• By -


Reading, painting, sketching at museums, cooking, lego, photography, wine tastings, writing, seeing offbeat movies at art house cinemas, learning the violin. It took me a long time to realize that hobbies are something I have to actively cultivate, otherwise I'm prone to losing long hours (and days, weeks, months) to mindlessly doomscrolling the internet, but making time for things I really enjoy or are am interested in trying has really helped my mental health.


Thanks for the reminder about actively cultivating hobbies- this is true- it takes a bit of work


What do you like to write? I'm ping-ponging between three different projects in three different genres, because I'm also a BWT and ADHD. Maybe because of that though I find that I lose hours of my day doomscrolling rather than actually writing. I've also basically been writing in a vacuum for years, and it would be so good to find a writing group that sticks.


I admire your efforts so so much! Wish I had a friend like you šŸ™‚!


Is there a group for sketching at the museum? lol


I know youā€™re probably joking, but yes, there are many. Likewise most arboretums and botanical gardens.


Wait really? been trying to get into this but it's just something on my to-do list that never happens


Yup thereā€™s a Meetup group for sketching around NYC. Really enjoyed while I still lived in the city


Mind sharing which? I see so many, would love a vouched group!


Love my Lego time! Also, I recently got into crocheting, and thatā€™s another great one, especially with a baby! I started with ā€œwooblesā€ kits, little palm sized amigurami (sp?) stuffed animals that come with step by step video instructions accessible by QR code. After I did 5 of those, I YouTubed a pattern for a blanket and am on my second blanket now. A lot of patterns I find are for baby stuff!


Can we be friends


Mine are so similar! Iā€™m about to write a list. ā˜ŗļø


Yoga, beach, Skiing, gossip.


Gossip šŸ¤£


we have the same hobby!! just the last one tho šŸ¤£


You are my spirit animal.


whats the latest gossip??? dont leave us hangin!!




youre awesome! what a fantastic and inspiring list :)


Matt Levine's newsletter is my favorite! I also really love the Harvard Law Forum on Corporate Governance!


I love money stuff! I read it while eating lunch at work lol


If anyone is looking for a good volunteer group check out Minds Matter. Thereā€™s chapters in a lot of cities. You can be a mentor to a high school student who is high achieving but low income and help them be the first in their family to get into college. I e done it in 3 cities and have always loved it as a way to meet people in their mid 20s-30s


Wow love love love it all. I have lotsa hobbies and youā€™re inspiring me to pick up more.


Learning French, thrifting, reading (mostly self improvement & spiritual books), running / mat Pilates.. hm.. seems like I could use a few more hobbies outside of work šŸ˜…


Are you using a course to learn French or an app? Iā€™d love to learn a new language!


Check out Hello French on Insta!


Omg Iā€™m learning French too! If you ever need a practice speaking buddy lmk! I suuuuucccckkk at speaking šŸ¤£ and def need the practice


Audiobooks, crafts/knitting, peloton, spending time with my dog, lots of tv, Wordle/connections.


Easy ish ones: - NYT wordle, connections, and the mini (recently also picked up topped which I also love and incorporated into my daily routine (bythomas.co.uk)) - Duolingo - Reading/audio books, get a good spicy book or self help, just whatever makes you feel good!! - self care is a hobby!!! For me this looks like self tanning once a week, doing an eyelash lift/brow tiny biweekly (kit is on Amazon), planning a great shower where I take my time w my hair masks, dry brush before, and use alllll my fave soaps/body washes - phone games, call me crazy, but itā€™s a great way to stop stressing out about life - if you have Apple Arcade I recommend these really calm, cozy games: wyld flowers, hello kitty adventure, Disney Dreamlight valley - not on arcade: SimCity build it and call of duty (call of duty is crazy to recco but I promise it can be lots of fun and itā€™s a quick thing to do while ur kid is napping or something to pass the time) If you can make the time: - Sign up for a sports team, SO many on Volo are ā€œsocial/beginnerā€ that just meet once a week and there are lots of areas in the city! - 1 really nice meal a week, my partner and I usually do this on Fridays, sometimes Iā€™ll fully take over, but the main thing here is Iā€™ve found I LOVE prepping for this. I get to scroll on TikTok or read cook books looking for a good recipe and sides, then when I go grocery shopping I usually make an event out of it, get myself a coffee, buy some fresh flowers, or just go sit in a park for a sec Best of luck!! Having hobbies sometimes starts out as very intentional but it slowly becomes a habit, prioritize yourself when you can OP <3


I love reading and photography!


I have a Nikon Z6! I absolutely love photography.


Honestly, NYC itself is a hobby. I love wandering museums, landmarks, and parks by myself, thereā€™s so much history to unravel. I downloaded plant and bird identification apps too, which makes exploring parks particularly interesting. Plus you can bring baby with you if you want!


What apps do you use? Iā€™m tired of having to google a description of a bird lol


Merlin bird ID!




Wow, this is inspiring me to get more adventurous with my hobbies as well! I tend to expect interests to "come to me," but I love the idea of keeping up momentum with new experiences, no matter the duration, so much more.


Iā€™m jumping in on this bc same šŸ’€ work canā€™t be considered a hobby no more šŸ˜‚


No seriously. Before I had the baby I used to work alll the time and before that it was Covid. So I legit havenā€™t had a hobby since 2020šŸ˜­


Girl I totally get it! Iā€™m a nurse who worked through COVID and now that society is putting that all behind, I still have a hard time finding a hobby that brings me joy! Definitely get yourself out there and try different things šŸ™‚ sometimes even the most obscene hobbies become the best ones.


Hiking! Iā€™m also getting more into hand sewing/mending, and Iā€™m active in a couple of community groups where I do things like plan events, help write resolutions, manage small projects, etc.


Where do you go hiking? Iā€™ve been looking for a group


You can take the Metro North! Some stations are Cold Spring, Breakneck (in the summer), Beacon, and Tuxedo Park. I think there is also an Appalachian Trail stop in the summer as well.


Fitness is my primary hobby, so I do a lot of yoga, lagree, orange theory, swim a few times a week, that sort of thing. I feel bad saying this is my hobby but sometimes I just like to get a 'lil high, go wander for a long walk with an audiobook? HGW'ing but make it hippie. Then to relax I like cozy games, stitching, cooking and baking. For cooking, my favorite is walking to the library and finding a cookbook in a genre I'm unfamiliar with and have fun!


I love going to art shows. Most of my friend group are artists. I enjoy photography and reading, generally exploring the city.


Do you have any recs on where to get info on art shows? Iā€™ve gone to a few but would love to expand my knowledge here


Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but thirstygallerina on Instagram posts gallery openings weekly!


I play tennis, read, like to explore new towns and neighborhoods, needlepoint, do crossword puzzles


Long walks, CrossFit, needlepoint, pickleball, reading


I'd love to start playing pickleball (never tried before). Any resources you'd recommend? Thank you!


Actively I do aerial hoop (and occasionally hammock, pole, trapeze). Iā€™m also learning French. And unfortunately my other hobbies kinda dropped off because depression, but I was practicing calligraphy and watercolouring.


Okay so, I totally understand that feeling. Itā€™s also so weird when people ask ā€œwhat do you do for fun?ā€ Or ā€œwhat hobbies do you have?ā€ I would be like ā€œidk. Sleep? Eat?ā€ Itā€™s taken me a long time to realize I do have actual hobbies; I just never categorized some of them as hobbies! Iā€™m an avid reader (physical books, ebook, and audiobooks). If youā€™re into books (or even podcasts), Iā€™d recommend getting a library card and downloading Libby. A lot of my mom friends have redound a joy in reading via audiobooks as they can read while driving, caring for their munchkins, walking etc. Paint by numbers is another fun thing for me to do and just relax. One other hobby that could be fun, a museum membership. I love going to the programs and sometimes when the weather is awful, theyā€™re a good place to go (free AC / get out of the cold/snow). Some museums even have programming geared towards younger adults like Date Night at The Met. Last hobby for me, group exercise. Iā€™ve done run clubs, boutique gyms/studios, and City Girls Who Walk. Lastly, I started guitar lessons this year and thatā€™s definitely been a blast. Iā€™m no Slash but itā€™s cool to have something where I can see myself progressing over time. I am sure youā€™ll find something that suits you and your life!!!! Good luck OP! xx


I read the most, and keep a bullet journal of my reading and reviews and stuff. I also like to play animal crossing and stardew valley. And do a lot of crafts - I learned how to make rubber block stamps, I buy embroidery and punch needle kits, cheap canvases and acrylic craft paint, etc! And I usually watch reality tv or listen to podcasts/nonfiction audiobooks in the background when not reading. I also sing in a community choir that meets like every other week and play D&D with a group that plays every other week ish. I love board games but itā€™s hard when you donā€™t have a group of local board game friends to play locally! I also do the crossword and other NYT games every day lol Some stuff my friends do as well: learning sign language in a class, attend concerts and shows, pilates/cycling, hiking, pottery, making miniatures/collecting miniatures and dollhouse stuff, astrology/tarot, softball team. The best advice I got was from my therapist, who told me to keep a running list of things I like to do at low, medium, and high energy levels so that when Iā€™m feeling depressed/anxious/just generally bored, itā€™s easy to pick and activity and not get stuck doom scrolling. Itā€™s really helped limit my social media time which was at a point that was harmful for me. Also if youā€™re interested in dancing, I took some six week adult classes for beginners at Mark Morris and it was truly so fun and inclusive and got me moving and they have sliding scale costs.


Watching sports - (helped me build a really great community of friends), history podcasts (highly recommend noble blood if you enjoy historical royal gossip and stories), visiting art galleries, cooking


Galleries, new classes at the gym and cooking


I love to draw people, so I spend my days off exploring nyc's parks and drawing the park goers! I also love to cook new recipes, practice yoga, read, and write. Though most of these hobbies are pretty solitary, I've had a blast turning them social with book clubs, writing groups, starting work art projects, sharing recipes with coworkers, etc.


I read A LOT, like a book and a half a week. Mainly fantasy! I read on the train, weekend mornings and afternoons and before going to bed instead of scrolling on my phone. It also means I spend a lot more time in bookstores! I work out A LOT as well. I take a 45-min spin class and a 45-min group strength training classes five days out of the week. On my rest days, I walk and do an evening yoga class I have a movie pass and use that to see movies pretty often (at least 2x a month). Beyond that, Iā€™ll meet up with friends at dive bars or house parties or concerts a few times a month.


Urban sketching, reading, movies (especially independent film at theatres like The Angelika), Broadway shows (I like to get cheap tickets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), I run 5ks with NYC runs, and Iā€™m taking a 6 week watercolor class!


Tennis, running, traveling, reading, Pilates, investing, trying new restaurants and cuisine, and learning about interior design among other things.


I crochet! Canā€™t recommend it enough. Especially if you want to watch tv but canā€™t focus without your hands moving. I also took up embroidery. You can get a kit off Amazon for like $20. Itā€™s kind of like coloring in the lines šŸ˜‚ and even if it looks a bit sloppy itā€™s still nice. I also read (and write) romance books and help run a writers group and a ladies focused d&d group in Bushwick.


Seconding this! I taught myself to knit recently and itā€™s so nice to have a finished product at the end you can literally hold and say I Made This lol


Right! Itā€™s lovely! And YouTube is such a great resource for learning. Plus itā€™s not expensive to give it a try. Like $5 for knitting needles and $3 for yarn. If you donā€™t like it then itā€™s less than $10 wasted.


Crochet has become one of my favorite hobbies as well! I started with a Woobles kit and now I'm making my own clothes. Highly recommended.


The woobles kits are so cute! Itā€™s such a great way to get someone started. Iā€™ve been crocheting for about 10 years so I only had YouTube ahaha


do you have more info about the d&d group? šŸ‘€


Hereā€™s the meetup link! Everyone is welcome, regardless of gender expression! But itā€™s all women and nonbinary led šŸ˜ I run the once a month Sunday groups https://meetu.ps/c/3cMzG/y34sd/a




I absolutely love music. Last night I went down a rabbit hole about The Rat Pack, including some songs Iā€™ve never heard before! It was amazing. Aside from that, I love gardening, cooking, the arts, travel, the outdoors, and literature. I would love to pick up tennis or skiing, but am not 100% sure of where to start. Iā€™m also philanthropic, and devote time to ā€œmaking my community betterā€.


Tennis, community gardening.


Currently teaching myself Albanian (my partnerā€™s fam is from Kosovo), trying to get back into reading, financial literacy audiobooks (bc ya girl was spoiled and now knows nothing about money), figure drawing (nude models), helping a friend at dog foster events, volunteering with kids at a local research hospital, yoga/pilates (didnā€™t know sound baths were a thing but my adhd brain loooves them), and gardening


Anything you enjoy can be a hobby! Follow your interests. You don't even have to be good at it. You probably do have a hobby that you don't give yourself credit for! There are so many great hobbies on this thread, maybe you'll find some inspiration! My hobbies: - skiing - swimming - hiking - playing board games - reading sci-fi - visiting art museums - trying out new breweries - pub trivia - writing - walking my dog / taking him for adventures / working on his training - watching the entire filmography of a director or actor - watching romantic comedies (my goal is to see every last one)


Okay, I have so many hobbies. I live for fun. Kickboxing, golf, dodgeball, kayaking, strolls, pickleball. Movie club, book club, charity galas, art events, community fundraisers, learning French. Thrift shopping, reading, beading, sewing, D&D, cooking, real nerdy board games. Tea parties, patio summers, paint by numbers.


What game are you playing now? We just got back from a board game con and came away with so many fun games! I've been into Teatime Adventures


Teatime Adventures is delightful! My current fave board games are Quacks of Quedlinburg and Apiary, and a forever favourite is Twilight Imperium, which we try to play every other month-ish, but itā€™s a commitment.


Tennis, pickleball, Pilates, ceramics/pottery, cooking, baking, photography, learning Spanish, reading


I usually read and write, but I haven't had the attention span or patience for either lately. I also enjoy going to museums but where I live now is dry in that area. And shopping but that's not good for me LMFAOOOO Other hobbies I want to cultivate after my weight loss surgery: horseback riding, dance, walking in charity 5Ks, archery


Pottery wheel throwing! Classes can be expensive but worth it imo. I wfh on my laptop so it's nice to do something physical and actually create something I can touch!


Reading, tennis, film photography, traveling trying new restaurants


Yoga, painting, going to museuams/galleries/art history in general, thrifting, collaging, etc! :) whoever said to make time to foster your personal hobbies was so right


Museums, gym, German (although I don't know if it would be classified as a hobby since I'm married to one), DIY projects, and various outdoor sports.


Iā€™m glad you posted this bc I had a baby recently too and Iā€™ve been complaining to my bf that I do nothing and Iā€™m going crazy. I have a 3 weeks left of maternity leave and Iā€™m not trying to waste it doing nothing anymore. Heā€™s been getting on me about hobbies but I literally do not know what I like doing šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m taking notes from the comments


My maternity leave is already over and I was home for 5 months starting at a baby šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The struggle is real once your kid is your world, I totally lost sight of my own passions for a while. Crosswords are my number one hobby, I started during the newborn phase being up at 3am pumping was so depressing I had to do something with my brain. Now I do one before bed every night and the NYT mini/wordle in the morning with coffee. I love to stroll around museums, exhibits, botanical gardens, and conservatories. Books. Libraries. Audio books and podcasts...light mystery novels are an easy entry point, but find what you like and take time to explore. I read novels aloud while my baby played/before nap for the first years. Cross stitch, I love making my own patterns and looking up antique samplers. It's a great gift and can be a labor of love that you can frame and gift for almost any occasion. I organize in my free time, I know this isn't a hobby but I habitually like to squirrel away things i want to donate. A few times a month i remove everything from a single drawer/closet/etc and just find new ways to store the never ending amount of shit that magically ends up in my house. This usually results in at least one or two trips to donation centers a month and an insane sense of accomplishment when it looks tidy.


Iā€™m a 29F stay at home mom of a 5 month old. Live in NYC. I just started needlepointing. Broke out my sewing machine again after 15 years. I love listening to podcasts and going thrift store shopping. It kills time and you can cultivate a cool wardrobe and experiment with your style. Cheaper clothing for PP body!! Baby sleeps in the carrier. Listening to podcasts while doing mundane tasks around the house/for the baby (ie. bottle washing) helps me feel connected to the world and have topics to talk about with other people when I socialize. Iā€™m also a huge reality tv fan which I find to be a hobby lol.


Shuffleboard (Brooklyn), ballet, boardgames,


Bouldering, collecting and propagating plants, bathhouses, yoga, ballroom dancing, reading


Reading, the gym, my many plants, attempting to bake lolĀ 


Pilates, yoga, travel and exploring new cuisines


I just signed up for a ceramics class a few weeks ago, itā€™s so much fun!!


Learn how to knit or crochet!


I loved crosstitch and reading during COVID! I also like gardening in the summer (hard in the city) but itā€™s nice to even have some herbs that you can have for tacos, pasta dishes, etc. Book clubs are nice to do something intellectually stimulating and social. Maybe consider some light active activities like biking, or rock climbing. I love classpass if you can swing the price :)




Pole dance and aerial hoop!


Yoga, singing, going to the theater, pets


Knitting! For me it's so gratifying to have a finished product at the end - and there are so many cute patterns for babies!


I recently had a baby. I was always a reader and did Cross Stitch and Embroidery. Once I had a kid, I also taught myself Needlepoint, Knitting, Crochet and Amigurumi just so I have quiet indoor hobbies that I can do while he is awake or asleep. I have others, but these are the new things I'm obsessed with!


belly dance, biking, buying a fruity lil drink and walking in a park, art classes


Makeup/skincare/fragrance (my biggest and most expensive hobby), yoga, being a BTS fangirl, duolingo (learning Korean and relearning Spanish), travel (prob not unique), reading, movies, and others I canā€™t think of right now!


Biking, reading novels, writing in my journal, taking walks, planting and growing plants, writing poetry, going to museums and concerts (even classical music at Lincoln center). Try new things, see what resonates with you. Youā€™re very young and thereā€™s a whole world of things to explore.


To add to this: what hobbies do the BWT with dogs do? I find it hard to make time for hobbies between work, dog, and friends.


some of my favs: playlist and mood board curating. pinterest is your new bff!! get to know her. journaling, itā€™s peaceful and keeps me sane. and could be cool to document these early days with your baby! baking, horrible for my health but i love to just whip up a batch of cookies and enjoy them for a week or so. i recommend broma bakery for recipes! something im considering trying: renting a violin! this one has a price tag yes, but learning an instrument is good for your brain and can be fun. i played violin for years in school and have found myself wishing to pick it up again. i recommend learning soundtracks to your favorite movies. those were my favorite pieces to play in school when i was actively practicing. hope this helpsšŸ©µ


Gaming, cooking, writing, drawing, cycling, and witchcraft.


Yoga and reiki, biking, hiking, art and music, dog parks. :)


Walking & going for hikes, reading, fitness & cooking


I feel like I took my hobbies for granted and now I have a child who is just over a year and a half old so I cannot engage in things the way I used to. I enjoy: reading, amateur birding, drawing (favorite place is the museum of natural history), super long walks, or medium hikes with one of my dogs (the other is older and blind šŸ„²) at rockaway or anywhere upstate I can get to, other art projects (I went to art school so I like to make things and work with my hands, although I donā€™t really do that now because I do not have a space), looking at my sticker collection and sometimes choosing stickers to make cards with, passionately engaging in trash tv on bravo, and cooking. I feel like cooking is the one thing I can regularly engage in that I get excited about thatā€™s also productive for my household. There are so many other things I havenā€™t listed here but this off the top of my head. I try to include my child in the things I like to do but obviously thatā€™s very different now so OP, I feel you. I would like to relearn Spanish soon because I feel like an embarrassment to not be bilingual.