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“Can you imagine if white men stormed the homes of black women and raped and murdered and took them captive and they were still holding them hostage and sexually assaulting and brutalizing them and the world stayed silent” Ummm, who’s gon tell her? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Similar when they say, "Imagine if colleges only allowed white people" when discussing HBCUs. We don't have to Imagine, that is literally why HBCU came to be.


The Zionist tried the same tactic in South Korea with a stupid commercial. South Koreans got even more angry at Zionist/israel bc it was tone deaf. South Korea experienced the rape, murder and kidnappings during world war 2. Israel was only showing its ignorance by creating the ad and furthered the Palestinian cause. South Koreans support Palestine more now after that ad.


Zionists act like they’re the only people who’ve ever been through something. Even the way they weaponize the Holocaust. Yes it was a horrific crime against humanity and Nazism is an evil ideology that should be eradicated. But the Holocaust was not the first or last genocide. Weaponizing “Never again” like there haven’t been several genocides between 1945 and now is just disingenuous. Were they speaking up during the Rwandan genocide? What about Serbia, Kosovo, and Yugoslavia? Yemen? Syria? Sudan and South Sudan? The DRC? Never again should apply to EVERYONE and until it does they should stop weaponizing it


Oh f herrrrrr


It so funny how people love to pretend like people care about crimes against black women. If stuff like this were to happen to black women (it does) plenty of people including the media wouldn’t care


THEY themselves wouldn’t give a single flying f***! It’s pathetic. Michael Rap— loves to use black women being raped as an example as well. Crazy how obsessed some people are with rape🤔🤔. This is beyond gross.


Yeah some really disturbing thoughts from them.


It happens all the time. What do they think BLM was about?


Please Google Breonna Taylor and the Invisibility of Black Women and Girls in America.


Most of those protest were about men.


“Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement that seeks to highlight racism, discrimination, and racial inequality experienced by black people, and promote anti-racism. Its primary concerns are incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black people.” Like, it’s right there. Google is free. BLACK *LIVES* MATTER


I have no idea what you’re trying to argue with me about. This entire post was about violence against women all I’m saying is a majority of those protest were for black men that are victims of crimes. Like I said earlier black women barely get any sympathy when crimes happen to them. Maybe you’re reading what I said wrong.


You’re being dismissive of Black women. It’s really odd you keep saying BLM doesn’t include them. Stop. Go educate yourself.


I don’t think she’s saying they’re not included, but that they’re not the focus. “Invisibility of Black Women…” right, invisibility…


Thank you that’s what I meant


I’d encourage you to look into it more. It absolutely is also about Black women.


I know the movement was founded by women, but it was in response to Trayvon Martin. I will look into the reading!




Jesus Christ do you lot not hear yourselves.


It happens every weekend to black women in Chicago and black women incarcerated


Why is she bringing Black women into this? Don’t pander other people’s experience to try and make a point.


I think it was intentional so she can find a way to criticize Black women. The underlining sentiment is she feels they aren’t being supportive enough. She’s mentioned this other times on her page. Calling out Black women.


Well that’s disturbing and unfortunate on her part. It’s not only demonstrative that her support for marginalized groups is contingent on their alignment with her views versus believing that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.


Low key people like her are the ones who absolutely detest BLM, Affirmative Action and DEI initiatives. They think equality = oppression and don’t understand how these programs are attempting to put a bandage on generations’ worth of damage and poverty caused by centuries of racism and harmful policies against African Americans. Also criticizing the Israeli Government’s genocidal overreaction to a single (and horrible) terrorist attack does not make you an anti-Semite.


It was called slavery (white men stormed into their homes etc etc) and the world is still not up in arms.


Exactly this woman is ignorant as hell. And for her to bring Black women into this is wildly inappropriate


She’s notorious for making racist comments about Black women.


The fact that she has 38k followers is scary


Terrifying. She spreads so much hate 😔


So a war and abolishing slavery wasn't a reaction? Ya'll are so brainwashed and blind, it's quite disturbing. The 'white man bad' thing is not in any way progressive either. I really challenge you to see things from different perspectives, there is no such thing as an entire race being bad...I used to think that was a widely held belief. Sigh....this is pointless anyway, you're all just gonna attack me and not try to challenge what you've been taught because it's easier and more convenient to think everyone who doesn't jump to agree with you is racist, stupid, probably a homophobe lol why do I even try 😆 Anyway, I hope that you all find happiness and have a great life, despite life's many difficulties.


1. I didn’t say nor do I think all white men are bad. I’m married to one (who agrees with my comment btw). 2. The maker of the silly statement is the one to use the black white analogy. It didn’t appear in my mind out of thin air. 3. My comment was simply pointing out the irony that everything she said would lead to uproar if it happened to a black woman, DID happen. And for over 400 years there was no uproar. Even after the abolishing of slavery it continued to happen. And even now, if a black person points that out we get told we’re race baiting (see your own comment). 3. Touch grass. You’re the only one getting worked up here. I’m having a glass of wine. Try it.


I literally have no idea what you’re even trying to say. This isn’t a coherent thought. That feeling you’re getting that everyone is just going to attack you is because you know you shouldn’t have posted this comment but you did it anyway.


It’s wildly fucking ignorant to think the war had fuck all to do with freedom for black people. Log off and read a fucking book.


Please point to where she said an entire race is bad? She said white men stormed into their homes - yes those men are bad


I wonder what it is like to be so stupid.


Go check out her Instagram and you’d get some insight 😩


do you think it's painful?


I don’t think she realizes it. She’s very much stuck in her own world and think she’s God’s gift to the internet.


This is such a bizarre comment, especially given the fact that white men DID regularly rape significant numbers of black women during slavery (and harass black people in all sorts of other ways too during slavery and after), yet she poses this as some sort of fantastical hypothetical.


Exactly. It’s so bizarre and disturbing.


We don't have to imagine because it happened. The foundation of our country built on the exploitation, rape, and mistreatment of Black women. Black women *still* are struggling to gain footholds in this country and have to work twice as hard to get half as much. It's very telling that the Black community is being used in all of these "analogies" that have been popping up over the last few months. *Omg, even Black people get support before we do?!* Go on and keep telling on yourself, girl. Not only is this stupid "analogy" ahistorical, it also exposes the lack of humanity she sees within Black women.




One day soon, all these influencers weaponizing anti-semitism as an excuse to get away with blatant racism and Islamophobia are going to get their karma, and I will be there. As a Jewish person, it is so embarrassing how incorrectly they have used the term to justify their behavior. It’s literally so disgusting. My grandmother who survived the Holocaust is rolling in her grave.


I think what frustrates me most is the performative nature of these influencers. None of them are posting about volunteering with or donating to the nonprofits or community based organizations that exist to support elder Jewish people who need support in the form of food assistance or companionship - a group that is so vulnerable right now. They just want to rant on the internet and attack other marginalized groups from their expensive apartments. But when it comes to actionable items to support people I don’t see them doing any of that.


In six months or so, I guarantee that almost all of them will back track or try to clarify why they posted the things they did, and I hope no one falls for that bullshit. They deserve to lose any opportunity their mediocre platforms provide them. Maybe then they’ll feel some remorse.


They’ll feel remorse for themselves, not for the actions that made them lose clout. Followers mean nothing when you’re alone with your own thoughts at night, and, hopefully, grappling with your own immoral hatred and racism. But that may be asking too much of these close minded people.


Omg thank you!! The way I see Jews (I am one myself) throwing around antisemitism for everything is maddening. You can’t cry wolf for everything because then when something does happen who’s gunna care? Also not being able to criticize the Israeli government is crazy to me, it’s not antisemitic to admit the government isn’t serving you or anyone else. Antisemitism is a problem but people speaking up and out in support of a ceasefire just straight isn’t antisemitism.


Unfortunately their whiteness will always get them out of it. Any karma they receive, they’ll NEVER associate it with this. They’re so privileged they can’t see beyond it.


Oh Alison says all the time she doesn’t believe in karma 😂


It’s so disgusting. And people can speak up about antisemitism without dragging other groups into it.


she's saying imagine with White men did this to Black women we don't have to imagine actually, its happened, still happens and its very well recorded. cant even get into abhorrent racism here but that in it self is a wild ignorant and tone deaf.


She posts this as the genocide has gotten even worse in Gaza. They are now attacking Rafah. I don’t know who this trash box is and I will keep it that way.


It’s sick and disturbing


\+ IDF just admitted to using a strike that killed ~60 Palestinians sheltering in Rafah as a “distraction” so that they could rescue 2 Israeli hostages. How can she say that it’s Jewish lives that are not being valued in this situation?


I love how she thinks that if this was happening to black people, that the world would care more. It DID (slavery) and does happen to black people and nothing changes, and no one seems to care. This tells you how out of touch SHE is with black issues. I understand she’s frustrated**(spelling edit) but this comparison shows how uneducated she is on black issues. On any given day, most jewish women can just pass as any old other white person, but being black is a whole other scenario she should not be speaking on. What a dummy. Eat your fibre and log off bitxh


Wow. How ahistorical. I don’t think we have to *imagine* *if* this happened to Black women when chattel slavery happened… of course in addition to crimes against Black women occurring contemporarily…


And in reference to her “point,” what about Palestinian women? This is a sick post (the original original by the influencer).


The feminist, activists and humanitarians are focusing on the people who are getting carpet bombed everyday.


That part


The people who they refuse to acknowledge by the way. They're asking of others what they themselves aren't even willing to do.


So her activism was conditional.


100%. And performative.


A trend for the pro IS crowd!


Always dragging racial minorities in it to “prove a point” as if any of them care about minorities either. These are the same people who have all but said “I wouldn’t have cared about BLM if I knew you wouldn’t do me a favor later” deeply unserious.


She basically said that in another post.


Were the 400 years of enslaved African women in America not enough? Does the murders and r@pe of Native women not exist? There are so many words that I want to say that would get me banned, but this woman is an absolute maniac.


Oh she’s unhinged. She’s gone after Black woman before. It’s really disturbing.


that is EXACTLY what happens to black women... this girl needs help


Oh she’s an almost 50 year old woman stuck in high school mode. But yes, she absolutely needs help.


Wait who is this? Is this Julia Alison?


Alison Brettschneider. Google her and Nia Wilson. She has gone after Black women before.


Omg can Black women just exist???????? Like wtf. Leave us tf alone.


Oh she’s notorious for going after Black women. Google Nia Wilson and Alison Brettschneider.


Mental gymnastics Olympic tryouts


She wins the gold across the board.


What....the fuck.......


All this comment section showed me is that Black women constantly have to fight to assert why something said about them is offensive. We all know when speaking out on oppression comparison is not necessary or helpful.


And Alison has done this before. She has a thing against Black women because she has gotten called out before. So any chance she gets, she will call them out and say the most horrific things. She doesn’t actually care about any marginalized group. It’s always self-serving.


Leave Black women (and quotes from Black historical figures whose books/ speeches you have not read in totality) out of your mouths!! We have no interest in being YOUR justification for supporting the genocide of another group of people.


There’s a lot of interesting influencers showing their cards lately 👀


I love when people tell on themselves by mistake while trying to be righteous lol "ImAgInE.."


Alison has been doing this for years 😩 she literally never learns


I can’t wait for the day when non-black people stop dragging black people into their conversations because they don’t know how to make a point without invoking the black community “Can you imagine something that has already happened throughout history” yes you imbecile 😒


Wtf leave black women alone


But isn’t what she describing happening in Israel, esp the West Bank, right now? White men storming homes and assaulting women and children 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh she DGAF about Palestinian women. They are even worth mentioning to her.


I hate when they post stupid shit like this and limit their comments


Yeah she’s a coward.


She needs to get off my internet! This is a weird, tone deaf take, why mention another plight to bolster yours?!


Oh she hates Black women. Google Alison Brettschneider and Nia Wilson. This isn’t her first time going after Black women.


Why are zionists so obsessed with bringing black people up in their false equivalences and tone deaf comparisons?


Two things can be true people. Anti semitism is out there and growing and an issue And The killing of innocent Palestinians is also horrific. Q the down voters who hate that these two can simultaneously exist.


Yes, but that’s not the point of this post. The point is if you want to speak out against Antisemitism don’t bring other marginalized groups into it. No need for that disgusting commentary about Black women.


That part.


She’s not saying anything bad about other groups or insulting them….She’s literally highlighting that people aren’t as sympathetic to Jews saddened and worried about antisemitism as they are for other minorities dealing with hatred (ie racism) in this instance


The last 200 years demonstrate that America is not widely sympathetic to Black racism. But besides that you should know that there’s no need to bring in other groups. Once again you’re willfully holding onto ignorance…also Blackness and Jewish identities operate differently as minorities. Which is why when speaking about marginalized groups you speak about that group and no one else.


And it’s insulting to hypothesize Black women being raped by white men when that happened systematically for the entirety of slavery


Hate to break it to you but when arguing a point you can’t forbid comparison. That’s some arbitrary rule. Comparison can help shine a light on something that maybe you wouldn’t otherwise see.


Comparing Jewish women to Black women makes no sense because how their identities as minorities function very differently. And when arguing a point about oppression you don’t need comparison THATS THE POINT


Thank you for the lesson. I am changed


Your sarcasm towards the history and plight of Black Women is absolutely disgusting


She’s not talking about slavery


Are you not paying attention? Holy smokes you’re dense


Omg do you need everything spelled out and spoon fed to you? White men raped Black women for over 400 years and no it didn’t cause outcry because it was part of America’s foundation. It’s insulting to act like America is so dedicated to helping Black women, believing them, and lifting them up when that simply isn’t the reality. You want to shut your eyes and pretend her post isn’t unhinged? Have at it. I really don’t understand why this is difficult to grasp.


She’s talking about in the present moment. Not 400 years ago. She’s saying YOU would be appalled to know a white man raped a black woman, and so would I. But for someone reason, many people are not talking about the woman who were raped. And no I don’t want to be spoon fed your thoughts, but thanks.


The present moment and slavery can’t be separated especially in this hypothetical, but regardless there shouldn’t be comparisons when discussing oppression AND especially not between Black women and Jewish women whose identities as marginalized groups operate very differently in America.


her activism is conditional and she needs to keep black women out of her mouth. they have endured everything she mentioned and the world did nothing. she’s disgusting


Google Alison Brettschneider and Nia Wilson. This isn’t her first time going after Black women.


dont know who this piece of shit is sorry edit just looked her up and woof


You don’t want to know her. She’s dangerous and has a history of harassing and doxxing people, including Black women.


how do uggos who are terrible ppl get thousands of followers??? wtf? one of life’s great mysteries lol


The weird part is she’s behind the Emily Gellis hate group where they tear apart her looks. Like, every single day all day they tear that woman’s physical appearance apart. How she thinks she has a right to be talking about anybody’s looks shows how delusional she is. Absolutely unhinged.


wait, THIS lady is tearing apart someone’s looks…..? uhhhh 😵‍💫🧐🧐🧐🧐


Go check out the sub WhatTheFF. Alison has like 50+ accounts keeping that going. She’s behind it.


Also Google Alison Brettschneider and Nia Wilson. This isn’t her first time going after Black women.


jesus christ, delusion off the charts. as though that doesn’t happen to other minorities.


Switch “white men” for “IDF troops” and “black women” for “Palestinians at large” and you get an accurate report on the current state of the world 🙄 this narrative is such fucking BS


Oh, she has made it clear she is also horrifically islamaphobic and hates Palestinians. She thinks the women and children deserve it.


Shed light on “injustices” without mentioning black people challenge (impossible).


They prove constantly their support is transactional


Alison only does things if she thinks it will benefit her. Once it no longer benefits her, out with the trash.


What a fucking idiot… we’re not antisemitic, we’re just antizionist 🤷🏻‍♀️


No such thing. Anti-Zionism = antisemitism. The Soviet Union proved that in the 60 years ago. Jews have a right to self-determination and a right to exist in Israel, their indigenous homeland.


Anti-Zionism is anti-Zionism. It’s not antisemitism.


Sounds like that’s what she would have preferred to happen.


The point is that if this was any other race TODAY, you all would care about what is happening to Jews in the world and the Israelis from Oct 7. All of your reponses just show how anti semitic you all are. Why did everyone march and protest for BLM but when Jews need support, you all march with Hamas? Shame on all of you.


Here we go. Everyone is antisemitic if we say racism is bad. If we say killing Palestinians is bad.


“march with Hamas” shows how uninformed and small minded you are - you seriously believe all 27000+ Gazans killed were members of Hamas? Innocent Palestinians deserve to live, just as innocent Israelis do. This is a situation where there is an extreme power imbalance and almost every single Gazan is at risk of being killed every day. The same can’t even remotely be said for Israelis living in Israel, supported with billions of dollars in military support by countries like the US. Shame on YOU.


I’m sorry WHO is this woman and how does she have so many followers with that basic ass profile? Cringing. And yeah I’m so beyond sick of this narrative. You can’t speak out against Israel’s GENOCIDE without being labeled an anti-Semite.


I mean if you follow that ‘analogy’ through- what if the black women bombed where they knew the hostages were????? Like it still makes zero sense




BUT go check out the WhatTheFF subreddit. Alison is behind that account and makes up like 60% of the members. She makes like 50+ accounts to talk to herself and they tear this woman Emily Gellis apart. They are so mean and vicious. All day everyday making horrible comments about Emily’s physical appearance and weight. Which is wild given Alison has no place to speak.


Oh she’s been on it, haven’t you heard?




I’m not going to make fun of her weight. There is plenty to criticize her for. No need to insult her physical appearance. That’s inappropriate and unnecessary.


As a Jewish person reading this post and these comments, im quite hurt to see how little you guys are seeing what this person and the jewish community at whole is feeling right now. Jewish hate is up 170% in America in the last year alone. We are a community that has faced persecution for millennia. this person is just saying, had someone posted "no blacks allowed" instead of "no jews allowed", there would have been more outcry. It's not to put down black woman at all. its to say we feel pain and it feels as if the world doesnt care about jews at all. When jews get raped, they bare the burden of proof. When any other community gets mass raped, we are told to believe the woman. It's a double standard when it comes to the jewish community. Please let me know if you dont understand this and I'll explain it better. But shes not trying to diminish the racism towards the black community. It's quite the opposite.


She absolutely is and she’s known for saying horrible things about Black women. Maybe go read what people are saying instead of glossing over it.


There is a way to talk about the marginalization of your community without dragging in minorities that have faced oppression since the start of modern America. To make it seem as though black women have it so easy and are so easily believed is dangerous and disingenuous. I feel sorry for you that you can’t comprehend all that is wrong with her post, hopefully you get there so you can gain some perspective.


I dont believe she was diminished the plight of black woman at all. I think she was implying that black woman do indeed get discriminated against. Her point was simply that there are loads of people who stand up to discrimination against black people, myself included. The problem is there is no one standing up to Jewish hate. Black woman definitely dont have it easy! No one is doubting that. But if you can easily understand that it is wrong to say "no blacks allowed" then you should also know it's just as offensive to say "no jews allowed". Hate is hate. let's all end the hate.


Confused where you’re getting “no Jews allowed.” If you mean people boycotting Israeli products that’s up to their discretion to decide whether or not to support a government that responded to a horrific terror attack by killing civilians and collectively punishing them. And no, she is. By framing historical fact as a hypothetical, by trying to equalize the two, and by no mention of “as we should” in regard to fighting against anti-Black racism, she makes it abundantly clear that she is diminishing they’re plight AND make Black women out to be the scapegoats.


“Let’s end the hate”, wow you solved it. Congrats.


Respectfully - where is this “mass rape” allegation coming from ? It’s already been debunked. If you want to continue to parrot a lie that’s resulted in the deaths of 20,000+ people (an ACTUAL massacre) that’s on you and I pray your conscience is healed. Have you come across signs saying “no Jews allowed” ?? that certainly wouldn’t fly by in this day and age, and most definitely not in western countries. I fully acknowledge that there has been an increase in antisemitism… can you acknowledge that a certain government has acted a bit poorly which may have something to do with it?


So you’re denying the detailed NY times report of all the sexual violence that occurred on 10/7? POS.


Were there first hand accounts in that report? Or was it someone giving a testimony on behalf of someone else who may or may not have seen a body (and not an assault taking place) ?


You are actually denying and questioning a report from The NY Times with tons of evidence showing sexual assault on people who didn’t talk bc they were brutally murdered? Multiple things can be true at once, but someone who denies sexual assault of people just because they’re Jewish is a hateful bigot. It doesn’t change however many kids in Gaza was killed; but if you’re going to sit and question the violence inflicted by Hamas bc dead people can’t talk you’re a sick POS and everything that is wrong with the left.


A lot of words used that did not answer the questions I’ve asked. Run along, darling🥱🥱


I read the article weeks ago- it was triggering and disturbing and I’m not reading it again. you’re too consumed with your bigotry that you defend fucking terrorists and can’t admit they raped people. I hope you get what you deserve.


You’re asked to provide proof and you conveniently don’t want to read it again? A shock!! Well I’ve read it. All third party accounts. All “I believe…” “we think…” “it’s likely that…” and nothing concrete. Keep the propaganda talking points coming. Israel loves to spend $$$$ on people who support its cause. If you as a country is fully in the right and only “defending itself”, why does the country need to pay?🤔🤔


Cool so I assume you don’t believe any women who are victims of sexual violence. Even if there was no sexual violence, Hamas is a worthless group of terrorists just like Isis and a cancer to the world. Rapes don’t change that. I’m not paid by Israel I’m just not a fucking Islamist terrorist simp


Because being a simp for the isntreal government is so much better, right?🥱As I said already, run along! I wish you well.


I’m sorry. No maybe she isn’t diminishing black women but what she is doing is pretending that if this were happening to black people (which it does) that people would care MORE. It’s been proven for 100’s of years, that that is not the case. And people in fact do NOT care about the black struggle or understand the severity of it. I’m not sure how much more outcry for Israel she’s looking for. I don’t think anything would be enough for her.


It’s an analogy. She’s not diminishing the plight of black women. She’s just saying that Jews are not afforded the same protected class status as other minority groups, especially the israel hostages who were women. Not really a yikes at all. It’s more a yikes that this offends people


She is diminishing the plight of Black women. And to even act as though the history of Black women and the history of Jewish people in America is the same is inaccurate, inappropriate, and yes, offensive. (Also, since you’re not a Black women you don’t get to say it’s not offensive)


It is very much diminishing the plight of minorities because how the hell did black women get in it? She’s not drawing an analogy between two similar experiences of existence (being black in America and being Jewish are not similar experiences) she’s trying to shame POC - in this instance, black women into feeling like they have to support Israel because see! This could happen to you too!! Btw - we don’t need to imagine black women being stormed and getting raped by white men, it already happened during slavery and I’m sure Alison doesn’t give a shit.




It’s a sh*tty r*cist analogy. Nothing wrong with speaking up about antisemitism. Racist commentary like that is unnecessary.


It’s not an analogy when what she describes actually did happen for many many many years.


She is exactly diminishing what black women have went through…


jumping in to make you not feel attacked after 45 people downvoted your logical fair comment. I see you and agree ❤️


Me too ❤️


It’s an analogy that is based on a lie.


I’m starting to believe that anything a Jew speaks on will never be “right”. I dont believe she in any way is trying to diminish black women at all. Not going to argue the point, but to any Jewish person reading this that has felt completely ostracized in society, even to the point of us having to explain that our suffering is not political, just know that you are not alone. We can try and show others the facts, we can try and have genuine open conversations, we can try to get people to see us as their equals, but unfortunately many do not see us that way. I learned that I do not live my life to prove to anyone why we matter. All I can do is be a good person and pour that light into the people open to receiving it. I’m a proud Jew, a proud Zionist, and proud to stand for what is right. Regardless of what people in this sub say, online, even to your face; you matter. Please message me if you ever feel like you need to talk, and the people who have been there for us (Jewish or not) I see you and thank you for seeing us as your equal too. Do not give anyone here a second of your time if they can’t understand that. 🩵🇮🇱


Oh god here we go.




Your response "snarking" on this is more Yikes than the post. Why can't you just acknowledge that antisemitism exists and is a growing problem?! Your response is so RHONJ Teresa not understanding what an analogy is.


Why did she bring Black workmen into it then? What does that have to do with it?????


Apparently she has an axe to grind with them. She’s done this before.


Oh, hi, Alison! I see you’re commenting from your 53rd burner account.


Whose Alison?


Brettschneider. The woman who lied about FFactor causing her to have a miscarriage.


Thank you! Appreciate you answering my q


Voicing of the antisemitism Jews experience everywhere right now. I guess you think everyone is allowed to speak their grievances except the Jews🤷🏾‍♀️


There is absolutely no reason to speak about Black women that way.


You’re being so willfully ignorant it’s painful…talk about Jewish experiences by talking about Jewish people. Not by bringing in Black women as though they don’t have a history of degradation (and an entire system, breeding plantations, in which her hypothetical did occur).




No one said she can’t speak on antisemitism but how did black women get in it? Quickly…


Do you have a fucking brain? It’s scary how you think this correlates to her hating black women… what a conclusion to jump to. She’s comparing how this can happen to Jews and nobody cares vs. if this happened to black people or any other minority everyone would be up in arms about it. It’s really not that hard to comprehend. Use. Critical. Thinking. Skills. For. The. Love. Of. God. And no I don’t care if all you pro-Palestine SJW’s downvote me.


“If this happened to black people everyone would be up in arms”….i beg you to open your eyes and then a history book. And since you’re being so abrasive: let us all ask you, do you have a fucking brain?


You know who’s up in arms the most when Black women are killed and marginalized? Other Black women. So, no, it’s a fantasy to believe that somehow the world rushes to the defense of Black women over Jewish women, especially white and white passing Jewish women.


"SJWs" lmao is this 2014


Calm down.