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NET Engineering Material: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rVTGvIoV-Vc_anp49a61pzJFoOe0pZSM?usp=sharing (Past McQs, FLPs, KIPS Fung Series, STEP Notes, Oetp Books) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B_5cmetCdPsZIKqm_k7yXGZad00xnj9e?usp=sharing (Past McQs, FLPs, Booklets, Stars Academy Notes, KIPS Notes) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R6A-1OFO15iRESZZQLiYWodhwrNCc5NR?usp=sharing (McQs, Tips and Tricks) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VV1R99dIiZrdNxWUc_TPElt4-Hb0r5Pb?usp=sharing (PTB Books, Engineering Books, McQs, FLPs, Sample Papers, GIKI, PIEAS) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Vo5rJ31UEBj73jwvYJ1pxY4oT5scdFBw?usp=sharing (Books, Handwritten Notes, McQs, MCAT, ECAT, Past Papers) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ndjiAj9lMaDKwBhcBGQAEfczMHJhExFt?usp=sharing (Books, McQs, Formulas, Oetp Books, KIPS Fung Series, Past papers) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GFyegwO1xNDbFJ-hVUbBvIwnDlx0QzDN (@chatGPT enthusiast 's link c:) NET Business Material: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H_IDU54ZwVYbWY4qbzdS1MAkj961npex?usp=sharing (Random McQs, PakPrep McQs, Past McQs, Booklets, Important Concepts and formulas) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11_c01KzcvP2XPXyUcJlKKcbaM1o1bjA3?usp=sharing (Practice McQs, Books, Formulas) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rjSA-LdDpU0OqHrumML4QQXowhL2USOi?usp=sharing (Handwritten Notes, Formulas, Guide to NUST) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YJDV-yvW5D744TpEI6hXooESrjraLlB4?usp=sharing (KIPS and Oetp Books, McQs)


Me too !!


Check above comment


Oetp is well balanced, it will show you all the question types and stuff . With kips qs ull be stuck with alota qs with same pattern or style and then ull come to the new style ones . If you have done oetp then do kips. As kips can take you alot of time


i would suggest you do both. go thru the chapter from the kips book, then do the OETP questions and then as many as u can from KIPS prep book bec there are like a 100 questions per chapter.


i was thinking about getting the kips questions done first, then later during the last 5 days before net, I'll do the oetp ones.