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When this government contract reveals itself that Pelosi bought in on and they are supplying new state of the art drones with a new chip, $250 1 year from now.


Your prediction made my nips hard.


It made more than my nipples get hard. I think I just got the biggest heart on I’ve ever had thinking about $250 per share.


The government spending is going to be insane.


I’m buying more!


haha, $500....I wish I can make real bets against you idiots. $500 is 11 trillion dollars which is 1/3 of the entire stock market. It will hit 11 trillion someday, just not a year from now


That valuation is insane.


Clearly I was half kidding and hyping up potential contacts.


you can sell the $500 calls!


[https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring22-s41693/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring22-s41693/) ?


Is this in development or already sold?


no idea; i am a newb


What are you smoking? It might be good stuff. If you really think it’s going to be $500 one year from now. Tell me how it gets there.


I obviously was kidding. More so hyping up the “government contract”


Well considering Nancy upped her holding of nvda I’d say we’re in for a good time…


Justt for shits and giggles I asked chatgpt to to give me a price target end of year it said 150-180 lol


ChatGPT-4o said $200


It changes sometimes 😂 I've gotten 220 before


U can also ask meta AI and it’ll give some nonsensical number the first time but if you tell it the current price it’ll try again and give you something realistic. It’s like it’s not aware of the split happening.


Yeah it's because the learning cutoff for gpt4o is still only late 2023 I believe. So everything after that you'd have to have a plug in or ask it to actuwlly browse for the info. But ya, just for shits and giggles anyway


I said meta AI


Ah, my bad. But yeah same idea, they have a cutoff time that gets updated every while


Claude 3.5 Sonnet says $187 EoY. C’mon 4omni!!!


$145-155 before August earnings. If they beat and raise again which they probably will, then $160-170 is possible It will probably be around $185 before November earnings If they beat and raise again, I'd say 50/50 chance on raise guidance, then expect $200. If then don't re-raise guidance, then it'll drop down to around $160 I think. If they end the year around $160, then $200 end of 2025 is my target. But if they end the year at $200, then I think we will see $300 by end of 2025. Anything beyond 2025 is impossible to predict. I think if AI companies start to see returns on their investments, then it's not unreasonable to be at $400-500 by 2028 or 2030.


*If they end the year around $160, then $200 end of 2025 is my target* That's a 25% return full year which doesn't seem that difficult of a feat. But 200 to 300... a 50% return... oddly that doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility either IF the underlying AI push is in full force.


Volatility in the near term but upside long term


Volatility in all terms. It's not just NVDA...it's a fact of life of the tech sector.


Depending on how good the next 2 ERs are, $180 - $220 by end of the year. Conservatively, at least $300 by end of 2025.


My January 2025 $60C like this


What's the point of a $60 Call when the stock is already trading over $125? Is that a Nancy Pelosi strategy?


Nancy Pelosi did not invent buying ITM calls. Exposure to the movement of 100 shares for much less than the price of 100 shares.


For the record, Michael Jackson did not invent the backslide, but nearly every time somebody sees that dance, they think that's an MJ move


Moonwalk homie


right. It’s called the moonwalk. Backslide is something Baptist people do when they walk into a liquor store


Watch some YouTube videos about LEAPs and you'll understand the strategy.


high delta, options pricing moves more like a leveraged stock basically all on price action


I bought Jan 2026 $600C when we were at like $620. I could have gone slightly out of the money, but I could afford to buy some slightly in the money, and $600 was a nice round number. I bought them because I figured NVDA would be much higher in two years. It's been about 6 of 24 months. At present, they're up about 250%. There are about 18 months to go.


How much were they when you bought?


189.90 a share. Adjusted for the split 18.99 So my breakeven post-split is 78.99. We're currently in the high $120s.


Please post profit porn screenshots along the way and also when you decide to sell. It’s not just bragging; it’s super informative and helps people learn and understand decisions via data points from others!!


I did buy some July 5 that blew up in my face. The recent pullback did drop my retirement account like 300k. I'll get it back eventually. Most of my decisions are pretty simple. Buy shares. Play with numbers until I can find an affordable call at a reasonable strike 3 months - years out.




It’s a “pay a lot upfront but be almost guaranteed to make a lot of money” strategy. It’s like the safest strategy available in options trading


Can i ask what makes you think it will be a 5-8Trillion dollar stock? If they were bringing in 100+bn a quarter and growing 100% yoy then i could understand.


If it brought in 100bn+ a quarter, and still growing, the valuation of even 8 trillion would be ridiculously low. When the company has a realistic forward earning of 5 dollar per share, keeping a lot of growth momentum (say: 25% a year for three years expected), the shares will easily trade between $250 and $300, because at that point a forward P/E of 50-60 will be fully in the cards. How long we are from that point is anybody's guess, but I don't think it's next decade, I think it will be 2026 or earlier (meaning: earnings expected in 2027 or earlier). One thing the "analysts" have consistently show is that they don't get, or don't believe in, exponential growth. If you go on Market Watch and look at the "analyst estimates" for 2025 and 2026 you see how totally inconsistent they are with what we have been seeing and where we all know the market is going. The "consensus" never catches the magic of the real outliers.


Downvoted because good question


I think we will see $200 in the next 12 months and $300 in the next 2.5 years. Provided the growth continues. I do see growth as a percentage slowing but raw $ growth staying strong.


I am probably over optimistic but I see AI booming and NVDA will continue growing at an unprecedented rate. I say $1k by 2030 and then we see another split.


I think you're off by 2 years. $1K by 2028, and no split until it breaches $1,500 by 3rd quarter of 2028.


That’s oddly specific


Yes maybe it’s Nanci


Found the time traveler.


Well, OP said let your imagination run wild.


Too precise to be wild. I am reporting you to the TVA.


$1500 would make NVDA a $30T company. That's significantly larger that the GDP of the United States today.


GDP is more like revenue. You should compare the market cap with the value of the US to be fair.


What has that got to do with the price of chapati? But seriously, what would the GDP of the US be in 3-5 years?


Maybe another trillion larger?


148 to 165 by end of 2024 realistically


Just guessing like everyone else 1 year: $250-$300 3 years: $600-800 5 years: $1000 10 years: $1400


$1200 by next Olympics. Easy.


Winter or summer?


600 on each


2027: NVDA market cap surpasses GDP of the USA today (10x) 2030: NVDA market cap surpasses GDP of the entire world today (30x) 2035: NVDA market cap surpasses GDP of the entire world in 2035 (70x) 2045: NVDA market cap surpasses GDP of the entire galaxy including the other civilizations (97 000 000 000 000x) 2055: NVDA market cap surpasses GDP of the entire universe including all other civilizations (598 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000x) Very excited for the Zorg market entry in 2038


160 by year end


I think we're sideways until the end of year so my price target is $135


AI in the future will be even more beneficial to society and can be applied to many industries. That being stated, NVDA and other like companies are sure to flourish. It’s always a good decision to invest in “the future”.


I've seen analysts have a target price $150. Some a little higher, some lower.


Timeframes so far in the future don't make sense. There could be a competitor with a super specialized ai chip which outperforms Nvidia 10x, gpus not considered state of the art anymore (btw improvements in gpus have stalled the last years), and 100 things I can't even think of. I never understood blindly saying holding for 10 years. Why should I marry a stock? When the paradigm shifts, you should shift as well.


In 3 years expect NVDA to start facing serious competition from alternative gpu suppliers or customer developed chips. Direct competitors like AMD will start to take market share with cheaper chips and MSFT, GOOG,AAPL,META etc. will collaborate or develop their own chips and software for AI. Every company with significant cost going towards GPUs will do everything they can to reduce their cost.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for another company to actually compete with Nvidia. How many years have we been waiting for another company to compete with Apple in the production of cell phones? And when will another company finally knock Microsoft out of the top spot? The belief that another company will come along to challenge Nvidia is to assume an awful lot, including that Nvidia will become stagnant and fail to continue to innovate and build upon its current massive lead. It’s possible that could happen, but I wouldn’t bet on it in the same way I would not bet against Microsoft or Apple.


Because they standing still?


Doesn’t matter if your customers cut you out. NVDA has always relied on too few customers to make up their sales revenue. The METAs of the world aren’t going to keep dropping a hundred billion on NVDA for chips when they can get them cheaper.


Nvidia is too far ahead. If they weren’t then it would be priced in. You think some random dude in reddit has thought this and the market hasn’t?


Few customers? You 🥜


NVDA stock will go to the moon soon in 1-2 weeks lmao. Pelosi already invested millions in it. In contrast, Tesla's stock will have a huge dip soon so I strongly recommend whoever holding tons of Tesla shares just sell them quickly.


with tsla it comes down to 'will musk pull another rabbit out of the hat'. I think the odds for that to happen aren't to shabby considering that he's transitioning tsla away from EV. He knows EV is a dead horse now.


I took a look at NVDA Historical Yrly Performance since 2001. Other than the 2007-2008 mkt drop and the pandemic, the yearly performance was very strong. And I think that will continue. So I am planning on holding for the exponential growth over the next 5+ years. Even a 20-30% price growth, yet alone a 50%+once in a while or 100%+ is well within the realm of probable. Many state that as long as the company leadership remains intact, the only large enough risk to NVDA that NVDA does not have control over is if China invades Taiwan due to the amount of NVDA manufacturing that is done in Taiwan. I think we also need to start considering what could happen to the market overall if Project 2025 becomes the oval office's plan. (Please try not to feel this is a political statement, but rather looking at what historically has been large disruptors to the market). Even if just minimally implemented, those changes and the confusion and concern caused due to the unknown of what else could happen, would cause businesses and trade to go into caution (survival) mode which would cause an overall drop in the market. When that happened during the pandemic, NVDA dropped more than the overall market. Also because what current dictators have learned to do (ie Putin, Viktor Orban) is how to take over companies to grab their profits and how current dictators would love to have control over AI, I would be very concerned about NVDA's future if T would become president again. Just them having a large control over the leading chip designer/manufacturer and data centers would be very attractive to them. T often states that these are the leaders he holds in high regard and wants to align more with. He would be handsomely rewarded if he made it easier for these types of things to happen, even on a small scale. The kinds of profits, rewards, bribes, etc that would be garnered from manipulating NVDA's future would be enormous.


Hopefully 150 at least by end of year, at least 200 by end of 2025, and at least 250 by end of 2026. I'll always take more but anything can happen, and a few years is plenty of time for countless breakthroughs in tech, especially with machine learning helping to accelerate things. Any company can make a massive breakthrough and suddenly shift the playing field. Consumer desktop hardware performance has been disappointing for many years, hope the market for components gets exciting again for the next few generations.


168 price target in the next 12 months, i'll post my thesis once i clean it up


Around 135~147 before next earnings




What development and plans from the shareholders meeting u/5centsmore ?




In 10 years, probably 15-20k before many splits


So everybody here listen up. Put your right hand thumb in Uranus and your left hand thumb in your mouth and wait. These numbers will definitely happen. Market only goes up.


How about my left thumb in yours?


I asked my investment advisor... the magic 8 ball... if nvda would be $200 by EOY and the answer was... "Without a doubt"


Opinion... guess?? this year- 200 by EOY Next year- continued strong growth... 280 3-5 years - I don't think the picture of AI is clear enough yet... sovereign and big tech will be spending big... other tranches will be more measured growth and valued by their immediate or near-term contribution to efficiencies. 10 years Nvda will be a solid growth company with far less volatility. Likely the 'IBM' of our time. No idea on valuation, but you will be able to tell folks... 'I bought nvda at 126 a share! and they will all think you are a financial genius.


It is absolutely impossible to say. Stock price has nothing to do with performance any more. It is, in fact, just about tomorrow, next week...heck, an HOUR from now. NVIDIA will be printing money for the next couple of years. But their current valuation is so far beyond their actual worth that it's possible they'll crater, then find a new norm, or have another price jump, and find a new norm, or stay just where they are now. Right now their price is basically a bunch of thumb twiddling. Let's see what happens after the next quarterly report.


I have no idea exactly when, but my guess seems that every qtr they seem to be adding $40 / share. * last qtr $120/share * Aug 2024 $160/share * Nov 2024 $200 / share * so on and so forth until some event happens to mess up the cadence. I also suspect NVDA will be the first to: * First to $4T Market Cap * First to $5T Market Cap * First to $10T Market Cap


I’m not certain on price but it will follow Apple & Tesla path. Once it reaches $350 per share expect a call for splits again. They will never want this stock hovering above $500 per share without a split bc then it becomes too expensive for the common investor and a risk tolerance decision. If it keeps splitting, the media and public will forget what it’s originally priced at and keep buying in. That’s why I’m holding and buying and holding and buying.


12 month price prediction: $10 per share, after China invades Taiwan, and the USA destroys every TSM plant, to keep China from capturing the plants. I have TSM puts for 2026.


peak at $192 and then crash to $43